Grado Fan Club!
Oct 26, 2015 at 11:02 PM Post #28,726 of 67,310
For those with many Grado's how's the storage? Cupboards, big table or random placement around home?
I have my on ear Grados in my closet and my over the ears Gs and ps in my kitchen cabinet along with my desktop gear which I only use on Saturday night, when I can actually sit and listen at home without interuptions. Oh and I always have one or two in my backpack that I take to work.

Here's a picture of my dining room cabinet that's full of weekend goodies:

Perfectly unassuming right? then when you open it, bam! :D

...and it's starting to spill over to the other side :frowning2:

I wont take a picture of my closet. since nobody really gets to see it, well, let's just say it's a bloody mess!

EDIT: top row, left to right. (In boxes)Ps1ke, Ps1k, Grado Ra-1 with some on ear Grados on top of it (not sure what?), poker cards and chips and a hard Rock cafe beer glass. :D

middle shelf: Gs1ke, black star Sr325, Audioengine A+5 bamboo speakers.

bottom shelf: Mad Ear+ HD, HeadAmp Gs-1, with a bunch of cables and a surge protector on top of it, and last but not least a walmart plastic bag full of tubes! :p
Oct 26, 2015 at 11:27 PM Post #28,727 of 67,310
Worms, you have pink driver rs1? and Gh1?
Can you please give me quick pros and cons of each and which would you choose if you had a choice?
Oct 26, 2015 at 11:28 PM Post #28,728 of 67,310
hahaha, you would say that k&j, love that picture btw.
Me personally, I always start getting a bit overwhelmed when my collection grows to around 10 headphones. My mentality seems to change and it feels like too much of a good thing. I just want to consolidate and pick a starting lineup since there is not enough listening time for me, not to mention my left ear has been bothering me to make things worse. I think that is what's really bothering me, whenever I use iems, my left ear gets agitated and makes listening to music unenjoyable till it heals.

I know what you mean. I used to own 8 pairs of Grados. I had planed to give my SR80i to my 14 year old Niece, after I bought my SR80e, but she politely passed on the offer, went to her room, and came back with this proud look on her face, and showed me her new......her new.....B.....Bea....I can't even say it.
Anyway, now that I have sold my GS1000, I'm down to 7 pairs of Grados. The thing is that, I've never planned to have this many, My GS1000 were the first Grados that I've bought. They were great for live events, and big venue recordings, but I also wanted headphones with a more intimate midrange, for listening to Jazz, Blues, and female vocals.
As luck would have it, I stumbled across my HP1000 by accident. The next day, after reading Grado's answer to my inquisitive e-mail regarding my new/old HP1000, I felt pretty good about buying them, especially considering the price I'd paid.
This is why I didn't hesitate, and bought my Bushmills and my GH-1, as soon as they came out. I figured that I will at least get my money back, or more, if I ever have to sell them.
The first Grados that I've ever heard were classic RS1, wich had greatly impressed me. This is why when John informed me that I could buy a brand new pair, I couldn't pass up this opportunity.
I don't see myself as a Grado collector per say. I just happend to own 7 pairs of them. The PS1000 are my "main pair". My SR80e is my portable pair. My Bushmills, GH-1, and HP1000 I see as "useful investments".
My n.o.s. classic RS1 are the only ones that I have bought with my heart, instead of my head. On those rare occasions, when I feel like a Grado hoarder, all I have to do is think about John, and I immediately feel better.

same here, not a collector either. Ps1000 is my main pair also. The Gh-1 was my go to headphone, the workhorse if you will. I was taking it to work with me all the time. Right now it is being seriously challenged  for that spot by the pair of magnums I'm building (still tweeking them). All others are good investments, well almost, cause if I decide to sell either the ps1k or ps1ke, well, I will lose some money on those no doubt.
My pink driver Rs1 was a great investment, but doesn't really matter because I knew as soon as I bought it, I would never sell them. To my surprise, they sounded even better than my previous Rs1 with buttons that I had so that was just a bonus!
Oh, and thanks for the tip about when I'm feeling like a hoader to just think about our ol' pall k&j, it has helped tremendously, I feel a lot better now, and I'm ready to buy more cans!
Oct 27, 2015 at 12:11 AM Post #28,729 of 67,310
  Worms, you have pink driver rs1? and Gh1?
Can you please give me quick pros and cons of each and which would you choose if you had a choice?

hands down, the Rs1.
Even if it wasn't rare and readily available, I would still take it over the Gh-1. Now the Gh-1 ain't no chop liver as many know, but I prefer the Rs1. I think the Rs1 just has a nicer, more natural timber to many instruments. The midbass is punchy and very present, never overdone or falling short either.
I honestly don't know why I have such a hard time putting the Rs1 into words, but I ALWAYS seem to have a good listening session with them. I always forget what the heck I'm doing and end up actually accomplishing what I set out to do, which is to listen to music and just enjoy it in a natural way. 
I know I have compared them in the past side by side, I thought the Gh-1 would be technically better being it's been a while since the Rs1 came out, but the Rs1 is right there with it (technically). The presentation seems more organic to me on the Rs1 where it sounded a bit more disconnected at times with the gh-1. Excuse the poor analogy, but I see it like a football team. The Rs1 is like the 1972 Dolphins, they were not a team of superstars but together they managed to have the only perfect season in NFL history and be the Champions. I see the GH-1 at times like the Oakland Raiders that recruit (in the past, I know) superstars like Randy Moss (for example) and others and tried to win that way but without a team effort, well, they always sucked! ...sorry, if I got derailed there 
. ha! you can probably scratch the last paragraph off!

I'll get back to this one of these days and try to put it in better terms and actually do it while both these cans are in front of me! 
Oct 27, 2015 at 12:26 AM Post #28,730 of 67,310
For those with many Grado's how's the storage? Cupboards, big table or random placement around home?

For me, it is random placement. That way, visitors only see a few Grados at once and I keep my Grado addiction hidden!

A labyrinth of Grado ecstasy 

Kayandjohn you could play treasure map with your collection.... 
Would be lots of fun...
I am looking at adding another "Gradio" for Xmas...
If you could choose one,  between the following, which would it be?
* Grado Pink driver
* Grado Blackstar driver
* Grado GH-1

Personally, I would take the Rs-1 pink drivers.
Black star is more of a collector's item, not saying they don't sound good, but for a headphone you wanna actually use and enjoy and enjoy the comfort also, well, they ain't it!
Grado Gh-1 is probably the winner here. Especially in the used market as they have popped up lately for $450+ to $550ish. They do work well with both L and G cushions. They are very comfortable. they are readily available and they do indeed sound very very good.
  A labyrinth of Grado ecstasy 

Kayandjohn you could play treasure map with your collection.... 
Would be lots of fun...
I am looking at adding another "Gradio" for Xmas...
If you could choose one,  between the following, which would it be?
* Grado Pink driver
* Grado Blackstar driver
* Grado GH-1

Grado GH-1!
Why?  Grado Blackstar is famous because of its use in the HP1000 series, but those headphones are much flatter in frequency response than what the subsequent and current Grados offer and they do not have quite that bright Grado transparency (i.e. freedom from being veiled or muted that is so associated with Grados), so its value is historical more than sonic.  Grado pink driver?  Well, that would be my second choice, as it is regarded as the best version of the RS1, and it might come close to the GH-1 (I have never heard a Grado pink driver, though).
But the GH-1 has come out as perhaps the most "must have" of the Grado headphones.

Oct 27, 2015 at 12:35 AM Post #28,731 of 67,310
  hands down, the Rs1.
Even if it wasn't rare and readily available, I would still take it over the Gh-1. Now the Gh-1 ain't no chop liver as many know, but I prefer the Rs1. I think the Rs1 just has a nicer, more natural timber to many instruments. The midbass is punchy and very present, never overdone or falling short either.
I honestly don't know why I have such a hard time putting the Rs1 into words, but I ALWAYS seem to have a good listening session with them. I always forget what the heck I'm doing and end up actually accomplishing what I set out to do, which is to listen to music and just enjoy it in a natural way. 
I know I have compared them in the past side by side, I thought the Gh-1 would be technically better being it's been a while since the Rs1 came out, but the Rs1 is right there with it (technically). The presentation seems more organic to me on the Rs1 where it sounded a bit more disconnected at times with the gh-1. Excuse the poor analogy, but I see it like a football team. The Rs1 is like the 1972 Dolphins, they were not a team of superstars but together they managed to have the only perfect season in NFL history and be the Champions. I see the GH-1 at times like the Oakland Raiders that recruit (in the past, I know) superstars like Randy Moss (for example) and others and tried to win that way but without a team effort, well, they always sucked! ...sorry, if I got derailed there 
. ha! you can probably scratch the last paragraph off!

I'll get back to this one of these days and try to put it in better terms and actually do it while both these cans are in front of me! 

Hi worms... about the rs1 in general. Is there a big difference in sound between rs1 and rs1i that come after? In addition, how can somebody tell physically if the Grado being advertised is a rs1 and rs1i? (Say if a person selling them does not specifically state whether it's rs1 or rs1i, or worst-case scenario deliberately hiding the fact that it's rs1i and sell it as a rs1)?
That said, To those of you that owns the ra-1, a question.. somebody offered me a grado ra-1 locally for $240. The recent purchase of Fidelio X2 completely drained my wallet though. I always wanted to own wood grado products ever since I knew about them. The rs series, the amp, and the storage box. I always intend to get a new ra-1 someday.
To acquire them though, I'll be forced to sell my Magni 2 Uber. Now I'm quite hesitant about having to sell a semi-powerful amp like Magni 2 uber to acquire an old ra-1. I'm not sure how old, the seller just state that it's old...
So my question is, given my LD i+ and Magni 2 Uber, practically speaking in the context of having to sell one of the 2 amps, how much of a must-buy is the ra-1 amps synergy-wise to you guys Grados?
I hope my question make sense... I don't think it flows naturally but that's as best as I can state them, sorry hehe :D
Oct 27, 2015 at 8:08 AM Post #28,732 of 67,310
I really need to stop buying Grados. It all started with the SR325is. Then on to the SR80i (which I eventually gave to my son). Then the RS1i and Bushmills. Then the RS2e and GH-1. The latest is the GS1000e with Moon Audio Black Dragon balanced cabling, terminated in a 4-pin XLR.  My excuse on the GS1000e was that I needed it for the soon-to-arrive Cavalli Liquid Carbon amp, which is balanced, thus the XLR and balanced cabling.  And don't forget the GR10e (I really like this one).
Oct 27, 2015 at 10:22 AM Post #28,733 of 67,310
  hands down, the Rs1.
Even if it wasn't rare and readily available, I would still take it over the Gh-1. Now the Gh-1 ain't no chop liver as many know, but I prefer the Rs1. I think the Rs1 just has a nicer, more natural timber to many instruments. The midbass is punchy and very present, never overdone or falling short either.
I honestly don't know why I have such a hard time putting the Rs1 into words, but I ALWAYS seem to have a good listening session with them. I always forget what the heck I'm doing and end up actually accomplishing what I set out to do, which is to listen to music and just enjoy it in a natural way. 
I know I have compared them in the past side by side, I thought the Gh-1 would be technically better being it's been a while since the Rs1 came out, but the Rs1 is right there with it (technically). The presentation seems more organic to me on the Rs1 where it sounded a bit more disconnected at times with the gh-1. Excuse the poor analogy, but I see it like a football team. The Rs1 is like the 1972 Dolphins, they were not a team of superstars but together they managed to have the only perfect season in NFL history and be the Champions. I see the GH-1 at times like the Oakland Raiders that recruit (in the past, I know) superstars like Randy Moss (for example) and others and tried to win that way but without a team effort, well, they always sucked! ...sorry, if I got derailed there 
. ha! you can probably scratch the last paragraph off!

I'll get back to this one of these days and try to put it in better terms and actually do it while both these cans are in front of me! 

Hi worms... about the rs1 in general. Is there a big difference in sound between rs1 and rs1i that come after? In addition, how can somebody tell physically if the Grado being advertised is a rs1 and rs1i? (Say if a person selling them does not specifically state whether it's rs1 or rs1i, or worst-case scenario deliberately hiding the fact that it's rs1i and sell it as a rs1)?
That said, To those of you that owns the ra-1, a question.. somebody offered me a grado ra-1 locally for $240. The recent purchase of Fidelio X2 completely drained my wallet though. I always wanted to own wood grado products ever since I knew about them. The rs series, the amp, and the storage box. I always intend to get a new ra-1 someday.
To acquire them though, I'll be forced to sell my Magni 2 Uber. Now I'm quite hesitant about having to sell a semi-powerful amp like Magni 2 uber to acquire an old ra-1. I'm not sure how old, the seller just state that it's old...
So my question is, given my LD i+ and Magni 2 Uber, practically speaking in the context of having to sell one of the 2 amps, how much of a must-buy is the ra-1 amps synergy-wise to you guys Grados?
I hope my question make sense... I don't think it flows naturally but that's as best as I can state them, sorry hehe :D

There is a notable difference, but they both definitely sound like an Rs1. If I remember correctly, the rs1i actually was more transparent then the regular Rs1. @kayandjohn has both of these cans, so maybe he can chime in as I haven't own an rs1i in quite a while.
As far as telling them apart. The older Rs1 has the "buttons" on the grills and have thinner, longer cables. There is also a version that has no buttons, well, it looks exactly like an Rs1i except it has the thinner cable like the old Rs1. These are also simply know as Rs1.
Then the Rs1i, it has no buttons on the grill and the thicker cables.
Occasionally, you might stumble across and old Rs1 with buttons that might also have thicker cables. What? well this usually means that they were service by grado somewhere along the way and they replaced the cable with a newer style thicker cable.
For an interesting read, here's a nice little thread that might help clear up things a bit:
As far as the Ra-1 amp, I don't listen to it much at all since I have two better amps that also synergize VERY well with Grados, but if I decide one day to sell it all, I could honestly say that I could live with it and my Rs1 as my only headphone rig and be happy! It is pure joy to listen to and just a beautiful combo to look at.
I'd say, go for it man. If you know you want to have a wooden Grado with it's wooden Grado amp then nothing else will really do it for you. Rest assured that for the rs1 or rs2 that you're looking to get do indeed sound excellent with this amp (more so the Rs1, IMO). The key thing, in my opinion is getting the amp at a good price. Have some cash (under $200 USD) and always be on the prowl ready to pounce on a good deal. The good thing is, if you have to sell either of your amps, they are very easily available if you decide to buy it again. The Ra-1 amp could be a good investment at the right price, meaning if you buy it at a good price, you can always try it out, and then sell it without taking much if any of a hit financially.
Oct 27, 2015 at 10:26 AM Post #28,734 of 67,310
  I really need to stop buying Grados. It all started with the SR325is. Then on to the SR80i (which I eventually gave to my son). Then the RS1i and Bushmills. Then the RS2e and GH-1. The latest is the GS1000e with Moon Audio Black Dragon balanced cabling, terminated in a 4-pin XLR.  My excuse on the GS1000e was that I needed it for the soon-to-arrive Cavalli Liquid Carbon amp, which is balanced, thus the XLR and balanced cabling.  And don't forget the GR10e (I really like this one).

Stop buying Grados!? pfft! NONSENSE!

haha, nice cans brother. I would LOVE to hear the Gr10e, but unfortunately iems seem to f'up my ears. 
Oct 27, 2015 at 10:44 AM Post #28,735 of 67,310
Hi worms... about the rs1 in general. Is there a big difference in sound between rs1 and rs1i that come after? In addition, how can somebody tell physically if the Grado being advertised is a rs1 and rs1i? (Say if a person selling them does not specifically state whether it's rs1 or rs1i, or worst-case scenario deliberately hiding the fact that it's rs1i and sell it as a rs1)?
That said, To those of you that owns the ra-1, a question.. somebody offered me a grado ra-1 locally for $240. The recent purchase of Fidelio X2 completely drained my wallet though. I always wanted to own wood grado products ever since I knew about them. The rs series, the amp, and the storage box. I always intend to get a new ra-1 someday.
To acquire them though, I'll be forced to sell my Magni 2 Uber. Now I'm quite hesitant about having to sell a semi-powerful amp like Magni 2 uber to acquire an old ra-1. I'm not sure how old, the seller just state that it's old...
So my question is, given my LD i+ and Magni 2 Uber, practically speaking in the context of having to sell one of the 2 amps, how much of a must-buy is the ra-1 amps synergy-wise to you guys Grados?
I hope my question make sense... I don't think it flows naturally but that's as best as I can state them, sorry hehe :D

As regards the RS1 vs. RS1i...
If you look at the post in my signature "4D Plot And Comparison of 13 Grados" (or similar title), you will see where I compared the RS1 (with wooden buttons) to the RS1i (and several other Grados).  I liked the RS1 better than the RS1i (and I LOVE the RS1i!), finding it to have a bit more bass while still maintaining that wonderful Grado transparency.
To tell whether you have an RS1 or RS1i is not necessarily easy.  If it has a wooden button in the middle of each grill, it IS an RS1 and not an RS1i.  However, there are also some RS1 that do NOT have the wood buttons, which are later ones as they started the transition to the RS1i.  I think in that case the RS1 may still have the relatively thinner cable, as they went to the thicker cable for the RS1i.  The best source of info is the thread here started by Mercuttio, that describes each of the versions of the RS1 and gives info on how you distinguish them.
And as to amps... I think your choice depends on what non-Grado headphones you seek to drive as well.  I think that your Fidelio X2 is easy to drive with any of your amps, but if you have something like a Sennheiser HD800, I suspect that you would need the Magni 2 to drive it or other hard-to-drive cans (e.g., some Beyerdynamic or AKGs).
But for Grados only, I think that since the LD i+ is one of the prime amps loved for driving Grados (as well as the MAD Ear HD and the Grado RA1), you need not keep the Magni Uber and instead trade it off for the RA1.  The RA1 does a beautiful job of driving Grados, despite (or perhaps because of) its circuit simplicity.  And the price you see is a good one, particularly if it is for the version of the RA1 that can also be driven by AC plug in power as well as batteries.
Hope this helps!
Oct 27, 2015 at 12:00 PM Post #28,736 of 67,310
  As regards the RS1 vs. RS1i...
If you look at the post in my signature "4D Plot And Comparison of 13 Grados" (or similar title), you will see where I compared the RS1 (with wooden buttons) to the RS1i (and several other Grados).  I liked the RS1 better than the RS1i (and I LOVE the RS1i!), finding it to have a bit more bass while still maintaining that wonderful Grado transparency.
To tell whether you have an RS1 or RS1i is not necessarily easy.  If it has a wooden button in the middle of each grill, it IS an RS1 and not an RS1i.  However, there are also some RS1 that do NOT have the wood buttons, which are later ones as they started the transition to the RS1i.  I think in that case the RS1 may still have the relatively thinner cable, as they went to the thicker cable for the RS1i.  The best source of info is the thread here started by Mercuttio, that describes each of the versions of the RS1 and gives info on how you distinguish them.
And as to amps... I think your choice depends on what non-Grado headphones you seek to drive as well.  I think that your Fidelio X2 is easy to drive with any of your amps, but if you have something like a Sennheiser HD800, I suspect that you would need the Magni 2 to drive it or other hard-to-drive cans (e.g., some Beyerdynamic or AKGs).
But for Grados only, I think that since the LD i+ is one of the prime amps loved for driving Grados (as well as the MAD Ear HD and the Grado RA1), you need not keep the Magni Uber and instead trade it off for the RA1.  The RA1 does a beautiful job of driving Grados, despite (or perhaps because of) its circuit simplicity.  And the price you see is a good one, particularly if it is for the version of the RA1 that can also be driven by AC plug in power as well as batteries.
Hope this helps!

It's the AC plug version. I think the adapter is a US adapter, so I not a step-up transformer? Or something. I never use a voltage transformer plug before so I don't know the name.
The seller did mention something about the adapter chassis being cracked open on one side or something (which I'm guessing is why he sell it at the price).
When I asked about the cracked adapter he gave me a roundabout answer and didn't provide photo. Let's say worst case scenario the adapter is shot, how easy is it to get a replacement adapter? I mean... can I just buy any adapter locally as long as it has the same specification with the cracked one, or do I need to order one from Grado directly?
Oct 27, 2015 at 12:59 PM Post #28,737 of 67,310
Hey all, I'm looking into getting the SR225e. I have a fiio E10k, do you think this will be good? I mainly listen to indie, noise rock, punk, rap you know stuff like The Shins, The Microphones, Milo ETC. Sorry if I made any mistakes I'm still a noob here. :3
Oct 27, 2015 at 1:00 PM Post #28,738 of 67,310
It's the AC plug version. I think the adapter is a US adapter, so I not a step-up transformer? Or something. I never use a voltage transformer plug before so I don't know the name.
The seller did mention something about the adapter chassis being cracked open on one side or something (which I'm guessing is why he sell it at the price).
When I asked about the cracked adapter he gave me a roundabout answer and didn't provide photo. Let's say worst case scenario the adapter is shot, how easy is it to get a replacement adapter? I mean... can I just buy any adapter locally as long as it has the same specification with the cracked one, or do I need to order one from Grado directly?

I'm afraid I don't know, as my RA1 is the battery-only version. I think that the AC version of the RA1 also works just on battery (might check the Gradolabs website, since they still sell both versions of the RA1).  That price is good even for battery only, and I would imagine that you could indeed get a commercial adapter.  However, at least thinking from the standpoint of the Joseph Grado HPA1 amp (the predecessor of the RA1), the connector for the adapter is really weird (i.e. hard to find) and the adapter has to put out both + and - 9 V.  Might be hard to find an adapter, but I bet you might tell Grado that you have the RA1 with a bad adapter and they'd sell you a new one for probably about $75 (the price difference between the two amps new from Grado).
Yike... just checked the site... they do not admit to the AC version being also capable of being driven by batteries.  While the Joseph Grado HPA1 can do both, I think you better check with seller or Grado to see if the AC version of the RA1 can.
Oct 27, 2015 at 2:55 PM Post #28,739 of 67,310
Listening to GS1000e from Chord Mojo.  Excellent combo.
Oct 27, 2015 at 3:22 PM Post #28,740 of 67,310
Quick check in.  Listened to my 225i's the other night.  wow, they are bright compared to the 400i!!! Piercing at the same volume.  Dial the gain back, and perfect Grado goodness.
For those I have argued about digital vs. vinyl: I bought a turntable.  Don't judge me...

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