++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jan 25, 2012 at 12:09 AM Post #11,342 of 29,490
EE don't ship to Australia..
What made you say the D2000?

For the price, $200US, they're the best sounding cans you can buy? The way they handle bass is extraordinary, they're punchy and fast without drowning you and the highs are clear and detailed without being bright. For $300 the game gets more interesting and there's more competition, but they're still a really good deal.
Jan 25, 2012 at 1:08 AM Post #11,344 of 29,490
What would you recommend if I were to spend $300?

I do like the HD600s, and they often sell around $300, also there's the HiFiMan HE-300 for $250US. I'd still go for the Denons, but I'm just a sucker for their sound.
Jan 25, 2012 at 2:39 AM Post #11,345 of 29,490

Hi all. I'm looking to buy some over ear headphones for 30% music, 30% gaming, 30% sound/music production, 10% movies and other. My budget is ideally $150, but I'll extend a bit if needed. I'm fine buying used.
I primarily use my large speakers for music and movies, but I'd like the option of listening through my desktop and laptop when i need to. I care most about a big soundstage, since I will be gaming on these as well as writing scores for my film composition major. Music-wise, I listen to everything and, while I like bass, I don't want them to be bass monsters. Accuracy and large soundstage are more important. 
My sound card is the E-MU 1212m, so I can EQ a bit as well.
I've looked at the HD 558, though I'm not really a fan of the looks. Other than that, I really don't know where to start. I'm not interested in modding since I like to have the warranty (unless it's a REALLY good mod).
I don't currently have an amp, but I will soon. Suggestions on a DIY amp would be great.
I've been looking at the Beyer DT990, since it games well, is open, and has gotten really good reviews. At $170, that seems like a steal. I've looked at the M50's as well, but they seem too bass heavy and not accurate enough (or is that just the rep they've gotten since everyone seems to claim they're overrated these days?). One plus to the M50's is I really like the way they look and how compact they can fold up, but this doesn't really matter in the end.
Oh, comfort is key, since I'll be wearing these for 6-10 hours a day.

Well, the 558 does have quite a good reputation, and seems to fit all your requirements... IMO, they look better than the Beyers, which also might clamp more and be a bit uncomfortable. 

I posted here a little while ago and I appreciated the responses, but I still haven't made a decision, so I thought I might rephrase my plea for advice. I'm looking for the best quality SQ for ~200$, but with some design caveats.
Price: ~200$
SQ: best possible given other constraints
Music Source: iPhone or MacBook Pro without amp
Music Content: Melodic post rock (Toe), Classic Blues (Muddy Waters, Seasick Steve), New-age blues (Black Keys, White Stripes), Industrial Metal (Static-X), Folk (early Bob Dylan)
Size: Full-size, circumaural
Backing: Closed back
Comfort: Moderate to good - enough to get 3-5hrs use
Leakage: Moderate to low - I don't need absolute silence, but I wouldn't want to disturb others.
Noise cancelation: Passive, but I wouldn't pass up a model if it had optional active
Portability: None necessary, though durability is always good
Cord: One-sided with 3-button inline remote, preferably though not necessarily detachable
What would you recommend? My primary frustration has been finding something with both the inline remote that also reaches the SQ one would expect from 200. I would even be willing, though hesitant, to go up to the 300$ range. Beats is out of the question. I love the design of the TMA-1, but what I hear about how they're designed for club music is off-putting unless I can find someone who will let me test out their pair. Am I asking too much? Probably. High end audiophile cans don't generally have in-line remotes. If you decide that what I'm looking for is impossible, what would you recommend if I dropped the inline remote from the equation?

Thank you for any and all advice. 

The D2000 seems to fit your comfort/closed/remote requirements.

Are there any portable over the ear phones?
I'm down to the HFI 580 and the HD25-1

The HD-25 is not over-ear, though the 580s are. The Phiaton MS400 are also circumaural, as are most DJ-phones, though they tend to have long cables.

I'm still torn between the D2000 and the HD650. I've considered DT880/990 and K701 but from my eyes point of view I'm leaning towards the D2000 or HD650.
They'll probably be paired with an E7/E9
I don't know much about the terms used to describe sound, but I want something that will sound good with "heavier" music. I want bass and treble that can handle Doom/Sluge/Post-Metal, as well as other forms of Metal. I want good bass, good drum recreation e.g. handle double kicks, fills, realistic highs (if the drummer is smashing his symbols, I want to hear it)
As I've said, I don't know how to articulate what I want, but I want something that can handle Metal well.

I've always heard that Grados are very good for metal, though i guess you're not comfortable with the form factor? I've heard some people say they can be quite comfortable, so you might want to try them out for yourself. Otherwise, the HD650s might be a bit dark for metal, so I'd recommend the D2000s.

I don't know, I prefer whichever sounds better. I've currently got a pair of HD448's, they're closed. I'm not fussed about leakage, these will be for home and I can use my HD448's when I'm not at home, but I don't know what to get. I'm open to suggestion. I've looked at some Grados or Alessandro's but supra-aural just looks like it'd be uncomforable and somehow fit badly. I don't know, the idea of just having it on your ear seems strange to me.

See above
Jan 25, 2012 at 2:43 AM Post #11,346 of 29,490
Having realized I posted in the wrong spot, I'll paste my message here:
I am newly getting into higher end audio equipment, and need a little advice on what sort of headset I should get for my iPod. I've already got the amp covered, getting one of these: http://www.venturecraft.jp/gadget_en/gd04_all.php
I've also already transferred my music collection into the Apple Lossless format, so I just need some help picking out the last piece. I find I really do not like in-ear headphones, as they often give me headaches (not sure why), but have no problem with over ear headsets, or any non-in-ear headsets for that matter. The sort of music I listen to varies quite a bit, but mostly consists of hard rock and metal, and some newer bands as well. Any help you can give would be most appreciated.
Jan 25, 2012 at 2:56 AM Post #11,347 of 29,490

I've always heard that Grados are very good for metal, though i guess you're not comfortable with the form factor? I've heard some people say they can be quite comfortable, so you might want to try them out for yourself. Otherwise, the HD650s might be a bit dark for metal, so I'd recommend the D2000s.

I don't know, it's just circumaural cover your ear, so you get a good fit. These sit on your ear, and your ear isn't flat, it goes in and out and varies in flexibility and it just seems like the SQ will naturally be worse because there's no seal. If someone could explain it to me a bit more, please do.
Jan 25, 2012 at 3:06 AM Post #11,349 of 29,490
Seeking guidance for:
Finding a headphone + amp pair, portable or not
price: $200-$400, preferably cheaper.
Genres: Uplifting trance, J-pop, alt rock, orchestral.
Looking for: Deep bass that you can hear definite low end extension and luscious female vocals. 
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:33 AM Post #11,350 of 29,490
one more question. Does it make a huge difference on what kind of line out dock cable I get? I was looking at this, but I wasn't sure:
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:40 AM Post #11,351 of 29,490
Um, it's highly debatable how much cables affect sound quality, but I wouldn't spend nearly $70 for a LOD.
If you really have to get the best cables, make sure there isn't money that could be better spent on headphones/source/amps etc...
Something like this is just fine, and chances are you will not know the difference in sound:
I just saw the kind of DAC/Amp you're getting. Isn't there already a LOD built into it?

EDIT #2:
You're getting this for your iPod? The Go-DAP is only compatible with the iPhone 4/4S...
I would look to the FiiO E11:
Jan 25, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #11,352 of 29,490
I need help buying headphones.
I'm planning on buying a high-end midi keyboard that I'll be using to record/playback piano-based music which I need good headphones for. I'd also like to use my new headphones (any type is fine) to listen to lossless music (from classical to pop). I don't game.
What are the best (studio?) headphones available for about $500?
Jan 25, 2012 at 6:23 AM Post #11,353 of 29,490
Hi, I'm looking to spend around $399/£300 on a new set of headphones. Through reading this website and reviews I've become interested in buying the hifiman he-400's, Grado SR325iS or AKG K702's for use connected to my laptop using an external dac/amp (like fiio E17). The type of music I listen to is mainly UK indie with some 60s/70s classics (beatles/bowie).
I was wondering what the experts here think?
Thanks for your help
Jan 25, 2012 at 7:14 AM Post #11,354 of 29,490

Headphones for acoustic and 'traditional' musics

I think I'm getting the basics of what to look for in a new pair of headphones, but I'm having difficulties finding what I want in my price range (~£50).

I live alone, so isolation and closed backs don't have much benefit for me. I've read a lot of good things about open backs and think the more 'natural' sound would suit my tastes as well. But I'm having difficulties tracking down a pair for under £80 which isn't advertised as being bass-oriented.

Most of the music I listen to is traditional or recent variants - acoustic fiddle, pipes, flute, guitar and such. Lots of intricate work going on in the treble and mid ranges, but generally not as much in the bass. These genres are centred around live performance, so fiddling with those dynamics by upping bass just doesn't make sense.

I like to geek out and try to understand how all of the parts fit together, so separation of instruments has a fair bit of appeal,,,, at least in theory. %-) I wouldn't want to lose the resonances between instruments though since they're such an important aspect of this sort of music.

If I need to go into a higher price bracket, I can do that but would prefer to keep the costs down for now.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

I second 50an6xy06r6n's recommendation of the Superlux HD 668B.  I have the Samson SR850, which apparently is basically the same headphone.  Very nice with acoustic music and an incredible bargain.
Jan 25, 2012 at 9:48 AM Post #11,355 of 29,490
Looking for another pair of headphones to complement my Sennheiser HD-600's.  While I like the HD-600's for their detail and midrange, I'm looking for another set of cans that is more lively.  Recently, I've been becoming more and more of a bass head *gasp*.  I'm not a "Beats" kind of bass head, but I'm just looking for something that's a little fuller on the low-end without sacrificing too much on the mids.  Looking to spend no more than $500.  Thanks!

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