++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Oct 2, 2011 at 5:44 AM Post #7,756 of 29,490
Kinda new at this,finally figured out what headset i wanted the beyerdynamic 990 250/600ohm.(not sure which one yet)
First question is will they sound decent just plugged straight into the computer(planning on getting a new sound card eventually)
If not,what exactly do i need to make them sound decent for the time being?
Second question is, the only good headset i've had is the Logitech G35(which broke :/) will i see a big improvement in the new headphones?
Plan on using these on the PC the most if that matters.
Also open to other sugestions though,will be used for Music/Gaming(I listen to almost everything)
Oct 2, 2011 at 8:54 AM Post #7,757 of 29,490
Hi, I'm looking to buy a pair of closed circumaural headphones for someone and would greatly appreciate help (need to order these today/tomorrow). This person currently has Bose QC3 and I would like these to be an upgrade from those. Sound quality would ideally be as good as the Sennheiser IE8 which this person also uses on occasion. I think this person was generally happy with the Bose and likes their bass level. Person listens to a variety of music so a pair that is good all around would be great. So requirements are:
1) Closed and circumaural
2) To a layperson (non-audiophile) sounds at least as good as Bose QC3 and ideally as good as Sennheiser IE8
3) This person will NOT use an amp and the headphones will probably be driven directly out of an iPhone or laptop much of the time so should work well in these circumstances
4) Comfortable to wear for extended periods
5) Budget is flexible, max budget is around $350 but lower is obviously better
From my limited research, I saw people mention ATH-M50s, Denon D2000, Beyerdynamic DT770 (32 ohm), Shure SRH840 however please do NOT limit suggestions to these four if there are better options. However, would also be great if someone can also provide some guidance on the four. I noticed the M50s and SRH840 are much cheaper than the D2000 and DT770 but I don't know to what extent, if any, that is an indication of sound quality. Thanks!
Oct 2, 2011 at 9:43 AM Post #7,758 of 29,490
Actually, on ears usually isolate better than over-ears. Top tier passive isolation?
HD 25-1 II (On ear), Beyer DT 1350 (On ear), B&W P5 (On ear). It's more about clamping force than ear cup size.
Anyway, to answer your question. Absolute best isolation would come from the ANC25, best comfort from the ANC27. We have them both to demo at work (with your own music), and they're not bad at all. Passive isolation will only really matter if the ANC circuit is off anyway. 
An update on my friend's headphone request:
Yes she is still interested in only Active-Noise-Canceling headphones, and she is only willing to buy from Audio-Technica since she trusts the brand.
She is trying to decide between the ATH-ANC25 and ATH-ANC27.
Does anyone have any experience with these headphones? If so, which one would you recommend and why?

I would get the ANC27s because they are circumaural, as opposed to the ANC25s, which just sit on your ears. The noise cancellation is probably better on the ANC27s since they envelope your whole ear. Circumaural headphones will give you a better seal than supra-aural headphones, and thus, better noise canceling. In short, get the ANC27s.

Yes. That seens to be the general complaint.

Does the black gel leave residue on your face or something? Just curious.

No amp needed. They're pretty easy to power.
I'm liking the thought of the Ultrasone PRO 750s, but I have to ask if it makes sense to use them on the go. I'm mainly looking for something to use with my Cowon J3 so I'd prefer something that doesn't need a good amp, though I guess having one might be good anyway.

Oct 2, 2011 at 9:55 AM Post #7,759 of 29,490
Do they need to be portable? If not I'd definitely look more into the D2000. They're a bit fragile feeling but are the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn, and they sound pretty great, too. Easy to power, and have great bass. 
Hi, I'm looking to buy a pair of closed circumaural headphones for someone and would greatly appreciate help (need to order these today/tomorrow). This person currently has Bose QC3 and I would like these to be an upgrade from those. Sound quality would ideally be as good as the Sennheiser IE8 which this person also uses on occasion. I think this person was generally happy with the Bose and likes their bass level. Person listens to a variety of music so a pair that is good all around would be great. So requirements are:
1) Closed and circumaural
2) To a layperson (non-audiophile) sounds at least as good as Bose QC3 and ideally as good as Sennheiser IE8
3) This person will NOT use an amp and the headphones will probably be driven directly out of an iPhone or laptop much of the time so should work well in these circumstances
4) Comfortable to wear for extended periods
5) Budget is flexible, max budget is around $350 but lower is obviously better
From my limited research, I saw people mention ATH-M50s, Denon D2000, Beyerdynamic DT770 (32 ohm), Shure SRH840 however please do NOT limit suggestions to these four if there are better options. However, would also be great if someone can also provide some guidance on the four. I noticed the M50s and SRH840 are much cheaper than the D2000 and DT770 but I don't know to what extent, if any, that is an indication of sound quality. Thanks!

Oct 2, 2011 at 11:03 AM Post #7,760 of 29,490
Alright so I'm fairly set on the idea of getting the HD598, but I'm not so sure it's for the right reasons. I just figure the move from 555's to 598's will be pretty simple and I'm used to the 555's and Sennheiser, but maybe I should consider other options? I think I'd want to grab the 598's for around $190 new off of ebay, in that price range should I consider other headphones? Are any others as versatile as the 598's? Like the pairs that Armaegis listed, and other ones people are posting about. Thanks again.

I feel it's a pretty strong diminishing return once you get into the hundreds... here's a few random options: Denon D2000, Shure 840, Phiaton PS500, Senn HD598, Ultrasone HFi2400
Oct 2, 2011 at 11:12 AM Post #7,761 of 29,490
I find myself recommending the 598 in that price range as much as I can. It's the best bang for your buck headphone I've ever heard, and doesn't do any genre badly. They just hit a real homerun with the 598.
Alright so I'm fairly set on the idea of getting the HD598, but I'm not so sure it's for the right reasons. I just figure the move from 555's to 598's will be pretty simple and I'm used to the 555's and Sennheiser, but maybe I should consider other options? I think I'd want to grab the 598's for around $190 new off of ebay, in that price range should I consider other headphones? Are any others as versatile as the 598's? Like the pairs that Armaegis listed, and other ones people are posting about. Thanks again.
I feel it's a pretty strong diminishing return once you get into the hundreds... here's a few random options: Denon D2000, Shure 840, Phiaton PS500, Senn HD598, Ultrasone HFi2400

Oct 2, 2011 at 11:15 AM Post #7,762 of 29,490

The Koss has more bass than the MS1 from my recollection. Are you looking at open headphones only?
I think the Senn PX100-ii actually fits quite well with your description. Bass extends lower but not as humped as the Porta Pro.

Doesn't matter if they are open/closed, I'll be using them sitting at my computer. The PX100 II look quite... cheap and flimsy tbh. I'd like to have some quality headphones that will work few years from now.
btw. I have a Sony stereo receiver connected to my computer, would it be a good headphone amp too?
Oct 2, 2011 at 12:05 PM Post #7,763 of 29,490
And what about a modded 558 compared to the 598? I'm getting mixed opinions, some say it's nearly the same, others say it's very different, and a few people even think the 558's once modded are better than the 598's.
Oct 2, 2011 at 12:09 PM Post #7,764 of 29,490
Portability is preferred but not a must. Is the D2000 significantly less portable than the other three? And do you have a sense of how sound quality compares (As D2000 is most expensive of the lot)? I also saw the Ultrasone HFI 780 and Ultrasone Pro 750 mentioned in another thread in addition to the four in my first post, lots of options = me very confused!
Oct 2, 2011 at 12:35 PM Post #7,765 of 29,490
I have no experience with modded 558s so I can't comment too much...Though I will say I usually like keeping my headphones stock (except the cable).
The D2000 is huge, and doesn't isolate very well. It's also pretty fragile. Not a very good portable. 
The Pro 750 may be one to look into (I prefer the Pro Series over the HFI series). It's fairly neutral sounding, but not boring by any means. It has a lot of attack while keeping everything in line. One of my favorite headphones. Fairly rugged, but big for portable use. Bass is much less boomy than the D2000 as well. EDIT: The Prolines comfort is questionable to some. Brand new I found them uncomfortable, but after some use and stretching they are quite comfy. If you get them don't be discouraged if you find them uncomfortable at first.
DT 770 has fairly boomy bass but good isolation. Again a little big for a portable, but portable none the less. 
If you want sexy, good sound, and comfort in a portable you should take a look at the Phiaton MS400. It's not over ear, but it doesn't have the hard (sometimes uncomfortable) clamp a lot of supra cans do. 
Portability is preferred but not a must. Is the D2000 significantly less portable than the other three? And do you have a sense of how sound quality compares (As D2000 is most expensive of the lot)? I also saw the Ultrasone HFI 780 and Ultrasone Pro 750 mentioned in another thread in addition to the four in my first post, lots of options = me very confused!

Oct 2, 2011 at 12:43 PM Post #7,766 of 29,490

Armaegis, for what specific reasons would you recommend the MDR-V6 over the DT235, ATH-M30, and JVC HARX700? In your experience, have the latter broken down where the former persevered? Was it an issue of preference for a certain sound quality? From looking at the data I know it's worth the money but I still have to justify to myself why I would spend three times the amount of money I used spend on headphones on a new pair.

I give the V6 the nod for durability, portability/folding and isolation. I've seen them go used for $40 usd. It's up to you whether it's worth the money or not; pretty much everything is diminishing returns, although personally I think $100 is a good break point.

Kinda new at this,finally figured out what headset i wanted the beyerdynamic 990 250/600ohm.(not sure which one yet)
First question is will they sound decent just plugged straight into the computer(planning on getting a new sound card eventually)
If not,what exactly do i need to make them sound decent for the time being?
Second question is, the only good headset i've had is the Logitech G35(which broke :/) will i see a big improvement in the new headphones?
Plan on using these on the PC the most if that matters.
Also open to other sugestions though,will be used for Music/Gaming(I listen to almost everything)

Onboard sound cards typically aren't the greatest, but they'll be fine until you get a new card (the Xonar STX seems to be a popular choice around here since it has a built in amp). For the time being, you can plug it into a receiver which will be more than enough power.
You should notice a fairly substantial improvement over the Logitech.
Are you a competitive fps gamer? That tends to strongly dictate the type of headphone a person should get (ie: open backed, not too bassy, minimal phase shift)

Hi, I'm looking to buy a pair of closed circumaural headphones for someone and would greatly appreciate help (need to order these today/tomorrow). This person currently has Bose QC3 and I would like these to be an upgrade from those. Sound quality would ideally be as good as the Sennheiser IE8 which this person also uses on occasion. I think this person was generally happy with the Bose and likes their bass level. Person listens to a variety of music so a pair that is good all around would be great. So requirements are:
1) Closed and circumaural
2) To a layperson (non-audiophile) sounds at least as good as Bose QC3 and ideally as good as Sennheiser IE8
3) This person will NOT use an amp and the headphones will probably be driven directly out of an iPhone or laptop much of the time so should work well in these circumstances
4) Comfortable to wear for extended periods
5) Budget is flexible, max budget is around $350 but lower is obviously better
From my limited research, I saw people mention ATH-M50s, Denon D2000, Beyerdynamic DT770 (32 ohm), Shure SRH840 however please do NOT limit suggestions to these four if there are better options. However, would also be great if someone can also provide some guidance on the four. I noticed the M50s and SRH840 are much cheaper than the D2000 and DT770 but I don't know to what extent, if any, that is an indication of sound quality. Thanks!

M50 - solid bass and highs, mids slightly recessed, good isolation, foldable/portable, rugged, no amp needed
SRH840 - bass sloped, better mids, better isolation, moderately foldable/portable and heavier, well built, no amp needed
D2000 - neutral frequency response, great bass extension, NOT foldable or rugged, no amp needed but improves with
DT770 - heavy bass, superb isolation, very rugged, not foldable, really wants an amp to sound best

Actually, on ears usually isolate better than over-ears. Top tier passive isolation?
HD 25-1 II (On ear), Beyer DT 1350 (On ear), B&W P5 (On ear). It's more about clamping force than ear cup size.


Cup size has a bit to do with isolation actually. Larger surfaces basically pick up more vibration from your surroundings, especially in the midrange, and it's what accounts for a lot of headphones making certain outside noises actually sound louder (part of it is attenuating the surrounding sounds, but it also amplifies in some cases).
That said, surprisingly the best isolating headphone I've ever heard has been the Beyer T50p, which is just a shade better than the DT1350 and HD25. While I wasn't able to compare the P5 directly, from memory I would say it's on par with the HD25 or maybe a touch better.

Alright so I'm fairly set on the idea of getting the HD598, but I'm not so sure it's for the right reasons. I just figure the move from 555's to 598's will be pretty simple and I'm used to the 555's and Sennheiser, but maybe I should consider other options? I think I'd want to grab the 598's for around $190 new off of ebay, in that price range should I consider other headphones? Are any others as versatile as the 598's? Like the pairs that Armaegis listed, and other ones people are posting about. Thanks again.

Personally, I like to try out different brands and experience different sounds... but I also seem to go through a new headphone every month.

Doesn't matter if they are open/closed, I'll be using them sitting at my computer. The PX100 II look quite... cheap and flimsy tbh. I'd like to have some quality headphones that will work few years from now.
btw. I have a Sony stereo receiver connected to my computer, would it be a good headphone amp too?

I have both the PX100 and PX100-ii as well as the Portapros and I would say they are all of similar build quality. I much prefer the sound of the Senns.
How about one of the bigger Senns then, like the HD555 or 558? (modding the 555 turns it into the 595, modding the 558 reportedly makes it simialr but not quite the 598)

And what about a modded 558 compared to the 598? I'm getting mixed opinions, some say it's nearly the same, others say it's very different, and a few people even think the 558's once modded are better than the 598's.

From my readings, it seems the 555 does become the 595, and the 558 improves but doesn't quite match the 598.

Portability is preferred but not a must. Is the D2000 significantly less portable than the other three? And do you have a sense of how sound quality compares (As D2000 is most expensive of the lot)? I also saw the Ultrasone HFI 780 and Ultrasone Pro 750 mentioned in another thread in addition to the four in my first post, lots of options = me very confused!

The D2000 is lousy for portable use. Not the greatest build quality, and isolation and leakage are terrible.
the Pro750 will give you quite a bit of bass punch and rumble, while the 780 is more neutral.
Oct 2, 2011 at 2:43 PM Post #7,767 of 29,490
Ok so I've come to a deadlock between 2 headphones I really like both in the way people describe the sound but since they are either modded or equalized I need opinions because there's no way I can listen instore to these sadly.
For the last few days, I've sat to analyze my musical tastes and I came to the conclusion that eventhough my electronic music collection is vast I listen almost exclusively to the full spectrum of rock subgenres, more punk and 
So now I'm down to two headphones.
SHure SRH940 Equalized to play bass better for more rock genres I assume it would only suffer for metal.(I'm not a basshead so I prefer being able to adjust bass up instead of having to bring it down anyway)
Alessandro MS1i with 4 holes in the driver and MS1000 mod with wood cups
Which do you think would be better for rock, acoustic, and vocals, with the very occasional bassy song pop/electronic (I'm talking maybe 1-2 songs per hour of listening)
Thanks guys
Oct 2, 2011 at 3:26 PM Post #7,768 of 29,490

I have both the PX100 and PX100-ii as well as the Portapros and I would say they are all of similar build quality. I much prefer the sound of the Senns.
How about one of the bigger Senns then, like the HD555 or 558? (modding the 555 turns it into the 595, modding the 558 reportedly makes it simialr but not quite the 598)

Well I'm not really impressed with the build quality of the Portapros either, I'm expecting a little better. Portapros were under 30€, PX100 II almost 50€. This does leave me with a little more to spend. 558 would be 137€ and I can get the MS-1i for ~100€.
How would the 558 be better than MS-1i? I would expect the Sennheisers to have even weaker bass, am I right?
Oct 2, 2011 at 3:36 PM Post #7,770 of 29,490
I'd go with the Shure unless you're looking forward to the DIY fun. 
Build quality is better, sound is more responsive to EQing (IMO)
Ok so I've come to a deadlock between 2 headphones I really like both in the way people describe the sound but since they are either modded or equalized I need opinions because there's no way I can listen instore to these sadly.
For the last few days, I've sat to analyze my musical tastes and I came to the conclusion that eventhough my electronic music collection is vast I listen almost exclusively to the full spectrum of rock subgenres, more punk and 
So now I'm down to two headphones.
SHure SRH940 Equalized to play bass better for more rock genres I assume it would only suffer for metal.(I'm not a basshead so I prefer being able to adjust bass up instead of having to bring it down anyway)
Alessandro MS1i with 4 holes in the driver and MS1000 mod with wood cups
Which do you think would be better for rock, acoustic, and vocals, with the very occasional bassy song pop/electronic (I'm talking maybe 1-2 songs per hour of listening)
Thanks guys


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