++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Aug 12, 2011 at 8:42 AM Post #6,121 of 29,490
Hello, I posted earlier about gaming headphones for college and think I narrowed it down to two choices. My budget is $100 right now.
AD700 http://www.amazon.com/Technica-ATH-AD700-Open-air-Audiophile-Headphones/dp/B000CMS0XU
HD280 http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD-280-Pro-Headphones/dp/B000065BPB/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1313152185&sr=1-1
Honestly I think the AD700s seem like a perfect choice. But I will have a roommate, so will the noise leak (moderate volume levels, no blasting) really be noticeable? My college is relatively small and not really a party school, so if anything I'm worried about bothering the roommate than anyone bothering me.
If open-eared headphones like the AD700 leak too much noise though, I will go for closed cans. The HD280 does seem like a great choice, as I read they are great for isolation. Has anyone tried them for gaming? I haven't been able to find a lot of information about this, because it seems most people prefer open-eared for better soundstage.
Also, I was checking out the Amazon page for the HD280s (linked above) and if you look there is a box under the words 'IN STOCK'. It seems to indicate that the silver version of the HD280s is a superior model, and if you click on it, the list date changes from 2001 (black), to 2006 (silver), and the price increases from $83 to $99. Does anyone know what is better about the silver model?
Aug 12, 2011 at 10:09 AM Post #6,122 of 29,490

My general rule is this: if you're worried that open headphones will be a problem, get closed headphones.  It's pretty hard to read or study with someone in the same room with open cans blaring, and it is audible even at moderate listening levels.
Hello, I posted earlier about gaming headphones for college and think I narrowed it down to two choices. My budget is $100 right now.
AD700 http://www.amazon.com/Technica-ATH-AD700-Open-air-Audiophile-Headphones/dp/B000CMS0XU
HD280 http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD-280-Pro-Headphones/dp/B000065BPB/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1313152185&sr=1-1
Honestly I think the AD700s seem like a perfect choice. But I will have a roommate, so will the noise leak (moderate volume levels, no blasting) really be noticeable? My college is relatively small and not really a party school, so if anything I'm worried about bothering the roommate than anyone bothering me.
If open-eared headphones like the AD700 leak too much noise though, I will go for closed cans. The HD280 does seem like a great choice, as I read they are great for isolation. Has anyone tried them for gaming? I haven't been able to find a lot of information about this, because it seems most people prefer open-eared for better soundstage.
Also, I was checking out the Amazon page for the HD280s (linked above) and if you look there is a box under the words 'IN STOCK'. It seems to indicate that the silver version of the HD280s is a superior model, and if you click on it, the list date changes from 2001 (black), to 2006 (silver), and the price increases from $83 to $99. Does anyone know what is better about the silver model?

Aug 12, 2011 at 10:38 AM Post #6,123 of 29,490
Looking for a closed can to contrast my HD 598 (love these) in the $150 price range. I listen to all types of genre's from classical to dubstep so anything that is diverse would be good.
They will be for portable use. Cheers
edit:spelling mistake
Aug 12, 2011 at 11:04 AM Post #6,124 of 29,490
There are a couple of Sennheiser models with detachable cables actually, and if you really love the HD201, maybe you could find a local DIYer to make you a shorter cable? I can't think of many headphones below $100 that have a spiral cord.. HD215 has a spiral cord, is under $100 but I'm not too sure about the sound as I haven't tried these before.
Maybe someone else can help you Guoy 
Hey Koolkat,
Thanks for the quick reply. My taste is quite diverse. Mostly indie rock, punk, jazz, singer songwriter, hiphop.
The Sennheiser HD 201 is good enough for me, only the 3 m cord is too annoying. If they made a HD 201 with a shorter spiral cord I would've bought it, no doubt.
I'm not used to 250,- plus studio headphones, so of course they're better, but I don't use ir for recording or anything. :) Just for listening to music outside (on the bike, in the train, etc.)
Thanks for your help!



Aug 12, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #6,125 of 29,490

Hi folks, just joined hoping to get some advice. I'm looking to get some new cans in the somewhat near future. I'd prefer to get circumaural, because back when I had an on ear pair my ears hurt horribly after prolonged use. I know this might not be the case with a different model but I don't want to tempt fate. They'd also pretty much need to be closed, because I plan to use them in public often (in a fashion that would necessitate portability), including in a library (I'm a college student). For that same reason, if I could do without an amp (with an iPod or computer) that would be optimal. I listen to mostly rock, indie, some metal, and some electronic music, with some hip hop peppered in there, but my priority would be the best sound for rock and indie/folk. Budget is max $200.
Not ideal specifications I know.
Oh and when I say portability, I don't mind carrying a big pair of headphones around, I just mean an amp wouldn't work out.

Been looking around.... I think I'm between the M50 and the HD280... any pointers in either direction? Would one of them be more optimal for unamped use?
Also... I'm ashamed to say it but I think it might be relevant - right now I have the Bose AE2 (I didn't buy them, was a Christmas gift from my parents despite a list of other more ideal models i provided to them). This might be a stupid question, but will there be a big enough difference in quality to justify replacing them with something in the same price range?
Aug 12, 2011 at 11:49 AM Post #6,126 of 29,490

They are sensitive enough that they should be fine out of a sound card, especially if it has a headphone plug.  My only caveat is that Ultrasones aren't very shy in the treble department, which means they really emphasize any noise in the signal.  You might notice computer electrical noise with the HFI-580 that you've never noticed out of other sources.  You should be able to get plenty of bass impact through the computer, though.

how does the 580's play on macbook pro's and iphones? Will I be able to hear the computer static noise (which I hate)? Do you think the M50's work better on regular macbook pros and iphones?
and how does the HD280 stack up against the 580's and M50 in-terms of sound quality, comfort, and sound isolation?
Aug 12, 2011 at 11:55 AM Post #6,127 of 29,490
Hey, I'm searching for headphones under $50. So far I'm thinking JVC HA-RX700. I want headphones that are glasses-friendly and are good for rock/rap/dubstep music (good bass). Also, I'd prefer headphones with decent sound isolation, but it isn't needed. Know of any other better headphones <$50? Thanks.
Aug 12, 2011 at 12:21 PM Post #6,128 of 29,490

My general rule is this: if you're worried that open headphones will be a problem, get closed headphones.  It's pretty hard to read or study with someone in the same room with open cans blaring, and it is audible even at moderate listening levels.


Alright, sounds like closed headphones would be best then. I've never owned headphones before so I do not know the extent of the noise leakage of open headphones.
I was going to go with HD280 Pros, but I checked out the headphone gaming thread: http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/534479/mad-lust-envy-aka-shin-cz-s-guide-to-headphone-gaming-particularly-with-dolby-headphone
The author seems to think they are pretty terrible for gaming, claiming they have a bad soundstage and poor directional accuracy.
Do you think it would be wise to just get a cheap, closed headphone like the HD201 (http://tinyurl.com/3gx63zv) for now? The quality wouldn't be too great, but I think it would help me understand what I am looking for in headphones.
A problem I am having is that there doesn't seem to be too many options in my price range. It seems there are a few budget options, but then everything else that is said to have a decent soundstage, is either open-ear or way out of my $100 budget. Which I understand though, so I am hoping to find something under $100 that is closed and I can use for gaming, both multiplayer and singleplayer, without giving up too much sound quality.
Aug 12, 2011 at 12:25 PM Post #6,129 of 29,490
I'm looking for 200 euros headphones for:
- [alternative/indie/piano/electronic] rock (basically all kinds of rock) and pop, as well as FPS gaming (although anything open or semi-open with a decent sound stage will do I think)
- desktop use
- very comfortable over long periods of usage
- no amp for now (and if I were to buy one, it'd be at least 6 months later and I wouldn't spend more than 200 euro on it)
- with a Xonar D1 (any money spent on a better source would be subtracted from the amp above)
- in France (don't mind ordering from overseas though)
I had the AD700 before and loved them (gave/sold them to a friend) so naturally I'm looking at the AD900: better bass and mids, less sibilant highs, etc. Is that good for alternative rock? I don't know what kind of sound signature is good for it. What other open/semi-open headphones are good for that? apart from Grados, which I'm avoiding because of their lack of comfort.
Eventually I'll spend 100-200 euro on a soundcard/DAC/amp to compliment the setup and prepare for higher end headphones and more later.
Thanks for any help,
Aug 12, 2011 at 12:47 PM Post #6,130 of 29,490

I got the perfect can for you.. I use a Creative titanium HD. $150 with X-fi CMSS-3D on using one of the best CANS for gaming while Bassy at the same time.. The SAMSON SR850.. $60.. Well underneath your budget. Semi open can, Wide sound stage. Ample bass.. I am the co founder for =SOC=..One of the top clans for BC2 online. I know what I am talking about then it comes to directional sound. The samson kicks ass over the AD700 in precision. I own both., while having ample bass for the big tanks and boom sounds of shotguns.. Plus bassy music on em are great.. Try this combo. If you follow my suggestion you will not only save money but you will have one of the best Gaming/ music combo on the face of this planet....
Again .. Just because a can is cheaper don't mean it is cheaper in quality.. In fact. I would like some one to show me a better gaming combo.. I can pinpoint an enemy walking, running, loading, shooting, pulling a knife,  anywhere near or far exactly where they should be with my eyes closed.. Awesome combo.. Plus the can is so cheap you can buy something like a Ultrasone DJ1 to truly get your dub step on and get a Samson for the games and still be not much out of money..
Ok, I have read through pages and pages of reviews and suggestions for 2 days and still can't make my mind up or possibly find the best headphone/soundcard.
I play Counter-Strike i want to have the best directional sound and soundstage, I listen to dubstep often as well so I like the bassyness, I will occasially
listen to rock and metal as well. I also watch a good bit of youtube videos. I have only ever had cheap 20 dollar logitech headset from walmart, and Gamecom 777 7.1 virtual surround sound headset. My opinion is the Gamecom makes you feel like you're in a theater and like you're where the sound is, the sound is so good, the bass is awsome, the directional and soundstage isnt really though. I also want to feel like I'm there, I want the sound to be life-like if you know what I mean.
I would also probably like opened eared headphones, but you can recommend closed eared headphones as well if it's that good.
I have found the ad700's, but then i found the ad900's, I read that they had the best soundstage and u could pinpoint footesteps real good and was going to buy those, but I read about the bass not being there and people returning it because of that so i am stuck now, I have a $250 for the headphones, I also need a sound card $150 limit for that, and please recommend an amp if i need that (I don't know anything about amps) I would be grateful if someone could help me, I play CS competetivly so i want real good positioning, and I listen to hardcore dubstep "WOBWOBwobwob", i can sacrifice a little as well, but i would rather not. Please help me choose what to get.
Thanks for reading

Aug 12, 2011 at 12:52 PM Post #6,131 of 29,490

Hey, I'm searching for headphones under $50. So far I'm thinking JVC HA-RX700. I want headphones that are glasses-friendly and are good for rock/rap/dubstep music (good bass). Also, I'd prefer headphones with decent sound isolation, but it isn't needed. Know of any other better headphones <$50? Thanks.

You won't do any better than the Kicker HP541.. One of the best hidden gems this community has no idea about.. Read the owner reviews on Amazon.com and buy it from B&H photo.. for $50...This can OWNs all over the HARX700.. I should know I own both. Good isolation comfy and worth way more than what it is going for online. I will go as far to say there are $200 headphones that have a hard time staying up with the kicker..Truly a kick ass headphone for bassy music/ DUB hiphop trance/ Rock metal..
Aug 12, 2011 at 12:54 PM Post #6,132 of 29,490


I'm on the lookout for a new set of 'phones for gaming and music use. I have a budget of approximately £50 and don't want to go much over it.


I listen to a wide range of genres, including jazz, blues, metal, heavy metal, rock, techno and some baroque/romantic/classical etc. Metal/rock would be the most common thing I listen to however.


Suggestions I received so far include the Shure SHR240s, JVC HA-RX700s, and the Sennheisers HD448s.


Are there any others I should be looking at, and what are the pros and cons of each?


If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


Thanks in advance,


Aug 12, 2011 at 1:37 PM Post #6,133 of 29,490

Armaegis, I want to rename this thread to "Ask Armaegis: Patronus Saintus of Noobus". What say you?

Heh, always glad to help out. I'm actually kinda curious if it's possible to see how many posts one has had in a particular thread (or more specific, how many times I've hit quote/multi in here).

I figured i might as well post here since nobody who is reading the earphone forum has heard of yuin apparently....

There are a couple earbud guides that you can check out... here's the first two I found:
[size=small]Hey everyone,[/size]
[size=small]My first post! Luckily I saw this thread in time, otherwise I would’ve made a new one. [/size]
[size=small]I’m looking to buy full-sized headphones to use on my mp3 player or laptop. I hope someone can point out some good headphones to me after I described the features I’m looking for:[/size]
  1. [size=small]Full-size (over ear) headphones (told you already);[/size]
  2. [size=small]Spiral cord (all the sites I visit never give information whether it has a spiral cord or not;[/size]
  3. [size=small]Max 100,- (dollars or euro’s);[/size]
  4. [size=small]No studio headphones. I live in Amsterdam and use the bike a lot. I want to hear some sounds from the outside while I’m riding the bike.[/size]
[size=small]I now have the cheap Senheiser HD 201 headphones. I love everything about it (sound, design, weight, price, it’s an over-ear headphone) except that it has no spiral cord. It has a cord that is too long and it always ends up in a knot.[/size]
[size=small]Okay, I hope my story is clear. :)[/size]
[size=small]Thanks if you want to help me![/size]

It's mosty studio/dj headphones which have the spiral cord, but you could always get one which only has moderate isolation.
Is there a specific reason you want a spiral cord? Many headphones simply have a shorter cord which would be more convenient and far less bulky/heavy than a coiled cord.
That said, you could get a Shure 440. I don't remember if it comes standard with the straight or coiled (the 840 comes with both), but you can always buy the cord seprately and they are easy to swap out.
Aug 12, 2011 at 1:46 PM Post #6,134 of 29,490
@ Guoy The shure SRH 440  have standard coiled chord.. They have a smooth balanced sound to em and are great all around headphones with semi decent isolation in that you can definitely hear what is happening around you.But kinda big for using out in public.. Good choice  however. .
Aug 12, 2011 at 1:51 PM Post #6,135 of 29,490

Hello, I posted earlier about gaming headphones for college and think I narrowed it down to two choices. My budget is $100 right now.
AD700 http://www.amazon.com/Technica-ATH-AD700-Open-air-Audiophile-Headphones/dp/B000CMS0XU
HD280 http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD-280-Pro-Headphones/dp/B000065BPB/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1313152185&sr=1-1
Honestly I think the AD700s seem like a perfect choice. But I will have a roommate, so will the noise leak (moderate volume levels, no blasting) really be noticeable? My college is relatively small and not really a party school, so if anything I'm worried about bothering the roommate than anyone bothering me.
If open-eared headphones like the AD700 leak too much noise though, I will go for closed cans. The HD280 does seem like a great choice, as I read they are great for isolation. Has anyone tried them for gaming? I haven't been able to find a lot of information about this, because it seems most people prefer open-eared for better soundstage.
Also, I was checking out the Amazon page for the HD280s (linked above) and if you look there is a box under the words 'IN STOCK'. It seems to indicate that the silver version of the HD280s is a superior model, and if you click on it, the list date changes from 2001 (black), to 2006 (silver), and the price increases from $83 to $99. Does anyone know what is better about the silver model?

As mentioned earlier, don't go with open. If you're looking for soundstage, the A700 is the closed version, though I would highly recommend upping your budget just a bit and getting a used A900 instead which improves on the A700 quite a bit. Either that or go with the A700 and crack it open and add some damping inside the cup to tone down the resonance which will improve your imaging. If you *really* need to keep it under budget, get the AD700 and tape up the inside to make it closed


Looking for a closed can to contrast my HD 598 (love these) in the $150 price range. I listen to all types of genre's from classical to dubstep so anything that is diverse would be good.
They will be for portable use. Cheers
edit:spelling mistake

Senn HD380 are a solid can and a bit of an underdog here. Also fantastic isolation and comfort.

Been looking around.... I think I'm between the M50 and the HD280... any pointers in either direction? Would one of them be more optimal for unamped use?
Also... I'm ashamed to say it but I think it might be relevant - right now I have the Bose AE2 (I didn't buy them, was a Christmas gift from my parents despite a list of other more ideal models i provided to them). This might be a stupid question, but will there be a big enough difference in quality to justify replacing them with something in the same price range?

Sonically I prefer the M50, though isolation on the HD280 is noticeably better and is the better choice if you're in a noisy environment.

I'm looking for 200 euros headphones for:
- [alternative/indie/piano/electronic] rock (basically all kinds of rock) and pop, as well as FPS gaming (although anything open or semi-open with a decent sound stage will do I think)
- desktop use
- very comfortable over long periods of usage
- no amp for now (and if I were to buy one, it'd be at least 6 months later and I wouldn't spend more than 200 euro on it)
- with a Xonar D1 (any money spent on a better source would be subtracted from the amp above)
- in France (don't mind ordering from overseas though)
I had the AD700 before and loved them (gave/sold them to a friend) so naturally I'm looking at the AD900: better bass and mids, less sibilant highs, etc. Is that good for alternative rock? I don't know what kind of sound signature is good for it. What other open/semi-open headphones are good for that? apart from Grados, which I'm avoiding because of their lack of comfort.
Eventually I'll spend 100-200 euro on a soundcard/DAC/amp to compliment the setup and prepare for higher end headphones and more later.
Thanks for any help,

The AD900 is a solid bet. Here's a fairly recent comparison: http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/545533/ad900-vs-ad700-comparison-review
There are a few other threads too if you search for them.



I'm on the lookout for a new set of 'phones for gaming and music use. I have a budget of approximately £50 and don't want to go much over it.


I listen to a wide range of genres, including jazz, blues, metal, heavy metal, rock, techno and some baroque/romantic/classical etc. Metal/rock would be the most common thing I listen to however.


Suggestions I received so far include the Shure SHR240s, JVC HA-RX700s, and the Sennheisers HD448s.


Are there any others I should be looking at, and what are the pros and cons of each?


If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


Thanks in advance,


I'm assuming you're looking at closed headphones. Looking at your genres, the Sony V6/7506 springs to mind.

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