++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Dec 23, 2010 at 9:53 PM Post #106 of 29,490

So, it came down a little to:
- Shure SRH750 DJ
- ATH-M50


A lot of people here talk about these 2 headphones, and a lot of people have that same doubt. There isn't a final answer, but from what everyone writes, go for the SRH750. The bass is apparently less muddy, the soundstage is great They are not as comfortable, if that's important. I had this exact doubt and now I'm getting the SRH750 for X-mas ^^
Dec 23, 2010 at 10:05 PM Post #107 of 29,490
Ordered the SRH750. Thanks for the help.

So, it came down a little to:
- Shure SRH750 DJ
- ATH-M50


A lot of people here talk about these 2 headphones, and a lot of people have that same doubt. There isn't a final answer, but from what everyone writes, go for the SRH750. The bass is apparently less muddy, the soundstage is great They are not as comfortable, if that's important. I had this exact doubt and now I'm getting the SRH750 for X-mas ^^

Dec 23, 2010 at 10:06 PM Post #108 of 29,490

I'm gonna repost since I've done some editing.
Music genres: I'd say 40% hiphop, 30% acoustic-electro-hybrid-bands(wide genre, can take examples. Often no vocals.) and 30% indierock, 60's, 80's like Paul Simon and pop. No classical or metal though, note that!
Portable: No, only at the computer.
Price range: with an amp/a dac I'm willing to spend up to $600. This is going to be my permanent, only and last setup so if it's really worth it I can throw in another $150~. But preferably less, setups/alternatives around $400 - $600 would be nice.
Amped: Yes^, don't know which though. Does not need to be portable obv.
Closed/Open: I'm going to use them at home and at home only so doesn't matter. I've got a pair of open cans now and I enjoy 'em, so let's say open since they often sound better(?).
Headphone preference: I'd rather like something funny than neutral/analytic. I don't want to sit and analazye every piece of instrument, I want to listen and enjoy the music. They do not necessarily have to be bassy, but rather that than too neutral.
Headphones which I've read about, looked at or excluded: I've read a lot about DT990, but I can only get ahold of the Pro version and they seem much worse than the Premium. The Premium ones seem overpriced, about 2x the price of the Pros. I've pretty much excluded K701/2 since they seem way too neutral. I haven't read much about the K601's, but I'm gonna check out the gigantic impression/appreciation thread tomorrow.
I'm also gonna check out the K271's MKII and K240's MKII.
The HD650's seem like a real investment but might be too expensive.
Amps/dacs which I've read about: not many. The Fiio E9+E7 seem nice but they'll be like $300 in Europe while they're $200 in US so what many regard as a product with huge bang-for-the-buck-factor might not apply in Europe. I've looked a little at the Audio-GD's, both the new NFB-12 and the FUN/Sparrow but it seems to be a little of a hassle to get them (long & expensive shipping, dunno if VAT applies?) and they seem to be a little over my standards lol.

I'm not too sure if you want the 650's because I've read that they're the most neutral pair, thus the reason they are highly praised on head-fi.
Can't comment on other headphones your looking into except the 240's.
I can comfortably say they are a "fun" headphone, IMO, Most of the sound is concentrated in the mids, but worry not, as there is enough bass to support the rest of the spectrum. It's not anything over the top, but it's there. The mids are definitely where the 240 shines. Guitars and vocals, even pianos sound great through the headphones. The awesome thing about the MKII, is that it comes with both pleather and velour pads, so you can use whichever one you find more comfortable.
Dec 23, 2010 at 10:19 PM Post #109 of 29,490

Music genres: 80% Metal, 15% dubstep, 5% electro

Portable: No, only at the computer.

Price range: $200 with amp and headphones

Amped: yes

Closed/Open: no preference.  

Headphone preference: i just want to enjoy the music!

Dec 23, 2010 at 10:28 PM Post #110 of 29,490
Alessandro MS-1i. Amp not essential, but if you're looking to improve your source (when playing music from your comp), the Fiio E7 should serve you well as a good entry level DAC. Bonus feature of serving as a portable amp with bass boost. I'd recommend an LOD cable if playing music from an ipod on the go. Fiio have some very good, low priced cables.
Dec 24, 2010 at 12:19 AM Post #111 of 29,490
Hi, I'm interested in a new pair of headphones.  I own a pair of UE-Triple.Fi 10 pros, but unfortunately I encountered quite a few problems with them and had to send them back to the manufacturer to be repaired multiple times.  Now the warranty's out and now I'm out of luck, as they've broken again.  I've decided that I need something sturdier than those tiny little things and am ready to make the leap into the world of full-size headphones.  Here's what I'm looking for:
Budget: $200-$350
Use:  This would be my main pair of headphones.  I live in New York City and take the subway to work every day, and I'd like to be able to wear them during my commute.  However, I would also like to use them to listen to music and movies on my computer. 
Isolation:  Again, since I ride on the subway, I would like a pair that has the ability to passively block out outside noise.  I don't require active noise cancellation.
Durability:  This is quite important to me since I'll be traveling with them, and also because I sometimes put my stuff through abuse. 
Design:  I very much like the low-key industrial look of the Grado RS series and would like something similar to that. 
Music:  I generally listen to rock and pop with the occasional classical song thrown in here or there.  I am not a huge fan of overwhelming, muddy bass. 
Source:  I would be using my iPhone.
Amp:  None.
I've been eyeing the Grado 325i and Sennheiser 650.  I absolutely love the sound quality of the Grados, but their supra-aural design lets in a lot of outside noise and might not be ideal for loud subway commutes.  I've heard the Sennheiser 650 is not worth the price unless you are using an amp as well, which I'm not in the market for at the moment.  Maybe the Ultrasone Pro 750? 
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Dec 24, 2010 at 1:32 AM Post #112 of 29,490
Sennheiser HD25? And the two you listed would be terrible on a subway. They're open headpbones, and let sound in, which defeats the purpose of using them there. It's not the fact that the Grados are supraaural that causes sound to leak in. There are many supras that isolate sound divinely, like the HD25.
Dec 24, 2010 at 8:29 AM Post #113 of 29,490
Ok here is my question that seems to be impossible to get answered:

CAN beyerdynamics at 250 ohms be driven good enough by line level? Has anyone tried this?

And ATH-M50 or Beterdynamic 990pro WHICH DO I GET!
Dec 24, 2010 at 11:11 AM Post #114 of 29,490
The Beyers deserve an amp. Just....trust me. Even my now gone 32ohm DT880 begged for an amp. They will get loud without one, but you're not tapping the potential whatsoever.
As much as I love the M50, it doesn't compare to the DT990s, IMHO. However, the M50's put up a good fight, don't need an amp to sound great...
Dec 24, 2010 at 11:22 AM Post #115 of 29,490

The Beyers deserve an amp. Just....trust me. Even my now gone 32ohm DT880 begged for an amp. They will get loud without one, but you're not tapping the potential whatsoever.
As much as I love the M50, it doesn't compare to the DT990s, IMHO. However, the M50's put up a good fight, don't need an amp to sound great...

So non amped which would you pick?

I mean, the amp is only going to give you loudness right? I don't need that loud, but anyway for NOW I am not getting an amp.
Dec 24, 2010 at 11:26 AM Post #116 of 29,490
An amp is not about loudness. An amp's main strength is giving your headphones the driving power they need to bring out their potential. A solid amp at the same volume as an unamped headphone will sound better. Even easy to drive headphones benefit slightly from amping.
If you don't EVER plan on getting an amp, the M50s will be the better choice. Something as cheap as the E9 combo will be much more beneficial in the long run than just going ampless.
Dec 24, 2010 at 3:57 PM Post #120 of 29,490
I would go with the M50 or Shure SRH440 over the HD280. The HD448 is also probably better than the HD280 FWIR.

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