++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jul 28, 2011 at 4:28 AM Post #5,611 of 29,490
I'm looking for jazz and vocal's headphone. The source is cdplayer+ intergrated amp. Aiming for $150 max.
Between AD700 and HD558, which one is better for vocal ?
My style is accurate and clear high and mid while the bass is deep and solid.
Jul 28, 2011 at 4:52 AM Post #5,612 of 29,490
The HD558 have a very dark murky sound with practically everything to my ears. There's just not enough clarity in the upper mids, but they do go deep in the lows and have a nice impact.
Jul 28, 2011 at 1:24 PM Post #5,614 of 29,490
ATH-W1000x vs. RS-1i vs. HD650?

I'm looking for sheer musicality across all genres of music (classical to R&B to rock to jazz). Musical, but not overly colored.

Will be powered by NFB-12 (W1000x) / M-Stage + Cube DAC (RS-1 / HD650)

(None of them are bought yet)
Jul 28, 2011 at 1:38 PM Post #5,615 of 29,490

The M50s aren't going to be any less conspicuous than the Sony XBs in public...
A few of my students who listen to similar music have tried my Phiaton MS400s, and really liked them a lot.  Ultrasones are also still a great choice for those genres, look into the HFI-580 and HFI-780.  Especially if you want both awesome bass and crispness, Ultrasone is likely your dream brand.


Do they need to be amped? the HFI-580/780s?
Jul 28, 2011 at 1:55 PM Post #5,616 of 29,490

The Sennheiser HD448 have less bass than it's brother, the HD438. They both go for roughly the same price in USD, so it depends on your preference. I can tell you that I love my HD438s for it's comfort and performance running from my laptop. The bass is clear, not too overpowering and not too faint or weak. There's detail in the music, not so much as higher end audiophile grade headphones, but imo, the money I spent on them was really worth it. (SGD130).
The velour pads might be a little uncomfortable for those intending to use it in warmer places (walking outdoors in hot weather is definitely a no-no) since they'll make your ears really warm. I can't comment on the 280s, I don't have them.
Okay so here's my problem I have had the Sennheiser 202's for a couple months now and even though I think the sound quality it great the comfort just isn't there. I want to upgrade but I have no idea what I should get. I generally listen to music when I go to bed and I can't sleep if it's quiet so I have a fan next to me which means a open headset probably isn't a good idea? I was thinking maybe the 280's or the HD 448 but I have really no clue lol I would like to stay with Sennheiser though cuz that's the only brand I'm familiar with. Also I'm not going to spend over 100 bucks for a headset since I don't listen to music that much but when I do I want to be comfortable both physically and sound wise.

Jul 28, 2011 at 2:42 PM Post #5,617 of 29,490

Okay so here's my problem I have had the Sennheiser 202's for a couple months now and even though I think the sound quality it great the comfort just isn't there. I want to upgrade but I have no idea what I should get. I generally listen to music when I go to bed and I can't sleep if it's quiet so I have a fan next to me which means a open headset probably isn't a good idea? I was thinking maybe the 280's or the HD 448 but I have really no clue lol I would like to stay with Sennheiser though cuz that's the only brand I'm familiar with. Also I'm not going to spend over 100 bucks for a headset since I don't listen to music that much but when I do I want to be comfortable both physically and sound wise.

If you're going to sleep with them, full sized might be too big. Maybe consider something smaller like the PX200-ii

I'm in the market for closed headphones. I listen to all types of music, and that will be their primary purpose. Everything from Simon and Garfunkel to a little bit of techno and dubstep - really, the full gamut: jazz, everything from the 50s and 60s, kpop. I'll also use them occasionally for Ventrilo, and probably all of my TV/movie watching will be done with them. I've researched extensively and narrowed my long list (previously included Ultrasone HFI 580, Pro550, and DJ1, for instance), to the following: Audio Technica ATH-M50, ATH-A700, Ultrasone DJ1PRO, and Shure SRH750DJ.
I would prefer something with accurate mids and highs, but also solid bass. I've read that the M50s can have an overpowering bass which makes the mids less clear. I've read that the A700s shine in mids, but can be lacking in bass. I chose the DJ1PRO over the DJ1 because of the detachable cable - I mean really, how convenient is that? I've also read that they represent various frequencies well and can be lots of fun, but some people are a little weirded out about how the S-logic surround sound thing works (apparently placement of these cans on your head can affect this a lot). And the 750DJ? I don't know much about them, except they're supposed to sound similar to the DJ1PRO (with some of those convenience features!) at a lower price and without the possible issues created by S-logic. Their build quality is also lacking compared to the others.
I haven't read anything positive or negative about any of them for comfort. (okay, the M50s clamp hard)
I know I should probably just take the plunge and buy something, especially because I have nowhere local to listen first, but I'm just looking for a little more feedback. I would really like the cans to be comfortable, portable, and durable - they're going to college with me in three weeks. (and I read the Closed Cans Shootout, but all it did was make me start reconsidering whether I wanted the DJ1PROs or not. Also, I would be willing to try something else if enough convincing can be done).
Oh, and I really don't want to spend more than $130 USD, but the prices I've found are $125 refurbed M50s, $110 new A700s, $140 new DJ1PROs, and $125 new 750DJs. I was willing to spend more on the DJ1PROs because I was favoring them up until a day or two ago, as they met all of my desires, but then the 750DJs came on my radar. It was at that point I put the M50s and A700s back on my list, too.
So, uh, help?

The M50 is probably your safest bet. The A700 will be a little lacking if you want bass punch. The DJ1 and 750DJ might have too much bass.
For something a little morre even (and even nicer on the wallet), also consider the Shure 440 and Sony V6.

I'm looking for jazz and vocal's headphone. The source is cdplayer+ intergrated amp. Aiming for $150 max.
Between AD700 and HD558, which one is better for vocal ?
My style is accurate and clear high and mid while the bass is deep and solid.

The HD558 will be the better all rounder with more bass presence. The AD700 will give you a better vocal focus and a nicer sense of air and soundstage.

ATH-W1000x vs. RS-1i vs. HD650?

I'm looking for sheer musicality across all genres of music (classical to R&B to rock to jazz). Musical, but not overly colored.

Will be powered by NFB-12 (W1000x) / M-Stage + Cube DAC (RS-1 / HD650)

(None of them are bought yet)

The best all-rounder of the bunch there I would say is the HD650. If you're leaning more towards rock and jazz, the grado. If more towards classical and vocals, then the w1000x.

Do they need to be amped? the HFI-580/780s?

Not really. They're just fine without.
Jul 28, 2011 at 3:48 PM Post #5,618 of 29,490
@Armaegis: I have all kinds of genres, but at this moment I listen more to classical and jazz. What would be your pick?
Jul 28, 2011 at 4:59 PM Post #5,619 of 29,490
so im looking into getting some headphones preferably under $100 and i was wondering are the hd555s worth it for $97(on amazon)?  i mainly need em for general usage and gaming since im currently building a new pc and id like some nice headphones to go with it i also have a $125 gift card to use though id still like to keep the cost down since the comp parts are expensive as it is 
Jul 28, 2011 at 4:59 PM Post #5,620 of 29,490

@Armaegis: I have all kinds of genres, but at this moment I listen more to classical and jazz. What would be your pick?

Hmm, well I would lean more towards the W1000x then. They are great for everything except the really bassy stuff.
Jul 28, 2011 at 5:01 PM Post #5,621 of 29,490

so im looking into getting some headphones preferably under $100 and i was wondering are the hd555s worth it for $97(on amazon)?  i mainly need em for general usage and gaming since im currently building a new pc and id like some nice headphones to go with it i also have a $125 gift card to use though id still like to keep the cost down since the comp parts are expensive as it is 

That's a decent price, though you can find them for a bit cheaper on ebay.
Jul 28, 2011 at 5:29 PM Post #5,622 of 29,490
Can someone recommened a pair of headphones that is going to replace my M50's, the same price range, either full sized or IEM's 
And they have too run good unamped (Ipod) I seek good bass and mids, just warmer and more fun than a pair of M50's
Jul 28, 2011 at 5:41 PM Post #5,624 of 29,490


[size=10pt]Hello head-fi! [/size]

[size=10pt]I am very new to the entire headphone game and I am looking for some serious help. I have never owned any high end headphones and have no idea where to start. I listen to all types of music: rock, heavy metal, hiphop, dubstep, and I am looking for an earphone that will sound great in all genres. I will also be using them often and in public so something comfortable with no leakage is key. I will be listening from my ipod nano. My budget is less than $150 but something cheaper with the best sound quality would be awesome.[/size]

[size=10pt]Very important they have to be extremely durable, I tend to destroy headphones.[/size]

[size=10pt]If you can please come up with some models that I can look more into as well as some personal choices that would be very helpful.[/size]

[size=10pt]Thank you very much![/size]


[size=10pt]ps. If you can clue me in on how to keep them is good shape when not in use that would also be helpful[/size]

Jul 28, 2011 at 7:06 PM Post #5,625 of 29,490
I'll be fine with a lot of bass if the mids are particularly good, too. In fact, I've read that the DJ1s have less bass than the M50, but it's tighter and less boomy. I'll nix the A700, but how do the mids compare on the other three?  And comfort/durability? I see HFI780s in the FS forum, might those be something to consider? I really enjoy hearing nuances in music, but that accurate bass punch is something I'm also really looking forward to. I'm looking for "fun." I knocked the 440s out a while ago (actually, that's how I came to decide on the 750DJ over the 840), but I'll look into the V6 more.

The M50 is probably your safest bet. The A700 will be a little lacking if you want bass punch. The DJ1 and 750DJ might have too much bass.
For something a little morre even (and even nicer on the wallet), also consider the Shure 440 and Sony V6.


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