++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:06 AM Post #481 of 29,490

What about AKG 271 is it? or I think its Beyer DT-251?  Not sure.  The main thing about the DT-770 is can they be loud enough without an amp?  Other than that, they are a great can!


My question exactly. I want to get the DT770 but heard that its too quiet w/o amps. But if it truely sounds good without one thanks to its isolation then these are the cans for me.

Also looked at the shure 860 (was it 860?) as my 2nd choice.
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:23 AM Post #482 of 29,490
What about AKG 271 is it? or I think its Beyer DT-251?  Not sure.  The main thing about the DT-770 is can they be loud enough without an amp?  Other than that, they are a great can!

The K271 isn't. It's closer to a /\. Which is why I have it haha. There's also the Fostex T50 which I'm getting and "electrifying." Haven't heard the Beyers. The DT48 intrigues me too. Had KBI get a pair for me ($100 for the A version! New no less.) But we had some miscommunication and that didn't work out. The DT150 looks yummy too.

@wind I've wanted to try a pair of the 9s for the longest time, but Germania said her smeggipucks beat her modded ESW9s and she came up with a host of mods, which makes me think they'd just come and go if I bought a pair. But I really like the Wing system for comfort, so I'm trying to pick between a W5000/F5005, W1000x, and a W11JPN, like I've said. I'm basically looking for a complement for the Thunderpants clones I'm making, which is said to be on the laid back/slightly dark side. I know you've tried them, so think you can help? I'm aware if the former two's pickiness, but are the 11s picky? Wish I got in on that $100 W1000 deal.
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:26 AM Post #483 of 29,490

If you are thinking of the m50 or the beyers. You should also look to the dbipro 700 or 705

Sorry but my only source for the headphones are from Amazon, and they don't have any dbi s sadly.

Ok now I still want to know if the DT770/32 will be a good deal without amp (Ive got one vote so far and really just need one more person to make it set in stone).

But in the mean time Id like to ask about the HD 595. I understand that it is Open which isn't something Im fond of (as Im going to be using it outside a lot I dont want to disturb anyone nor have the outside, well, disturb me.

Are they that bad in terms of leakage? I like the fact that they are velour. And because I live in Hawaii where it's hot through and through it would really help to stray away from leather pads like the M50. 

At this point my lineup is like this:

Option A: DT770/32

Option B [Tied]: HD595 (Velour and great reviews) or M50 (Closed space and great reviews)

Coupe said:

What about AKG 271 is it? or I think its Beyer DT-251?  Not sure.  The main thing about the DT-770 is can they be loud enough without an amp?  Other than that, they are a great can!

The Beyers don't have the greatest sensitivity rating, but even a modest ipod should be able to get "loud". Even the DT770/80-pro will be ok. Yes it's true that there might be some minute level of detail that you'll be missing, but quite honestly unless you've spent time training your ears to know what to listen for, you'll never know the difference. And even if you know what to listen for, most of those details will only come out when you're sitting still in a quiet area (and since you said these will be portable and worn in public, a quite listening room is probably not on the agenda). Sound quality oftentimes should take a side step to allow for comfort and isolation and all those other factors to come forward which will in fact have a bigger impact on your listening and overall enjoyment under most circumstances.
Somewhere you mentioned that you're in Hawaii? I would actually suggest maybe looking at a supraaural set (the Beyer T50p maybe? although it costs a bit more than the 770). Closed sets while in warm humid areas can be unpleasant, unless you're fortunate enough to be one of those guys that doesn't sweat or heat up.

Need help finding headphones to use at my keyboard.  I use it in family room with the kids, T.V. etc.  Please Help!!!!
P.S. I'm on a budget

You will want isolation. In headphones: Senn HD25-1-ii, Beyer DT770, Senn HD280, Phiaton MS400. The better choice though would be an IEM. Standard recommendation there is an Etymotic.

@ kingtz - I've been incredibly disappointed with the lack of support from other members, who encourage the clone threads by responding, instead of imparting their wisdom here. I'd post more, but my experience with other headphones is limited. Armaegis is doing a mighty job, but he's like Sisyphus rolling that boulder to the summit only to watch it roll back down (one for the Existentialists out there).

I've been lucky (my wallet not so much) to have owned or sampled a rather sizeable chunk of the mid-fi market, so I help out where I can, although it's a bit overwhelming sometimes when I log back in and there are 20 new posts in here. My responses unfortunately tend to get shorter and shorter as I go. Posts that have no effort put into them tend to get my least effort as well. If only there were a way to program the boards so that a new member may not create a new topic until they have figured out how to use the search bar

Jan 2, 2011 at 1:37 AM Post #484 of 29,490

What about AKG 271 is it? or I think its Beyer DT-251?  Not sure.  The main thing about the DT-770 is can they be loud enough without an amp?  Other than that, they are a great can!

The K271 isn't. It's closer to a /\. Which is why I have it haha. There's also the Fostex T50 which I'm getting and "electrifying." Haven't heard the Beyers. The DT48 intrigues me too. Had KBI get a pair for me ($100 for the A version! New no less.) But we had some miscommunication and that didn't work out. The DT150 looks yummy too.

@wind I've wanted to try a pair of the 9s for the longest time, but Germania said her smeggipucks beat her modded ESW9s and she came up with a host of mods, which makes me think they'd just come and go if I bought a pair. But I really like the Wing system for comfort, so I'm trying to pick between a W5000/F5005, W1000x, and a W11JPN, like I've said. I'm basically looking for a complement for the Thunderpants clones I'm making, which is said to be on the laid back/slightly dark side. I know you've tried them, so think you can help? I'm aware if the former two's pickiness, but are the 11s picky? Wish I got in on that $100 W1000 deal.

The DT48 is a unique and peculiar can. Clamps like a vice, heavy as a brick, no bass to speak of (low end rolloff starts around 60Hz), but holy smokes is that a crystal clear midrange. It is probably the only headphone I have ever heard where I can honestly say "believe the hype" regarding the mids. That said, it is fascinating from a historical and technical perspective, but I ultimately sold mine because I just didn't like listening to it. It was too clinical and sterile, and makes you aware of how lousy most recorded music is. I actually don't mind lossy encodings, but with ultra revealing headphones you realize that they had crappy mics and room acoustics, etc.
The highest end Audio Technicas I've heard were the ESW9 and W1000x. I liked the ESW9, but it just wasn't quite the sound I wanted. Nice mids with a touch of resonance, great looks and portable, semi laid back presentation but able to deliver some nice energy in the mids. The W1000x I only heard briefly, I thought it was good but not worth the price. Had I not known the price ahead of time, I would have put it in the same class as the ESW9 (maybe a smidge higher for the build quality)
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:42 AM Post #485 of 29,490

Really? Even an 80? I thought the driver for the 80 was different from the 32/250/600 versions. Needing a little more power. Regardless this helped a lot. I was looking at the shure 860s but saw that it didnt give much to comfortability. But everything else was getting a good rating.

Oh as for heat, yea i personally would want an open back but seeing as how itll be used outdoors, i just will not be able to utilize it. But i figure it shouldnt be a problem. I had a pair of AudioTehnica SQ5s that were leather padding. And I was surprised that it didnt get as hot as originally thought. I figure with the velour padding it should be a lot cooler
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:53 AM Post #486 of 29,490

I am looking for a really high-quality full-size headphone for traveling, that is not an IEM, and budget is up to about $350. My three main contenders are:


Senheiser PXC 450

Audio Technica ATH-M50

Phiaton MS 400


I would welcome any thoughts or suggestions on these picks or any other you may have. Thanks!!

you might want to see the Tier A from Joker's Shootout, the Sennheiser HD25-1-II seems to be a fair contender.(no circumaural though) 
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:54 AM Post #487 of 29,490
What about AKG 271 is it? or I think its Beyer DT-251?  Not sure.  The main thing about the DT-770 is can they be loud enough without an amp?  Other than that, they are a great can!

The K271 isn't. It's closer to a /\. Which is why I have it haha. There's also the Fostex T50 which I'm getting and "electrifying." Haven't heard the Beyers. The DT48 intrigues me too. Had KBI get a pair for me ($100 for the A version! New no less.) But we had some miscommunication and that didn't work out. The DT150 looks yummy too.

@wind I've wanted to try a pair of the 9s for the longest time, but Germania said her smeggipucks beat her modded ESW9s and she came up with a host of mods, which makes me think they'd just come and go if I bought a pair. But I really like the Wing system for comfort, so I'm trying to pick between a W5000/F5005, W1000x, and a W11JPN, like I've said. I'm basically looking for a complement for the Thunderpants clones I'm making, which is said to be on the laid back/slightly dark side. I know you've tried them, so think you can help? I'm aware if the former two's pickiness, but are the 11s picky? Wish I got in on that $100 W1000 deal.

The DT48 is a unique and peculiar can. Clamps like a vice, heavy as a brick, no bass to speak of (low end rolloff starts around 60Hz), but holy smokes is that a crystal clear midrange. It is probably the only headphone I have ever heard where I can honestly say "believe the hype" regarding the mids. That said, it is fascinating from a historical and technical perspective, but I ultimately sold mine because I just didn't like listening to it. It was too clinical and sterile, and makes you aware of how lousy most recorded music is. I actually don't mind lossy encodings, but with ultra revealing headphones you realize that they had crappy mics and room acoustics, etc.
The highest end Audio Technicas I've heard were the ESW9 and W1000x. I liked the ESW9, but it just wasn't quite the sound I wanted. Nice mids with a touch of resonance, great looks and portable, semi laid back presentation but able to deliver some nice energy in the mids. The W1000x I only heard briefly, I thought it was good but not worth the price. Had I not known the price ahead of time, I would have put it in the same class as the ESW9 (maybe a smidge higher for the build quality)

The DT48 goes for cheap enough not to really flinch at. It'd seem fun to use as a comparison tool, and I have friends who say modern music sounds good. We'll see about that. :wink:
Ah, cool, thanks! What about the W1000X did you not like? The thing about the W11JPN is that I have a tendency to mod every single one of my headphones. No exceptions. I'm sure I'll mess the W11s up somehow, and unlike the modern woodies, new drivers would be impossible to get, whereas the W series' are $50 a pop.
Jan 2, 2011 at 2:10 AM Post #488 of 29,490
It's basically just a super upgraded version of the closed A700/A900 series with nicer wood cups. There wasn't anything wrong with the W1000x... but it goes for $800 off Audiocubes and somewhere around $500 for used ones. I simply don't feel that it's worth that much (though to be honest, my sense of diminishing returns slopes pretty hard above $300). If there were indeed a $100 deal at some point, oh heck yeah, but not at its current prices.
Jan 2, 2011 at 2:24 AM Post #489 of 29,490
It's basically just a super upgraded version of the closed A700/A900 series with nicer wood cups. There wasn't anything wrong with the W1000x... but it goes for $800 off Audiocubes and somewhere around $500 for used ones. I simply don't feel that it's worth that much (though to be honest, my sense of diminishing returns slopes pretty hard above $300). If there were indeed a $100 deal at some point, oh heck yeah, but not at its current prices.

Ah...ick. I wasn't the biggest fan of those. Guess I'll have to try them before I commit to either. Well I'll get to try the W1000X and W10VTG this summer. And I was going to see if I could befriend someone in Japan for the W1000Xs. They're around $500 new there.
Oh, the $100 sale was for the older W1000 sans X.
Jan 2, 2011 at 3:17 AM Post #490 of 29,490
Hello everyone. My name is Christopher.  Just joined tonight and have been reading on here the last few nights till my eyes hurt. Great forum and information here.  I've been looking at getting a nice set of cans for awhile now. I had a gift certificate to Best buy so I went and got a set of Bose IE2's. Yes I know, the newbie dropped the "B" bomb! I promise it's the last time. Anyways I was not happy with them. I returned them and got a set of Sennheiser HD-428's. I was not happy with them at all seemed worse the the above mentioned.  I tried the HD-428's on my I phone (mp3) then hooked them up to my Pioneer HT receiver, then to my Adcom GTP-450 pre-amp. Source was a Denon DVD-3910. I tried regular CD's, HDCD's, SACD's and DVD-Audio's  with a very very wide range of music from T.I. and  Birdman (Rap) to Celine Dion to Stevie Ray Vaugn to Frank Sinatra, Frankie Vallie to Metallica, Coal Chamber and a few others. I now I did not break them in but I could not imagine it would help enough to make me keep them. They sounded to distorted and muddy. Bass was very poor, and seemed to really wreak havoc on the mids.  So I am going to sell my Adcom Pre amp and GFA-545MKII amp (I only use for 2 channel) to fund a amped headphone set up. I don't get to listen to my set up as is anymore. I'll get much more use out of headphones. Besides, my cat made Swiss cheese out of my Paradigm speakers!

So this is what I am looking for. 
Must be Closed ear as others will be in the same room.
I listen to all type of music besides country. So a well rounded headphone will do, does not have to be the best in any one area.
Budget for the phones would be in the $200 range.  Would like to buy new from an authorized dealer. 
Comfort is a big concern also.
High impedance load as they will be amped.
So far I was thinking the Beyerdynamic DT 770 in 600 ohm load. I would like the least amount of noise in the headphone. I won't use them anywhere but home. The amp I was looking at is "New G2 Class A 12AU7 Tube amp" made by Indeed. There are a few others on Ebay with the 6922, and 6N11 tubes. I like the idea of tinkering with the tubes. I think you guys call this "Tube Rolling"? My source will most of the time be the Denon 3910. 
Any thoughts on this combo? I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Thanks and Happy New Years!
Jan 2, 2011 at 3:29 AM Post #491 of 29,490
So I have been doing some research and decided to rank the phones from the ones I think I woud like most to those I would like the least.
BeyerDynamic T5P - a bit pricey, but I can get a good deal on them with the Stepdance I will be buyin in a few days. Still not sure about their sound sig for my music likings.
Sony MDR-Z1000 - was talking to someone in Z1000 thread and they said it was a more refined version of ESW10s so they go up in my ranking. The price is not bad either. Supposed to be very good for my music.

Audio Technica ESW10 - these used to be umber one on my list but are impossible to get nowadays
Ultrasone Ed8 - a bit pricey, removed from list.
I have to decide within 5 days and buy something.
Music I listen to:
Rock - 75%
Classical - 10%
Funk - 10%
Other - 5%
Jan 2, 2011 at 3:36 AM Post #492 of 29,490
Honestly, from an economical standpoint (strictly economical.), the T5P is probably your best bet since you can't try them all. It's 1100 for both right? You could probably sell the T5P for no actual loss if you don't like them. Otherwise, I don't think anyone's tried both. At least the people that look in here.

I'm interested in what you choose though. We have similar tastes.
Jan 2, 2011 at 3:57 AM Post #493 of 29,490

It's basically just a super upgraded version of the closed A700/A900 series with nicer wood cups. There wasn't anything wrong with the W1000x... but it goes for $800 off Audiocubes and somewhere around $500 for used ones. I simply don't feel that it's worth that much (though to be honest, my sense of diminishing returns slopes pretty hard above $300). If there were indeed a $100 deal at some point, oh heck yeah, but not at its current prices.

Ah...ick. I wasn't the biggest fan of those. Guess I'll have to try them before I commit to either. Well I'll get to try the W1000X and W10VTG this summer. And I was going to see if I could befriend someone in Japan for the W1000Xs. They're around $500 new there.
Oh, the $100 sale was for the older W1000 sans X.

Well I have a few friends in Japan over winter vacation but I'm sure they're back already. I go this summer though, so if you're willing to wait I might be able to hook you up.
Jan 2, 2011 at 4:30 AM Post #494 of 29,490
It's basically just a super upgraded version of the closed A700/A900 series with nicer wood cups. There wasn't anything wrong with the W1000x... but it goes for $800 off Audiocubes and somewhere around $500 for used ones. I simply don't feel that it's worth that much (though to be honest, my sense of diminishing returns slopes pretty hard above $300). If there were indeed a $100 deal at some point, oh heck yeah, but not at its current prices.

Ah...ick. I wasn't the biggest fan of those. Guess I'll have to try them before I commit to either. Well I'll get to try the W1000X and W10VTG this summer. And I was going to see if I could befriend someone in Japan for the W1000Xs. They're around $500 new there.
Oh, the $100 sale was for the older W1000 sans X.

Well I have a few friends in Japan over winter vacation but I'm sure they're back already. I go this summer though, so if you're willing to wait I might be able to hook you up.

Hah, that'd be great! But I don't think ill have enough money until September at the earliest... Plus the impatient part of me wants to get Sextetts and a.DT48 first. I think I can suppress that though. I'll let you know!! If only I could sell my Coppers...that'd bring me up to 80% of the money I need since I have a couple hundred saved up. Being a jobless kid sucks. If they go for significantly cheaper used, it'd be awesome. I really want to go to Japan. Yodobashi seems like my candy store.
Jan 2, 2011 at 4:49 AM Post #495 of 29,490
@wind I've wanted to try a pair of the 9s for the longest time, but Germania said her smeggipucks beat her modded ESW9s and she came up with a host of mods, which makes me think they'd just come and go if I bought a pair. But I really like the Wing system for comfort, so I'm trying to pick between a W5000/F5005, W1000x, and a W11JPN, like I've said. I'm basically looking for a complement for the Thunderpants clones I'm making, which is said to be on the laid back/slightly dark side. I know you've tried them, so think you can help? I'm aware if the former two's pickiness, but are the 11s picky? Wish I got in on that $100 W1000 deal.

From what I heard about the ESW9, they are probably not at the same level as the ESW10JPN, but still have a similar sound character.

I wish I got on that W1000 deal too haha, but during that time I had no idea how magical AT cans could be. Unfortunately, getting the W1000 wouldn't have meant you'll become a ATH woodiehead. Having the wrong amp could turn you off the whole ATH W line, but I don't want to digress from your question right now.
The W11JPN, on the other hand, is very easy to sound good IMO. It doesn't seem picky through amplification. Almost any solid state would be good and it sounds great through my Woo. The W11JPN can complement something dark I guess. It is rather warm/lush and vocals are forward/bright.

It's basically just a super upgraded version of the closed A700/A900 series with nicer wood cups. There wasn't anything wrong with the W1000x... but it goes for $800 off Audiocubes and somewhere around $500 for used ones. I simply don't feel that it's worth that much (though to be honest, my sense of diminishing returns slopes pretty hard above $300). If there were indeed a $100 deal at some point, oh heck yeah, but not at its current prices.

Ah...ick. I wasn't the biggest fan of those. Guess I'll have to try them before I commit to either. Well I'll get to try the W1000X and W10VTG this summer. And I was going to see if I could befriend someone in Japan for the W1000Xs. They're around $500 new there.
Oh, the $100 sale was for the older W1000 sans X.

"It's basically just a super upgraded version of the closed A700/A900 series with nicer wood cups."  I wouldn't describe the W1000X as anything like that at all. The W1000X IMO rival the Denon D7000s but with tamed highs and more balanced vocals. IMO, it is worth a premium over the D7000s. However, there is maybe the problem of whether the W1000X could fit your head properly. The design is similar to the W5000. The W5000s did not fit my head, but the W1000Xs did. That's not to say that would be the same for everyone though...  I really don't like the newly designed wing system. I prefer the ones on the discontinued ones like W11JPN and W1000.
You seem to be researching the ATH discontinued woodies if you're looking as far as the W10VTG...! I have been told that they are not as detailed as the W11JPN, but have a warmth and lush sound that the W11JPN doesn't have. I should also be getting certain discontinued rarities soon. I'm afraid to say what they are now because I don't have them physically yet. I hope they will trump what I have now for my needs...

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