++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jan 1, 2011 at 9:22 PM Post #466 of 29,490

Alright so I had a thread but had 2 replies, both of which did not help in the least so I'll try my luck here. Take into account I have just this day (so about 8 more hours) to decide as leave Cali in less than a week and need them shipped before hand. So the faster straight forward answers the better :D

So here goes:

I'm looking into buying some Beyerdynamic headphones (Heard soundstage was great, good bass without ruining other layers, and heard they're like clouds on your ears *shivers in delight*).
Problem is I only have amazon gift cards to use and the budget is set to $210. Now I was going to go for some DT880s or 990s until I realized they're in the 250-600ohm range.

That's where my problem arises. I do not plan on getting an amp (at least for a long while). Reasons being : I don't want to spend extra money (since Im at a set budget) and I do not want another device to have to manage.

Now this may not be TOO big of a problem as long as my source is powerful enough. Well it's not. This is going to be cans for my itouch4 and my itouch4 alone. So it will be mobile. Size isn't a problem (I like big phones imo). 

After searching and searching I found that the DT770/32ohm premium is more or less what I'm looking for. Thing is I've heard mixed things about them in terms of needing an amp and not. 

As I'm going to be in public the pair needs to be closed, which narrows the options significantly. Also needs to be driven by my itouch, which narrows it even more. 

So can anyone give me a pretty straight answer? Will I be satisfied with the DT770/32 without an amp? I've looked into ATH M50's, KG271, Senn's 555s (and others) but cant stress enough that I want the oh so delicious comfortability of the beyers ear pads (and sweet soundstage, though Im sure aren't the BEST).

But if you think I will be disappointed with them, is there a pair that will fit my need (either of the listed or of something I did not list) ?

I listen to a broad range of genres but mostly progressive house, club, dubstep, metal, some pop, old school rap. If this helps.

Edit**: Forgot to mention that I am looking for full sized (obviously) around the ear circum phones. Closed back of course (unless you know of an open back that has minimal leakage)

ATH-M50 with Shure 840 pads are amazing with great soundstage and comfort that rivals Beyer IMO.  The DT-770 32 is a great can (only the 600 ohm has a sonic difference).  I am not sure they will provide enough unamped.

Do the pads need modifications? Or is it a take off slip on type deal?

And like I said, I want to stick with the Beyers (Im an audiotech head and want to stray away from the brand until I go back to Japan this summer). And Im more of soundstage then bass (which I heard the M50 having more of? Correct me if Im wrong)

edit**Looking at other phones in the mean time as to not waste any time and stumbled across the Sennheiser HD595.

How are these compared? Unamped of course.

As it stands my ranking (from wanted to plan B plan C) is



Jan 1, 2011 at 9:25 PM Post #467 of 29,490
The shure 840 pads replace the stock ones.  They are slightly loose, but fit and won't fall off.  They expand the soundstage and lessen the bass.
If you are big on soundstage, why not go for HD555?  They are cheap, have good bass and when you do get an amp they will really shine.  Also, with the money you save you can buy an E7.
Jan 1, 2011 at 9:30 PM Post #468 of 29,490

The shure 840 pads replace the stock ones.  They are slightly loose, but fit and won't fall off.  They expand the soundstage and lessen the bass.
If you are big on soundstage, why not go for HD555?  They are cheap, have good bass and when you do get an amp they will really shine.  Also, with the money you save you can buy an E7.

Like I said, I just don't like the thought of having to manage another device (as this is going to be an outdoor headphone). I may invest in an amp down the line buy for right now I just want some nice soundstaged, bassed, comfortable pair. Around ear of course.

Though the less I spend, the better my chances at buying a nice set of speakers for my comp for home use. But rather get a good pair of phones. And as it stands I have my eyes set on the DT770/32. Just my ears are not as set as my eyes are (as I have not heard them unamped, which would make this so much easier)
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:05 PM Post #470 of 29,490

If you are thinking of the m50 or the beyers. You should also look to the dbipro 700 or 705

Sorry but my only source for the headphones are from Amazon, and they don't have any dbi s sadly.

Ok now I still want to know if the DT770/32 will be a good deal without amp (Ive got one vote so far and really just need one more person to make it set in stone).

But in the mean time Id like to ask about the HD 595. I understand that it is Open which isn't something Im fond of (as Im going to be using it outside a lot I dont want to disturb anyone nor have the outside, well, disturb me.

Are they that bad in terms of leakage? I like the fact that they are velour. And because I live in Hawaii where it's hot through and through it would really help to stray away from leather pads like the M50. 

At this point my lineup is like this:

Option A: DT770/32

Option B [Tied]: HD595 (Velour and great reviews) or M50 (Closed space and great reviews)
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:12 PM Post #471 of 29,490
Idk.... I don't see how this thread will work out. Often times people have very specific needs and when a bunch of people are posting their questions in the same exact spot as them they'll get ignored and the whole thing will just override itself.
More specifically, I think this area should be for answering questions about quality headphones in a certain price range that they are looking for, giving them info about the highlighted products, and then allowing them to make a new thread for any specific needs or questions comparing them/asking more personal usage questions.
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:34 PM Post #473 of 29,490
Ok another option if those beyers seem like they arent enough without an amp.

Shure SHR840.

Dont know why I havent stumbled on these before.

Hows this in terms of comfortability, soundstage, and bass?

Does it compare to that of the DT770? Of course un amped. And what I mean is, is the DT770 comfortability too great to even consider these as comfortable?
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:34 PM Post #474 of 29,490
It's better than nothing and people have been helped here. Unfortunately all the questions can't be addressed, but if you've been following what's been posted here you'll notice a common thread in the questions and answers being posed. Sure people have specific needs, but they still need to weigh those things up for themselves against the general advice we can only give.
Part of the reason that some questions are not answered is because of the unspoken rule here to NOT comment on gear you've not heard. Unfortunately this thread hasn't attracted other active members, who seem to be happy to regurgitate the same responses in the hundreds of clone threads that pop up here daily.
I haven't been a member for long but I was a lurker for some time before that. Even in my short time here these forums have degenerated into a spam infested mess. Most other discussions are quickly drowned out and It's not surprising to me that the more knowledgeable and interesting members whose posts I valued when I first found this site are no longer around.
Idk.... I don't see how this thread will work out. Often times people have very specific needs and when a bunch of people are posting their questions in the same exact spot as them they'll get ignored and the whole thing will just override itself.
More specifically, I think this area should be for answering questions about quality headphones in a certain price range that they are looking for, giving them info about the highlighted products, and then allowing them to make a new thread for any specific needs or questions comparing them/asking more personal usage questions.

Jan 1, 2011 at 10:48 PM Post #475 of 29,490

It's better than nothing and people have been helped here. Unfortunately all the questions can't be addressed, but if you've been following what's been posted here you'll notice a common thread in the questions and answers being posed. Sure people have specific needs, but they still need to weigh those things up for themselves against the general advice we can only give.
Part of the reason that some questions are not answered is because of the unspoken rule here to NOT comment on gear you've not heard. Unfortunately this thread hasn't attracted other active members, who seem to be happy to regurgitate the same responses in the hundreds of clone threads that pop up here daily.
I haven't been a member for long but I was a lurker for some time before that. Even in my short time here these forums have degenerated into a spam infested mess. Most other discussions are quickly drowned out and It's not surprising to me that the more knowledgeable and interesting members whose posts I valued when I first found this site are no longer around.
Idk.... I don't see how this thread will work out. Often times people have very specific needs and when a bunch of people are posting their questions in the same exact spot as them they'll get ignored and the whole thing will just override itself.
More specifically, I think this area should be for answering questions about quality headphones in a certain price range that they are looking for, giving them info about the highlighted products, and then allowing them to make a new thread for any specific needs or questions comparing them/asking more personal usage questions.

I think this thread was a good idea, and was at least well intended. I'm by no means a vet here or a long time member, but even I had to take a little hiatus from these forums. When I joined in the summer, there were quite  a few quality threads going where people discussed in great detail various popular headphones. I found these discussions very helpful and engaging as the people around at the time were knowledgeable and friendly. Now, the headphones forum has degenerated to endless "Wut r I by 4 $100" threads. No one uses the search anymore and even extremely popular headphones such as the M50 and HD650 have new threads about them popping up everyday, asking the same tired out questions. I just got really tired of it all, and took a break break.
Now that I just popped back in, I see that things are mostly the same, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one tired of all the same questions. This thread is a good idea, but like traffic laws, everyone needs to participate for it work.
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:59 PM Post #476 of 29,490
And those, like me, who havent much experience in this department benefit greatly from this type of thread so i welcome and thank all that help us with our problems :D

Also would like to add that I did use the search. And its hard finding someone that listens and wants the same thing out of phones/cans as I do. And lookig at the same comparisons too. So sorry in advance if I ask the same old type of question you've seen time and time again. If you know of a thread with my similar problem then please show me the way :wink:
Jan 1, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #477 of 29,490
@ kingtz - I've been incredibly disappointed with the lack of support from other members, who encourage the clone threads by responding, instead of imparting their wisdom here. I'd post more, but my experience with other headphones is limited. Armaegis is doing a mighty job, but he's like Sisyphus rolling that boulder to the summit only to watch it roll back down (one for the Existentialists out there).
Jan 1, 2011 at 11:22 PM Post #478 of 29,490

@ kingtz - I've been incredibly disappointed with the lack of support from other members, who encourage the clone threads by responding, instead of imparting their wisdom here. I'd post more, but my experience with other headphones is limited. Armaegis is doing a mighty job, but he's like Sisyphus rolling that boulder to the summit only to watch it roll back down (one for the Existentialists out there).

I'd post more here, but the sub $200 headphones usually recommended here have never really interested me (Look at the M50, Shures, and 90% of the rest. The V shaped curve disgusts me most of the time.) and therefore only have demo'd them from people I know who bought them or nice stores.
Jan 1, 2011 at 11:59 PM Post #479 of 29,490
It seems many sub-$200 headphones that are decent tended to have a V-shaped FR. Even with Audio Technica which tends to be mid-rich, their cheap A-series offerings and ES7 are V shaped...
Do you have any headphones in mind? I can think of the ESW9A, but I've never tried it. I only had the ESW10JPN...
I'd post more here, but the sub $200 headphones usually recommended here have never really interested me (Look at the M50, Shures, and 90% of the rest. The V shaped curve disgusts me most of the time.) and therefore only have demo'd them from people I know who bought them or nice stores.


I think this thread was a good idea, and was at least well intended. I'm by no means a vet here or a long time member, but even I had to take a little hiatus from these forums. When I joined in the summer, there were quite  a few quality threads going where people discussed in great detail various popular headphones. I found these discussions very helpful and engaging as the people around at the time were knowledgeable and friendly. Now, the headphones forum has degenerated to endless "Wut r I by 4 $100" threads. No one uses the search anymore and even extremely popular headphones such as the M50 and HD650 have new threads about them popping up everyday, asking the same tired out questions. I just got really tired of it all, and took a break break.
Now that I just popped back in, I see that things are mostly the same, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one tired of all the same questions. This thread is a good idea, but like traffic laws, everyone needs to participate for it work.

I've been intensely tired of those threads too. I guess it means this site has become incredibly popular though or newbies are just following what everyone else is doing. I've been slowing down posting too because the questions are exactly the same. This is great thread. I just pop in and out sometimes into one thread rather than look at a page half filled with advice threads.
Jan 2, 2011 at 12:28 AM Post #480 of 29,490
What about AKG 271 is it? or I think its Beyer DT-251?  Not sure.  The main thing about the DT-770 is can they be loud enough without an amp?  Other than that, they are a great can!

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