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  1. ohnjee

    Moon Audio Reviews

    I asked so many works such as the repair the recabled headphone("Not Moon Audio version"), change the recabling from single-ended to Balanced version. They always give me the best works. Of course they are so satisfied to me. Drew, thank you for your works.
  2. ohnjee

    The secret of Westone 3!

    If you cannot access this webpage. Please use the google translator. The original page address is Golden Ears 리뷰 - Westone 3 (UM3), ì´ì–´í° 리뷰 – ìŒì§ˆíŽ¸
  3. ohnjee

    The secret of Westone 3!

    I don't know whether this information is opened or not. But it will be so helpful to many head-fiers. I'm so surprised to the graph of Westone 3. I link the webpage translated to English. (The original thread came from Korea.) Google ¹ø¿ª
  4. ohnjee

    Frequency graph:HD800 vs Q010

    Omoshiroi! Then can you find the frequency graph of HD600 compared to HD650,800? Thank you for your works!
  5. ohnjee

    Please recommend CD player for my setup

    How about using Wadia 581? It can give you solid sound. Or Accuphase DP-85? It contains so mild and sweety sound^^
  6. ohnjee

    AT-DHA3000 vs. other high-end SS amps for L3000s

    How about using AT-HA2002 or AT-HA5000? As you said, AT-DHA3000 offers digital output only. So, it is so limitied to use.
  7. ohnjee

    The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review

    I saw the used HD800 in this market. Is it sold? There are so many good reviews about HD800. Though having HD650,600,580, I want to buy additional Sennheiser!
  8. ohnjee

    The Grado HF2--It's For Real

    Is there Head-fier to order additional service? (e.g. XLR terminted service) If yes, how much do I pay additional fee?
  9. ohnjee

    GRADO PS1 received. holy cow!!!

    How is PS-1 compare to PS-1000? Since the unit size of 1000 is bigger than 1, the range of sound seems to be bigger. I'm so concerned about them.
  10. ohnjee

    The Grado HF2--It's For Real

    Beautiful! How is the sound of HF-2 terminated XLR?
  11. ohnjee

    The Grado HF2--It's For Real

    Still my order said that shipping will be on mid-June. Tomorrow is 15,June, but when is the mid-June?^^; I'm so waiting it now.
  12. ohnjee

    The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review

    Which is the better between HD800 and PS-1000? I'm so concerned about those.
  13. ohnjee

    Balanced blockhead problem ...single ended source

    Please rewire your headphone^^
  14. ohnjee

    Balanced phones (and source): really worth it?

    But, Balanced seems to be much expensive
  15. ohnjee

    New Balanced SS Amplifier by RudiStor (NX-33)

    Blockhead is better than NX-33 wrt the price^^
  16. ohnjee

    Balanced DAC or Balanced Amp

    Blanced DAC means DAC with XLR input/output,right?
  17. ohnjee

    Grado PS1000 Preorder and new developments

    Then the PS1000 balanced recabled Black dragon 10ft will be $1870, right? And is it shipped price?
  18. ohnjee

    *Confirmed* Grado PS1000 is coming!

    Its price range seems to be similar to PS1. Because PS1 was 1400Euro. Good!
  19. ohnjee

    NEW Grado PS 1000 headphones!!!

    Is this price shipped?
  20. ohnjee

    Ordered HD800/PS1000 // Interest in HD800/PS1000 // Wait and see

    I'll prefer to PS1000! Grado forever!
  21. ohnjee

    Cary Audio Xciter - Integrated Amp / Headphone Amp

    Are they combined? If yes, it is similar to the type of Grace 901 or 902.
  22. ohnjee

    Shure SCL3 noise isolating in-ear headphones (White) $59, SCL4 (White) $79

    How is going that good deal? I cannot buy Scl4 to $79. The deal seems to be expired.
  23. ohnjee

    HD600 vs. HD650

    I prefer HD600 to HD650 because of the depth of bass.