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  1. C

    Review: AudioCats-modded Stax SR-001 MkII, vs Stock SR-001 and SRM-313/SR-003

    [Note: this is just the first draft. There will be refinements and modifications as time goes on. If only I wasn't so strapped for time I'd put up the final thing, but I've delayed it long enough as it is. In particular, I thought the listening impressions may have been a little too compressed...
  2. C

    Best engine sound - for all you car nuts

    Right, let's get down to it. What's the best sounding engine you've ever heard? Doesn't have to be in person. My favorite is the Mazda 787B. Just can't believe the fierce howl of a 4-rotor at full tilt. YouTube - Mazda 787B at Mazda Miyoshi prooving ground (2) The BRM V16 comes to mind...
  3. C

    Sports car advice: Rx-8 or 350Z (used, 14-18k to spend)?

    I'm in the market for a used sports car, and I would like to hear some advice. I'm not an experienced car buyer and am only beginning to become an automotive enthusiast. Half a year ago I almost talked myself into buying an S2000, helped by some excellent advice here, but I managed to come to my...
  4. C

    Has anyone here heard the new Sony PFR-V1? - Sony PFR-V1 Personal Field Speakers - PFR-V1 - It's too much dough to bite into without a sampler first so I am curious. Reviews gleaned from not-quite-translated Japanese sites haven't really been helpful, except in finding new and exciting ways to mangle the English...
  5. C

    Finally warming up to the K340

    Well, it took some time and a bit of tweaking, but I finally got my pair to sound pretty much the way that I wanted to. At first, I complained about an excessively bright treble and a channel imbalance whereby the left driver would produce more bass than the right. It was suggested that the...
  6. C

    Nicholas Gunn - Breathe (this is a STUNNING album... seriously!)

    A friend of mine mentioned this when I asked for more flutey new age meandering albums that I like to sometimes space out to (i.e. Ron Allen). I didn't listen to it for weeks, even though it was in my possession, and, oh my... I was sitting on a gold mine and didn't even know it. This is one...
  7. C

    Honda S2000 reliability

    I've gathered that there are quite a few S2000 owners on head-fi. So, here's the deal: I've got about $18k to spend on an S2000, which means a '01 with about 50k on the clock. That's not the newest car out there, and 50k in a sports car = 100k everywhere else. So, I'm wondering, if anyone has an...
  8. C

    Driving the TakeT H2

    I'm definitely very interested in getting these, but they will necessitate a full revamp of my system, starting with an amp that can actually drive them. I plan on using them with the TR2 transformer box, which means that I need some sort of speaker amp. I've heard that the TR2 can't be used...
  9. C

    What is your favorite sound signature (i.e. what kind of sound are you really after?)

    I think this might be a useful discussion. We all talk about our favorite headphones, but because we all hear in different ways we have rather different takes on them. So, let's take headphones out of the picture for a second and see what we're really after in a system. Then, we can put them...
  10. C

    K340s are not what I expected (brief first impressions)

    Right, so I got a pair of K340s in the mail. Having read up on them extensively, I was led to expect certain things from their sound, and so far I'm not hearing them. I was expecting a very full sound with strong bass, lush mids, and a somewhat recessed treble, together with good drive and...
  11. C

    Outworld is coming!

    So, is anyone else psyched about Rusty Cooley's new band, and the impending release of their debut album, or am I the only one? Tasty music bits here: (check out the downloads section) (Rusty's solo stuff as...
  12. C

    S2000 and MR2 Spyder owners - how has your experience been?

    Yeah, it's new car time again. Well, not exactly. Next spring will be, though. I'm at the point where I'm old enough to actually have a sports car and not pay through the nose for insurance, but young enough and immature enough to still want one. I've got it more or less narrowed down to...
  13. C

    Unamped, battery-powered, durable, good sounding portable solution...?

    OK, here's the deal: I'm leaving for 4 weeks and I'll be away from civilization. Completely. I need to take some music with me to keep me sane, and I need a system that I can get through Chinese and Indonesian customs, and more importantly, one that won't be confiscated on the way back...
  14. C

    Let's talk Psytrance and Goa...

    OK, so I love psy/goa of all sorts and sizes, but I don't actually have a good psy/goa collection. I guess going to trance parties and festivals for about 5 years now didn't actually motivate me to get anything on hardcopy (mp3 doesn't count). So, I figured I'd ask what you psyheads think are...
  15. C

    SR-404 owners: what do you have in your system?

    I want to give the SR-404 one last fair chance before either going dynamic or getting the SR-007. I really like the SR-404 in many ways, but it's peaky upper midrange and general lack of bass and impact are fairly major turn-offs for me. But, just today, I plugged the SRM-313 straight into the...
  16. C

    Any Laser Tag players here?

    Figure it's worth a shot. So few people play laser-tag as anything more than a kiddie birthday game, and fewer still are aware that there is a tourney scene, that I figure - what the heck. If we're marginal enough to be interested in >$1k headphones, maybe we'll have a few laser tag players as...
  17. C

    How would you build a rig around this sound signature (details inside) for ~$2-3k?

    Don't you hate it when your tastes in gear do a 180 and the rig you carefully and painstakingly built simply doesn't cut it anymore? I've been seduced by the dark side, I admit it. I love the HD600 in ways a man shouldn't love his headphones, and the fast/bright/analytical sound simply hurts...
  18. C

    Getting rid of the noise in the Kenwood HD20GA7

    If you remember some of the HD20GA7 debates, my opinion was that the player is excellent, but is hurt substantially by the unacceptable amounts of hiss when paired with more sensitive IEMs. I'm currently working on the various ways in which to rid myself of the HD20GA7's hiss. So far, what...
  19. C

    Need a decent tripod ($200-300)

    Can anyone recommend a good tripod in the $200-300 range? I don't really need carbon fiber as the weight is not an issue. Stability, however, is definitely an issue, since I'm using the Canon 70-200L variant that doesn't have IS (camera is the 20D). I was looking at some of the higher-end...
  20. C

    Thinking about moving up to the SR-007 from the SR-404...?, I'm ready to spend big bucks. I have no idea where I'll get them from, but that's another story I'm not in a rush to do this, though, so it's all good. *** So, to those that have made the SR-404 to the SR-007 jump - is the SR-007 what I want? I'd like to hear some of your...
  21. C

    Reducing hiss with sensitive canalphones? (ES2)

    I'm using the Westone ES2 with the Kenwood HD20GA7 player as a portable rig. The combo would sound really good, if not for one, to my ears, crippling flaw: the background hiss. The HD20GA7 hisses. A LOT! It's completely inaudible with full-size headphones like the Grado SR-60, and it's not a...
  22. C

    The New World (movie) - what did you think?

    This seems to be the type of film that is going to polarize audiences everywhere. Invariably, one side will call it boring and self indulgent, while the other will praise it's artistic merits, and insinuate that those that didn't like it simply don't have the capacity to appreciate artistic...
  23. C

    X-box, PS2, and Gamecube emulators (with a note to the mods inside)

    ...if discussing emulators on head-fi is legal. If I'm doing something wrong, please delete the thread and everything to do with it. I can certainly *see* how this will step on some toes, even if I don't agree with it, and I don't want to get head-fi into trouble. I didn't see anything about...
  24. C

    Vintage Diskman Repair (D311)

    My newly-aquired D311 has decided to call it quits. It worked beautifully for two days and then last night it has kicked the metaphorical bucket. I have no clue what's wrong. It will not spin disks most of the time, and when it does, it will play for about 10 seconds, then I hear static, then it...
  25. C

    Clean (noise-free) portable amps with variable gain?

    Hey guys. I need some suggestions. I guess I'm being lazy, since if I search for 5 hours I'll probably find what I need. But, oh so much work to do I just don't have the time. I need a good portable amp that doesn't have any background hiss. I just got the ES2, and it has even more of a...