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  1. taymat

    Dave Grohl and Foo Fighters.

    Dave Grohl is certainly extremely talented but I think that the last two Foo Fighter albums are over-rated. I just don't like them, the best Foo Fighters albums IMO are the first self-titled one, and the 'Colour and the Shape'. I think both are more creative and inspiring than later albums...
  2. taymat

    Neil Young-Cortez the Killer

    I'm listening to this song right now and I love it, I just love it. Why it's not on a best of I got a while ago I have no idea, because it's up there with 'Stairway to Heaven' for an epic song that is just brilliant. If you like soft rock and haven't heard this song, listen to it please. That's...
  3. taymat

    Can I say how BAD ASS Led Zeppelin is?

    Quote: Originally Posted by asmox I've never been able to get into Led Zeppelin. Everything I've ever heard from them just ended up annoying me (Plant, in particular) and leading me towards the belief that they are one of the most over-rated and over-hyped bands ever.. right...
  4. taymat

    Favorite Bloc Party Song?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Blainethepain Bloc Party have turned out to be a very interesting band & I love all the tracks I have heard The best I can do is: Top 5 in no particular order: Like Eating Glass Helicopter This Modern Love She's Hearing Voices Positive Tension...
  5. taymat

    £120 to spend on Headphones for Uni

    Un-amped out of a sound card, with your budget and taste in music, I don't think you can go wrong with the hd595. Unless you love boosted bass and an 'in your face' musical presentation, in which case you might like a Grado. If you decide to get a 595 I'd recommend you get it from ebay...
  6. taymat

    "Hard-Fi" the band?

    I don't think Hard-Fi write songs for any reason other than money. I watched them on TV, I think when they were just about to release their album, and from an interview with the singer I got the impression that basically they don't want to be unique or creative, they'll just do whatever sells...
  7. taymat

    Headphones That can handle Congested music

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigshot Your problem probably isn't the cans, it's the recordings. The music you are listening to is likely very compressed. Compression is designed to make music sound good on low end equipment. You might try inexpensive portable headphones. Better headphones...
  8. taymat

    Getting AKG K701 from US to UK

    Try to get them here:
  9. taymat

    Ooops... Bit Rates and Headphones

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab Yeah, I know, but the article was written by someone who does not work at Stereophile, and it's pretty scientific. That doesn't mean he wasn't paid by Sterophile, or that it's fact because it includes science.
  10. taymat

    Has anyone tried the 50 Ohm version Sennheiser hd595?

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheSloth According to Sennheiser, there was some improvement made to the voice coil (a change in material I believe) that went along with the switch to 50ohm. I believe that the 50ohm model is at least as good as the 120ohm, and may actually be slightly better...
  11. taymat

    bass, middle and treble

    From 20hz-250hz is bass, from 250hz to 6000hz is midrange, and from 6000hz-20,000hz is treble. However most genres of music, other than jazz or classical, won't contain any meaningful frequencies below about 40hz and above 16khz. Of course it depends on your ears as to how well you can hear the...
  12. taymat

    Best "chillout" albums?

    Great electronic chillout albums in my collection: Air-Talkie Walkie Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works 85-92/2 Boards of Canada-Music has the right to children There are tons of great classical chillout songs as well but prepared piano is my new favourite chillout sound. On the Aphex Twin...
  13. taymat

    Ooops... Bit Rates and Headphones

    Unlike many here I don't think 128kb/s is un-listenable, it's ok when there's nothing better available. There's a loss of detail when it's compared to lossless on audiophile equipment though, so I'd say re-rip to at least alt preset standard/192kb/s using LAME, when you have the time.
  14. taymat

    SR60 or 595?

    I'd say go for the hd595 over the sr-60, unless you only listen to rock music. Even then you might prefer the 595 it's a good all-round headphone.
  15. taymat

    How does Beyer DT 990 compare to Ultrasone Pro 2500?

    The Ultrasone Pro 2500 is an awful headphone, the dt990 will be much better.
  16. taymat

    Naked HD650's -- HOLY SHEEAT! better. Why Sennheiser didn't think of a thinner foam to remove the veil I don't know, stupid sennheiser. I mean before you even start everyone *knows* the de-foaming will make a difference to the treble, and you concentrate on that massive difference when next listen. Every change in...
  17. taymat

    Best way to burn-in headphones?

    Quote: Originally Posted by JohnFerrier The best way to "burn-in" headphones is to just use them as you normally do. You will become accustomed to how they sound and, at the same time, they will "burn-in". Don't take my word for it though, try things yourself. JF I also agree...
  18. taymat

    The Primo/Grado connection

    Quote: Originally Posted by hugz Certainly looks similar.. But not so flattering (or flat).. maybe i'm barking up the wrong tree If you look here: you'll notice there are so many similarities in the frequency...
  19. taymat

    Why cant I get into Dream Theater?

    Nearly all the bands I don't like that I'm told I should do are mentioned in one thread. Seems I'm not alone when it comes to: The Mars Volta, Dream Theater, Radiohead, but the Paranoid Android album is ok, and Rush There are plenty of other acclaimed bands I don't like as well, so you're...
  20. taymat

    Do you EQ you headphone?

    Quote: Originally Posted by fewtch What about this weak link: poor recordings . P.S. I don't EQ, but if I listened to more rock, pop, techno, rap and other studio music, I would be mighty tempted. This is true, I find all the time that I'd like a certain album to have a bit...
  21. taymat

    "The Stereo Trading Outlet" on Audiogon...Has anyone ordered from them before?

    I have and the prices are good as you say. They're also helpful if you have a problem.
  22. taymat

    Gold plugs v.s. Silver plugs, Difference?

    Off the top of my head Gold plated plugs are generally used for consumer products, because they resist oxidation better than any other metal and consumers percieve gold-plated connectors to be better. Nickel plated plugs are generally used for professional products because it is a harder metal...
  23. taymat

    So I have my Sennheisers for the classical and mellow, time for a rock set.

    If you aren't happy with the 595's presentation for modern rock music you will eventually get bored with them I think. So don't bother with the sr-225, and return the hd595 to get an rs-1. They are so much better than the 325 with the bowls reversed. Smoother, bassier, warmer, darker they're...
  24. taymat

    Songs that make your headphone WOOOOOW!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by cheechoz You have to listen to: Rage Against The Machine, the first album!!!! For rock I agree and, no arguments please, this is THE finest debut album ever, the songs, political message and sound quality are great. I defy anyone not to like it, it's...
  25. taymat

    Senn HD595, will they work well with my Cmoy?

    The Sennheiser hd595 50ohm is the easiest headphone to drive that I've owned. Even a cmoy is more than it needs, and you'll have no problems driving it.