Why cant I get into Dream Theater?
Nov 23, 2005 at 2:01 AM Post #16 of 44
I'm in the same boat, except that I dislike BOTH DT and Radiohead. Could be that I'm still acclimating from the top 40 pop crap I've been subjected to, but I still find myself gravitating to "popish" rock stuff like Muse and Coldplay.
Nov 23, 2005 at 2:14 AM Post #17 of 44
Nearly all the bands I don't like that I'm told I should do are mentioned in one thread. Seems I'm not alone when it comes to:
The Mars Volta,
Dream Theater,
Radiohead, but the Paranoid Android album is ok,
and Rush
There are plenty of other acclaimed bands I don't like as well, so you're not alone and are entitled to your opinion.

Edit: Dulath it is ok to like Muse and Coldplay, they are given my seal of approval! I've got most of their albums and I mostly hate the top 40, except for the few gems like them that turn up every so often.
Nov 23, 2005 at 2:24 AM Post #18 of 44
I dont like any of the bands mentioned in the above post, and I dont care either :p
Nov 23, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #19 of 44

Originally Posted by dulath
I'm in the same boat, except that I dislike BOTH DT and Radiohead. Could be that I'm still acclimating from the top 40 pop crap I've been subjected to, but I still find myself gravitating to "popish" rock stuff like Muse and Coldplay.

That may be b/c these bands are more immediately accessible.
Im 30 yrs. old, have over 1000 cds in my collection, listen to everything from Ministry to Chopin and only very recently learned how to truly listen to music.
I actaully prefer more layered/complex music, but i know going into it-that majority of the time, I will not like it/get it for the first number of listens. Therefore, I always really try and force feed myself with the music before I pass judgement, especially if alot of people like it and I cant get it.
This happened with me with Mars and some earlier Radiohead as well. IMO, persistance really paid off. It literally took me 7 yrs to get into Ministry's "Filth Pig"-now its one of my faves.
I find if its more immediately accessible, the sooner ill get bored of it. Coldplay is ggod music, but it bores me to death. Dont know Muse-have heard good things though-and have heard that they have more complex music...
As far as DT goes...I actually really appreciate theyre progreassive sound and musicianship. Its just theres this cheesy/corny undertone that I cant shake!
Alot of the songs are no doubt brilliantly written and played; the song is going well, im getting into it-fabulous drumming, synth, beautiful piano play-and then comes one Pantera/Megadeath/Anthrax early 90's/im wearing a flannel shirt with Doc Martens-riff-and the vibe just gets killed.
Its really annoying cuz I feel like its such a waste.
Nov 23, 2005 at 2:28 AM Post #20 of 44

Originally Posted by Enverxis
I dont like any of the bands mentioned in the above post, and I dont care either :p

What a brilliant post.
Thanx for the contribution.
Nov 23, 2005 at 2:35 AM Post #22 of 44

Originally Posted by CookieFactory
7 years?! lol Mozart would enjoy Britney Spears in that amount of time!

I know...obviously didnt listen straight-
but tried and tried and one day, bout a year ago, it clicked.
Now I think its one of their best.
Nov 23, 2005 at 3:27 AM Post #23 of 44
Dream Theater is best approached with the most open mind possible. Start off with 1928 Overature from SFAM, this is the song I heard first, and it absolutely blew me away. Ignore the "metal" apsect of it and listen to the music itself. SFAM absolutely blew me away and still does today.

And LTE is a really awesome instrumental Dream Theater, be sure to check them out as some of their stuff can really get you going in a way DT doesn't.
Nov 23, 2005 at 3:37 AM Post #25 of 44
Just keep listening, try to ignore the parts you dont like at first. Then when you start getting more into the music hopefully you can learn to appreciate the parts you don't like. If you really can't get into it, though, just stop trying. Listening to music you don't like over and over is just wasting your time if you think you'll never be able to get into it.
Nov 23, 2005 at 3:39 AM Post #26 of 44

Originally Posted by dulath

Scenes from A Memory

I like all the song, but Overture 1928 is a good start. But now I can't resist Dance of Eternity due to all the time changes.
Nov 23, 2005 at 3:55 AM Post #27 of 44

Originally Posted by kwitel
Ive tried, hard.
So mant people love these guys around here-Im just not feeling it.

Move on, don't waste any more time. It's not worth it.

Tunes that go nowhere and a singer with no personality whatsoever.

The best thing they did was a cover of Iron Maiden's NUMBER OF THE BEAST album. And that's because they didn't write it!

Nov 23, 2005 at 5:00 AM Post #28 of 44

Originally Posted by kwitel
Ive tried, hard.

don't try to love music.

beyond the appeal of technical mastery, music also has aesthetic value. if you don't like the sound that's coming out of your speakers, no amount of virtuosity is likely to change your mind.

if, after repeated listens, you still don't like it.. move on to something else. there's plenty of life beyond DT.
Nov 23, 2005 at 6:17 AM Post #29 of 44

Originally Posted by kwitel
What a brilliant post.
Thanx for the contribution.

I dont know how you took that post of mine, but what I was trying to say was, who cares if others like it ,you know, if you cant get into it thats fine it doesnt make you any less of a music lover. Go exploring, think out of the box a bit, and you'll find some great music on your own.
Nov 23, 2005 at 6:21 AM Post #30 of 44
Dont sweat it...

My brother doesn't care for them either and he's a big Rush/Primus fan too, and a drummer. I for one can't get into pink floyd.... just doesn't do anything for me.

Part of their fundamental sound is metal... metallica / pantera... heavy palm muted chunky power chord based riffs. If you find that cheezy, DT is not for you.

Its all personal preference... Can't fault anyone for that really.


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