Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Mar 26, 2015 at 4:15 PM Post #33,226 of 42,332
If you don't want to worry about ever having to repair anything go get a cheap disposable solid-state amp. :) Tube amps are more susceptible to damage because tubes themselves can fail at any time in any possible way. But on the upside amps like Woos are relatively simple to repair, as Tony has demonstrated. Even in 50 years there will be audio repairman around who will still be able to fix these types of amps using commonly-available parts.

I could have done it myself with a soldering iron, some parts, and some knowledge. I was lacking all 3 - so got someone who knows what they are doing to do it

What happened to me (2 burst caps) was very unfortunate and most folks will operate a Woo amp for years and years and never have that sort of problem. Just bad luck (and a very bad valve).
Mar 26, 2015 at 6:14 PM Post #33,227 of 42,332
  Well, my Tung Sol 5998 for my Wa3 arrived inexplicably quickly. Listening now, I'll post full impressions in a few hours.


  Cheers! I've got some Telefunken Black Diamond E88CCs on the way, but they'll be a good 2 weeks.
Initial impression is a much improved bass response, we'll see what happens after two days or so of burn in.

Boo-yah! You will be thrilled with that combination of power and drivers.
Congrats on your new glass and make sure you let them really warm up, before forming your impressions (an hour).
Mar 26, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #33,228 of 42,332
Need some advise guys. I'm not sure if this pic will show up well.

I have secured enough 6F type tubes to last my lifetime (31). However some of these have corrosion on the top pins.
What will be the best way to store these without more corrosion?
I was thinking of cleaning them all and then coating with a little machine oil and then replacing in the box. The oil can be removed when I'm ready to use. Would that be okay?
Mar 26, 2015 at 6:51 PM Post #33,229 of 42,332
Prototype #2 on our upcoming WA8 'TransPortable' DAC/amp.  :)

Pretty wow looking! Is this unit going to compete with the Chord Hugo, and where do you think it will fall in the pantheon of amp/DAC's out there?
Mar 26, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #33,230 of 42,332
  Need some advise guys. I'm not sure if this pic will show up well.

I have secured enough 6F type tubes to last my lifetime (31). However some of these have corrosion on the top pins.
What will be the best way to store these without more corrosion?
I was thinking of cleaning them all and then coating with a little machine oil and then replacing in the box. The oil can be removed when I'm ready to use. Would that be okay?

I would consider something like a gel, because the oil can run, drip, evaporate (over time); modern protective gels are more resistant to that and will not dry out. I'm not a chemist, but I found this link:
Curious to read recommendations from others.
Mar 26, 2015 at 7:06 PM Post #33,231 of 42,332
I have secured enough 6F type tubes to last my lifetime (31). 

It's a sickness, isn't it?
I just received another pair of WE 421a from the postman - now I have 5 total, plus a pile of other tubes. Using only the Westys, assuming each will last for 5,000 hours, assuming 20 hours of Head-Fi per week (which is maybe low, right now) and even using them in pairs in my future WA2, I will have 10 years of tube goodness (or 50 years in a single installation with the WA3).
Ten years seems like a long time... I will probably be deaf by then, anyway, and I can just go back to using my smart phone's output with ear buds 

Mar 26, 2015 at 7:18 PM Post #33,232 of 42,332
  Need some advise guys. I'm not sure if this pic will show up well.

I have secured enough 6F type tubes to last my lifetime (31). However some of these have corrosion on the top pins.
What will be the best way to store these without more corrosion?
I was thinking of cleaning them all and then coating with a little machine oil and then replacing in the box. The oil can be removed when I'm ready to use. Would that be okay?

Vaseline. I'm not kidding. For long term storage of weapons in the army we used packing grease - vaseline does the same job and will create a seal for many years.
Mar 26, 2015 at 7:34 PM Post #33,233 of 42,332
Boo-yah! You will be thrilled with that combination of power and drivers.
Congrats on your new glass and make sure you let them really warm up, before forming your impressions (an hour).

Thank you so much for the help! I'm loving the Tung Sol, can't wait for the TKs.
Unfortunately, my DAC's not working at the moment and my Xonar D1 just isn't cutting it so there's a fair amount of floor noise, really irritating. I think I just need to update some windows stuff, but we'll have to see. It's sounding great, but I'm not getting the most out of it at the moment.
Obligatory glamour shot:

Mar 26, 2015 at 8:20 PM Post #33,234 of 42,332
Vaseline. I'm not kidding. For long term storage of weapons in the army we used packing grease - vaseline does the same job and will create a seal for many years.

Excellent idea. Thanks.
Mar 26, 2015 at 8:48 PM Post #33,235 of 42,332
  Need some advise guys. I'm not sure if this pic will show up well.

I have secured enough 6F type tubes to last my lifetime (31). However some of these have corrosion on the top pins.
What will be the best way to store these without more corrosion?
I was thinking of cleaning them all and then coating with a little machine oil and then replacing in the box. The oil can be removed when I'm ready to use. Would that be okay?

Vaseline is great against rust that's what i use in winter time on the car when a flying rock chips the paint and i cant fixit right away . we use salt in winter on the roads here not good for bare metal
Mar 26, 2015 at 9:38 PM Post #33,238 of 42,332
  Coming from solid-state amps and running a pair of LCD 3's, if a person wanted to try out tube sound for the first time, what Woo product would you guys recommend?

I really like my WA6. Great entry level Woo amp, and it scales really well with nice glass. Should drive any LCD headphone easily (I use mine with HD600 - drives them no problem).
Mar 26, 2015 at 9:38 PM Post #33,239 of 42,332
  Coming from solid-state amps and running a pair of LCD 3's, if a person wanted to try out tube sound for the first time, what Woo product would you guys recommend?

Running LCD3 you will need something powerful so WA-6SE, WA22, WA5 or WA234.
WA22 runs my LCD3C perfectly.
I think the WA234 might be good as a starter tube amp.

Mar 26, 2015 at 9:49 PM Post #33,240 of 42,332
Running LCD3 you will need something powerful so WA-6SE, WA22, WA5 or WA234.
WA22 runs my LCD3C perfectly.
I think the WA234 might be good as a starter tube amp.

So much power to drive the LCD3? The WA6 will drive almost anything except the HE6 - HD600/HD800/LCD-X all good.
Going WA6-SE was a couple of drawbacks:
1) Quite a bit more cost than a WA6, and
2) Can't be used with 6SN7 type driver tubes.
That last one can be a killer when tube rolling.
I would not call the WA6-SE 'entry level' in the Woo lineup, but the way this hobby is going the WA234 will be "entry level" in a few years


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