Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Aug 21, 2011 at 1:30 PM Post #13,036 of 42,298

Don't try and shave off some of the price with the EML.  Go w/TubesUSA http://www.tubesusa.com/ELtubes.html  My EML fried 5 months after I bought it and George replaced it no questions and shipped the new one out.  Saving $20 on shipping+small lower cost won't be worth it in the long run.

Not to discount good customer service, but don't these things have a year warranty? 
EDIT:  Nevermind, looked at EML's policy.  They charge 10% of cost after 3 mos usage.
FWIW, George is the cheapest for because I'm in CA as is the other main US EML supplier, hence sales tax.  I may get a 5u4g one day but am digging the solid plate 274b.
Aug 21, 2011 at 1:56 PM Post #13,037 of 42,298
I just don't understand why EML tubes can't be under warranty for 1 year.. I mean 10% charge after 90 days? That's highway robbery. That means when you buy an EML tube you must put it to use immediately. I'd do it 24/7 for that matter.
Aug 21, 2011 at 2:14 PM Post #13,038 of 42,298
From their site: http://www.emissionlabs.com/html/guarantee/conditions.htm
When we replace used defective tubes by factory new tubes, this is an advantage for the user. For this we must charge something.When shipping tubes, the sender each pays his own shipment cost.

      • We replace free of charges within the first three months
      • We charge 10% of the actual list price after three months
      • We charge 15% of the actual list price after six months
      • We charge 25% of the actual list price after nine months
Aug 21, 2011 at 3:51 PM Post #13,039 of 42,298

I'd be worried that's what would happen to me!

That store reminds me of the TOWER Records store in NYC on the corner of Broadway and E.4th st.  If I remember correctly it was 3 stories of Vinyl before CD's.  I used to got there in the early 80's every few weeks.   Never imagined then that a time would come when a place with that much vinyl would be a shrine.  Very big place. Lots of sales people who had arcane knowledge about every pressing in whatever genre they specialized.  More so in the classical section where the guys in there could tell you every detail about a pressing.
Aug 21, 2011 at 5:19 PM Post #13,040 of 42,298
That store reminds me of the TOWER Records store in NYC on the corner of Broadway and E.4th st.  If I remember correctly it was 3 stories of Vinyl before CD's.  I used to got there in the early 80's every few weeks.   Never imagined then that a time would come when a place with that much vinyl would be a shrine.  Very big place. Lots of sales people who had arcane knowledge about every pressing in whatever genre they specialized.  More so in the classical section where the guys in there could tell you every detail about a pressing.

It's gone now along with their other flagship, the West Hollywood store on Sunset. I think the Broadway store shut down in the late '90s, but I did shop there a few times in '95. Tower filed for bankruptcy in 2006, but they still sell vinyl online. End of an era!
Amoeba Records is still going strong, that's a fun place to shop if you ever get to California.

Anyone play around with sorbothane feet?  It's supposed to be a magical dampener... basically I have a Metrum Octave DAC (http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/metrum/1.html) on the way which is a two box solution like the WA6SE.  I want to rest each section of the Woo over each section of the Metrum, but the Woo is 1.5" wider for each block and the feet are just a bit too far apart for comfort, thought I could knock out two birds w/ one stone so-to-speak by applying these pads closer on the underside, perhaps net a small sonic improvement.
Got a pack of 8 which appears to be the right density/size for the Woo for less than $18!

I used the flat round disk type of those on a turntable once, thought it was pretty cool although I ended up needing active suspension or even better would be a a wall mount for that application. It should work well for tubes though.

I would just camp over there. 

X2, I am definitely going to hit that place if I ever get back to Amsterdam.
Don't try and shave off some of the price with the EML.  Go w/TubesUSA http://www.tubesusa.com/ELtubes.html  My EML fried 5 months after I bought it and George replaced it no questions and shipped the new one out.  Saving $20 on shipping+small lower cost won't be worth it in the long run.

X2, I initially was put off by EML's shipping charge to my location, close to $40 through the US Mail. But when I needed a warranty replacement, I got one without any shipping or usage charge, I think it may have been over 6 months later so I highly recommend them. I now am waiting for an EML 274B that I traded that replacement 5U4G for, it should be here this week.
Aug 21, 2011 at 5:23 PM Post #13,041 of 42,298
They charged me nothing for my replacement and mine was I believe 6 months in at that point.  Remember this too.  You could buy some fab tube from eBay that's NOS and it could fry a month later and you'd be out everything.
I just don't understand why EML tubes can't be under warranty for 1 year.. I mean 10% charge after 90 days? That's highway robbery. That means when you buy an EML tube you must put it to use immediately. I'd do it 24/7 for that matter.

Aug 21, 2011 at 5:28 PM Post #13,042 of 42,298

They charged me nothing for my replacement and mine was I believe 6 months in at that point.  Remember this too.  You could buy some fab tube from eBay that's NOS and it could fry a month later and you'd be out everything.

Good point. And I have spent way too much on NOS.
Aug 21, 2011 at 6:12 PM Post #13,043 of 42,298


It's gone now along with their other flagship, the West Hollywood store on Sunset. I think the Broadway store shut down in the late '90s, but I did shop there a few times in '95. Tower filed for bankruptcy in 2006, but they still sell vinyl online. End of an era!
Amoeba Records is still going strong, that's a fun place to shop if you ever get to California.


I used the flat round disk type of those on a turntable once, thought it was pretty cool although I ended up needing active suspension or even better would be a a wall mount for that application. It should work well for tubes though.


X2, I am definitely going to hit that place if I ever get back to Amsterdam.

X2, I initially was put off by EML's shipping charge to my location, close to $40 through the US Mail. But when I needed a warranty replacement, I got one without any shipping or usage charge, I think it may have been over 6 months later so I highly recommend them. I now am waiting for an EML 274B that I traded that replacement 5U4G for, it should be here this week.

Tower Records - Sunset Blvd.
I could always be found at that location; many a Friday night detour before or after other destinations... miss it! And although the Virgin Mega store came later and chock full of discs, I really miss that joint too! There's something unique about browsing for vinyl than compact discs. It's akin to the emotional differences one feels when typing versus writing by hand. Many record stores initially stocked both mediums, then slowly moving vinyl to the rear-back-side of stores. Then came the old fashion clearance bins... and then poof!

But browsing these same familiar record stores after becoming 100% CD was just different. It didn't matter if you wanted to shop in complete solitude, engage someone in conversation, allow others to engage you in conversation, even the same familiar crowds at the same store under full CD stock was never quite the same. Often when I hear people talk about the magic of vinyl, the store browsing experience comes to mind quickly!
George - TubesUSA.
x3! Though I've yet to have a problem with my EML Glass, I had the luxury of living through other Woo Audio amp owners and their tube experiences inside this thread. Not just prior to buying my own Rec but much much sooner and followed blown or broken glass issues case by case. I even began to write and talk to George over the phone about my concerns before kissing a few dead prez on their heads good-bye!
Much to my surprise, for the last 18 months I have observed him standing behind his policy, doing what he says he'll do but often times he went above and beyond stated policy. He'd go the extra mile, so to speak. That's when I put all concerns aside and brought the EML Glass home. He's a great person to do business with! And I have my fellow Woo mates to thank for sharing their experiences here in a positive manner. Rather than post just to vent and/or bury the vendor without giving him/her an opportunity to succeed. So, cheers to your posts and follow-ups!

Aug 21, 2011 at 6:12 PM Post #13,044 of 42,298

Don't try and shave off some of the price with the EML.  Go w/TubesUSA http://www.tubesusa.com/ELtubes.html  My EML fried 5 months after I bought it and George replaced it no questions and shipped the new one out.  Saving $20 on shipping+small lower cost won't be worth it in the long run.


Yes George is a good guy to buy from. That is where I got my  EML 274B solid plate from, he had two of these tubes left one I got the other he is using in his amp.
Aug 21, 2011 at 6:30 PM Post #13,045 of 42,298

I just don't understand why EML tubes can't be under warranty for 1 year.. I mean 10% charge after 90 days? That's highway robbery. That means when you buy an EML tube you must put it to use immediately. I'd do it 24/7 for that matter.

Coincidentally, it was around this time last year where EML Glass was exploding inside listening rooms across America. So frequent, many just assumed they were hearing their neighbors watching DVD's. For whatever reason, the last couple of years the maker had issues with plant operations: tooling, design and construction and things like that. And had to completely shut down a few times. I could see the enormous costs to cover a troubled product in uncertain times for the maker...
Since I still had 'Miss Sophia' in play, my original plan was to pamper the EML Glass, delighting a swap on occasion. Once I opened the box and read the limited warranty card, I tossed the Princess aside like a hand grenade - every second counted. So, EML it was!  

Aug 21, 2011 at 8:01 PM Post #13,047 of 42,298

I just don't understand why EML tubes can't be under warranty for 1 year.. I mean 10% charge after 90 days? That's highway robbery. That means when you buy an EML tube you must put it to use immediately. I'd do it 24/7 for that matter.

When you buy them from Jack Woo, he warranties them for a year.  I have blown two EML's; one a month in and another about 4 months in and he got them replaced at no additional charge.
Aug 21, 2011 at 8:51 PM Post #13,048 of 42,298
Just a heads up, anyone looking to outfit their WA5 or other woo amp check out some tubes for sale.  I know you guys probably would be the most interested group.  Both are made by Emission Labs.
Aug 22, 2011 at 3:33 AM Post #13,049 of 42,298

X2, I am definitely going to hit that place if I ever get back to Amsterdam.

To get to Leiden from Amsterdam is very straightforward. Trains leave Amsterdam CS for Leiden quite regularly from Platform 13A (check when you get there). I caught the one going to Den Haag (The Hague). For my train, Leiden was one stop past Schiphol (the airport). If you drink beer you've got to try La Chouffe (Belgium beer). Yummy! OT I know but.... what does one do after spending 2 hours on a vinyl hunt?
Aug 22, 2011 at 3:53 AM Post #13,050 of 42,298
To get to Leiden from Amsterdam is very straightforward. Trains leave Amsterdam CS for Leiden quite regularly from Platform 13A (check when you get there). I caught the one going to Den Haag (The Hague). For my train, Leiden was one stop past Schiphol (the airport). If you drink beer you've got to try La Chouffe (Belgium beer). Yummy! OT I know but.... what does one do after spending 2 hours on a vinyl hunt?

Piece of cake, I have taken the train to Schiphol a few times, thanks for that as I missed the fact that it was in Leiden. Pretty sure I've tried the La Chouffe, but I'm not really big on beer anymore unless it fits with a certain meal like Mexican or BBQ, maybe a burger I wonder what kind of Dutch food goes best with beer?
After the hunt...there's always the coffeehouses


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