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Dec 18, 2008 at 7:36 PM Post #9,181 of 24,807

Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How much of the performance do you attribute to the power cords?

I got a new cord from Signal Cable " Magic Power" for $59.00. It is a very beefy cable about 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter. It is definitely a step up from my last budget power cord and does great things with my newly obtained SRM1MK2. For anyone out there who doesn't think power cables matter this qould be a good one to try.


Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Where do I get the srm1-mk2 and what is a good price for them usually

I recently got an excellent B model with one pro and one low bias outlet, shipped from Europe for US$297.00. Other have been selling on Ebay for similar amounts although often the price is up because you have to buy a set of phones as well, usually a Lambda.
Dec 18, 2008 at 7:55 PM Post #9,182 of 24,807
I wan't happy with my Lambdas until I took the backing out. They just sounded muffled. I'm sure the difference is slight but still.
Dec 18, 2008 at 8:10 PM Post #9,183 of 24,807

Originally Posted by Duggeh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Have you tried buying a set through a distributor?

Nope, that will be the next step if I can't get them through any other channels.


Originally Posted by ericj /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As for spritzer's mod - spritzer has a strong bias toward air-damped designs - a preference that borders on pathology - so what works for him may not be what works for anybody else.

Hey... there are some phones that work much better with damping such as the older Stax phones (including the SR-X line) and the T-50 (really iso-dynamics in general).
When typing this I'm reminded how good my crap Koss/SFI poil-o-crap sounds with a lot of very crude damping. That being said there are some improvements to be had from removing the wool on the SR-Lambda if you can live with the down side, i.e. the upper midrange etch which the damping tames. I do think that Stax could have done a better job on air damping the Lambda drivers...

Though as always YMMV as I have pretty strong preferences when it comes to sound.
Dec 19, 2008 at 8:12 AM Post #9,186 of 24,807
I'm glad I got some insight on this. it is very interesting to me. how thick are lambda pads supposed to be? is there an actual measurement listed somewhere? I think I may try removing the padding, just to see what you guys are talking about. especially since It can be reversed. I would still like to hear from those who have heard this change, and if you did anything about it.
Dec 19, 2008 at 9:44 AM Post #9,187 of 24,807
The Lambda earpads are thinner at the front and thicker at the back.

The bottom back part is the thickest at 20mm, while the top back part is about 16mm.

The top front and bottom front are both about 10mm thick.
Dec 19, 2008 at 1:15 PM Post #9,188 of 24,807

Originally Posted by Kraps /img/forum/go_quote.gif
An online shop or a dealer delivering Stax throughout the EU?

My recent developments: After a good volume of correspondence going back and forth and involving virtually any STAX distributor in Europe (not just the EU) I've been the happy owner of an O2MKII/SRM727II set for a couple of weeks already. I pruchased it from the Norwegian distributor and I am quite happy with the deal and with the communication with the guy. Now I am in the process of getting into the electrostatic performance
Dec 19, 2008 at 5:39 PM Post #9,189 of 24,807

Originally Posted by Kraps /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My recent developments: After a good volume of correspondence going back and forth and involving virtually any STAX distributor in Europe (not just the EU) I've been the happy owner of an O2MKII/SRM727II set for a couple of weeks already. I pruchased it from the Norwegian distributor and I am quite happy with the deal and with the communication with the guy. Now I am in the process of getting into the electrostatic performance

Congratulations with the O2MKII system!

Tor at T.AA.Import is a really nice guy. I actually bought my SR-007BL/SRM-007t system from his as well. Personal visit at his store that is, since I am local.
Dec 19, 2008 at 7:55 PM Post #9,191 of 24,807

Originally Posted by Elephas /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yay, Team Mk2!

I'm feeling a bit sorry for Mk1 preferrers, who are using those inferior ?leather? earpads.

^ Luckily (or not...) I have never heard the SR-007A or MK2.
So don't know what I am, or am not, missing out of.
Dec 19, 2008 at 8:04 PM Post #9,192 of 24,807
any1 has the 007 and 007a care to do an a/b by swapping out the ear pad? it had been stated in the stax interview the sound diff is merely from the diff of the artificial leather and leather ear pad. some1 in the other forum had did an a/b and validated the point. it will help for people in the future who want to have the best of both world, buy the 007a with better cable attachment and buy the 007 ear pad
Dec 19, 2008 at 8:42 PM Post #9,193 of 24,807

Originally Posted by minivan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
any1 has the 007 and 007a care to do an a/b by swapping out the ear pad? it had been stated in the stax interview the sound diff is merely from the diff of the artificial leather and leather ear pad. some1 in the other forum had did an a/b and validated the point. it will help for people in the future who want to have the best of both world, buy the 007a with better cable attachment and buy the 007 ear pad

I ordered a set of mk1 pads last week for my smegma pro, so maybe I'll try them on my mk2.
Dec 19, 2008 at 10:55 PM Post #9,194 of 24,807
The one of the first things I did to try and make the A/Mk2 suck less
was to install some spare Mk1 pads and while the sound changed for the better I believe it had little to do with the material used. The Mk1 pads are a much tighter fit so won't allow the spring to elevate the pads as much as the Mk2 pads do. What the improvements were I can't recall now but I may have written about it "over there".
Dec 20, 2008 at 1:27 AM Post #9,195 of 24,807

Originally Posted by minivan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
any1 has the 007 and 007a care to do an a/b by swapping out the ear pad?

I tried both SR-007a pads on SR-007 and vice versa - difference was minimal as far as I can recall. I didn't try swapping the springs though, so my view is that the spring diameter likely has much greater effect on the sound because it directly affects how well the earpads seal.
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