The discovery thread!
May 20, 2024 at 12:11 PM Post #102,286 of 106,770
I think it would have been insteresting to see Shozy make a more balanced B2 revision. Then I think it would become more mainstream but if you add the cost of what Shozy B2 plus a much needed cable upgarde. You can get the NiceHCK Himalaya for around similar price which is on a different level vs the B2 imo.

On one hand I admire Shozy for sticking with their "house sound" if your curious about Shozy. I would say give the Shozy T1 a try for a mere $29.90 as I find it strikingly similar to their Djembe which is a $99 IEM.

These are not close to the authority of the B2 but you wont have to shell out $150 to get an idea of their tuning angle.
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May 20, 2024 at 12:15 PM Post #102,287 of 106,770
What a tune! Not for the electric-guitar-and-drums-allergic ones.


T5S does a good job tonally, while obviously not offering the last word in resolution, but that is largely down to the less than perfect Penon Tail dongle too - possibly my worst purchase ever, but still gets some use now and again since I don't currently own another tiny tiny dongle.
May 20, 2024 at 12:16 PM Post #102,288 of 106,770
was actually listening to the same album when I read this. But was using BQEYZ Wind.
Swapped over to the Trio.
Massive difference.
Trio drivers can't cope with the speed of some of these tracks. Bass seemed bloated, undefined and lacking impact compared to the Wind and guitars sounded unnatural.
I'm not a hater of the Trio, I think that they are well tuned (although perhaps with a tad to much 3khz gain for my preference) and have excellent sepration and imagining for the price.

Edit: FYI, album referirng to - Slash - Orgy of the Damned
I listened to this album three times with three different IEMs :

Aur Aures > EA500LM > CCA Trio

Still have to give it a spin with the ST7 + OD200

The bass of the Trio isn't as bad as you described it, but no, it's not as defined or resolving as the ST7 and EA500LM, and definitely trails way behind the Aures, which are resolved, elastic, and have the right amount of impact without any bloat.
May 20, 2024 at 12:19 PM Post #102,289 of 106,770
Trio more spacious and better with imaging and detail retrieval. Bass isn't too far off. I'd say they are fairly equal all things considered (3DD vs 1DD), but the Polaris are wayyyyyy more natural sounding, with more clear and extended highs. This remains the weakness of the Trio. The highs, though not terrible or strident, simply don't sound the most natural, and aren't as airy as they could be, especially compared to the airy and resolving top end of the Polaris. Everything else? Edge to the Trio.
If I can suggest something.. Polaris is quite tips dependent, wide bore gives them much more space and imaging abilities. I'm using mine with EPro Horn shaped tips.
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May 20, 2024 at 12:22 PM Post #102,290 of 106,770
HungTuan got his KZ Vader (the CCA Trio side grade)

that a bit more controlled bass and thicker vocals is tempting
but buying direct side grade with slight upgrade is kinda...
More controlled bass (more defined). thicker vocal weight, and better treble extension??? That would pretty much take care of every check against the Trio! Or just do what I did and buy a Hydro?
May 20, 2024 at 12:28 PM Post #102,291 of 106,770
Intrresting graphs. I would suggest to look at nornalization first. If dB values are correct (and they should be) the non-normalized graph for the red nozle should be higher in magnitude/intensity. Software then likely normalizes all graphs by default to the same intensities at 1 kHz or lower.
As for the frequency shifts - oscillator dampening decreases its frequency, and it should be applicable to the standing sound waves in the coupler (enough of the older Phonophi, right?)

Scaremongering is not right.
Bringing potential concerns should be right (and potentially helpful).
Bringing concerns about concerns should be similarly instructive.
Scaremongering efforts to shut down any potential concerns are not right as well (and perhaps the most to be concerned with, given the tendencies of the current "cancel culture").

I hope we all (here and elsewhere in life) can find a good balance in polite and respectful discussions.

Aren't the BA drivers absolutely the same in Rhapsody and Hydro?
They are the same according to KZ description, just twice more drivers in Hydro. More drivers is better in several aspects: smoother, more details potentially without "artificial treble boosting", while less directly influencing tonality. The tonality here is largely determined by the DD-BA junction: frequencies and the relative intensities of the implemented crossover.
I stand corrected Hydro does utilise a double array of the same multi BA 31736 that's used in the Rhapsody - I guess Hydro's crossover circuitry has been refined to maximise the resolution/signature of it's 10-driver config??
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May 20, 2024 at 12:31 PM Post #102,292 of 106,770
I think it would have been insteresting to see Shozy make a more balanced B2 revision. Then I think it would become more mainstream but if you add the cost of what Shozy B2 plus a much needed cable upgarde. You can get the NiceHCK Himalaya for around similar price which is on a different level vs the B2 imo.

On one hand I admire Shozy for sticking with their "house sound" if your curious about Shozy. I would say give the Shozy T1 a try for a mere $29.90 as I find is strikingly simialr to their Djembe which is a $99 IEM.
These are not close to the authority of the B2 but you wont have to shell out $150 to get an idea of their tuning angle.
I actually did pick up the T1, and your review of Djembe did make me think of it’s sound aha. It was a bit treble peaky but I’m generally curious about Shozy since I love the sound of the Alien gold, and the T1 did have a bit of that textured musical flavor. The Alien is niche in it’s use but the depth/height of sound it portrays in a very uncompressed sounding way is a thing of beauty. I forget who’s review it was but one of the takes was that Shozy house sound is like a vintage speaker, which is bang on imo.
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May 20, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #102,293 of 106,770
More controlled bass (more defined). thicker vocal weight, and better treble extension??? That would pretty much take care of every check against the Trio! Or just do what I did and buy a Hydro?
Exactamundo - exactly what I just did today....a now totally grooved in Rhapsody made the decision far easier imho !!
May 20, 2024 at 1:04 PM Post #102,295 of 106,770
After watching Akros video I ordered the Polaris because I wanted the flexibility of switches over the slightly better KZ ZVX.
Also watched the review of ToneDeafMonk which was positive and who is also modding the Polaris to make it even better.
I'm glad to read additional positive feedback here about the Polaris after I ordered it.

I also ordered the Castor Harman as it should be much better than the Polaris.
Castor is very cheap atm. on Aliexpress. Cheaper and better than the Polaris - so easy decision for me.

So everyone interested in the Polaris might also want to consider the Castor or ZVX.
I have the D-fi, and have the ZVX and Polaris both coming! Considering that I like the D-do better than the Wan’er that most people here seem to love, I have high hopes for the other single DDs I have coming, including the Conch
May 20, 2024 at 1:19 PM Post #102,297 of 106,770

Don't forget the (maybe cool) flask that came out, and was offered to unsuspecting purchasers!

In the end it sounded the exact same as a 2018 cellphone! Sad but true!
Looks like Echobox have been out of business for years? Their websites are all down and they haven't answered their Facebook in 5 years. This thing looks amazing, and got decent reviews at the time.
May 20, 2024 at 1:43 PM Post #102,299 of 106,770
I actually did pick up the T1, and your review of Djembe did make me think of it’s sound aha. It was a bit treble peaky but I’m generally curious about Shozy since I love the sound of the Alien gold, and the T1 did have a bit of that textured musical flavor. The Alien is niche in it’s use but the depth/height of sound it portrays in a very uncompressed sounding way is a thing of beauty. I forget who’s review it was but one of the takes was that Shozy house sound is like a vintage speaker, which is bang on imo.
You know what I would do then? I bet you will dig the Shozy B2. Instead of shelling out $150. Go onto the sales forum and do a want add. I bet someone will be willing to sell theirs for cheaper. If I remember correct. Penon was liquidating them at $100 or so without the ISN SC4 cables. If you get it used it will be a good buy.
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May 20, 2024 at 1:47 PM Post #102,300 of 106,770
was actually listening to the same album when I read this. But was using BQEYZ Wind.
Swapped over to the Trio.
Massive difference.
Trio drivers can't cope with the speed of some of these tracks. Bass seemed bloated, undefined and lacking impact compared to the Wind and guitars sounded unnatural.
I'm not a hater of the Trio, I think that they are well tuned (although perhaps with a tad to much 3khz gain for my preference) and have excellent sepration and imagining for the price.

Edit: FYI, album referirng to - Slash - Orgy of the Damned
I assume how much is good enough speed can vary for individuals. Someone would prefer the extremely fast and tight bass of planars. I find rhapsody's bass to be mildly bloated but still natural. It's nothing bad especially compared to the old school final E series. XUN7 DD of hydro will mitigate this as mentioned by @FreeWheelinAudioLuv2

BTW, @Barndoor is the imaging on wind fuzzy compared to other IEMs? It has been mentioned the BC drivers give rise to that sensation, even though it gives extra dimensions/layers.

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