The discovery thread!
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:16 PM Post #92,701 of 106,715
I will say it can be harder to find criticism of a really good product that blows you away especially when you are talking iems that are under 100. To me under 100 usd go ham, but the issue develops is when you have people who can't afford 100 dollars. Then you talk about the super-rich, who for them 1000 is a joke, and they own multiple 5k+ iems.

Thing is I think we do need to strive to have good comparisons of other products in which we either rank them or talk about this iem vs another iem is a better value or we need to say what critical things we can say. I can get personally that it isn't a big deal for you as a reviewer, but the issue is we need to help some people find that value in the purchase or see some possible negatives for the price. So I guess what I am saying it that we need to try to dig deep and give some better reasons to be critical of products or clearly comparative in our reviews to help others find value in an iem, or what you might recommend in comparison. But again, I think everyone has their yeah, for that price, it is good where they are less critical where that is 10 dollars, 50, 100 or even 2000.

I'm torn, I get overly good reviews for cheap and good products, but think at a certain point more critical reviews are needed.
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:21 PM Post #92,702 of 106,715
To be fair, the Pros and Cons section is basically the "tl;dr" section and I have to admit, that's the only section I read too when it's a product I'm not really interested in, but want to know a bit more about.

I think the All New Carbon Nano Diaphragm truly is one of his pros. I didn't read the review, but doing a search for the word "carbon" in the review, he's mentioned it 7 times!
When I have time, I deep dive and keep reading most of the time. However, sometimes pros and cons section is helping me to form an opinion. It's like the title of an article or abstract of a written thesis.

Pros and cons section is for what stands out for that particular set of IEMs. And as most of the people here are interested in the listening experience, I'd like to know what stands out.

Maybe bass is good? Write it in pros
Or mids are bad nasal? Write it in cons
Maybe soundstage is phenomenal and it's what makes these so good? Then write in in pros on the top of them.

Write it in a importance level or write it in an organized level according to your preference.

If a company develops new CNT DD, is that pros? How can we know? And allllll the companies out there are always using the same DDs? Or they also develop new generations, different diaphragm and implementations in their products? How is this pros?

If you're not going to criticize anything, then it means that it's perfect? Okay okay I should mention it. Is it perfect in that price range? What about the others for example? Maybe there's another CNT DD from another brand. So that specs straight goes to pros section. Do they cancel each other? They do. What's left? What we have unique to that product?

What about the tuning? Maybe timbre? Good for bass heads maybe or treble heads will love? Or it's balanced so it will be liked by many?

Where are all these? Seriously, i keep hesitating on writing a review, i usually write a detailed impression and leave it that way. And some out there pumping reviews like crazy but the quality? What can we about the informativeness or whatever you call it.
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Jan 9, 2024 at 4:26 PM Post #92,703 of 106,715
May I ask one simple question?

Is writing the specs in pros and cons section makes your review is an actual review?

I wonder if it's because you receive so many review samples, simply rushing from one to another without giving too much attention? You post reviews so frequently, even been highlighted on the main page yet I barely can keep up reading because of writing style???

'New SG-01 3rd generation..." how is this a pros for a new reader let's say who didn't have any of the Reecho products?

"All new Carbon Nano Diaphragm" how is this pros? Just because it's CNT, it's always good?

"New SG-01 shell encasement design..." how is this pros? If you don't particularly write in pros section what kind of sound profile it led to?

"Resulting in... (from the OVA) yet kept in balance" so if a person doesn't know OVA, the person has to go read it and come back to understand what you really mean?

"Resulting in extra level of low-end detail...(from the OVA)..." same as previous.

"Cons: at 51.99.... Nothing to note" I don't know? Maybe you tell me???

Seriously if anyone really takes your reviews seriously, I feel really sorry for them.

Probably companies also don't give a d... they just check the stars and how many pros more written comparing to the below cons.

Pros : Specs

Cons : maybe nothing?
Funny that you seem to know so much about reviews and are critical of my last review, yet you don’t seem to have ever written a review yourself? How is that? Someone like yourself has an opportunity to make Head-Fi a better place with better reviews. Maybe someday the power of your informative reviews will in fact overpower what you see as weak or disinformation in Redcarmoose reviews and then you will have really made your point. As of right now your simply a complainer? Simply don’t read my reviews if you think they are so bad.
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Jan 9, 2024 at 4:28 PM Post #92,704 of 106,715
The pros are resulting from actual changes in performance from physical alterations in design. Thus a third generation driver is actually a different driver, thus a pro. A new shell design is actually maybe, maybe not affecting the overall tone, but it’s different and yes this particular model sounds different than the “OVA”........... but the sound change is better. The company is conservatively changing the design and getting sound improvement, and yes, of course.....that is a pro.

As reviewers we don’t always know why a sound changes but list the difference so it will be noted. Especially this concept is important if a newer model of the similar design has both close to the same design yet subtle differences. Thus I’m listing the difference from the previous model and showing improvement and refinement in design and construction.

Writing the specifications down is showing features which create pros.

Adding that it is a CNT is showing buyers of the previous OVA model that it is a totally new driver, yes this is a pro as the sound has changed for the better.

It is perfectly fine if you don’t like my reviews. Each reviewer should have a section of people who like their reviews and a section of people who can’t relate to their reviews. Cheers. Have a good day.
Then we have a very different understanding about "pros and cons" section.

I don't wanna break any heart here. You have a privilege that most of us don't have here. It's good smb among us having these units and writing sth about it.

I really appreciate that. I appreciate your effort as well.

For the future, please maybe keep in mind to put a little more details about the sound experience you have. Maybe more details? Anything come to your mind?

Because when I read specs at first, I'm like 'then what' how does it sound?

Maybe you do a spoiler thing and try to increase wonders about your review but putting up there some details would really help (me at least) to form an general opinion.
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:32 PM Post #92,705 of 106,715
Then we have a very different understanding about "pros and cons" section.

I don't wanna break any heart here. You have a privilege that most of us don't have here. It's good smb among us having these units and writing sth about it.

I really appreciate that. I appreciate your effort as well.

For the future, please maybe keep in mind to put a little more details about the sound experience you have. Maybe more details? Anything come to your mind?

Because when I read specs at first, I'm like 'then what' how does it sound?

Maybe you do a spoiler thing and try to increase wonders about your review but putting up there some details would really help (me at least) to form an general opinion.
Thank-you for the constructive criticism, I will take note of it. As of now I have done 189 reviews this way, but there is always a chance of getting better here on my end.
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:35 PM Post #92,706 of 106,715
Funny that you seem to know so much about reviews and are critical of my last review, yet you don’t seem to have ever written a review yourself? How is that? Someone like yourself has an opportunity to make Head-Fi a better place with better reviews. Maybe someday the power of your informative reviews will in fact overpower what you see as weak or disinformation in Redcarmoose reviews and then you will have really made your point. As of right now your simply a complainer? Simply don’t read my reviews if you think they are so bad.
Well go above and read my another comment. I always keep writing detailed impressions. Even comparisons when smb asks for it.

Do i have to be chicken to understand how egg should taste? :)

Your logic of 'I dare you then you do it' simply doesn't make your review a good example, sorry.

When i write a review, you're very well welcome to direct any criticism. I can also make sure, I'll take it into account if your arguments are well based, objectively written.

I like brutal honesty. The world would be a much better place if people can take constructive criticism without doing 'ad-hominem' and bringing the discussion to a personal level. Take a good care.
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Jan 9, 2024 at 4:38 PM Post #92,708 of 106,715
I will say it can be harder to find criticism of a really good product that blows you away especially when you are talking iems that are under 100. To me under 100 usd go ham, but the issue develops is when you have people who can't afford 100 dollars. Then you talk about the super-rich, who for them 1000 is a joke, and they own multiple 5k+ iems.

Thing is I think we do need to strive to have good comparisons of other products in which we either rank them or talk about this iem vs another iem is a better value or we need to say what critical things we can say. I can get personally that it isn't a big deal for you as a reviewer, but the issue is we need to help some people find that value in the purchase or see some possible negatives for the price. So I guess what I am saying it that we need to try to dig deep and give some better reasons to be critical of products or clearly comparative in our reviews to help others find value in an iem, or what you might recommend in comparison. But again, I think everyone has their yeah, for that price, it is good where they are less critical where that is 10 dollars, 50, 100 or even 2000.

I'm torn, I get overly good reviews for cheap and good products, but think at a certain point more critical reviews are needed.
Thank-you, it is special when such a cheap IEM sounds this way? If I could be more critical I would be?
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:41 PM Post #92,709 of 106,715
Well go above and read my another comment. I always keep writing detailed impressions. Even comparisons when smb asks for it.

Do i have to be chicken to understand how egg should taste? :)

Your logic of 'I dare you then you do it' simply doesn't make your review a good example, sorry.

When i write a review, you're very well welcome to direct any criticism. I can also make sure, I'll take it into account if your arguments are well based, objectively written.

I like brutal honesty. The world would be a much better place if people can take constructive criticism without doing 'ad-hominem' and bringing the discussion to a personal level. Take a good care.
I’m not trying to make my review any better (of an example of a review) by challenging you? To me in my mind my review is wonderful, not perfect but great. I’m simply suggesting that you write reviews since you seem to know so much about the subject. And of course I will take your critical view of my review seriously......thank-you.
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Jan 9, 2024 at 4:49 PM Post #92,711 of 106,715
I’m not trying to make my review any better, by challenging you? To me in my mind my review is wonderful, not perfect but great. I’m simply suggesting that you write reviews since you seem to know so much about the subject. And of course I will take your critical view of my review seriously......thank-you.
I don't say anything about your review btw. Only to pros and cons section.

It's your review, so of course you are free to do anything. You use different fonts, size and colors, making it interactive and that's really good.

Anyone can fix me here. For me, pros cons is like a claim.

You say this good and bad. And the reader is like 'really? Let's see how you support that idea.' and keeps reading.

Because I see specs in pros and cons, I am left with not much of an idea so better shape it from detailed reading. Which kinda misses the challenging part. luckily I have experience with Reecho products so I get it.
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:50 PM Post #92,712 of 106,715
Get me your PayPal so I can send you a $1.
I like your reviews...and effort!

My reviews are just me, I can’t change too much, if a person likes them great, if not they are welcome to move on to another, as there are lots of different reviews to read from different perspectives!
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:52 PM Post #92,713 of 106,715
I don't say anything about your review btw. Only to pros and cons section.

It's your review, so of course you are free to do anything. You use different fonts, size and colors, making it interactive and that's really good.

Anyone can fix me here. For me, pros cons is like a claim.

You say this good and bad. And the reader is like 'really? Let's see how you support that idea.' and keeps reading.

Because I see specs in pros and cons, I am left with not much of an idea so better shape it from detailed reading. Which kinda misses the challenging part. luckily I have experience with Reecho products so I get it.
You do make a good point in that the specs don’t always write a vivid benefit, I get what your saying.
Jan 9, 2024 at 4:55 PM Post #92,715 of 106,715
Better to let this thread be about releases and reviews, no need to go and attack someone for their review style.
Its up to each and their own how they make them or have they rate their reviews.

If this continue it will only become silenced by admins soon.

Instead enjoy some ambient electronica to relax down, I am lying down listening to earbuds relaxing.
Life to short for arguments and fights.


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