The discovery thread!
Aug 8, 2021 at 4:50 PM Post #58,846 of 105,343
Gonna post my review on the FD3 soon. I agree. FD3 is serious business. Fiio throws in a curve ball. Lol
Looking forward to seeing what you have to say. Yeah, I can see this being a big hit, though I doubt any of the competition is going to relax anytime soon. The ball is now in Moondrop’s court lol.
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Aug 8, 2021 at 7:24 PM Post #58,847 of 105,343
1628464949139.png Best earphones from Fiio I have heard to date.
Aug 8, 2021 at 11:39 PM Post #58,850 of 105,343
The longer I sit with the FD3, the more I‘m impressed. Treble peaks do assert themselves during some brighter recordings. But that’s really the only thing I can say that’s remotely negative so far.
Aug 9, 2021 at 12:07 AM Post #58,852 of 105,343
Thankfully, there are no restrictions as to who may or may not review an item. The more regulated a setting, the less of a hobby it is.

In any case, who determines the parameters?

Do the regulations (if there were any put in place) favour those who determine the parameters?

Who defines when someone is competent to review an item?

What is a review?

Who determines what is the definitive categorisation of a particular tier, in what is, in essence, a subjective issue, namely, how we individually perceive sound?

By stating our views and impressions, on these threads, however brief, are we ALL not "REVIEWERS"?

I had the impression that was the entire point of hobbies, and we congregate here on Head-fi to share our views with like minded people in an interest, we share, in this instance, earphones or audio in general.

There is always the risk that such regulation of a HOBBY slams the door firmly shut on, a young person, or someone with a novel approach to how we percieve sound and here I applaud you @AmericanSpirit, for your novel approach to categorisation!

Just my thoughts!
Thank you Chris! It’s very rewarding to hear from such a talented reviewers applauding! It’s been long time since I stopped renewing my old review blog in Japanese, but instead I found headfi a better place to share ideas👍
That’s a very good motivation to keep walking this discovery road, as it seems never ending, but then that’s the goo hobby we may call it right?😁
Aug 9, 2021 at 12:24 AM Post #58,853 of 105,343
You get the pro version or the standard?
Standard. I’m running a similar Linsoul cable to the stock though, monocrystalline OCC copper. Do you think I would‘ve been better off with the Pro? 🥴
Aug 9, 2021 at 12:33 AM Post #58,854 of 105,343
Some info about GeekWold GK3:
-right out of the box, it was one of the most disappointed muddy sounding IEM of the year
-after 20 hours of pink-noise burn-in, some improvement, more clarity on lower and upper registers, but midrange remained mushy
-however when listening into GK3, I got a sense of what GeekWold wanted to do, it’s staging formation with dynamism —which happened on later GK10 by a magnitude of multiple times
-GK3 certainly has unique staging, reminds me of GK10, specifically that surrounds reverb across the diffusion field + forward vocals in front of the stage, but the approach is too clumsy, too rough, not as nicely done like KZ DQ6; they both have similar 3DD structures

-my current provisions is that, GK3 is a soft sounding (non harsh by any possible means) IEM with mellow reverb staging. It certainly reminds me of “listening FM radio from Sauna room’s speaker” if that makes any sense.

interesting and uniquely sound, but it’s not for everyone, only for those like unique and weird sounding IEM😂 Which I’ll be probably qualified as odd-ball lover. You will forget many technical aspect of hifi gadgets that we are spoiled at but at least there is a sense of space and soft touched dynamic driver sound, the last gem, that you could find from this spa.

This Soft x Space actually fits really well for ambient music.

Taking one example of the xylophone or bells sounding in the background of this track, GK3 makes this background bells, a very very faint and distant sounding one, like those old memories you left at the amusement park’s merry go round. That kind of unique taste.
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Aug 9, 2021 at 12:38 AM Post #58,855 of 105,343
Standard. I’m running a similar Linsoul cable to the stock though, monocrystalline OCC copper. Do you think I would‘ve been better off with the Pro? 🥴
Na pro is just the cable. You burn in your earphones? My review set sounded pretty even. Not too much in the way of treble spikes I can hear on my set especially with them copper cables. In fact I like using that higher resolving silver plated monocrystalline cable the same one on the Pros to add a bit more shimmer to the treble using balanced filters. Try the stock cables and I would definitely burn them in real good. I know fiio advised 100 hours of burn in for their FD5 so I would assume the same for the FD3 as it is pretty much using the same driver minus the beryllium coating.

Mine had the balanced filter installed I believe it is the red ringed ones. I have no idea if the retail version will have the balanced filter or the treble enhancing version on there. One way to know if you hold a light behind he mesh of the nozzle. The treble enhancing one will throw in more light vs the more meshed balanced filter.
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Aug 9, 2021 at 1:01 AM Post #58,856 of 105,343
I am sure you are aware there are some reviewer wannabes in this thread who can't even afford a flagship IEM. They just want free samples to sell & money from Patreon. I am warning audiophiles to avoid them. :)
Apparently one of the reviewer wannabes is not happy with a brand as he was dropped hence he started to bash their products. If he is reviewing as a hobbyist, he should be neutral. If he really wants the products, he should buy it but clearly, he cannot afford. He don't even have a flagship IEM. This is how "credible" this reviewer wannabe is. He started reviewing to get free samples as well as collecting money fron Patreon. It is clear that his agenda is money. PM me if you want to know who this user is. :)
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Aug 9, 2021 at 1:58 AM Post #58,857 of 105,343
This, to me, is an attempt to establish an external standard which, on its face, is somewhat reasonable, and users are likely able to discern for themselves who has & hasn't been exposed, had access to totl items, etc.
Regardless, everyone plays/hears at their own level. Objectivity has real limits here.
This is a discussion forum. Folks are permitted to come across as ignorant or knowledgeable.
But, as a “reviewer,” to me it is poor form to repeatedly tout one’s bona fides and, moreover, use presumed credentials to disparage the basis for other, conflicting opinions, no matter how misguided those opinions may be. This approach can’t help but come across as insecure and, really, lacking the very authority it asserts.
Just wanted to show some support for what you said. I have reviewed for a number of years and recently called it quits (working on my last review at the moment) because the scene for reviewers has changed quite a lot.

I started out reviewing, like so many others here, just to share my thoughts from one head-fier to another. It was part and parcel of being a member of this community. I learned from and worked with the best, those capable of drawing an FR graph by ear, those who (behind the scenes) provide feedback to manufacturers that leads to product improvements and those who work in the music industry, slaving away to produce the music we enjoy, yet we never lost that community spirit. There was always just the fun of the hobby and respect for the limits of our hearing (biology) and enjoyment of music (psychology) that dictate whether or not we like certain gear. In fact, trying to understand each others preferences was a key part of helping each other find what gear we liked best.

Ironically, those reviewers I personally respect the most are also the ones who do a lot of their work in the background and hardly ever (if at all) get credit for it. They don't need it. Those reviewers are also pushed increasingly into the background by influencers who are drawing all the attention to themselves. For myself and a few others I know, that has been a reason to call it quits. None of us enjoy the resulting atmosphere, which is one of competition and vying for attention and "likes", while genuine expertise is ignored. So it doesn't hurt to be a bit more careful these days.

First and foremost, trust your own ears. If you can't demo, read many different reviews and impressions so you can make an educated guess and remember that even then it can turn out unexpectedly. Try to see if friends who have similar preferences might have heard gear you are interested in. Most of all, never spend your savings because someone else tells you to. Treat anyone who pushes you to buy something (expensive or cheap) with suspicion. A good question to ask yourself could be: Is what they write prescriptive (ie. tries to make up your mind for you) or descriptive (ie. lets you make up your own mind)?
Aug 9, 2021 at 1:59 AM Post #58,858 of 105,343
Hey guys! I figured people here who aren't subscribed to the BGVP thread might be interested in this and would wanna check it out, so I'm posting this here too.

Here is my review of BGVP NE5 (link), their newly launched 1DD+2BA+2EST Tri-brid with aircraft grade Aluminium shells, an attractive shell design, nozzle tuning filters and a highly musical and fun sounding signature with good dynamic punch. Check out the review if you want to know more, soon to be published here on Head-fi as well. :)
CONS: Not for people looking for a reference style IEM, I would’ve liked a bit more upper-treble air but YMMV, stock cable not as flashy for the price, subtle differences with tuning filters.

LACK OF TREBLE AIR?! In a EST?! NOOOOO WAY!! It can't be possible! LMAO This has been the plague of every EST I own or owned, and definitely the plague of the Mofesest Trio....the upper treble air is always tuned missing or shy. I'm starting to think that EST's are inherently lacking in air. Either that or tuners are scared to death to let the treble shine through on EST's, fearing they'll offend the treble sensitive, who seem to have taken over the IEM world from the treble hungry chinese and japanese.
Aug 9, 2021 at 2:05 AM Post #58,859 of 105,343
"Cons: Know it all poindexters that look at a graph and think they know exactly how these sound."

I couldn't stop laughing at this CON by DS about the Fiio FD3. I love it! Absolutely love it! The Graph Grailers have to be the most coneheaded subjects in this entire hobby. PERIOD.

"i read the graph, so i know exactly how that earphone sounds. not my preference." LMAO LOL LOL
Aug 9, 2021 at 2:10 AM Post #58,860 of 105,343
CONS: Not for people looking for a reference style IEM, I would’ve liked a bit more upper-treble air but YMMV, stock cable not as flashy for the price, subtle differences with tuning filters.

LACK OF TREBLE AIR?! In a EST?! NOOOOO WAY!! It can't be possible! LMAO This has been the plague of every EST I own or owned, and definitely the plague of the Mofesest Trio....the upper treble air is always tuned missing or shy. I'm starting to think that EST's are inherently lacking in air. Either that or tuners are scared to death to let the treble shine through on EST's, fearing they'll offend the treble sensitive, who seem to have taken over the IEM world from the treble hungry chinese and japanese.
Man...try the LAND, there's no lack of upper treble air there!

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