The discovery thread!
May 11, 2012 at 1:09 PM Post #1,276 of 106,792
I am gonna burn my pair in all day to see if there is any changes of any type. I know on their Micro HD earphones this is a 100% requirement for the sounds to come out correct. If these sound better than what they already do after burn in. That will be interesting..
the size is closer to the SHE3580 than the isurus.
May 11, 2012 at 1:35 PM Post #1,277 of 106,792
How would you describe the overall sound signature, dsnuts?
May 11, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #1,278 of 106,792
Well, after 30 hours of pink noise these sounded extremely harsh, to the point where they were causing pain and spiking my tinnitus.
Ran 10 hours of white noise last night and they've opened up amazingly. The improvement is amazing compared to what they were when i got them. almost a 200% improvement from opening the package.
Definitely going to order those FX40s now. Paypal won't let me use my balance until i connect my debit card though.
May 11, 2012 at 2:09 PM Post #1,280 of 106,792
How would you describe the overall sound signature, dsnuts?

Sound signature is detailed and sweet sounding. Extended clean in every sense of the word on both ends of the spectrum..These will reveal every part of the recording and that is crazy for this price.  I wouldn't say analytical as the bass end is the full flavored version over limp analytical phones. It is funny but if you married the isurus with the she3580 and polished up the overall tuning. Lol! You might get something like these FX40s. I was listening to some black eyed peas and much like the surprising sound as a whole the bass end has weight and a thickness that is almost weird for an earphone this small to have. I think JVC is onto something with these Carbon Nanotubes. I am not kidding when I say these sound almost like there are multiple drivers. Separation of sounds in these earphones just don't happen at this cost. Everything is distinct and clear.
I don't know about reaching 8hz for the low lows but the low end presence certainly has impact and force. For EDM and hiphop I will recommend the CKS77 all day long but these do a great job with bass heavy tunes and trance sounds as good as anything else I have. Where these will shine is for music with instruments and vocals. Jazz, classical, folk, rock, metal anything requiring a pluck of a string or plank of the ivories..Older music sound marvelous on these..Fans of good treble with sparkle are gonna love these. These have about as clean a treble as you would want without poking a hole in your ear drum...
May 11, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #1,283 of 106,792
I have tried 4 of the dsnuts phones
Monoprice - Awesome, amazing, for the price just wow, my favorite rock music iems
Isurus - Disappointing, really, only good is amazing for exercise, so I use it about 4 days a week, hourly each on my runs.
Philips - Really good and easy listening. Right now listening to them. Good for the price, microphonics suck though.
CKM50 - The best of all choices, and I scored it for about $25, very well worth it, except the ergonomics are bad (short cable etc), but great sound quality.
I am thinking of ordering the JVC as well, because I never had JVC phones :)
May 11, 2012 at 3:51 PM Post #1,284 of 106,792
Ordered some. I'm a JVC IEM fanboy after all...

Didn't you also used be a member of team JVC Katun? I think I remember that.
I will probably skip these, sell some stuff and go right to the FXD's. I hope the FXD80 is not more than $150. I guess we'll find out when they show at AccessoryJack sometime next month.
JVC phones usually out perform AT phones at the same price point. The FXT90 are cheaper and better than the CKM99 etc. I had the first two released from both. The first two in-ears I ever bought and the FX55 was a bit better than the CK5 and also a bit cheaper.
May 11, 2012 at 4:24 PM Post #1,285 of 106,792
IT is interesting what these 2 companies are doing. I look forward to the upcoming ATH-CKM700.. It does seem AT and JVC are fighting to get our hard earned dollar.  That new FXD80 looks really interesting. Not enough micro HD earphones imo.. In the end it is all good for us as I will get both. It seems AT is sticking to their old dish driver tech, with each new version improving their sound and JVC is banking on these Carbon nanotube based earphones for good reason.
If these FX40 are just a taste of what is to come from JVC. Can't wait to try out their newer higher end earphones. To think these FX40 are their intro version. Lol! Those FXD80s should be insane. In the mean while ya if you guys haven't already thrown down your $20 to try one of these FX40.
Get a taste of what JVC is cooking. These might be the intro version but the sound has nothing intro about them.
May 11, 2012 at 4:31 PM Post #1,286 of 106,792
You can see what they are doing. The trend is deep housings for sure. The FXD's driver is in the eartip so that is one long housing. The CKM300/500 also have that. My CN40 from Maxell Japan has a big housing. It is proven to work but it bucks the small trend and they will stick out a bit more than other earphones.
May 11, 2012 at 4:39 PM Post #1,287 of 106,792
I can confirm the sound staging on the ATH-CKM500 is awesome for earphones. I can only imagine how this design is helping out the depth and width of sound on these earphones. All of the new AT earphones the CKM300 also use a longer housing that stick out of the butt end. More tech means better sound for all of us. It will be interesting to hear the newest from both companies for sure. Can't wait.
May 11, 2012 at 6:57 PM Post #1,288 of 106,792
Ok so funny story. I took my newly acquired FX40 home last night to hear them more to see how they sound for more of my music. These come with one pair of black medium sized foam tips and I tried them on right before I left for my home from work. Listening to them on the way home from my commute I was thinking., Geeze these seem a bit brighter than when I first heard them. Maybe I wasn't hearing them right when I first got them was my thought.
On my way to my shop threw them back into my ears for some listening while I drive. Yes I am guilty of driving and enjoying my music..I do it all the time. Anyway so again my thought was why are these more brighter than when I heard them last night? I got to work and took that photo of the 3 earphones to show the size of the FX40s.
Aha. Lol. I didn't realize I had medium sized tips on one side of the earphone vs the large which I usually use until I looked at that pick with the isurus, she3580 and these FX40s. Yes I had a brain fart... Moral of the story.. Get the right tips in for your ears or these will be bright instead of clean. Now with the proper tips I am hearing exactly what I heard on open box.. Been burning them in all day..These sound freaking fantastic.
May 11, 2012 at 7:46 PM Post #1,289 of 106,792
Just ordered a blue pair.
I'm liking these mp8320s finally. still definitely doesn't sound the best with albums like m83 but it's improved so much, i'm good with where it is.
What is this you are saying about fxd80s?
May 11, 2012 at 7:53 PM Post #1,290 of 106,792
  New up coming earphones from JVC. Micro HD drivers but what is interesting is. They are using a new housing design and new HD drivers using the same carbon nanotube material. These will be very very interesting.

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