The discovery thread!
May 10, 2012 at 5:31 PM Post #1,246 of 106,525
Well I have to admit. If the Mp8320 represented a great deal for the price.  Wow so where would I put something like these.Lol.  These are a good solid 3 to 4 tiers in sound above the MP8320 but only cost $22 or so on These have been released world wide it seems.. Try these out for sure. You guys are in for a very nice surprise.
May 10, 2012 at 5:43 PM Post #1,248 of 106,525
The price with shipping should hover around $22-$25ish. Believe me even at $30ish. These are worth it.
Wait has a better deal. $21.23 shipped.
Ya get them from Much cheaper they are hovering around $20- $22.
May 10, 2012 at 5:45 PM Post #1,249 of 106,525
Well I have to admit. If the Mp8320 represented a great deal for the price.  Wow so where would I put something like these.Lol.  These are a good solid 3 to 4 tiers in sound above the MP8320 but only cost $22 or so on These have been released world wide it seems.. Try these out for sure. You guys are in for a very nice surprise.

Just for fun and speculation of course but what score might they get? Let's say, based on the Joker's scale, where the Monoprice gets a 7.5 for SQ and their bigger brother FXT90 gets and 8.9 :)
May 10, 2012 at 6:02 PM Post #1,250 of 106,525
Oh wow. Lol! These have to be hovering around a 9 plus easily. I think they can use just a bit more mids but what is on here is a level of sound that is only heard on $100 plus earphones.  Seriously. I haven't heard the FXT90s but these are freaking unnatural. These have such an effortless sound to them. Value is through the roof.. I think the only complaint I have is the cord is quite thin. If one was to yank with some authority on one side these would probably break. Looks like JVC had to cut corners somewhere. And they have no pouch but I have a feeling once you guys hear these you will throw out one of your more expensive earphones to use for these.
Oh I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about these.High clarity sound is right.
May 10, 2012 at 6:32 PM Post #1,251 of 106,525
How would these compare to some of vsonic's offerings? I was previously considering the GR99, or the GR04. What sort of signature are they in comparison?
I'm finding these mp8320s a little harsh. That being said i've got tinnitus and sensitive ears so bright sparkly phones don't mesh with me.
May 10, 2012 at 6:57 PM Post #1,252 of 106,525
How would these compare to some of vsonic's offerings? I was previously considering the GR99, or the GR04. What sort of signature are they in comparison?
I'm finding these mp8320s a little harsh. That being said i've got tinnitus and sensitive ears so bright sparkly phones don't mesh with me.

I wouldn't consider these bright but they are sparkly. More clean that bright. If you want a warmer sounding earphone with no brightness hmm usually earphones with big bass presence will warm up the sound for you. I only have the GR07 and I have to say the level of detail that is on these FX40s are comparable to that level of sound. I am listening to my CKM500s and where the CKM500s win over these is they have a bigger sound and fuller mids wider stage and highs precision that is a notch over these FX40s. Sound tuning is very similar over the FX40. The CKM500 does represent a more refined sound over these FX40 but man for the money these are shocking.. Very similar level of detail to them. I am comparing $100-$150 earphones to these.. Lol!!
The FX40 remind me of the CKM77 but with more transparency and precision which is a shock at this price.. The sound is clean and I suppose a tad on the brighter side of neutral but nothing fatiguing. It is when sounds are sibilant or overly bright when listening get fatiguing. I haven't taken these out of my ears all day. Lol!. No burn in required at all to get the 100% sound. They haven't changed one bit since open box.. 
I know they are not as good sounding to these but I almost want to recommend the SHE3580 to you as they will be an easy earphone to listen to. While not at the same level of sound to these FX40 they have a solid sound for their price. I would hate to recommend these to you and hear they are making your tinnitus act up because of sparkly highs.
Unnatural as bass impact this good should not be a part of an earphone that cost $20. WOW. Lol! I am in shock n awe. Drums have impact like they should with authority in rock.  These just passed the Eric Clapton unplugged test with flying colors.  You guys are gonna love these.
May 10, 2012 at 7:15 PM Post #1,253 of 106,525
Hmm... I actually got the SHE3580. Strangely enough i enjoyed the SHE more when i first got it, but now i'm finding it thunderously bassy.
I wish i could take the mids and some of the top end, some separateion from the mp8320 and put them in the she3580.
May 10, 2012 at 7:19 PM Post #1,254 of 106,525
Well you know I bet you will enjoy these but at lower volume levels. The sound is so clean just like advertised. No annoying spikes or harshness detected anywhere in the sound. The tuning on these are something else.. Give them a go I truly doubt there is gonna be another earphone at this price that is gonna beat these for a while..
Lol To think I was gonna get the new JVC Xplosive HAFX101 over these to try out. Lol!!! You know what. I still might have to. As JVC ain't playing around anymore. 
My goodness. Everything I have been playing and I mean everything from my Sony Z1060 sounds marvelous on these. Not just good. Freaking marvelous!! Guys I am gonna say it here.
These are a game changer. No overly bright highs with any type of spikes. Yet the sparkle is something special on these. I haven't heard this much sparkle in the highs since the FXC51s. The mids are some of the most defined I have heard on anything. The lows almost sound out of whack because they are so perfect.. Solid sub bass.. There is not a toot or a fart sound that escapes these.
May 10, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #1,255 of 106,525
I knew there was something I wanted to find out about these.  Did you try to wear them over the ear style?
May 10, 2012 at 7:59 PM Post #1,256 of 106,525
You can wear them straight down or over the ear whatever your preference is. Below average microphonics and despite photos making these look bulky roundish.. They are small. The entire housing is small. Smaller than the size of your average earbud. These will fit in small ears for sure. Very comfy. The rubber guide is there to hold them in your ear.. Can be worn for hours.
May 10, 2012 at 9:41 PM Post #1,257 of 106,525
I cancelled my order with Amazon, 17th St. Photo, who I thought had them in stock, and got them at Nothing But Software for $18.00 shipped. I bought the black.
May 10, 2012 at 9:52 PM Post #1,258 of 106,525
Nice. That would be the cheapest so far. I got mine for a bit over $21 which for this sound. Lol! I can't stop laughing. Don't let the toyish appearance of these turn you guys off. It is very cool that these come in all sorts of different colors. The imaging for your tunes alone..
You know, I have give props where props are due. JVC definitely pulled a rabbit out of their hats with this one..There is just no way standard drivers are gonna throw out this sound. Carbon diaphrams are used in their portable HAS600 as well and I was quite impressed with those back in the day. But I had no idea how that would translate to an earphone..  Carbon nanotubes? That sounds high tech to me.
I know many of you guys are die hard burn fanatics with all new earphones and headphones.. To my complete surprise I truly doubt these need any type of burn. These are the first earphones that I have ever purchased that sound this good out of the box. I am not even gonna burn these in. I can't see how these are gonna sound any better. lol!
Ok so I am wrong. I just tried some eq. WOW!! These change sound tuning with eq with ease. More bass more mids more highs.  Less bass. Completely effective. These eQ better than just about anything I have ever heard. Usually on my preset eq settings on some earphones it might make them more bass heavy n such but with every single preset the sound is completely different.. Call me even more impressed.
May 10, 2012 at 10:16 PM Post #1,259 of 106,525
Placed an order. Interested to how these will match up to my ha-fxt90's. :)
Blue ones. The red ones looked pretty cool, too, though... ooh... silver...
EDIT: OH also, Dsnuts, how would you compare these to your earlier finding, the CKM-50's?
May 10, 2012 at 10:32 PM Post #1,260 of 106,525
These are a solid tier or two over them. Easily. These rival more of the $100 plus earphones. More than any current cheapos. I think these are gonna shock many if not all you guys that try them. Ya I am interested to hear how you guys that own the FXt90s will find these.. 
To me these have the edge over my $125 CKM77 and rival my $180 CKM99. The new CKM500 have the edge over these but man these for this cost. Lol! I still can't believe it even though I have been listening to them all day. I have been neglecting my other threads because of these.
Guys these are an exciting find for sure. I have never heard this level of sound for under $100 minus one CKM500. But those are around $100.Lol!

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