The discovery thread!
May 11, 2012 at 9:01 PM Post #1,291 of 106,774
That's a weird housing.
Looks expensive... Well, i'll be looking forward to the fx40s. If they're indeed better than the she3580 and the mp8320, well i'm excited.
I wonder if these'll be better than the similarly priced vsonics. Vsonic seems to be stepping up the affordable quality game.
I'd be interested in a comparison with the gr99/gr02 if anyone can offer one in the future.
May 12, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #1,292 of 106,774
I'm at BIC Camera right now running back and forth among the FX40, CKM300, CKM500 stations.

I think the FX40s are naturally brighter than both ATs. Trebles slightly boosted. Less mids and less body on bass, but still good punch. They still sound very very good for 2,600 yen IEMs. Way better than the price would normally suggest. Extremely crisp and open. If you like a more energetic sound, FX40 it is.
May 12, 2012 at 9:45 AM Post #1,294 of 106,774
I'm at BIC Camera right now running back and forth among the FX40, CKM300, CKM500 stations.
I think the FX40s are naturally brighter than both ATs. Trebles slightly boosted. Less mids and less body on bass, but still good punch. They still sound very very good for 2,600 yen IEMs. Way better than the price would normally suggest. Extremely crisp and open. If you like a more energetic sound, FX40 it is.

I suppose both AT and JVC must have their treble boosted for their signature sounds but what is surprising about these. The precision is unreal. And also depending on source and recording these can have weight and thickness when the track has it on the recording. Very revealing of source..Hiphop tracks with big booming bass.. These have it.  Vocal tracks that feature up front vocals..These convey intimacy in the vocals clearly and evenly. Imagery on the sound is unheard of at this price. I agree the mids has less body than what is on ATs new earphones but I wouldn't call it recessed or lacking. The detail in the mids are again unheard of at this price.
These have stupid potential for the exact sound you want with a bit of eq.. Almost magical I can make these sound as flat as a sound will get or make them sound like basshead cans and anywhere in between with ease.
I personally love detailed clean highs. What is on ATs and these earphones but if anyone wants to naturally lower the highs a bit. It is easy with these. I threw on my UE tips which has a wide bore sound hole but is smaller than the stock and it immediately lowered the highs by about 1 to 2 dbs..Eq will do the same..Do not mistake clean highs for anything sibilant or out of control. I can hear these all day without any type of fatigue..
One test I like doing on new earphones is I can tell how even a sound is by listening at lower volumes and these sound lovely at low volumes some of the best I have heard for low volume listening actually.

As for isolation. I would say it is about average but one thing I noticed if you can get a good sound seal with a bigger tip the isolation does increase.
May 12, 2012 at 12:53 PM Post #1,296 of 106,774
JVC seems to be putting out an awful lot of new IEMs...

Gilly you gotta hear these. I know you were one of the guys that trusted my take on the MP8320 in the past to get them to be surprised.
Wait till you hear these..I have been listening to them all morning. There is nothing quite like these for the money. These have thrown a wrench in what we all thought a good sounding cheapo should sound like.
If you look at their up coming line up they all feature this Carbon nanotube material they are using for drivers..These have the precision and speed of BA drivers with the bass end of dynamics. It is freakishly awesome..$20 bucks to hear JVCs newest. These are gonna surprise every single one of you that tries them.
Oh yea and one more thing. I do detect that they are smoothing out more so with burn. I don't think these need 100s of hours to get max sound like some as they sounded incredible on open box but they sounded more smoother this morning as I have been burning them in.  
May 12, 2012 at 5:49 PM Post #1,298 of 106,774
You can wear the wires over the ear which reduces microphonics to almost nothing.  Worn straight down I would say cord noise is about average. These can be worn both ways. The closer one touches to the earphones themselves the louder the sound and the farther away the lesser...Cord noise is not an issue with these. Especially when you have them over your ears.
May 12, 2012 at 6:02 PM Post #1,300 of 106,774
You can wear the wires over the ear which reduces microphonics to almost nothing.  Worn straight down I would say cord noise is about average. These can be worn both ways. The closer one touches to the earphones themselves the louder the sound and the farther away the lesser...Cord noise is not an issue with these. Especially when you have them over your ears.

Thanks Dsnuts! I'm ordering these! Just like the SHE3580, HTF-600 & 8320s :D 
May 12, 2012 at 6:09 PM Post #1,301 of 106,774
How is the cable on these jvc fx40 (microphonics/build quality)? Do these leak any sound? I am concerned for office use.

Good question. These are a closed design which for this sound that these emit doesn't seem like they are.. Build quality is solid given the price. The only real concern that I had was how thin the cord is to the earphones themselves once they hit the Y the main stem of the cord is double the thickness down to the straight plug. I think with moderate volumes these will not leak too much sound as the entire driver fits inside your ears.
I took a good look at the housing and there is no sound vents anywhere in the housing which will help retain the music in your ears and not so others can be annoyed by them.. I am surprised as the sound is deceptively spacious for being such small earphones. The SHE3580 for example is just a tad smaller than these but those don't give the best sense of space because how small the driver housing is.
These on the other hand have no issues with that..I attribute this to the drivers in these earphones. They don't need too much space or air for them to flow out the sound it seems.  For $21 or so? You guys can hear me rap about them all day long but. Wait till some of the guys chime in here in a day or 2. These are gonna fly off the shelves. Lol!
May 12, 2012 at 6:14 PM Post #1,302 of 106,774
Thanks Dsnuts! I'm ordering these! Just like the SHE3580, HTF-600 & 8320s :D 

Ya as significant as all the previous budget stuff has been..I will just let others hear what I am hearing from these..Lets just say..I am eager to hear what JVC has next because of these..Look forward to hear what people have to say about these. Oh man. You guys are in for a surprise.
Hope you all like clean detailed sound cuz that is exactly what you all are gonna get..These are like my Black Camaro SS with a fresh coat of turtle wax.. JUST CLEAN! lol! Enjoy them fellas. Earphones this good just don't come around if ever for what we are spending on these.  You guys thought the MP8320 was a good deal. Lol!
May 12, 2012 at 11:00 PM Post #1,303 of 106,774
Damn, I'm already packing up my high-end iem's for return to seller or for sale in anticipation of getting these, lol. 
May 13, 2012 at 12:13 AM Post #1,304 of 106,774
Na high end iems are just that. High end so they have a place and I am sure have their uses. These aren't gonna replace high end stuff but JVCs up coming new iems might. These are just a taste of that technology and will make perfect gym buds, walking buds, sleeping buds, cubicle buds, casual use buds, give your loved one some great sounding cheapo buds, and in my case drive around with my portable rig buds and you won't have to worry about using your expensive buds. And if you break or loose these buds. You can just get another pair and not feel too bad cuz you lost them buds.. But who says you can't have great sound when your using them carlessly or sweating all over em buds.
Oh just a little update. I tested how much sound these emit with volume levels on medium as I threw them on my sons ears. I am sitting right next to him in my kitchen and I can't hear much at all what he is listening to only when I get right next to him I can start to hear music so yes these will work fine in a working environement..
May 13, 2012 at 1:16 AM Post #1,305 of 106,774
I should be getting mine on monday, according to USPS.
I carried my mp8320s today, and my ears are a ringing. Was just about to give them to my brother and be done with it, when i got my new C421 in the mail. Turned it on and figured what the heck might as well give the mp8320s a last shot. I'm finally seeing why they got a 7.5. Apparently they just needed some good juice and a burn in. Now i can't wait for the FX40s.

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