The discovery thread!
Feb 22, 2014 at 11:56 PM Post #22,276 of 106,565
Them teacs might win in detail as they should because of them BAs but bass end. Lets just say these RIMS with the black tuning screws will rumble the wax out of your ears. Great cleaning tool these RIMS.. 
Feb 23, 2014 at 12:02 AM Post #22,277 of 106,565
After your review of them, that makes me go "huh!". And, they are being sold in Canada... double 'huh!"!

 yep masa wayne!
Feb 23, 2014 at 12:36 AM Post #22,278 of 106,565
OK, Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, it's time for today's DOGWALK DISCOVERIES (be still, my heart)...

(international edition)

first, monster Israeli guitarist Oz Noy shredding Monk...

Hey doc, that Oz Noy is a freak, and I couldn't get through that video without feeling the need to go searching for more stuff of his (preferably higher quality vid). Found this one. Thanks for that discovery!


Here's a good little documentary vid:

They are all freaks lol!

Very cool...I had wanted to find hat particular recording of him playing Monk's Trinkle Tinkle, which I heard on my walk in the studio version, from Twisted Blues. Wasn't available in that form, though, only some live versions, and I agree, sound is poor. The studio version sounds great and would have been preferable, but I had to settle. Do dig the documentary you posted,though, he is really crazy good!

Figured you'd be happy with some Canada related music :cool:
Feb 23, 2014 at 12:43 AM Post #22,279 of 106,565
Thread is making me crazy, between this and Deals discussion, I can just have my checks forwarded to PayPal and Tenso, LOL. On1 latest hyped phone, it seems, sounds appealing, notas rediculously expensive as some others (but this stuff adds up). Still gotta get my W4/W40 review for The Audiophile Voice on paper (yes, consensus is coming around to there being a difference, W40 better, I peek at the W40 thread, after a bit of disbelief they are starting to actually listen to it intead of assume what it is like from specs. maybe tomorrow get it, gotta work in the morning, have show tickets in the afternoon, maybe at night, have to submit that and the latest John Abercrombe album. (magazine is print only, on internet presence). Anyway, still engaged in the neverending schizy saga of my on again, off again love affair with the Mikros, currently burning the cheap Beats cable knock offs, sounded like mierd out of the box, took a quick listen in the middle of the break in (has bee about 2 days, not sure if I'll hold out for the general kazillion hours), sounded somewhat better, not as strident. We shall see...
Feb 23, 2014 at 12:47 AM Post #22,280 of 106,565
All right, too late here in the East, gonna crash, listen to Heavens or Westone 3 (they ain't bad, feel like they've been neglected during the W4/W40 shoot out).
(as an aside, at least for me, Westone headphones, at least the 3 I've mentioned here and tried, have the most ergonomically sound shape and fit...lots of iem's try to do something like it, get part in the outside of the canal, some in, none succeed with as much comfort and good seal as these (that I've tried) imo. (some other straight tubes that just go in deep do OK, different design)
OK, Bye, y'all
Feb 23, 2014 at 1:08 AM Post #22,281 of 106,565
  Them teacs might win in detail as they should because of them BAs but bass end. Lets just say these RIMS with the black tuning screws will rumble the wax out of your ears. Great cleaning tool these RIMS.. 

^ Quoted!!!
For those doods that got in on these TEACs, ya'll are gonna be in for REAL nice treat. Nuff said.

Oh btw what IEMs have you ever seen that comes with their own ear wax remover/ cleaning kit BUILT-IN their stock tips. 

... this probing is gonna' be an eargasmic one fo' sho. hoho 


Feb 23, 2014 at 1:40 AM Post #22,282 of 106,565
Just tried a pair of SHR-1540 today and have to say they sounded unbelievably good. They address the bass issue of the 940 and also are a bit less bright, addressing that issue as well. They also are better built and more comfortable but less isolating.

In comparison to my K545 they are much more resolving and detailed with a larger more accurate sound stage. But the K545 has more bass and a bit softer treble I think. i didn't have my K545 when I listened to the 1540 so am going from memory, I am comfortable that the K545 had more bass for sure but my treble impression might be off.

The signatures are different enough that I would like to have both. The 1540 for detailed listening and the K545 for relaxed listening.
Feb 23, 2014 at 3:45 AM Post #22,283 of 106,565
I am skeptical that that's the case, otherwise I think it would be more clear in the description.
What I think the seller meant is that the IEMs come with 3 sets of ear tips.

did you ask the seller? I just reread that and it is really ambiguous.  I shouldn't be so presumptuous, it is ebay after all.
 I will ask also right now and pm you when I get a response.  Crossing fingers.
This'll teach me for not jumping on those 5 packs.  oh well next interesting cheaper discovery I will just get a whole caseload.
By the way I did find an interesting iem in Japan that has a dynamic 13.6 mm driver but reverse mounted facing the rears. Cheapo and looks interesting. Will check in if I drop the hammer on one or two. Or three.
Feb 23, 2014 at 4:16 AM Post #22,284 of 106,565
^ Quoted!!!
For those doods that got in on these TEACs, ya'll are gonna be in for REAL nice treat. Nuff said.

Oh btw what IEMs have you ever seen that comes with their own ear wax remover/ cleaning kit BUILT-IN their stock tips. 

... this probing is gonna' be an eargasmic one fo' sho. hoho 


So how does it not best the xba-3s? 

I'm just wondering besides the build quality, and cabling aside. More on the SQ.
Feb 23, 2014 at 5:50 AM Post #22,285 of 106,565
That new Ultrasone Pyco  iem is now selling on ebay germany.  Their stuff has always been a bit expensive though.
Feb 23, 2014 at 5:54 AM Post #22,286 of 106,565
  That new Ultrasone Pyco  iem is now selling on ebay germany.  Their stuff has always been a bit expensive though.

What, that's new? I thought it had been out for a while.
One of my friends had it and it sounds pretty good! Nice warm sound without lacking in details or anything. I don't know if it's worth the $200 asking price but it's better than any of the other Ultrasones I've personally tried.
Feb 23, 2014 at 6:20 AM Post #22,287 of 106,565
I just never ran into it before :) and the only mention of it is in two posts here one being the july 15 2013 Japanese headphone show, so that is only a few months. 
pics in the first post
Are you thinking of the  Tio or IQ instead? I believe the Pyco is a new dynamic.
Probably not they are both above 200.  Thanks for the impressions.
Feb 23, 2014 at 7:39 AM Post #22,288 of 106,565
Just tried a pair of SHR-1540 today and have to say they sounded unbelievably good. They address the bass issue of the 940 and also are a bit less bright, addressing that issue as well. They also are better built and more comfortable but less isolating.

In comparison to my K545 they are much more resolving and detailed with a larger more accurate sound stage. But the K545 has more bass and a bit softer treble I think. i didn't have my K545 when I listened to the 1540 so am going from memory, I am comfortable that the K545 had more bass for sure but my treble impression might be off.

The signatures are different enough that I would like to have both. The 1540 for detailed listening and the K545 for relaxed listening.

Interesting, I have the 1540, felt almost the opposite (didn't compare to 940), bass strong but slightly soft, at first felt the highs were rolled off, came back with a kazillion hours of burn in, but still on the softer side...The mids are where all the action is, detailed, smooth (as I usually note, I think fit is often the culprit in different sound impressions...I have a small head, have them fully extended, still find the bass increases if I hold them against my head). Raslly nice phones, up there with my Senn 650's, more exciting sound in its way (though changing cables for the 650 seems to be waking it up, may go for a Cardas, now tried a no name from eBay)
Feb 23, 2014 at 7:53 AM Post #22,289 of 106,565
OK, on the latest, I mean discoveries...have Accessory Jack open in the browser, AT ATM-IM-03 for $339.99. Have thinksound on1 up on Amazon for $252, not to mention the Japanese translation of the review for JVC HA-FX850 (of course, I don't need any of these). Any thoughts on these? Experience? Should I just go take a cold shower?
Feb 23, 2014 at 7:58 AM Post #22,290 of 106,565
Did I mention that I also have the brower tab open to Adorama, Sony XBA H3, not to mention the one open to Oppo 105 (but, of course, not the stock 105, but the high end mods available to it when/if I get it). I think it's time to just reboot the iMac...:xf_eek:

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