Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)
May 27, 2011 at 1:00 AM Post #391 of 4,748

I like them quite a bit more than the jh16 demo I heard.

Haha!  You couldn't resist.  

May 27, 2011 at 1:00 AM Post #392 of 4,748

Hate to say it but that is EXACTLY how I heard them.  The ER4P was too much for me so the EX1000 in that form above did me no favors.  Of course using only stock Sony Hybrids.  I think 'stabbed in the ears w/ a knife' were my words in January.

I take graphs with a grain but where it's up in amplitude would normally give it more of a glassy edge than sibilance. Is that what you heard? Looks pretty good above 6k.
May 27, 2011 at 1:11 AM Post #393 of 4,748

I take graphs with a grain but where it's up in amplitude would normally give it more of a glassy edge than sibilance. Is that what you heard? Looks pretty good above 5k.

Hard for me to give that kind of nuance being that it was 4 months ago but it was painful for me.  I'm sure I'm just a freak.  The EX1000 isn't the only one.  The ER4P, CK10, MTPC are examples that make it hard for me to enjoy extended listening w/o doing some serious tip play.  The FX700 is almost in that group as is the HJE900.  Others have no problem w/ those phones at all so I'm sure I'm pretty sensitive for some reason.  Sibilance does run from 3-7khz though.  I'm not sure I would be happy w/ that beyond 5khz either as it strikes me as rather John Gradoesque.  Assuming the graph is worth its weight in salt.  
Anyway, I don't want to get too into graphs as they do not represent the whole truth in full consideration.  It just did strike me as accurate to how I heard it versus the ER4P (a phone that also fatigued me and is less peaky).
May 27, 2011 at 2:42 AM Post #395 of 4,748

I suspect I have similar a issues to yours. Like my highs but feel the same about the 4p and prefer the hf5.

I know right?  I'm a DBA fan too, go figure.
May 27, 2011 at 3:10 AM Post #396 of 4,748
The sonove graph was actually the reason why I held back quite some time from buying these the moment they were released. Only after I read the headfonia review (months later) I started thinking that maybe the graph might not be telling the whole truth.

Just for reference, the CK10 and RE0 had too fatiguing treble for me. The HJE900 was borderline so before the foam mod and I still consider the FX700 a good deal more aggressive in highs than the Sonys. Go figure x2.
May 27, 2011 at 3:48 AM Post #397 of 4,748
That much treble on the EX1000s huh? Has anyone attempted EQing it down to tolerable levels?
For me, I had to EQ Beyerdynamic T1's treble down 15 dbs to get it to tolerable levels and it just wasn't worth it after that. It killed off the details. The peak in the EX1000 looks pretty bad. 10db peak?
May 27, 2011 at 4:25 AM Post #398 of 4,748
Graphs are somewhat debatable as they don't seem to tell the whole story, and each person's ear & ear-canal shapes vary, apart from different tip preferences AND sound preferences. In my experience such graphs have ultimately not proved very helpful. Two examples that come to mind are the CK10 & SE535, specially the latter having supposedly a nearly 'perfect' frequency curve. My ears told me otherwise and the reports by a few other head-fiers only confirmed this - it does seem like the bass on the SE535 is rather on the lean side. I (and others) also had issues with the upper mids/lower treble.
I don't find the EX1000s fatiguing at all. My very initial impressions made me think they might be fatiguing after a couple of recordings I heard where I felt the EX1000s were a bit brighter than I like, though the highs were not harsh/piercing/shrill.  This turned out to be more the result of the actual mastering of said recordings. The following 3 days I spent with the loaner set I had, and the subsequent two weeks with my own set, only proved that it was indeed those very few recordings that were the 'culprit'. To me listening fatigue has always been a cause of concern and the CK10, SE535 & W3 caused just that.
Having said that, the EX1000s are not for everybody - fit & isolation may prove a little problematic for some, though in my case that was not the case, ie I instantly got a perfect fit with the stock tips and enough isolation for my taste. And they are VERY comfortable. I also didn't get any fit problems with the TF10, BTW, but the EX1000s are even more comfortable and the cable type is better (more flexible with practically no microphonics). But the Sony's isolation is NOT good enough in noisy environments even with the extra tips that supposedly offer more isolation - they actually don't.
May 27, 2011 at 7:18 AM Post #399 of 4,748

The sonove graph was actually the reason why I held back quite some time from buying these the moment they were released. Only after I read the headfonia review (months later) I started thinking that maybe the graph might not be telling the whole truth.

Just for reference, the CK10 and RE0 had too fatiguing treble for me. The HJE900 was borderline so before the foam mod and I still consider the FX700 a good deal more aggressive in highs than the Sonys. Go figure x2.

I agree. I'm very sensitive to too bright treble, and the EX1000 have none of that. They are clearly more relaxed to my ears than the examples James mentioned.
May 27, 2011 at 7:46 AM Post #400 of 4,748
I actually agree that the EX1000 is ever so slightly tipped to brightness. So if anyone is extremely sensitive to treble brightness and much prefers dark sounding IEMs, the EX1000 won't be suitable then. However, I don't think it's a flaw of the IEM. I think this is exactly how it's supposed to sound like.
As for fatigue, yeah I guess a brighter sounding IEM will always be more fatiguing than a darker one, but a overly dark IEM is also not an accurate one.
May 27, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #401 of 4,748

That much treble on the EX1000s huh? Has anyone attempted EQing it down to tolerable levels?
For me, I had to EQ Beyerdynamic T1's treble down 15 dbs to get it to tolerable levels and it just wasn't worth it after that. It killed off the details. The peak in the EX1000 looks pretty bad. 10db peak?

The graph is misleading, The treble is smooth and not peaky at all. There is a treble emphasis in the overall sound signature, but it's well integrated with the rest of the range and refined.

May 27, 2011 at 7:38 PM Post #404 of 4,748
This might sound crazy but properly amped, I think i prefer R0 to GR10..

You mean RE0? Well, then it doesn't seem crazy to me at all. I think RE0 is on par with e-Q5, which should be very close to GR10. In fact, I consider the latest version of RE0 (which sounds better to me than the original version) to be a top-tier IEM that can compete with any other great IEM I've heard. For $79, they are an epic steal - if Hifiman decides to raise the price to $300-$400, I would still consider buying them.
May 27, 2011 at 11:05 PM Post #405 of 4,748
Sony EX1000
"how do these stay in?"
"why did they make them this way?"
"They are made of magnesium? Is that good to have against my skin?"
"I need a cookie"
"These definitely don't stay in well, yes, I can get a good seal"
"They sound very good. It's a clear sound. I'm not sure if they are worth $400 more, but it's a much different experience than mine [boyfriend note: Thinksound TS02]. The bass is good."
ComparisonAtrio M5 (with MG7) "violins sound better on this one" "Classical music sounds better on this one" "Rock and pop are better on the other one"
These comparisons are directly out of her ipod nano

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