Schiit LYR + LCD-2
Sep 24, 2012 at 3:59 PM Post #17 of 78
Have they come in yet? I would like to hear what you think :)
Sep 24, 2012 at 6:21 PM Post #18 of 78
Have they come in yet? I would like to hear what you think :)

They arrived and i tested them for at least 100 hours + 20 pink noise can break in. They are HEAVENLY 
 . Only thing I despise about it's sonic quality is that LCD2.2's have almost generic sound stage. I'm going to switch the tubes around to to make sure I'm getting the "correct sound" that i prefer. 
Sep 25, 2012 at 11:49 AM Post #20 of 78
the tube rolling thread should keep you in reading material for a while...

And keep the wallet empty. 

Sep 27, 2012 at 7:15 PM Post #22 of 78
Sep 30, 2012 at 12:00 PM Post #23 of 78
And keep the wallet empty. 

Wow sick setup you have going for ya! Schiit Gungnir and Mjolnir! Damn! I wonder how it competes with my Burson HA160D. I'd imagine the Gungnir is better than the DAC that's in the 160D but Mjolnir vs HA160 is interesting.....
 Time for war!
Sep 30, 2012 at 12:03 PM Post #24 of 78
Wow sick setup you have going for ya! Schiit Gungnir and Mjolnir! Damn! I wonder how it competes with my Burson HA160D. I'd imagine the Gungnir is better than the DAC that's in the 160D but Mjolnir vs HA160 is interesting.....
 Time for war!

I had a Burson, but it's been a while. After I sold the HD800,
I didn't use the Burson. so away it went.
I've already said the Mjolnir is the best SS amp I've heard yet.
As to how much better than the Burson. IDK, memory isn't very reliable,
so I couldn't throw out a meaningful percentage. 
The Gungnir is simply way above the Burson though. 
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:22 PM Post #25 of 78
i am wanting to the new audeze lcd 2 because my house hhave much noise to use a open headphone,and i want to know how is the lyr compared to mjonir amping the lcd 2 ?worth the 900 dollars plus?thanks and subscribed
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:28 PM Post #26 of 78
i am wanting to the new audeze lcd 2 because my house hhave much noise to use a open headphone,and i want to know how is the lyr compared to mjonir amping the lcd 2 ?worth the 900 dollars plus?thanks and subscribed

Yea. Mjolnir is quite better than Lyr in all areas of the spectrum. It has a very good synergy with LCD-2's and even more with LCD-3's, IMO.
Also, your comments weren't very clear. Your home is too noisy for a open can, so why are you looking at an open can? See the confusion.
Also the Mjolnir is only a few hundred more than Lyr, plus Lyr "requires" tube rolling, thus more money.
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:28 PM Post #27 of 78
The Mjolnir schiits all over the Lyr in terms of resolution, control, imaging, tone... i.e. all the good stuff. No amount of tube rolling will bring it to equal footing... perhaps if you have a crappy source and equally inadequate headphone at the end stifling the Mjolnir's transparency.
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:39 PM Post #28 of 78
sorry for the english i am brazilian and i am not so good with the english,but i will try to be more clear this time, the tube rolling on the lyr is a must?and the synergy with lcd 3 is much better than with the lcd 3?and anyone here try the burson soloist or the alo pan am with the lcd 2 or 3 ?thanks 
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:45 PM Post #29 of 78
sorry for the english i am brazilian and i am not so good with the english,but i will try to be more clear this time, the tube rolling on the lyr is a must?and the synergy with lcd 3 is much better than with the lcd 3?and anyone here try the burson soloist or the alo pan am with the lcd 2 or 3 ?thanks 

I understand. Tube rolling isn't necessarily a must. However there is great benefit to it. IMO, the Lyr w/stock tubes is FLAT.
The best tubes for Lyr run from $120-400 pair. Depending on how much tube rolling you venture into, it gets expensive.
The Mjolnir still is "stompishly" better than Lyr even with top tubes.
The LCD-2 is quite good with Lyr and even better with Mjolnir. The LCD-3 is meh ok with Lyr, but still, much better with Mjolnir.
The Soloist is a very nice amp as well. Everything boils down to preference. I found Mjolnir preferred to the Soloist,
and actually felt the Burson was overpriced, but this is just my 2cents.
I haven't heard that Alo amp yet, sorry, I can't help ya out there.
Oct 18, 2012 at 5:57 PM Post #30 of 78
I've owned the Bifrost/Lyr combo too and ran the rev2 from it. Really good chain, but it can get costly finding the right tubes. With the HD650 I preferred Amperex A-frame Orange Globes, the LCD-2 was very good with Lorenz Stuttgarts, Amperex Bugle Boys had great synergy with the HD800.

The difference in price between the Lyr and Mjolnir is bridged when you factor in the added cost of tube rolling, though you do still have to account for balancing your cables with the Mjolnir.

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