post your grado mods....
Oct 29, 2012 at 5:37 AM Post #2,506 of 8,992
Also can you say does simply taking the mid button off from the grill affect the sound signature somehow? 

have been thinking of doing that for my 325is' but wan't to know would I be affecting the sound in the process. 
Oct 29, 2012 at 8:32 AM Post #2,507 of 8,992

nice touch dude :D.... may i borrow it? :wink:

Stick with your own pair, Bro! Wait a took 2 pairs last time I checked 

Nov 6, 2012 at 5:45 PM Post #2,509 of 8,992
let me state I've no association with Headphone Lounge, Vibrolabs, Turbulent Labs
I am an audio obsessed male with too much disposable income & free time that surfs the net way too much
yes i decided to use the Vibro Classic cups as I was after the RS cup look
my 225i are easily my favourite Grado & my pair have given me over 300hrs of aural pleasure
I've listened to its sound mature from box fresh to its current state
the choice to use wood cups was purely aesthetic, Vibrolabs make no claims regarding sonic improvements
I've used my wood 225i for about a week now & they sound even better than stock
mid bass sounds fuller as does lower frequencies
I'm find myself relistening to my music collection not wanting to remove my headphones unless I have to
it could be my mind/wallet/eyes fooling my ears, no blind tests were done
overall, I'm happy with the investment

Alright, you talked me into it.
Nov 9, 2012 at 7:53 AM Post #2,511 of 8,992
I am actually quite happy with my MS2i but I went ahead for an small experience just now with it by sticking a small piece of felt on top the magnet leaving the 2 hole intact. I saw some posting that it improve the sound but after I tried this, I feel there is something not quite right. It still maintain the same sound signature but now the bass became so hollow. It does feel a bit smoother in the overall presentation but I think without the felt mod sounds way better.
Anyone else try this mod before?
Nov 12, 2012 at 6:13 PM Post #2,512 of 8,992
I am actually quite happy with my MS2i but I went ahead for an small experience just now with it by sticking a small piece of felt on top the magnet leaving the 2 hole intact. I saw some posting that it improve the sound but after I tried this, I feel there is something not quite right. It still maintain the same sound signature but now the bass became so hollow. It does feel a bit smoother in the overall presentation but I think without the felt mod sounds way better.
Anyone else try this mod before?

 Hi, not to change the subject about this mod, but I just recieved my ms2's last monday, coming from an sr80i I must say I found mine to be very  mid bass heavy with the (l) cushion, also not as clear or as vibrant as my 80's so I quarter reverse modded my (S) cushions and put them on my 2's for less bass and also a little more clarity, also they are more comfortable. Im interested in what type of improvment you are looking for, also your opinion on the 2's and also did  you own any other grado/alessandro below the ms2's and if you are experiencing the same thing I.Y.O. Also I let them burn in for about 40 hours and they are not wowing me like my 80's. Thanks.
Nov 13, 2012 at 7:45 AM Post #2,513 of 8,992
Welcome to the MS2i world :) I have MS1i too. Yes, the MS2i is mid focus and a much powerful sound. Using it to listen to vocal is a joy and it will bring out the emotion very well. The MS1i (probably your SR80i against the MS2i) is less mid focus, less powerful but much wider sound. I think it is not bad either and generally more relaxing but the high as be tiring and when it happens, usually it means I am listening it too loud. In other words, I do not have issue using any of my MS but I generally prefer the MS2i. My next target is ofcos the MS-Pro. Regarding the mod, I think it was probably my initial impression and when I listen to it more I feel it is the same with or without the felt damping on the magnet. If it make a diff, I guess Grado would have did it in the factory at least from my OFV.
Nov 13, 2012 at 10:26 AM Post #2,514 of 8,992
Thanks for your opinion on the sound of the ms2's I do agree with your opinion. Today I was going to call alessandro about thier return policy, BUT!!! last night I put the (L) cushions back on and also stretched the headband so the drivers where just laying on my ears (because I did also like the sound with these cushions, but sometimes the mid bass was too heavy for me and the detail and clarity wasn't there for me, so after stretching them out I also moved the drivers more foward off my ears and O.M.G. what a difference I experienced just by moving them foward and stetching them , the bass was so nice and tight , fast , and controlled I just could not believe it, also the sound did get wider with more detail and clarity sounding more similar to the 80's but with much better vocals and total sound quality, like 80's on steroids but more reserved and my ears did not bother me one bit at all! I was totally amazed, needless to say I am no longer going to make that call to alessandro, I couldn't even take them off my head for three + hours. I dont know how you wear your headphones as far as placement on your head or even what cushions you use, but if have the chance would you try this and let me know what you think? Sorry for changing your subject but thanks for the responce, Im still not to sure what you where trying to achieve with the felt on the magnet, was it what I was trying to achieve? If so try this you should be amazed!!! ( I also very well understand that we all have different sound taste) but if this was your goal try this you may like the results!!!Thank's again.
Nov 13, 2012 at 9:57 PM Post #2,515 of 8,992
I am using L-cushion also. My MS1i has the default S-cushion and when I try the L-cushion I like the L so much more even on the MS1i. My MS2i come with Senn 414 when I purchased the MS2i used. The 414 is softer than S-cushion I went ahead to get the L just to experience the sound and since it is the choice by Grado for the MS2i it must only do good on it. I like the L so much more, the only issue I have is that it is not friendly to people wear glasses. I usually remove my glasses when I am listening to the MS2i.
Some people even prefer the MS2i than the MSPro. I will bring my MS2i to the store and compare with MSPro when I have the time. Currently from my experience browsing HF, I think MSPro is much lay back in soundstage/mid than the MSPro, more refine and smoother than MS1i. MS2i is more powerful and mid focus so I think people who listen to vocal like fast, powerful and warmer sound. Then we have a more refine sound of the MSPro that will excel in unplugged, classical music type of performance.
I want to get MSPro for sure. 
Nov 13, 2012 at 10:18 PM Post #2,516 of 8,992
For L cushion, I think the besy way to wear them is to fit your ear freely inside the "cup". With the space and cup totally cover your ear the Grado will sound very natural in fact Grado is so natural that some time when I was closing my eyes, I thought someone is knocking on my door or talking to me. You see I have the Monitor Audio Studio 2, it is a small bookshelf speaker that is famous for fast, transparent, mid focus speaker. They are similar to Grado and combining with a warm powerful class A amp (ALCHEMIST FOSERTI ADP15A MkII) it is heavenly. So naturally my headphone choice is Grado.
Long before I ever try Grado, I know I will like it but I didn't know the local store have them so I was actually going to try the Senn 25-ii and during the audition it didn't impress me at all. It just sound like my PX-200ii (which is good by the way, 25ii is good therefore) but more muscle. Then I saw they actually have Grado brand, I ask for the SR125 and I was impressed.
That's how it got started, I am a Grado fan and I am on Alessandro department :)
Nov 14, 2012 at 11:00 AM Post #2,517 of 8,992
I posted this in the SR-60 mod part 2 thread, but it seems kinda dead so here: "I don't know if its been asked before, but can someone give me a link to a list of tonewoods? If not, what kind of dark brown, glossed would be good for a pair of Grados??
-edit- by dark brown, I mean chocolaty."
Nov 14, 2012 at 12:57 PM Post #2,519 of 8,992
For L cushion, I think the besy way to wear them is to fit your ear freely inside the "cup". With the space and cup totally cover your ear the Grado will sound very natural in fact Grado is so natural that some time when I was closing my eyes, I thought someone is knocking on my door or talking to me. You see I have the Monitor Audio Studio 2, it is a small bookshelf speaker that is famous for fast, transparent, mid focus speaker. They are similar to Grado and combining with a warm powerful class A amp (ALCHEMIST FOSERTI ADP15A MkII) it is heavenly. So naturally my headphone choice is Grado.
Long before I ever try Grado, I know I will like it but I didn't know the local store have them so I was actually going to try the Senn 25-ii and during the audition it didn't impress me at all. It just sound like my PX-200ii (which is good by the way, 25ii is good therefore) but more muscle. Then I saw they actually have Grado brand, I ask for the SR125 and I was impressed.
That's how it got started, I am a Grado fan and I am on Alessandro department :)

 I also like the (L) cushions sound now that I fit them correctly to my head. I would like to also try the (G) cushions just out of curiosity being that they are stock on the (GS & PS1000) but they are 45$ and I dont want to be dissapointed with them. I run my 2's directly out of my vintage sony cdp-c701es with a vintage meridian 203 D/A converter and I really think they sound awsome!!! but, in the near future I am going to purchase a tube amp, Im interested in one of these 3 amps: Little dot MKlll/MK1+ or the bellari HA-540, I need to do a little more research on these models, so far I understand people seem to like the MK1+ with the grado/alessandro. I started out with some bose AE2's then a friend loaned me his sr80's and I immediatly sold my bose and purchased a pair of 80's I was also very impressed the sound signature the first few seconds I put them thats how it started for me thank god, didn;t know what I was missing.  I no longer have my 80's (unfortunatly) I punched three holes through te felt on the back of the drivers for a little more bass and didn't like the results so I figured I would close the holes  with some hot glue (not a good idea) the glue leaked down into the outer part of the drivers and bonded the diaphram to the housings resulting 0 low frequencys HA-HA , so this lead me to the MS2's (fortunetly).
Nov 14, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #2,520 of 8,992
Hi, check out these two sites: or the firt site also sells on ebay wich has two different style cups. The second site has a very very big selection of exotic woods to choose from and styles of cups, I think you will really like the second site.

Thanks a lot!
I was asking because I'm considering taking a woodshop class at my school, and making my own cups.

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