Best inears for 15 $
My Music; basically Progressive House,Trance and Dubstep I have beening owning skullcandy skullcrushers for a year and i recently decided on to buy a pair of in ear earphones as i can't take the crushers everywhere.I have been aiming to buy them at a price limit of 15$.i scrolled through lot...- TAWT AMISH
- Thread
- philips-she3570bk-10-black-in-ear-headphones akg-k311-ear-buds monoprice-8320-iem panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black sony-mdrex10lp-blk-in-ear-headphones jvc-ha-fx101 head-gear in-ear philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones focalprice-xkdun-ck-700 philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
LG Behind-The-Neck Stereo Bluetooth Headset w/ Music Streaming/ Call Waiting Support (HBS-700)
Anyone have these? Are they good? I have Monster Copper's so it's not my first pair:) I just want to try bluetooth toys... LG Behind-The-Neck Stereo Bluetooth Headset w/ Music Streaming/ Call Waiting Support (HBS-700)...- Paradigm69
- Thread
- head-gear headphones lg-tone-hbs-700-wireless-bluetooth-stereo-headset-retail-packaging-black-orange
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
AH-D2000 vs. DT 770 (250ohm) ?!
I think I have it narrowed down but the 2 I'm looking at I haven't really found a good comparison. As I'm still new to this crack called head-fi, my only knowledge of anything Beyer is my MMX 300's I use for gaming. And since they are 32 ohm I run them easy through the Astro mixamp. Now I...- Styles
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-closed-studio-headphones-250-ohms denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones head-gear headphones over-ear
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Considering upgrade from RE0s
Thinking about upgrading from my RE0s. Not necessarily in the immediate future, but just something to think about for the next few months or so. They're great IEMs, but they seem to be lacking a bit of speed. Something with a bit more bass quantity, clarity, detail, and replaceable cables would...- bba1973
- Thread
- head-direct-re0-in-ear-headphones head-gear headphones in-ear
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
post your grado mods....
Just throwing this general discussion out there. Post your grado mods. Pads, cables, headband, earcups, woodwork... ANYTHING Goes!! Pics would be nice, but certainly not needed. Text will do just fine Garrett- kramer5150
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt-770-stereo-headphones cables diy dynamat grado grado-sr125i-headphones grado-sr325is-headphones head-gear headphones nhoord nhoord audio nhoord red v2 sony mdr-7502 sony mdr-7506 symphones-magnums turbulent x wabi sabi
- Replies: 9,038
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)