Orthodynamic Roundup
Apr 7, 2014 at 6:31 AM Post #22,682 of 27,185
Is the TDS-17 a portable orthodynamic? Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Apr 7, 2014 at 7:47 AM Post #22,684 of 27,185
  If it is its the best kept secret ever since they only cost $15 on ebay...

I would be so happy if they turned out to be orthodynamic. Highly unlikely however.
Apr 7, 2014 at 12:00 PM Post #22,687 of 27,185
the sansui is a beauty but it's got zero bass FWIR, can you confirm?

I disagree about the ss-100 not having bass. Its certainly not a bass head's phone but it is there and pretty well defined. For example, the bass drum that plays every measure in Stravinsky's rite of spring sounds deep and prety accurate. There is also that slam present that gives you goose bumps. I also really enjoy using the sansui whenever I listen to bass heavy jazz(mingus and others). It has better bass than the yhd-2 and dr-z6, however, it may be a hair less detailed than the Dr-z6 but it is more present and hits harder. I also preferred the sansui to my hd650 when I had the 650. The 650 was much more comfortable though. These, however, are just my impressions.
Apr 7, 2014 at 12:41 PM Post #22,688 of 27,185
just got home from work
bought my Sansui in Hungary from a local hifi fanatic, definitely unaware of what he was holding in his hands
still, was not cheap
soundwise, I generally consider it to be almost on pair with the mylar NAD
plenty of bass there, just needs a good amp, sounds very strong hooked to my OTL C3M tube headamp
my FET based is clearly no party to this beauty
not the sweetest thing to wear for hours, but a design champion, hands down
Apr 7, 2014 at 2:27 PM Post #22,691 of 27,185
I disagree about the ss-100 not having bass. Its certainly not a bass head's phone but it is there and pretty well defined. For example, the bass drum that plays every measure in Stravinsky's rite of spring sounds deep and prety accurate. There is also that slam present that gives you goose bumps. I also really enjoy using the sansui whenever I listen to bass heavy jazz(mingus and others). It has better bass than the yhd-2 and dr-z6, however, it may be a hair less detailed than the Dr-z6 but it is more present and hits harder. I also preferred the sansui to my hd650 when I had the 650. The 650 was much more comfortable though. These, however, are just my impressions.

I agree.
As with all vintage headphones, variable aging effects and how they were stored over the past 20 to 30 years likely results in sound quality differences from one set to the next. The set of SS-100 I'm listening to sounds very good. The bass is accurate and fast, just not as pronounced as some other vintage TOTL orthos. Then, there is "the look" and build to consider...  Sansui SS-100 may well be the most beautiful headphone I've ever seen, as well as light weight and comfortable for "on ear" 'phones.
Apr 7, 2014 at 3:00 PM Post #22,692 of 27,185
  I agree.
As with all vintage headphones, variable aging effects and how they were stored over the past 20 to 30 years likely results in sound quality differences from one set to the next. The set of SS-100 I'm listening to sounds very good. The bass is accurate and fast, just not as pronounced as some other vintage TOTL orthos. Then, there is "the look" and build to consider...  Sansui SS-100 may well be the most beautiful headphone I've ever seen, as well as light weight and comfortable for "on ear" 'phones.

Agreed, age does degrade the materials especially the foam used inside for dampening, my yamaha orthos had real nasty yellow gooey foam inside and after replacing with some felt they sound much better. 
Apr 7, 2014 at 5:14 PM Post #22,693 of 27,185

  the sansui is a beauty but it's got zero bass FWIR, can you confirm?

If the (mylar) RP18 is any indicator (which it should be given the nature of the SS-100 transducer) then the bass, while not lacking, is rather overshadowed by the upper regions, at least in stock form. The RP18 also has some NASTY distortion up top; not sure if that was my amp, lack of mods, or the transducer, but it was there and is the reason why I sold it. My hope is the SS-100 lacks this issue due to the heavily dampened enclosure... if I can ever get my mitts on one that is.
So, BMF, is there perhaps any news regarding that GS-X-II you're supposed to be getting? I think you know why I'm asking. 
Apr 7, 2014 at 5:39 PM Post #22,694 of 27,185
  If the (mylar) RP18 is any indicator (which it should be given the nature of the SS-100 transducer) then the bass, while not lacking, is rather overshadowed by the upper regions, at least in stock form. The RP18 also has some NASTY distortion up top; not sure if that was my amp, lack of mods, or the transducer, but it was there and is the reason why I sold it. My hope is the SS-100 lacks this issue due to the heavily dampened enclosure... if I can ever get my mitts on one that is.
So, BMF, is there perhaps any news regarding that GS-X-II you're supposed to be getting? I think you know why I'm asking. 

Word on the street is that the GS-X-II should be ready, soon. I have a couple more TOTL amps in bound and may have the opportunity to compare all 3 with a wide variety of vintage and current production TOTL 'phones - dynamic and orthos.
Apr 7, 2014 at 10:06 PM Post #22,695 of 27,185
  It is a quilt batting material, there is A.Cotton ( 80% Cotton-20% Polyester ) and an A. Bamboo version (50% Natural Bamboo 50% Cotton) , basically a fuzzier felt type material, around the same thickness as felt. A.Bamboo is a little more transparent and slightly thinner, A.Cotton is slightly thicker and fuzzier.
They are my go-to in one form or another between the two of them usually things work out well, and of course in combination with other things often.
The first link is the safest and cheapest i would guess ( hard to find decent links! )
If it is a real pain in the butt to source out PM me and I can send a bunch out to you on me  since it is relatively cheap and i get it by the metre/yard. Same two types as have been used in here to decent result.
 I will make a point of going out tomorrow and getting another yard or two of each to ensure I have enough for a lifetime of mods.:)
It was part of one of the  crucial keys in the main Memory Foam Mod T50rp  damping recently posted in the Incremental Mods Thread
By the way have you ever opened the TDS-7, it scares me. I have seen it open in pictures before and can tell where the tabs are but doing it is another intimidating factor, definitely need opening and tweaking, but I don't wish to botch it up! I can usually get into most things including trouble

  Thanks for explanation on A Bamboo. Wood need to see if I can find something here in europe.
I haven't opened any Amfiton yet. I was going to ask BMF if TDS-7 drivers could be transplanted to Takstar?
This weekend I got another ortho Universum 

I finally found the time to take a whack at my TDS-7. The set I have has been around the block many times from the look of them. Still, pictures may help you guys getting inside. Of interest, the outer headband support structure with metal (nickel?) is conductive to the side opposite the cable entry. Both "wire frames" are slotted in a pivoting mechanism and pop right out if aligned properly. 
Looks to me like a transplant could work but would require some re-tooling of the stock driver frames. I do not think they would fit inside a Takstar HI-2050. The TDS-15 drivers I transplanted into HI-2050 just barely fit without the need for any re-tooling.
The magnets were not glued in place and I came close to destroying the diaphragm on the side in the pictures, below. Luckily, all I did was dent the exterior membrane a little.

The rear half of the cup pops off using a flathead screwdriver as a lever.

The wire "super structure" pops into the pivots on each side where the wires are soldered.

another view

O.K....one more


I suspect the single screw on the left is stock and the other 3 are "make do's."

The ear side of the driver. Someone before me glued plastic onto the frame as a baffle.

Clear view of the pivots and "hot" wire frame.

Must remember to super glue those magnets in place after making sure they are situated to oppose one another.

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