takato14 replied to the thread Fostex TH1100RP open and TH1000RP closed premium planar headphones.Square membranes with sharp corners -- such as the T50RP design -- suffer modal breakup at listening levels. A simple material change...
takato14 replied to the thread Fostex TH1100RP open and TH1000RP closed premium planar headphones.The single most requested... thing, from Fostex, has been a "high-end" planar-magnetic design on the level of their previous designs...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.Well. Ok then. That, didn't take very long.
takato14 replied to the thread Orthodynamic Roundup.Set the headphones in your palm, with the pad facing down. Press firmly into the mesh earcups with your other hand. Twist the pad hand...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.Mad jealous. Still need to find one of these... largest AMT driver ever put in a headphone despite being the second one ever produced...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.The problem is that piezoelectric drivers are inherently compromised on the electrical side of things. This is the electrical...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.While I have toyed around with the idea of custom lambda pads, it's imperative to never replace pads on a lambda signature unless they...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.Much darker. FR comparison between the two tells you most of what you need to know... most of it. The Pioneers have a noticeable jump...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.Entirely too much. With things like this, one of two things happens: A: The headphones sell for pennies, since hardly anyone knows...
takato14 replied to the thread Show us your vintage headphones!.The only change right now is the removal of one of the (proprietary) Sony plugs in exchange for a standard 6-pin Amphenol, like the ones...