Grado Fan Club!
Jul 14, 2013 at 9:37 PM Post #8,086 of 67,310
I think it says something about the detailed, accurate and realistic bass in these cans.  I can hear every nuance between a Ric and a P or a Jazz.  It's certainly not bloated, but very articulate. True, sub-bass is a little lean, but not by much

That is really good to hear considering Grado haters seem to often criticize the bass.
i have always found it detailed and accurate, with the right fit/pads.
Jul 14, 2013 at 9:45 PM Post #8,087 of 67,310
glad to see everyone is back to getting along, it usually stays pretty friendly here !
i got some good info about the little dot over on that thread, very helpful bunch over there too !!
my amp isn't set up for the tubes im using, so i got some work,and or some tubes to buy !!(both)
Jul 14, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #8,088 of 67,310
I'm on the articulate side of the fence when it comes to audio.  I get that I can virtually unlimited options in this hobby, and there is no absolute to any of it.
Anyway, since I am still wowed by the performance, if not the ergonomics of iGrado's, I am more curious than every to try different pads.  the imaging on those suckers is pretty darned good, and I'm thinking it has to do with the distance of the driver from my ears.  The bowls make that distance significantly longer on my 225i's, so it may be time to try shorter pads. 
Jul 14, 2013 at 10:12 PM Post #8,089 of 67,310
I'm on the articulate side of the fence when it comes to audio.  I get that I can virtually unlimited options in this hobby, and there is no absolute to any of it.
Anyway, since I am still wowed by the performance, if not the ergonomics of iGrado's, I am more curious than every to try different pads.  the imaging on those suckers is pretty darned good, and I'm thinking it has to do with the distance of the driver from my ears.  The bowls make that distance significantly longer on my 225i's, so it may be time to try shorter pads. 

The TTVJ Flats will give you that shorter distance - highly recommended.
I do notice that the HP1000 snug the pads to one's ears, with equal pressure all around, while the other Grados seem to have more pressure on the top/less on bottom. 
Jul 15, 2013 at 7:40 AM Post #8,090 of 67,310
The articulation is what I'm digging. Sure the low rumble of of sub bass isn't always there but being able to hear Duck Dunn laying down a groove and John Paul Jones having just that little bit of grit to the bass tone is so very nice. All the while I can hear the separation and panning...diggin it!
I'm guessing the fit thing is selective, I have a huge melon and these fit great, no clamping and sit on my ears perfect. Granted I have huge ears for them to rest on. When I tried them on at the store I was hooked.
Jul 15, 2013 at 8:05 AM Post #8,091 of 67,310
I actually have no comment, except I always compared them to Carvin: U.S. made, no-nonsense and fantastic value for the money
come to think of it, how many bass players are on this Grado thread? 

Bass player here!
Love Grado bass... might not be prominent, but for the money, you can't get better texture and timbre. 
(in the context of the low-end Grados).
Jul 15, 2013 at 12:53 PM Post #8,092 of 67,310
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Jul 15, 2013 at 4:56 PM Post #8,096 of 67,310
That is really good to hear considering Grado haters seem to often criticize the bass.
i have always found it detailed and accurate, with the right fit/pads.

I totally agree with these comments....I think the bass is so tight and detailed that I have trouble understanding why people bash the Grado bass
Jul 15, 2013 at 5:00 PM Post #8,097 of 67,310
I am about to buy my first pair of grados.
The question is, 225 or 80?

They're so similar it's best to start off with the 80. 
If you can feed it with even a budget amp (not even necessary) and dac it will shine. 
Many have said (and I agree) that it's the 'sweet spot' in the Grado line-up in terms of value for money.
Jul 15, 2013 at 5:06 PM Post #8,098 of 67,310
glad to see everyone is back to getting along, it usually stays pretty friendly here !
i got some good info about the little dot over on that thread, very helpful bunch over there too !!
my amp isn't set up for the tubes im using, so i got some work,and or some tubes to buy !!(both)

I just put the OPA2107 opamp in my Little Dot 1+ is paired with the Sylvania 408A tubes, and I am really digging the synergy here.
Jul 15, 2013 at 5:16 PM Post #8,099 of 67,310
They're so similar it's best to start off with the 80. 
If you can feed it with even a budget amp (not even necessary) and dac it will shine. 
Many have said (and I agree) that it's the 'sweet spot' in the Grado line-up in terms of value for money.

To be honest, i am not looking for a bargain. I want something that i will absolutely fall in love with.
So if the 225 are worth double the price, i am willing to pay it. But are they?
Jul 15, 2013 at 5:25 PM Post #8,100 of 67,310
To be honest, i am not looking for a bargain. I want something that i will absolutely fall in love with.

So if the 225 are worth double the price, i am willing to pay it. But are they?

it's hard to say because everyone has a different definition of "worth". are the 225s twice as good as the 80s? no, the differences are subtle but present. for me if i am going to be really focused on the music with no distractions then the 225s were worth it. for casual listening while reading or studying or in a noisier environment no the 225 would not be worth it for me.

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