parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WA22 Tube Rolling Fun Kit.Yes, the 6SN7 driver tubes are available
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WA22 Tube Rolling Fun Kit.BUMPY Only the 6SN7 and variants remain...$225 shipped CONUS. Drivers: 2 x 6SN7 GE Platinum Grade from UPSCALE 2 x 6H8C Russian 6SN7...
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing 6SL7GT Tubes * Philips Holland * Branded ADZAM * Upscale Platinum.Bump...$200
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WA22 Tube Rolling Fun Kit.Bump...$300?
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WOO AUDIO WA2 TUBE ROLLING FUN KIT.Bump...$200
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WA22 Tube Rolling Fun Kit.Bump with another price drop...$325!
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WOO AUDIO WA2 TUBE ROLLING FUN KIT.Bump with price drop...$225...let's get else sold...
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WA22 Tube Rolling Fun Kit.Bump with Price Drop...
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing WOO AUDIO WA2 TUBE ROLLING FUN KIT.Bump with price drop...
parbaked posted a comment on classifieds listing Raytheon RK-60 - 1641 Rectifiers Lot of 10 with 3 > 5U4 Adapters.Bump with price drop...
parbaked replied to the thread 2359glenn | studio.My understanding is that Clayton’s early adopter cost was $1800, so quite a steal for two mono amps compared to the Lundahl amps…plus...
parbaked added classifieds listing EY500 6EC4A Mixed Lot of 17 Tubes to category Cables, Speakers, Accessories For Sale / Trade.ClaytonSF TUBE SALE! We finally got around to taking inventory of dear ClaytonSF's tube collection and will begin listing in groups...
parbaked replied to the thread 2359glenn | studio.Hey guys we are considering selling ClaytonSF's 2359glenn 300B mono block speaker amps. We wanted to keep these but realize they should...
parbaked added classifieds listing Leben CS600 Integrated and Headphone Amplifier to category Cables, Speakers, Accessories For Sale / Trade.This amplifier is part of the estate of our departed friend ClaytonSF. Clayton's family has asked me to assist them sell some of his...