Grado Fan Club!
Jul 13, 2013 at 8:50 PM Post #8,056 of 67,310
the innards of my little dot, i think maybe i shoulda taken an electronics class somewhere down the line !

Jul 13, 2013 at 9:04 PM Post #8,057 of 67,310
NAH! you got google and us!
Jul 13, 2013 at 9:27 PM Post #8,058 of 67,310
NAH! you got google and us!


Well, from comparing mine, to the one on the LD website, mine's different , I was just trying to see how the adjustments for different tubes are made
Jul 13, 2013 at 9:32 PM Post #8,059 of 67,310
Well, from comparing mine, to the one on the LD website, mine's different , I was just trying to see how the adjustments for different tubes are made
yours is different then the diagrams... however its the same jumper numbers and positions
Jul 13, 2013 at 10:48 PM Post #8,061 of 67,310
i do enjoy grados, but Rics over grados every time. i have a '73 4001.

That's not fair! 
You guys are lucky to enjoy both. 

Jul 13, 2013 at 10:53 PM Post #8,062 of 67,310
Always wanted a ric... But I've amassed a collections of vintage Jacksons and a few new deans...
Jul 13, 2013 at 11:06 PM Post #8,064 of 67,310
Beautiful! ^
Jul 14, 2013 at 4:28 AM Post #8,065 of 67,310
The two main similarities are the speed and timbre. Both excel at these. 
All Grados are very 'fast' with a very natural sounding decay. Also they treat the reproduction of acoustic instrument sounds with respect. 
I find the HE-500 to be just as fast if not faster, but instead of being coloured like a Grado, it's neutral and it's sub bass response is superior, linear, but never overpowering (also it has bucket loads more resolution and soundstage). 
Also SR80 doesn't sound good on all genres. HE-500 does. Always. Every genre. Ever. 
TBH it's apples and oranges. They're leagues apart but both do what they're meant to very well. 

It truly is apples and oranges, you are comparing a real headphone (HE-500) to a toy headphone (SR80). No comparison possible, like comparing a BMW to a KIA.
Jul 14, 2013 at 7:34 AM Post #8,066 of 67,310
It truly is apples and oranges, you are comparing a real headphone (HE-500) to a toy headphone (SR80). No comparison possible, like comparing a BMW to a KIA.

That's not true. It is possible to compare.  
Whether anyone should compare the two is a debate for the philosophers. 
Also I wouldn't compare an SR80 to any Kia. More like a VW Golf GTi (the nice version of a basic model). 
Jul 14, 2013 at 7:37 AM Post #8,067 of 67,310
Don't be a troll. For seven times the price I wouldn't get seven time the enjoyment. If you guys are comparing a set of headphones that are nothing like each other it makes the comparison invalid. I'm sure the he-500s are pretty awesome, but that isn't what I was looking for or would want to wear.

Awesome Ric!
Jul 14, 2013 at 8:31 AM Post #8,068 of 67,310
Actually, I was being serious comparing what is similar between the Hifiman and the Grado.  I was not suggesting a qualitative comparison, but a look at similarities.  And since I own the HE-5LE and the 225i, and find more similarity in the mids than I would have ever thought, I figured it was at close to being a fair question.
My HE-5LE's trump the Grado's in every way I can think of.  But it is not by as far a margin as I would have guessed without listening to both.
Jul 14, 2013 at 8:36 AM Post #8,069 of 67,310
I have just bought a Little Dot 1+  and it sounds pretty impressive for the price, paired with my RS1i.
I would love to try ter TTVJ flats with this combo....if anybody here has a pair for sale ....please pm me 

Jul 14, 2013 at 8:52 AM Post #8,070 of 67,310
I have just bought a Little Dot 1+  and it sounds pretty impressive for the price, paired with my RS1i.

I would love to try thr TTVJ flats with this combo....if anybody here has a pair for sale ....please pm me 

Cool! I've been meaning to go over to a friend's house to try his Little Dot, but haven't gotten a chance to yet. He has a pair of 325is.

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