++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jun 2, 2013 at 1:12 PM Post #29,386 of 29,490
Hi, i'm looking for a noise isolating headset (not an "in ear" earphone).
This is becouse i've moved into a very noisy room (above a bar), and the sound (especially the bass) is eating away at my concentration.

I've used isolating in ear earbuds before, but since i dislike the comfort of those i'm looking for a different solution.
Does any of you know any affordable (lets say anything above the 100 euro's mark should really be worth it) closed headphones?.
Again, the sound should be ok, but its the isolation that seals the deal for me.

I don't think i should mention this to anyone on this website, but i'm not looking for active noise reduction, since that will not be able to supress a bass track from a song.

Thank you for your reading and time, and i hope anyone can help me.

Kind regards,
Jun 2, 2013 at 2:04 PM Post #29,387 of 29,490
Hi, i'm looking for a noise isolating headset (not an "in ear" earphone).
This is becouse i've moved into a very noisy room (above a bar), and the sound (especially the bass) is eating away at my concentration.

I've used isolating in ear earbuds before, but since i dislike the comfort of those i'm looking for a different solution.
Does any of you know any affordable (lets say anything above the 100 euro's mark should really be worth it) closed headphones?.
Again, the sound should be ok, but its the isolation that seals the deal for me.

I don't think i should mention this to anyone on this website, but i'm not looking for active noise reduction, since that will not be able to supress a bass track from a song.

Thank you for your reading and time, and i hope anyone can help me.

Kind regards,

My experience with budget sealed headphones is that their isolation is generally not very good (at least not good enough to block out subwoofers next door), or if they are, they have high clamping which makes longer listening sessions impossible.
If comfort isn't a high priority, the K618/619 has very good isolation and should also be in your budget. I've also heard the HM5 is good for isolation with a more comfortable over-ear design, though I don't know how much they go for in Europe.
Jun 2, 2013 at 2:25 PM Post #29,388 of 29,490
First i'd like to thank you for your swift response.

I see that my startbudget might have been a little to hopefull, i think that comfort and isolation are my prime concerns, and the audio quality does not have to be top-notch.

Are there any other recomendations you can give me when i'd double my budget (around 170 200)
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:03 PM Post #29,390 of 29,490
Then Ultrasone 750s seem like they might be your best bet without knowing any more about what you are looking for. The "wow" effect you seek doesn't really say anything about the type of sound signature you are seeking.

Makes sense. I guess I'm looking for something with good bass and isolation, and this has lead me to the Beyerdynamic line. I was thinking of getting the DT770s, but I'm not sure whether to go for the 250 ohm or the 8 ohm, as I'm not sure what the difference is (or how they compare to the COPs). Also, what amp or amp/dac combo would be best for these? I'll be playing from a Macbook Pro and these are for around the house listening (possibly gaming, although my AD700s are doing a great job at that), so portability is not important. I also don't mind waiting a few paychecks before I jump into buying an amp/dac, and I was thinking of getting a Magni/Modi combo. Perhaps I should take these questions to the amp forums though, ha
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM Post #29,391 of 29,490
Once again I’ll mention that headphone comfort is a very individual thing.  We can point you to headphones that are generally considered to be comfortable and mention others that have garnered complaints for being uncomfortable.  However, the only way to know for sure is to wear them yourself for a time equivalent to your longest listening session.  No one can do this for you.

The problem is that i cant afford a second pair of headphones in case i did not like the first one. I cant just risk it as i am gonna be keeping the headphones for a while.
So what would be a safe choice?

No such thing unless you try them.  Comfort and preferred sound signature are very individual thing--just as is the music you prefer.
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:23 PM Post #29,392 of 29,490
Makes sense. I guess I'm looking for something with good bass and isolation, and this has lead me to the Beyerdynamic line. I was thinking of getting the DT770s, but I'm not sure whether to go for the 250 ohm or the 8 ohm, as I'm not sure what the difference is (or how they compare to the COPs). Also, what amp or amp/dac combo would be best for these? I'll be playing from a Macbook Pro and these are for around the house listening (possibly gaming, although my AD700s are doing a great job at that), so portability is not important. I also don't mind waiting a few paychecks before I jump into buying an amp/dac, and I was thinking of getting a Magni/Modi combo. Perhaps I should take these questions to the amp forums though, ha

The DT770 is a nice headphone. Your best bet to find out the difference between the ohms versions and what amps is to use a little Google fu and look through and ask in threads pertaining to those headphones: https://www.google.com/search?q=dt770+head-fi&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS516US516&oq=dt770+head-fi
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:26 PM Post #29,393 of 29,490
Hello, my friend asked for a headphones recommendation. He wants full sized closed headphones which will be used with laptop so dac/amp might be necessary. Budget is up to 1000$ for headphone and amp/dac combo if needed. He likes to listen Scorpions, Roling Stones, U2 and such. Also headphones shouldn't be bass anemic. What are your recommendations?

Start with HE 500 and use the rest of the money on an amp (maybe an O2) and dac (with the $150 +/- you have left).
This assumes that the quality of of your friend's music files are good enough to justify spending this kind of money.
Jun 2, 2013 at 3:56 PM Post #29,394 of 29,490
Makes sense. I guess I'm looking for something with good bass and isolation, and this has lead me to the Beyerdynamic line. I was thinking of getting the DT770s, but I'm not sure whether to go for the 250 ohm or the 8 ohm, as I'm not sure what the difference is (or how they compare to the COPs). Also, what amp or amp/dac combo would be best for these? I'll be playing from a Macbook Pro and these are for around the house listening (possibly gaming, although my AD700s are doing a great job at that), so portability is not important. I also don't mind waiting a few paychecks before I jump into buying an amp/dac, and I was thinking of getting a Magni/Modi combo. Perhaps I should take these questions to the amp forums though, ha

I have the DT770s and I can vouch for them in terms of both bass and isolation, they really rumble! I've heard some people talk about irritating highs but that's not been a problem for me, one thing I have noticed however is that the mids are a bit sucked out which may or may not be a problem depending on the type of music you listen to. The DT770/80s can be driven by my laptop (though obviously they benefit from an amp) so you should be fine with your Mac, I don't really know the differences between the 80[size=small]Ω and 250[/size][size=small]Ω besides the latter being harder to drive (if there are any). As cel4145 said, you'd be better off asking in the DT770 thread but I will say that if you do go for an amp, even portable FiiOs should have enough power for them but enough power doesn't always equate to good sound as different pairings have different synergy. I use the Magni with the DT770s and AFAIK the Beyers are considered Dark whereas the Magni is considered bright (could be wrong) which is good and I think the two pair well. Unfortunately the DT770s' long cable seems to act as a big aerial for the amp and so the pair do a good job at receiving radio signal which is very frustrating but I've not heard of this happening to anyone else so it could be unique to me and my location. Other combos worth considering if you're looking at Schiit are the O2 and ODAC and possibly the FiiO E7 and E9 which would be good as you could put the E7 in you're pocket and have a portable rig option. I won't say more about the amps for fear of going OT and I don't like recommending gear I've not heard (FiiO/O2).[/size]
Jun 2, 2013 at 4:44 PM Post #29,396 of 29,490
Hi, guys. 

Been browsing this forum for a while, but only found the need to register now. 

Okay. Here's my situation. I'm from a country where finding good headphones, top headphones, is a pain. Usually, they have to be imported. Sennheiser do have a dealer here but the renew their stock so slow that I'd rather get me a pair from Amazon. 

Coming back to suggestions, I know a guy who is selling his XB-1000's for $100. Got him down to $80, but the thing is, its audio jack has been repaired. The original one, as the guy tells me, was damaged by someone keeping their leg on it over a long period. 

I know $80 is an insane price and I could use them for 2 months and then sell them for probably as much if not a little more, BUT, do you guys think it's a good idea buying a pair of XB1000's with a repaired audio jack? 

Secondly, here are my needs: 
Primarily, gaming! I'll be playing Battlefield 3, and Battlefield 4 when it's out. 
Then, music.
And then, TV SHows and Movies. 

However, I need to be able to play around with bass vs clarity. Does the XB1000 give me room for that? 

A friend suggested I get the HD518 instead. Sadly, the Senn dealer here is out of stock. 
I'll be powering them using an Asus Xonar DG
So, the question is. 

1- Repaired XB1000 in 80$. Buy or Don't buy?
2- Gaming followed by music followed by movies. Clarity and bass mix, not overpowering bass. Buy or don't buy?
I live in a country which has very hot summers. Considering I'll have my air-conditioner, say, half the time off. Say I'm playing BF3 for 4 hours, my AC will work for 2. Will the ears get too hot using the XB1000's? 
In addition to that, how do the XB1000's fare on 
i) Small heads
ii) People with glasses
Oh, and suggestions in sub-100$ headphones? Sennheiser is available here and a lot of Audio Technia too. 
Jun 2, 2013 at 4:57 PM Post #29,397 of 29,490
I'm upgrading from my AKG K240 soon. So I really want to try something like the AKG K550, but maybe I should set my sights on something higher like the AKG q701, or is the AKG K550 of similar quality? They're both low ohms which makes it suitable for my Go Dap GD-03 amplifier. (I'm especially unsure about the compatibility of the AKG q701 with my amplifier). So the two questionsFirst of all, will this headphone, the AKG q701 work on my amplifier, and is this headphone decent or superior compared to the K550? 
Jun 2, 2013 at 5:38 PM Post #29,398 of 29,490
[size=small] Hey everyone, I'm looking for some nice headphones for mostly Heavy Metal listening and Gaming.[/size]

[size=small]  [/size]

[size=small] Budget: $300-$400[/size]

[size=small] Source: Computer[/size]

[size=small] Requirements for Isolation: Used mostly at home[/size]

[size=small] Preferred Type of Headphone: Full-sized over the ear, open[/size]

[size=small] Preferred Music: Everything Metal[/size]

[size=small] Preferred Entertainment: Gaming, movies, music
Location: Iceland

Extra details: I own the Sennheiser HD 595 and would like something similarly comfortable for prolonged use. Would like suggestions and even an ampllifier/DAC suggestion. I mostly have MP3s but I am trying to expand my FLAC library.

Thanks in advance!
Jun 2, 2013 at 5:43 PM Post #29,399 of 29,490
[size=small] Hey everyone, I'm looking for some nice headphones for mostly Heavy Metal listening and Gaming.[/size]

[size=small]  [/size]

[size=small] Budget: $300-$400[/size]

[size=small] Source: Computer[/size]

[size=small] Requirements for Isolation: Used mostly at home[/size]

[size=small] Preferred Type of Headphone: Full-sized over the ear, open[/size]

[size=small] Preferred Music: Everything Metal[/size]

[size=small] Preferred Entertainment: Gaming, movies, music
Location: Iceland

Extra details: I own the Sennheiser HD 595 and would like something similarly comfortable for prolonged use. Would like suggestions and even an ampllifier/DAC suggestion. I mostly have MP3s but I am trying to expand my FLAC library.

Thanks in advance!

Wanna know the best place to get metal on FLAC? Metalmadness.com. I archived almost my entire metal collection in flac from that website alone. Btw good luck finding your metal listening headphones. I'd be interested to see what recommendations you get too.
Jun 2, 2013 at 6:03 PM Post #29,400 of 29,490
I'm upgrading from my AKG K240 soon. So I really want to try something like the AKG K550, but maybe I should set my sights on something higher like the AKG q701, or is the AKG K550 of similar quality? They're both low ohms which makes it suitable for my Go Dap GD-03 amplifier. (I'm especially unsure about the compatibility of the AKG q701 with my amplifier). So the two questionsFirst of all, will this headphone, the AKG q701 work on my amplifier, and is this headphone decent or superior compared to the K550? 

Google could be your friend: https://www.google.com/search?q=akg+q701+vs+k550 :wink:

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