++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
May 24, 2013 at 1:55 AM Post #28,982 of 29,490
OK folks I need some opinions and help. I have finally got enough to buy a full sized headphone and I'm having a hard time deciding between two. The Grado sr60is or the Koss Pro DJ100. I am also purchasing a fiio e07k and koss sportapro at the same time (mostly for a headband to use with my KSC75s but also to have the deeper, bassier sound of the sportapro drivers) 
The koss- pros- Closed back, solid build, comfortable
               cons- long burn in, needs amp to sound best
the grados- pros- cool looking (to me), great for rock
                 cons- little bit more expensive, open back (not that big of a con)
So for reference I listen to a lot of indie rock, pink floyd, some metal, electro house, choral music. 
I am looking for a full sized headphone to use mostly at home. I currently have Koss KSC75s and the AKG K430. 
My problem is I can't decide which of the two I want! I have done a fair amount of research on both of them on here and apparently they are fairly close in sound? and also are the Grados that much better sounding than the KSC75s? I have heard that they are also similar sounding. It is probably fairly obvious that I am pretty new to the hobby and I really appreciate the help!
Edit: and just so ya know, I use an Ipod Classic and my laptop as primary sources

While these two cans have some similarities with regard to their respective sound signatures, they do not sound the same.
You have to listen to each and decide.  Further, that is the only way for you to determine if there is comfort issue for you with either or both.  They are not that hard to find--at least not in the U.S.
May 24, 2013 at 2:14 AM Post #28,983 of 29,490
You need to listen to them--especially if you plan on committing to them for a decade.  There is not substitute for that--and preferably with the equipment that will be feeding and powering them.

not an option, the only option is taking a risk and leaping on blind faith... that's why i was trying to narrow it down to the best possible choices to make the odds the best i can in getting something that will work for my needs.
i'm thinking the dt880 or hd600 should satisfy me, i can't imagine why either one wouldn't... i've read a bunch of stuff about each and watched youtube videos and about 90% of people seem to be happy and positive about each one, and it seems those are considered 2 of the best in that price range and fit my preferences/needs.
i'm going to take a chance on one them i'm thinking, it's a safe bet that i'll be happy with either.
the hd600 do seem to fit me a little more but i'm still going to keep reading and checking stuff out.
(i already have 2 audio-technica headphones and so i don't want to get another pair of those as you recommended but thanks.)
May 24, 2013 at 3:04 AM Post #28,984 of 29,490
Hello everybody, I am a new member on this website, but I've been a long time lurker for the last couple of years. Unfortunately, I've never been able to delve deep into many different types or upper stratums of headphones because I am a college student. For the last three years, I have been using a ATH-M50, but after much usage, traveling, and slamming around, the headphones have been broken. I was pretty satisfied with the M50s, but they never truly wowed me in any category. I am looking for something a little better than those.

I listen to a lot of R&B, old school soul, some hip-hop and dubstep, and a little rock and country.
I am looking for a pair of closed over the ear headphones for preferable less than $200.
Also I will be usually just using an Ipod Touch for these so I need something that is portable enough to travel around in and also easy to drive.
Right now, I have been looking at the Ultrasone HFI 780s and the Shure 840s, but I am more than open to any other suggestions!

Thanks for the help!
Anybody feel like helping me out??
May 24, 2013 at 7:05 AM Post #28,986 of 29,490
Hello there folks! New here, but ive been reading on the forums for a while but thought asking some questions would not harm anyone.
I have had a Sennheiser HD 555 (and a HD 25-1 for on the road) for quite a while now but i think its time to try out something new. First things first could anyone describe what "dark" means as a sound signature, things like analytical seem self explanatory but dark eludes me. 
Now let me frame the usage for the new headphone. I will primarily be gaming with it but also be listening to music and the ocassional movie. Now ive read the term "fun" alot on the site and i think that will be important for the headphones. I play competetive games but i don't want my sound to be to sterile cause that takes all the fun out of it for me. I have OFCOURSE read Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming guide and have come up with a couple of headphones that seem to be my flavour.
I have been looking at the Sennheiser HD 650, cause that is one that everyone seems to be raving about. Now i hear that it pretty hard to drive so that might be a factor for NOT getting it as i will not have great amplification for it anytime soon. I will be using the Asus ROG Phoebus to drive them and MAYBE i will get something like a Fiio e9 or e10.
The DT 990 also seemed like a great option and not too expensive at that. 
I have also looked at the Ultrasone Pro 900 wich is a closed set but i hear it produces great bass wich could be great for games like bf3 i think. I actually found a set on a used goods site in holland with a fiio e10 for 300 bucks but im not sure if thats a great price.  
I read great things bout the Denon series but those are nigh impossible to get here in holland so unfortunately i think those might have drop out of the race. Too bad cause the 2000/5000 ones seem great. 
May 24, 2013 at 8:35 AM Post #28,987 of 29,490
I really want to upgrade to something like the AKG q701. I listen to a lot of softer rock, yet I also listen to brutal music, with heaviness, poor production quality, and compressed audio. However the brutal music doesn't make up the majority of what I listen to. If I wanted to upgrade to something nice, what concerns me is I would be using MP3 and my amplifiers (see my signature) and I'm not sure if the AKG q701 would work out of my amps or sound good with MP3. Should I do this upgrade or is it not worth it?
May 24, 2013 at 9:01 AM Post #28,988 of 29,490
(This is my first post and I'm new here, sorry )

OK. I'm 14 years old and an amateur music producer who make mostly progressive house and some other kinds of music (just for fun ).
I'm an aspiring audiophile, so I don't know THAT much about sound. But I know that beats sucks (owned a pair, still ashamed) and that you shouldn't have too much bass. Sadly enough, most teenagers today thinks that too much bass is good, but that's not the point. And sorry for my english, I'm 14 and norwegian.

So the thing is that I need a pair of headphones that has as good and balanced sound quality as possible. I mostly listen to/make house music, but sometimes I also listen to other stuff like my dad's favorite 80's rock I'm not a basshead, but I like a lot of bass. But not too much! And I don't like the loose cheap bass like beats that just kicks your ears, more like a deep massage'y bass. So which pair of headphones are good for this? ATH-M50 or DT770 PRO? Or some other cans? And I like over ear headphones with curled piggytail cables like those (I suck at explaining xD )

The headphones has to have/be*
*overear headphones
*curled cable
*Great, balanced sound quality that's perfect and clear
*Good, deep, massage-y bass, but still balanced to the highs and mids
*Same pricerange as the ATH-M50 or DT770 PRO

Things I wonder about:
*Are there any good, cheap amps that I can use for my phone?
*Are ATH-M50 and DT770 PRO too bass-y ?
*Are there any headphones that has a replaceable cable like beats studio, but curled?
*Is it possible to DJ/Mix with these? I'm gonna start mixing



May 24, 2013 at 9:16 AM Post #28,989 of 29,490
What sound signature do you like?

I prefer a balanced sound sig with an emphasis on mids and lows versus highs. I do not want it too aggressive sounding but prefer it on the warmer side because a lot of times I travel and end up sleeping in them. Although I listen to a lot of stuff that would warrant more bass, I just prefer a punchy, noticeable bass, not a one that will leave my head ringing. Thanks!
May 24, 2013 at 9:56 AM Post #28,990 of 29,490
I have been on the fence between these three headphones for the better part of 2-3 weeks researching tirelessly different reviews and different threads on here, even the recommendations thread. I'm ready to buy a nice pair of closed headphones to compliment my he-400 hifiman's and Im struggling hard with my purchase. I listen to primarily fast ambient deep trance / progressive house / and other edm genres. Id say thats 80% of my music. 20% being classic rock / indie / acoustic / metal / old rap and hip hop.
Im looking for a bass oriented headphone that i can wear in the office and not disturb people nearby about 8 - 10 feet away from me. Headphones that have a spacious sound with deep powerful aggressive lows much more pronounced than my hifiman he-400's which are a little too neutral to me. WHile they extend great they are emphasized enough for my music taste I have found. Im looking for something to get me into my music which as i said is foot stomping edm (trance and house primarily)
I want headphones that can be complimented by an amp but not necessary.
Comfort is important and Im willing to wait for the xl pads for the m100s if they fit the above better than say the d600 and pro 900's. Im mostly looking at the d600 and the m100 because I hate sibilance on the highs and ringing caused by treble. A phenominom im familair with from aftermarket car stereo's due to improper placement of tweeters (High fidelity car audio buff here)
Please let me know which you prefer and why.
Budget (max is $500)
Also provide some sources that are reputable for buying the said headphone you recommend as Im always cautious of counterfits and fakes and it puts my mind at ease knowing someone with a little more knowledge of this realm of audio has giving me a safe recommendation as far as where to acquire the headphones. Is amazon safe? is amazon safe if it is being sourced by someone else but fulfilled by amazon?
Thank you all!
Im mike, and here to stay at head fi. My audio addiction has transferred from car fidelity to head fidelity.
May 24, 2013 at 11:45 AM Post #28,991 of 29,490
I have been on the fence between these three headphones for the better part of 2-3 weeks researching tirelessly different reviews and different threads on here, even the recommendations thread. I'm ready to buy a nice pair of closed headphones to compliment my he-400 hifiman's and Im struggling hard with my purchase. I listen to primarily fast ambient deep trance / progressive house / and other edm genres. Id say thats 80% of my music. 20% being classic rock / indie / acoustic / metal / old rap and hip hop.
Im looking for a bass oriented headphone that i can wear in the office and not disturb people nearby about 8 - 10 feet away from me. Headphones that have a spacious sound with deep powerful aggressive lows much more pronounced than my hifiman he-400's which are a little too neutral to me. WHile they extend great they are emphasized enough for my music taste I have found. Im looking for something to get me into my music which as i said is foot stomping edm (trance and house primarily)
I want headphones that can be complimented by an amp but not necessary.
Comfort is important and Im willing to wait for the xl pads for the m100s if they fit the above better than say the d600 and pro 900's. Im mostly looking at the d600 and the m100 because I hate sibilance on the highs and ringing caused by treble. A phenominom im familair with from aftermarket car stereo's due to improper placement of tweeters (High fidelity car audio buff here)
Please let me know which you prefer and why.
Budget (max is $500)
Also provide some sources that are reputable for buying the said headphone you recommend as Im always cautious of counterfits and fakes and it puts my mind at ease knowing someone with a little more knowledge of this realm of audio has giving me a safe recommendation as far as where to acquire the headphones. Is amazon safe? is amazon safe if it is being sourced by someone else but fulfilled by amazon?
Thank you all!
Im mike, and here to stay at head fi. My audio addiction has transferred from car fidelity to head fidelity.

I think two great options to look into are the Fostex T50RP's and the M-Audio Q40's. The Q40's are great headphones for bass without ending up with a recessed midrange. And they are only $99 on M-Audio's website. Don't be fooled by the price, though, because these are phenomenal cans. IMO, they are miles ahead of the DT770's with the exception of highs and soundstage.
The T50RP's would also be a great choice if you are interested in modding at all. I bought a pair and followed BlueMonkeyFlyer's thread for modding and I've ended up with an incredible pair of headphones. The frequency response is nearly flat and the characteristics of the planar magnetic driver make them very fast with great bass extension like the HE-400. The best part is, whenever you want to alter the sound a little, there are plenty of tuning techniques (i.e. more bass/less treble or less bass/more treble). I followed his DBV #3 tutorial and then altered it to have a slightly bassier sound. They are a great compliment to my HE-400's. If you aren't interested in modding, look into MrSpeakers' version of the T50RP known as the "Mad Dog". You can check them out (as well as their frequency response) on his website:
May 24, 2013 at 11:49 AM Post #28,992 of 29,490
I personally have the Ultrasone pro 750's and I don't find their highs to be piercing at all, although they are quite cold sounding. The pro 900's are supposed to have better bass, and a bigger soundstage. They are also said to be perfect with dubstep. I don't think they are as comfortable as the d600's but I prefer the ultrasone sound over the d600's. Cant comment on the m-100's though.
May 24, 2013 at 11:50 AM Post #28,993 of 29,490
It appears the q701 is the nicest headphone I can get for under 200 dollars. Would they work on the Go Dap GD-03 or FiiO E11 headphone amplifier?
May 24, 2013 at 11:57 AM Post #28,994 of 29,490
I think two great options to look into are the Fostex T50RP's and the M-Audio Q40's. The Q40's are great headphones for bass without ending up with a recessed midrange. And they are only $99 on M-Audio's website. Don't be fooled by the price, though, because these are phenomenal cans. IMO, they are miles ahead of the DT770's with the exception of highs and soundstage.


The T50RP's would also be a great choice if you are interested in modding at all. I bought a pair and followed BlueMonkeyFlyer's thread for modding and I've ended up with an incredible pair of headphones. The frequency response is nearly flat and the characteristics of the planar magnetic driver make them very fast with great bass extension like the HE-400. The best part is, whenever you want to alter the sound a little, there are plenty of tuning techniques (i.e. more bass/less treble or less bass/more treble). I followed his DBV #3 tutorial and then altered it to have a slightly bassier sound. They are a great compliment to my HE-400's. If you aren't interested in modding, look into MrSpeakers' version of the T50RP known as the "Mad Dog". You can check them out (as well as their frequency response) on his website:


Thanks for posting this about the Fostex! I'll almost certainly have to get some and play around with the mods at some point. I'd been curious about the Mr. Speakers, or even the... Paradox I think it's called? But I think modding my own and the tweaking my own could be low cost fun and non-pressure way to hone some skills. I'm a little nervous about messing around with expensive cans since I'm not the most adept.

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