++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Mar 8, 2013 at 12:58 AM Post #25,756 of 29,490
[size=10pt]So I'm really interested in getting a long-term pair of headphones after a depressing line of Apple earbuds, $5 Big-Lots in-ear headphones, a pair of bottom-line Koss buds, 2 pairs of Ink'd buds, a pair of iFrogz Ozone w/ mic buds, and probably a couple of other pairs of headphones that I've forgotten, I'm getting tired of throwing away my money, and I have developed a minor hatred for in ear headphones.[/size]
[size=10pt]Ideally I would like (ranked by importance on a scale of 1-10, 1 being more important & 10 being less important)[/size]
[size=10pt]3.Comfortable (I don't have a weird shaped head or anything)[/size]
[size=10pt]3.Good sound for both metal/dubstep* and gaming[/size]
[size=10pt]4.Compatible with Xbox/PC (thoughts on adapters?)[/size]
[size=10pt]4.Gaming/general purpose mic (detachable or stowable)[/size]
[size=10pt]4.Somewhat isolating (so probably closed headphones)[/size]
[size=10pt]5.Possible use with a mobile amp (thoughts?)[/size]
[size=10pt]7.Aesthetics (i know its kinda superficial)[/size]
[size=10pt]*I also listen to a variety of other genres including soundtrack, spoken word (podcasts, youtube vids, etc.), a tiny bit of bluegrass (stuff like Nickle Creek and Mark Kroos), and a healthy dose of alt and punk, but NOT including rap, pop, or hip-hop. I listed metal and dubstep both because they represent the majority of what I listen to and because I'm believe they would be the most technically demanding of my audio intake.[/size]
[size=10pt]I'm really looking for some general feedback on what price range I would be looking at (I don't have a lot of cash but I'm looking into getting a job soon), or if headphones fitting this description even exist. Should I try to get an all in on deal, or should I get some durable headphones for on the go and some better sounding but possibly less sturdy headphones at home? I don't know much at all about sound cards so if its relevant any info on that subject would be appreciated as well.[/size]
[size=10pt]Thanks again![/size]

Personally, I would invest in a single quality pair of headphones. A higher-end pair of headphones would likely offer a much better experience across a variety of uses (gaming, music, movies, etc.) than several mediocre headphones each targeting a specific niche. Most higher-end headphones will have decent enough build quality and durability such that it is up to how you treat them that will determine their lifespan.
Back when I used to game semi-competitively, I preferred to invest in a set of high-end headphones and a separate mic rather than use a gaming headset. I had invested in several gaming headsets in the past and came to the conclusion that they were mostly a marketing scam. They offered little competitive edge in terms of positional and definitely did not provide an optimal listening experience. But if the idea of gaming-oriented headphones appeals to you, you should check out the Sennheiser PC 360 if you can afford it.
If by mobile amp you mean portable headphone amp, then I think all headphones should be compatible provided they connect via a standard 3.5mm jack. I don't know of any exceptions to this although maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in.
Since you are interested in gaming, I'll refer you to this. Maybe it will help you look at a few options. But without a price range or budget information it is hard to offer a recommendation.
Mar 8, 2013 at 1:01 AM Post #25,757 of 29,490
Hey peeps,

I'm looking for a quality pair of headphones for $250. It can be open or closed, and I want a very balanced sound. I can buy an amp/dac combo, such as the FiiO E17, but prefer not to. I will mainly be using them for rock and the occasional hip hop and dubstep. What are the best options for my needs? Any input is greatly appreciated.


djlaz7 :)
Look into the Beyerdynamic DT990 or the Hifiman HE-300
Mar 8, 2013 at 1:03 AM Post #25,758 of 29,490
Hello does anyone have any recommendations on a mid to high fi headphone that has forward and accentuated (shouty) mids. I would prefer them to be bright and have good sound stage and have a fun sound signature, bass impact isn't really important.
Mar 8, 2013 at 1:11 AM Post #25,759 of 29,490
Hello does anyone have any recommendations on a mid to high fi headphone that has forward and accentuated (shouty) mids. I would prefer them to be bright and have good sound stage and have a fun sound signature, bass impact isn't really important.

That's pretty much the first time I've heard someone ask for that. XD
Shure SRH940 for a closed headphone, AKG K 701 or Beyer DT880(?) for an open one. The Sennheiser Amperior had really bright mids when I tried them (too bright for me).
Mar 8, 2013 at 1:32 AM Post #25,761 of 29,490
That's pretty much the first time I've heard someone ask for that. XD
Shure SRH940 for a closed headphone, AKG K 701 or Beyer DT880(?) for an open one. The Sennheiser Amperior had really bright mids when I tried them (too bright for me).

Yeah, I really like hearing the singers and guitars is the q701 the same as the k701?

More or less yes. Supposedly the new K 701's (8-bump headband) sound similar to the Q 701's.
Mar 8, 2013 at 2:05 AM Post #25,762 of 29,490
Hi I need some advise I looking to get some headphones...
* Budget is 200-350
* I was looking at the Sennheiser Momentum and the V-Moda M-100
* I use my old Ipod Touch and sometimes my Nexus 4
* I commute a lot
* I would prefer some headphones that don't need a lot of babying
Things I like about the SM
* I have seen a lot of good reviews
* Look Cool
* Seen very portable/ lightweight
* Removable cable
Things I don't like about the SM
* I don't like the look of the headband/ have long hair this could maybe be a problem?
* Seen a bit fragile
* I seen a lot of people complain about the size of the cans
Things I like about M-100
* Also seen a lot of good reviews
* Look cool too
* Seen very durable
* Removable cable
Things I don't like about the M-100
* The kind of look fragile from the part that holds the cans
* I heard people say that have a lot of bass
The music I listen is:
* Deathcore/Hardcore/Post-Hardcore/Death Metal
* Alt. Rock
* Indie
* Reggae
* Pop
* Some Classic Rock
* Rarely some dubtsep and rap
I came from using $20 in ears, so I don't really know a lot about headphones I just want know which one is the best or any other options.
Mar 8, 2013 at 2:20 AM Post #25,763 of 29,490
Hi I need some advise I looking to get some headphones...
* Budget is 200-350
* I was looking at the Sennheiser Momentum and the V-Moda M-100
* I use my old Ipod Touch and sometimes my Nexus 4
* I commute a lot
* I would prefer some headphones that don't need a lot of babying
Things I like about the SM
* I have seen a lot of good reviews
* Look Cool
* Seen very portable/ lightweight
* Removable cable
Things I don't like about the SM
* I don't like the look of the headband/ have long hair this could maybe be a problem?
* Seen a bit fragile
* I seen a lot of people complain about the size of the cans
Things I like about M-100
* Also seen a lot of good reviews
* Look cool too
* Seen very durable
* Removable cable
Things I don't like about the M-100
* The kind of look fragile from the part that holds the cans
* I heard people say that have a lot of bass
The music I listen is:
* Deathcore/Hardcore/Post-Hardcore/Death Metal
* Alt. Rock
* Indie
* Reggae
* Pop
* Some Classic Rock
* Rarely some dubtsep and rap
I came from using $20 in ears, so I don't really know a lot about headphones I just want know which one is the best or any other options.

I can't say anything about the Momentums, but I own the M-100's. I think for most people, they will find the M-100's fine for most rock music. Personally I would have like to have more treble energy and a more forward midrange, but a lot of people enjoy the M-100's as they are. As for the durability of the yokes holding the earcups, those work just fine. If you accidentally drop the M-100's, as I have, the earcups can pop off by design, so it's not too fragile.
For mobile listening, the bass seems just right to me with the M-100's, but for home listening, and for listening to genres that don't typically have a lot of bass, the bass is a bit too much for my personal preferences. Again, a lot of people enjoy it nonetheless.
If you're contemplating the M-100's, I would suggest trying them out using V-MODA's 60-day test period where if you purchase the headphones from them, you get 60 days to try them out and if you don't like them, you can return them for a full refund. Sennheiser doesn't have such an offer.
Mar 8, 2013 at 3:45 AM Post #25,764 of 29,490
All right guys, I haven't posted here in a bit.. So here goes nothing.

I've been noticing a bit of listening fatigue with my Fostex, which is a real bummer. I want to move back to open cans, but I don't know where the heck to start now that I've gotten used to a more flat signature.
My perfect can has the openness and comfort of a senn. The "flat/natural" sound sig of the old vintage pink grados/my modded fostex. A very flat, very well extended, very non-fatiguing sound. No frills or tricks or gimmicks, just the music presented the way it should be. No big dips or peaks anywhere.. ya know? Oh, and the quickness of a grado/fostex. Both have quite a bit of "punch" and I'm not talking the midbass grado hump.. They just sound very dynamic and quick and musical. Sterile headphones need not apply. Nor do colored pairs. A lot of people might see this as a contradiction, but I have learned that it doesn't have to be.

Anyways, if you think one of the sennheisers is relatively flat and uncolored (HD600 seems like my best bet, but I'm real iffy.. and they are pretty pricey to just try out).. or maybe have another brand/headphone to suggest me with a similar comfort level please let me know. I'm not terribly familiar with all the different brands out there that I haven't mentioned.
I feel like I've found my ideal sound, the perfect non-fatiguing natural signature in the grado pinks/modded fostex, but I haven't found my ideal form factor with either.. Which is a big deal, I use my headphones a lot.

Sorry for the ramble guys. Let me know what ya think and if you think I should post elsewhere :)

P.S. Another good can that would describe where my tastes lie would be the Paradox mod.. they are very close to how I think a headphone should sound. I just like the treble a touch less laid back, but still smooth and non-fatiguing. Grado treble is absolutely not my thing anymore.
*edit* My budget is 0 at the moment. I'm looking for suggestions on what to save up for or aspire to/try to get a demo of. Of course, lower is better given my situation.. But, I'm more concerned with meeting my criteria than some particular budget or price-bracket. Also, here is a link to my last.fm if you guys are wondering what kind of music i listen to (pretty much everything) - http://www.last.fm/user/Langley65
Mar 8, 2013 at 3:59 AM Post #25,765 of 29,490
All right guys, I haven't posted here in a bit.. So here goes nothing.

I've been noticing a bit of listening fatigue with my Fostex, which is a real bummer. I want to move back to open cans, but I don't know where the heck to start now that I've gotten used to a more flat signature.
My perfect can has the openness and comfort of a senn. The "flat/natural" sound sig of the old vintage pink grados/my modded fostex. A very flat, very well extended, very non-fatiguing sound. No frills or tricks or gimmicks, just the music presented the way it should be. No big dips or peaks anywhere.. ya know? Oh, and the quickness of a grado/fostex. Both have quite a bit of "punch" and I'm not talking the midbass grado hump.. They just sound very dynamic and quick and musical. Sterile headphones need not apply. Nor do colored pairs. A lot of people might see this as a contradiction, but I have learned that it doesn't have to be.

Anyways, if you think one of the sennheisers is relatively flat and uncolored (HD600 seems like my best bet, but I'm real iffy.. and they are pretty pricey to just try out).. or maybe have another brand/headphone to suggest me with a similar comfort level please let me know. I'm not terribly familiar with all the different brands out there that I haven't mentioned.
I feel like I've found my ideal sound, the perfect non-fatiguing natural signature in the grado pinks/modded fostex, but I haven't found my ideal form factor with either.. Which is a big deal, I use my headphones a lot.

Sorry for the ramble guys. Let me know what ya think and if you think I should post elsewhere :)

P.S. Another good can that would describe where my tastes lie would be the Paradox mod.. they are very close to how I think a headphone should sound. I just like the treble a touch less laid back, but still smooth and non-fatiguing. Grado treble is absolutely not my thing anymore.

Depending in large part on your budget, your logical stops are the HD 600, SRH 1840 and HE-500 or one of the last of the discontinued HE-5LE.
Mar 8, 2013 at 8:33 AM Post #25,766 of 29,490
Hi all,

I am a 15 year old who has spent his entire life (so far) living with an audiophile father. I have decided that it is finally time to invest in an at least somewhat decent audio experience for myself and think that a set of headphones would allow me to obtain the best value for my (lack of) money. I'd like something both portable enough to take around with me, but also decent enough in sound quality to use for personal at home listening as well. So far I have noticed that the Seinhousser M500 - X (which I can obtain for around $220), the Audio Technica ATH M50 and Beyerdynamic T50Ps seem like the best options. I listen to a wide variety of music, whether it be Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Clash, Or Steve Kilbey-Martin Kennedy and am not some stupid Beats kid. Any opinions as to which of the above 3 thoughts would be better (I'm not specifically interested in bluetooth as a feature, I am worried about sound, although I do think pause/play next track etc controls are a nice addition but not a make or break) or whether something else in a price range not exceedingly larger than those 2 trumps both? Recently I pulled a pair of dusty and neglected AKG K141 MKII out of my father's closet and love the sound these offer, even if they are not up to his expectations. I am hoping that what I purchase will be of equal sound quality to these. I am looking for something closed not semi-open.

Thanks in advance for any replies/help,

Mar 8, 2013 at 8:42 AM Post #25,767 of 29,490
I was looking for a new pair of headphones and my friend suggested the Superlux HD681. I want to know how they are. My budget is $40 and I listen to a lot of dubstep. I also seem to break headphones a lot so I need something really durable but still maintain some style.
Mar 8, 2013 at 9:47 AM Post #25,768 of 29,490
Dashstroyer, rather than the Beyer T50's, you might try the DT1350's.  They are portable, durable, a bit forward on the mids which make them nice for vocals.  Also, they are quite neutral to my ears, with adequate bass for a portable, and a nice clear treble that never seems shrill, regardless of the genre of music.  I feel they are a nice, versatile headphone with great sound isolation for use on the go.  I've seen used  sets go for around $200.  Brand new, I believe they still sell for $399.  Good luck!
Mar 8, 2013 at 9:54 AM Post #25,769 of 29,490
Dashstroyer, rather than the Beyer T50's, you might try the DT1350's.  They are portable, durable, a bit forward on the mids which make them nice for vocals.  Also, they are quite neutral to my ears, with adequate bass for a portable, and a nice clear treble that never seems shrill, regardless of the genre of music.  I feel they are a nice, versatile headphone with great sound isolation for use on the go.  I've seen used  sets go for around $200.  Brand new, I believe they still sell for $399.  Good luck!

+1 on the DT1350's, their bass is amazing for how small they are and the isolation is excellent. The only downfall i find with them is the coherency on instruments. Each one sounds separate from the other, instead of coming together as one, none the less they are outstanding portables that i still use today.
Mar 8, 2013 at 10:03 AM Post #25,770 of 29,490
All right guys, I haven't posted here in a bit.. So here goes nothing.

I've been noticing a bit of listening fatigue with my Fostex, which is a real bummer. I want to move back to open cans, but I don't know where the heck to start now that I've gotten used to a more flat signature.
My perfect can has the openness and comfort of a senn. The "flat/natural" sound sig of the old vintage pink grados/my modded fostex. A very flat, very well extended, very non-fatiguing sound. No frills or tricks or gimmicks, just the music presented the way it should be. No big dips or peaks anywhere.. ya know? Oh, and the quickness of a grado/fostex. Both have quite a bit of "punch" and I'm not talking the midbass grado hump.. They just sound very dynamic and quick and musical. Sterile headphones need not apply. Nor do colored pairs. A lot of people might see this as a contradiction, but I have learned that it doesn't have to be.

Anyways, if you think one of the sennheisers is relatively flat and uncolored (HD600 seems like my best bet, but I'm real iffy.. and they are pretty pricey to just try out).. or maybe have another brand/headphone to suggest me with a similar comfort level please let me know. I'm not terribly familiar with all the different brands out there that I haven't mentioned.
I feel like I've found my ideal sound, the perfect non-fatiguing natural signature in the grado pinks/modded fostex, but I haven't found my ideal form factor with either.. Which is a big deal, I use my headphones a lot.

Sorry for the ramble guys. Let me know what ya think and if you think I should post elsewhere :)

P.S. Another good can that would describe where my tastes lie would be the Paradox mod.. they are very close to how I think a headphone should sound. I just like the treble a touch less laid back, but still smooth and non-fatiguing. Grado treble is absolutely not my thing anymore.
*edit* My budget is 0 at the moment. I'm looking for suggestions on what to save up for or aspire to/try to get a demo of. Of course, lower is better given my situation.. But, I'm more concerned with meeting my criteria than some particular budget or price-bracket. Also, here is a link to my last.fm if you guys are wondering what kind of music i listen to (pretty much everything) - http://www.last.fm/user/Langley65

I love my HD600's.  There's been a lot of controversy regarding the treble on these, but it is so non fatiguing and matches so well with the beautiful mids and bass, it gives a great overall impression to all your music (especially with amplification). And they do not seem to be amplifier picky.   But, as you said, it would serve you well to try and audition a set if you can.  Good luck!

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