++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jul 12, 2012 at 12:57 AM Post #16,336 of 29,490
Ok so I'm completely new to caring about audio quality and I want an inexpensive entry level pair of headphones that are good enough to let me know whether I'm an audiophile or not. I'd be using them mostly for gaming and listening to music of questionable encoding (at least I'm pretty sure 256 and 320 kbps mp3s aren't good enough to worry about how I'm listening to them). Basically I want a pair that will work well with my xbox 360 and ps3 while still being ok to use with pretty much every genre of music. Something that makes the gunfire and explosions pop would be nice but I'd put that behind clarity and detail in priority. I want to have a sense of where the noise is coming from, so a large soundscape or whatever it is that makes those footsteps at my rear left feel like they're coming from my behind me and to the left is really important. Isolation and sound leakage aren't an issue as long as it doesn't affect sound quality since I usually game in a quiet room. It'd be nice if they were comfortable.
From a couple hours of googling and reading forums I've developed an interest in Koss Portapros or the Creative Aurvana Live! with an Earforce DSS. Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide has me leaning heavily towards the CALs but I've read a few good opinions on the Koss Portapros and the price difference isn't negligible. Then again, $35 for a good set of headphones seems too good to be true. 
Sorry if this isn't the right area to ask or if I'm just throwing around terms incorrectly, all of my knowledge on the subject comes from a couple hours of reading this forum and the avs forums. Please let me know which of these headphones is worth it, or if I'm an idiot and there's a much better option in the sub $100 range. Also feel free to let me know if I'm an idiot for trying to get something good at the price, but keep in mind I'm used to Apple earbuds for music and the built-in speakers on my Vizio LED TV for gaming so I don't think it should be too expensive to get something better than that.
Thanks in advance for the help.

The Denon AH-D1100 are your best bet for entry level audiophile headphones. Ver good sound quality with plentiful bass. Nice headphones
Jul 12, 2012 at 1:32 AM Post #16,337 of 29,490
Thanks for the info! I'll start looking for more closed cans. I was trying to find headphones that are good for the music I listen to, then make sure they meet my other criteria. Also I don't care for accuracy as long as they sound great.
Jul 12, 2012 at 6:35 AM Post #16,338 of 29,490
I'm looking for some open back headphones with good soundstage and bass.  I'd like to stay under $200, but I can spend more if adequately inspired.
I don't particularly want crazy accuracy.  I just want to hear nice sounds.  70% Music, 15% Movies, 15% Games.  I probably prefer things a bit on the warm side.
Currently, I have some MDR-V6s (no amp).  I don't quite despise the "inside my head" soundstage, but I'm wanting more.  I've heard some Sennheiser 280s powered by a MacBook Pro, and the bass is what I'd call legitimate, but I not as powerful as I'd like.
I read some reviews of the Fischer Audio FA-011s, and it looks like they would suit my need.  But, I've also come across some bad stories with quality of control.  Combine that with a drawn-out overseas ordering process, and I'm too wary to make the purchase.
In reading about ATH-M50s, I hear that they offer very competent bass, but some that it's a bit lacking.  Plus, they aren't open back.
I don't think I'm in the full on basshead territory, but perhaps half way?  I love hearing super lows at a reasonable volume.
Also, there's a high likelihood I'll be picking up some amplification, probably a Fiio E17.
Jul 12, 2012 at 6:53 AM Post #16,339 of 29,490
I'm looking for some open back headphones with good soundstage and bass.  I'd like to stay under $200, but I can spend more if adequately inspired.
I don't particularly want crazy accuracy.  I just want to hear nice sounds.  70% Music, 15% Movies, 15% Games.  I probably prefer things a bit on the warm side.
Currently, I have some MDR-V6s (no amp).  I don't quite despise the "inside my head" soundstage, but I'm wanting more.  I've heard some Sennheiser 280s powered by a MacBook Pro, and the bass is what I'd call legitimate, but I not as powerful as I'd like.
I read some reviews of the Fischer Audio FA-011s, and it looks like they would suit my need.  But, I've also come across some bad stories with quality of control.  Combine that with a drawn-out overseas ordering process, and I'm too wary to make the purchase.
In reading about ATH-M50s, I hear that they offer very competent bass, but some that it's a bit lacking.  Plus, they aren't open back.
I don't think I'm in the full on basshead territory, but perhaps half way?  I love hearing super lows at a reasonable volume.
Also, there's a high likelihood I'll be picking up some amplification, probably a Fiio E17.

The bass you want in an open can will probably not be reachable in or near your budget.  The best compromise (if you buy new) is probably the Senn HD 558.
Jul 12, 2012 at 9:40 AM Post #16,342 of 29,490
As has been mentioned numerous times in this thread, its the complete opposite. When you're looking for ~$200 cans but you don't have an amp your choices are quite limited which makes it harder for people to recommend cans as most of the ones in that price range do best with an amp.
Edit - have you looked at the Grados ?

The problem is I read the list of best amps for desktop low price, and the cheapest one is like 400 dollars! Come on!!
I read a lot of good stuff about Sennheiser HD558, do they need an amp to sound good? No way I could make it work with my Sound Card? Oh I have a E-MU Tracker Pre Sound Interface, does that help? I don't think it works as a headphone amp :"(
Jul 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM Post #16,344 of 29,490
Thank you but wayyyyy over my budget. It was my mistake actually, I said 200 dollars, but I should have said something like 130-150 dollars headphone. The reason is because I live in Brazil, so Taxes + Shipping at least 50 dollars extra.
How about AKG? I think they sell in Brazil, are they any good for the kind of listening experience I explained some posts ago? K240\K271. I guess they also need an Amp to push. :frowning2:
Jul 12, 2012 at 11:08 AM Post #16,346 of 29,490
The problem is I read the list of best amps for desktop low price, and the cheapest one is like 400 dollars! Come on!!
I read a lot of good stuff about Sennheiser HD558, do they need an amp to sound good? No way I could make it work with my Sound Card? Oh I have a E-MU Tracker Pre Sound Interface, does that help? I don't think it works as a headphone amp :"(

The 558 is a 50 ohm headphone and should work fine with your sound card. Anything under about 80 ohms usually works without an amp, though some of them don't sound their best until they are amped.
Edit - BTW, there are much, much less expensive amps than that out there. Checkout the Fiio line. Something like the E11 might be good for you if you end up getting cans that sound best amped.
Jul 12, 2012 at 11:08 AM Post #16,347 of 29,490
hmm.. Ive never heard it, but it got 5 stars in the head gear section.
Ranked 28
Even project86 likes it..
Jul 12, 2012 at 11:18 AM Post #16,348 of 29,490
There's an opportunity maybe to get an used but almost new AKG K240 MKii, how do you guys like it? Is it good for my musical preferences? Rock and Alternative Rock mostly, no heavy metal, no electronic, no HpHop, and I like accurate reference sound. Let me know!
Jul 12, 2012 at 11:21 AM Post #16,349 of 29,490
The problem is I read the list of best amps for desktop low price, and the cheapest one is like 400 dollars! Come on!!
I read a lot of good stuff about Sennheiser HD558, do they need an amp to sound good? No way I could make it work with my Sound Card? Oh I have a E-MU Tracker Pre Sound Interface, does that help? I don't think it works as a headphone amp :"(

Asus Xonar DG or DGX sound card.
Jul 12, 2012 at 11:51 AM Post #16,350 of 29,490
I currently have the ATH-M50's and was looking to upgrade a bit. I would like a headphone with a bit more isolation and a bit more bass. I basically listen to Hip-Hop and R&B!
Edit: Price Range would be in-between 100-200, but I can go a bit more higher if it's worth it!

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