++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Mar 19, 2012 at 1:07 AM Post #13,126 of 29,490
Thank you Kerry 56. That's good to know, although I've heard glowing reviews on htem I don't like people hearing my music to the point where they can make it out, I like my music at a medium volume but sometimes softer or louder.
I'm actually making my first good headphone purchase and was wondering just for casual listening with my ipod, I'm somewhat oblivious to the world of headphones, is a flat response at all dissapointing with this sort of listening? I am definitely not biest towards treble or bass. I hate unrealistic bass but also am irritated by unrealistic treble. So I guess what I am basically saying is will a flat response deliver the accuracy while still delivering a full, bold, robust sound that gives you that 3-D like effect? Does it take away from the high and low end?
Mar 19, 2012 at 1:23 AM Post #13,127 of 29,490

Thank you Kerry 56. That's good to know, although I've heard glowing reviews on htem I don't like people hearing my music to the point where they can make it out, I like my music at a medium volume but sometimes softer or louder.
I'm actually making my first good headphone purchase and was wondering just for casual listening with my ipod, I'm somewhat oblivious to the world of headphones, is a flat response at all dissapointing with this sort of listening? I am definitely not biest towards treble or bass. I hate unrealistic bass but also am irritated by unrealistic treble. So I guess what I am basically saying is will a flat response deliver the accuracy while still delivering a full, bold, robust sound that gives you that 3-D like effect? Does it take away from the high and low end?

If you are sticking to the SR80i price range, you'll be hard pressed to find a truly neutral headphone.  Some are more so than others in this range, and if you are after that type of sound you should look up reviews on the AKG 240 Studio, KRK 6400 and 8400, the Sony MDR V6 and 7506, and possibly the Brainwavz HM5.  All of those are closed back headphones, with the exception of the AKG, which is semi-open, though it leaks very little sound out.
Some people complain that the more neutral or flat response is not particularly musical.  They prefer the mids to be up front and center, or for their headphones to have some other type of coloration.  Those Grado headphones are known to emphasize the upper mids and treble for example. 
My advice is to go out and test a few headphones, find some that suit your taste and come back in the forums to discuss them.  Find out if there are some others that are similar in sound signature that you should consider.  If that isn't possible, you'll be flying a little bit blindly.  Check out some of Tyll Hertsens reviews over at Innerfidelity.  I find him to be a very credible reviewer.  Though he may not have any on the ones I mentioned.  For those a search here at head-fi should bring up some user reviews for you.
Mar 19, 2012 at 2:17 AM Post #13,128 of 29,490

): uhm i know the sennheisers from my list are low end but , i dont have the budget to get some incredible headphones i wish....   ):  understand me plz
well... i was thinking since im reading things .... the Denon DN-HP700,  hmm... Sony XB 500 ,   AKG K81 DJ,  Sennheiser  202 II , EH 250, 212 pro's , HD 280 pro,  but i can't decide,....  i mean like i said before , i like genres like "electro,  vocal trance, trance, u know electronic sounds...., i wish u could help me choose one from this tier...  :)    ,  i put this list here, cuz in my country is kinda hard to find brands like Beyerd., Atechnica.., ...   
i hope u understand :S  and help me... i'll be really grateful.. :)  !

Well, I just meant compared to the Sennheisers you have, the Denons would be the better choice. Given your current list, I think I still stand by that. The closest would be the HD280s, but from what I've read, the HP700s are very good for their price. The XB500s and K81s are bassier, but I think a step down in sound quality. If you want more bass, you can always use an equalizer, but you can't add more detail.
Mar 19, 2012 at 2:41 AM Post #13,129 of 29,490
If you are sticking to the SR80i price range, you'll be hard pressed to find a truly neutral headphone.  Some are more so than others in this range, and if you are after that type of sound you should look up reviews on the AKG 240 Studio, KRK 6400 and 8400, the Sony MDR V6 and 7506, and possibly the Brainwavz HM5.  All of those are closed back headphones, with the exception of the AKG, which is semi-open, though it leaks very little sound out.
Some people complain that the more neutral or flat response is not particularly musical.  They prefer the mids to be up front and center, or for their headphones to have some other type of coloration.  Those Grado headphones are known to emphasize the upper mids and treble for example. 
My advice is to go out and test a few headphones, find some that suit your taste and come back in the forums to discuss them.  Find out if there are some others that are similar in sound signature that you should consider.  If that isn't possible, you'll be flying a little bit blindly.  Check out some of Tyll Hertsens reviews over at Innerfidelity.  I find him to be a very credible reviewer.  Though he may not have any on the ones I mentioned.  For those a search here at head-fi should bring up some user reviews for you.

I will definitely check out those reviews. Also I plan on going to guitar center soon to test out some headphones and get an idea of what flat sounds like to me. I'm weary be quad I like my music to be dynamic. If by chance I don't go for the flat sound do gu know of any headphones that give a good balanced coloration to both the high and lows without disturbing the mids or pushing them back. My price range is 150 and preferably under. If there is a set that are 160 or 170 I would probably be fine with it as long as they really excel.
Mar 19, 2012 at 2:46 AM Post #13,131 of 29,490
So I'm looking at getting a new set of headphones. $200 is around my price range and $300 is the max.
These are for use at my work, I live in a small office there, hallway door open, but some music bleeding into the hallway shouldn't be a problem (i.e. open headphones).
Since I'm at work, I'm picking up a Fiio E17 once they are generally available.
I listen to Nine Inch Nails, Daft Punk, Japanese House, Talking Heads, and then a few things all in between.
I was thinking of getting Sennheiser HD598 headphones since I was pretty happy with my 12 year old HD 580s. I'm not necessarily looking for the exact same, but something that will work well with my main genres.
While I'm pretty much set on the HD 598s I was wondering what else there is upto $300 that I should consider also that would work well with the Fiio E17 dac/amp.
Mar 19, 2012 at 2:47 AM Post #13,132 of 29,490
As far as the build of the headphone I am looking for something fairly comfortable, with decent enough noise cancellation to where I can listen to my music at a good volume without to much sound leaking out for others to hear and so outside noise isn't quite as loud, and sturdy and durable is a plus. Of course all this is negotiable to a point because sound is most important.
Mar 19, 2012 at 4:02 AM Post #13,133 of 29,490

Is there something with the grado sound signature but closed? I need some isolation since summer is comming and the ac will be on 24/7, and open cans just won't do. $300 budget.

Check out the Beyer DT 770 Pro, Ultrasome HIFI 780 or (if in your budget) Ultrasone Pro 750.
Mar 19, 2012 at 5:07 AM Post #13,134 of 29,490

So I'm looking at getting a new set of headphones. $200 is around my price range and $300 is the max.
These are for use at my work, I live in a small office there, hallway door open, but some music bleeding into the hallway shouldn't be a problem (i.e. open headphones).
Since I'm at work, I'm picking up a Fiio E17 once they are generally available.
I listen to Nine Inch Nails, Daft Punk, Japanese House, Talking Heads, and then a few things all in between.
I was thinking of getting Sennheiser HD598 headphones since I was pretty happy with my 12 year old HD 580s. I'm not necessarily looking for the exact same, but something that will work well with my main genres.
While I'm pretty much set on the HD 598s I was wondering what else there is upto $300 that I should consider also that would work well with the Fiio E17 dac/amp.

The HD598s sound like a good choice, maybe an E9 to pair with the E17? They are kind of made for each other, literally...
Mar 19, 2012 at 5:08 AM Post #13,135 of 29,490
What's a better buy right now, SRH440 or SRH840 for unamped?
Right now:
SRH440 = $79
SRH840 pads = $17.99
Total = $96.99
SRH840 = $130
Difference = $33.01
So my question is, is it worth it for 30 bucks to upgrade from SRH440 + 840 pads to a SRH840? I ask this because the SRH840's used to be over $200, now I noticed they are $130 which is making me question this. Thanks!
Mar 19, 2012 at 5:35 AM Post #13,137 of 29,490

What's a better buy right now, SRH440 or SRH840 for unamped?
Right now:
SRH440 = $79
SRH840 pads = $17.99
Total = $96.99
SRH840 = $130
Difference = $33.01
So my question is, is it worth it for 30 bucks to upgrade from SRH440 + 840 pads to a SRH840? I ask this because the SRH840's used to be over $200, now I noticed they are $130 which is making me question this. Thanks!

In terms of Sound quality, I would just go ahead and pay the extra $30.
Mar 19, 2012 at 5:45 AM Post #13,138 of 29,490

What's a better buy right now, SRH440 or SRH840 for unamped?
Right now:
SRH440 = $79
SRH840 pads = $17.99
Total = $96.99
SRH840 = $130
Difference = $33.01
So my question is, is it worth it for 30 bucks to upgrade from SRH440 + 840 pads to a SRH840? I ask this because the SRH840's used to be over $200, now I noticed they are $130 which is making me question this. Thanks!

The last page of this brochure from Shure will help you decide:
Mar 19, 2012 at 7:26 AM Post #13,140 of 29,490
Hello, somewhat new to higher end audio. I currently own a pair of v-moda m-80's and would like to get a significant upgrade from those. 

I really love my current headset and I bought them because from what I've read here, the m-80 is a very balanced headset that plays all music well. I would prefer to progress towards another well balanced headset but is open to other suggestions as well. The only thing is I require the headsets to be as good or better in terms of noise isolation. I don't KNOW but I think other people might be hearing my music on the subway when I turn up the volume so I think thats really the minimum isolation for a commuting headset.

Some info to the purchase:
-headphones around $500 but can be more if they are truly great value or great headphones
-minimum isolation has to match the v-moda m-80 (which isn't much I think)
-Will be used to commute
-most preferably good looking and stylish
-have an e11 Fiio amp (please let me know if it is sufficient for the headphones)
-Usually listen from iPod Nano and laptop
-most music is from iTunes which is around 250 to 320kpbs.
The music I listen to varies a lot:
-electronic progressive
-japanese jazz music
-swing/jazz music like Buble and Tony Bennett
-New age 
-electric guitar
-old rock
-Lots of piano
-various instrumental music like harps, dark cello themes, chinese guzheng and synthetic stuff
Basically, only a small portion of my library actually has any lyrics. Even a lot of rock songs I get instrumental versions without the lyrics.

After reading about the higher end headphones, I became more confused. It seems like after the $300 range, I need to choose headphones for different music. I am also not familiar with a lot of the things being used to describe sound like cold treble vs warm treble or depth and width of sound stage. 
After a bit of research, I found myself really liking the q701 and highly curious about the Grado RS 1i. Please help me find a good headset that will be sure to outperform my m-80's in all or at least the majority of music I will be listening to. Thanks!

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