++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jul 4, 2011 at 10:11 AM Post #5,146 of 29,490
Good Day experts, can anyone suggest a good set of cans for the following details? To be honest, I'm not an audiophile, I haven't owned a pair of decent headphones my entire life, only settling for Apple's stock earphones. I have wanted to buy a pair for almost a month now, but the only thing stopping me is too much time spent reading on forums. So please please, someone just seal the deal! 



  1. 50% House / Club / Dance / Trance - mostly Hed Kandi, Ministry of Sound etc. 
  2. 30% Alternative / Rock - but not as far as Heavy Metal. 
  3. 20% Everything Else - from pop/classical/to whatever is played today

PORTABLE: No need. Circumaural please.


PRICE RANGE: $90-less, separate budget from my amp.


AMPED: For now none, but I'm planning to get a FiiO E11


CLOSED / OPEN: Definitely CLOSED. Can't afford sound leakage (see where I'll use them).


WHERE I'LL USE THEM: Office, Coffee Shop, Home. 


WHAT I USE TO PLAY MUSIC: Laptop (Lenovo Y450 if u must know), iPod Touch 4G



  1. Sennheiser HD438 (originally HD448, but they say the bass is weaker than HD438)
  2. Audio Technica stuff, not sure yet though.

I would say the HFI-580 suits your genres well, though they're over your budget. If you willing to inject more, you won't regret it :)

If you don't, maybe the Audio Technica M50 for an all-rounder.
Jul 4, 2011 at 12:28 PM Post #5,149 of 29,490

Hello Head-Fiers,
I need help in making my first big investment.  I work in video production which equals long hours at a computer with headphones on.  This requires a little bit of audio mixing/editing.  On my down time I listen to Pandora and, of course, watch movies.  Accuracy of sound quality is important but the most important factor to me is comfort.  I need a pair that I can wear for 6-8 hours.  I don't care how ridiculous I look 'cause I'm in my editing studio all day.  I am looking for a pair of over the ear studio monitoring headphones.  Anything solid for less than or equal to $100 would be ideal.  Thanks for your suggestions and I appreciate you for your time and consideration.
- Peace within

Some good options at your price range (or any price range for that matter):
Senn HD280
Sony V6 or 7506
Shure 440

Hey guys, seeking some guidance on upgrading my pair of Audio-Technica M50S. Headphones I owned before it were Grado SR60, ATH-M55, and Ultrasone Pro 550.  So far though, the M50S had the best audio quality. Only problem is, I have a big head so it kinda makes a dent on the hair on my head and i start getting rashes near the cup area around my ears whenever i shave. So I'm looking to upgrade to something with the same, if not better sound quality and good comfort for my big head.
Right now, the AD900s caught my eye. They look cool, seem like they'll be comfortable given my experience with the ATH-M55 and seem like they sound good. As for what i mainly use my headphones for... pretty much everything lol. Games, movies, music, etc. As far as music goes though, I tend to listen to a lot of DnB, Dubstep, Rap, R&B, Rock, hell pretty much everything but mainly electronic music so i like me some bass. Thanks to anyone who helps.

The AD900 will leave bass lovers unsatisfied. How about the Audio Technica Pro700mk2?
I can't really think of any bass heavy headphone that won't leave a dent in your hair though. Maybe consider the variouid DJ headphones with a stronger clamp so you can wear them at off angles like behind the head.

Hello Attractive People On This Site,
          As you can probably already surmise from the thread, I'm noobish and am looking to grab my first real set of cans. I listen to mainly Alt Rock, Indie, Jazz, and some old-school Funk, and am considering various models under $150 (Amazon is taking 30% off people's bills for the 4th of July) :
- Grado SR60i
- Creative Aurvana Live! 
- Shure SRH440
- AKG K240
- anything Koss (Iifetime warranty means quality bang for buck and durability)
- AKG K430
- ATH-M50
Any and all help greatly welcomed :) and any other cans that should be of interest to me?

Those are all good starters (and some of those you could even move up a model and still be within budget) and would also add the Senn HD558 into there. For your genres, I would pick the Grado, Shure, or Senn.

need a bluetooth earphone (sound quality isnt too important as long as it doesnt fall off while cycling) i cant seem to find one online....

There are lots of options if you just punch it into a search...
http://www.headphone.com/headphones/wireless.php (there are 4-5 bluetooth options here)
Or just walk into an electronic store and ask for bluetooth headsets. They're popular for cell phones, so there should be plenty of options available anywhere.

After reading through some of the threads in this site, I believe its about time I posted. I am actually looking for a pair of headphones for my pleasure. I'll just use a template provided by an earlier poster:
Music Genres I listen to: 60% house/club - a lot of beat and digital sounds, with or without lyrics. 20% rock/alternative - you probably know what this is. 20% - everything else - from pop/classical/to whatever is played today
Portable: This isn't an issue for me. There's only two places I'll listen to music: office and at home, and both places have me seated.
Price range: Without an amp, ill do $90, I don't need to analyze my music, I just want it to sound a tad notch higher than the average crowd.
Amped: I haven't really distinguished what an amp does besides increase the volume of my music, but I am willing to invest in this later. So if ever someone will suggest a perfect headphone for me, it would be nice if it will be "amp-able" later on.
Closed/Open: Closed; if I'm right with my knowledge between the two. I prefer my music to be heard only be me; I tend to go high volume just to get me in that mood, so Open is a big no-no.
Headphone preference: I'm not very good with describing especially audiophile lingo. I just want clear sounding headphones that are good enough to give me the bass I need since I listen to house/club much (not a DJ).
I will edit this later on with more detail. But as early as now, thanks guys!

Sony XB700 would be my first recommendation. They're bassy and easy to find in stores.

I'm tossing up between the ad700/900/1000. I've read tonnes of reviews and decided to go with the ad900, but want a second opinion before I pull the trigger. Are there any other headphones is should consider?

Music Genres I listen to: 40% jpop i.e. lots of female vocals, synthesized stuff, mainly stuff in mid/high frequencies, 40% classical, 10% movies, 10% every other genre 

Portable: no, since full sized are better :D

Price range: up to the the price of the ad1000 ($260ish in AUS)

Amped: atm unamped, but will buy/make one if necessary 

Closed/Open: doesn't matter
Headphone preference: good mid/high response is a necessity -> no sibilance, good clarity, bass shy isn't too much of an issue (eq is my friend :), preferably something which is neutral
Keep in mind, I'm in Aus, so most other headphones are grossly overpriced......and out of my budget

Here's a good comparison of those models: http://www.headfonia.com/audio-technica-ad-series-ad300-ad700-ad900-ad1000prm-ad2000/
Jul 4, 2011 at 3:33 PM Post #5,151 of 29,490
I am new to headfi and I would like to know your opinion on some budget but good enough headphones. Some year ago I was interested in Goldrings DR50/100 but ended with budget Senns HD205. Now kids have broken then and I am quite glad for that, I did not like them much.
I am listening to ambient, DNB and experimental music, here is the short example of what I listen to so you might get idea what headphones could do the job:
  1. ambient - orbital, biosphere, monolake, system7
  2. electronica - royksopp, aphex twin, fsol, amon tobin
  3. dnb - roni size, ed rush, optical
  4. idm - front 242
I am looking for the headphone which could really play deep bass with high tunes, something like front 242 - junkdrome (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dlx8t9Yd8g - 2:30 - 4:00 mins). This is the song I grew on and HD205 were really terrible compared to my Mordaunt Shor MS20i which have great bass in my opinion.
I have two amps to choose from: Yamaha RX-V620 or Rotel 810 which would be used by headphones.
I havent had open headphones before, I am not sure how loud it can get if I listen to music after midning with 2 kids sleeping in next room? 
And finally budget, I dont want to go over 40-50 quids. I know it is really low budget but unfortunately right now I just have to invest heavily into kids, not my fun. 
Are there a good headphones which could do fine job with my music selection within the budget?
Thank you.
Jul 4, 2011 at 3:57 PM Post #5,152 of 29,490

Hi, I need help with my next choice of headphones.
I currently own a pair of sony mdr- v6's. They are great. I am very happy with them but I am looking to step up the sound quality and try an open style headphone.I want to spend between $100- $200 and I do not want to have to purchase an amp right off the bat. I need something that will sound good off my Yamaha receiver and my computer. I listen to classic rock, classical, modern rock, jazz, and blues. The sony's are good with rock and blues. So I'm hoping I could find some headphones that are good in classical, jazz, and some gaming/movies. Thumping bass is not needed. Accurate bass is good, though. From my research, the hd555's modded to hd595's or AD700's seem like the best options. What do you guys think? 

Both are excellent choices. For you, I would lean a little more towards the Senns unless you're a serious FPS gamer.


I am very new here so bare with me if my descriptions lack bits of information.

I am looking for a new headset for myself... I like music and that is the reason for my upcoming purchase of a new and (hopefully) better set of headphones. I like electronic music and music that are mixed a lot. Also I am a bass addict :)

I listen to the music from my computer which has a "Asus xonar essence STX" build in it. This was baught a month ago in the preparations for this purchase.

My budget allows me to spend around 350£.

I would love some advice :)
Thank you in advance :)

The Ultrasone Pro 750 or 900 would be right up your alley.

Note: This post ended up much longer than I intended, sorry. From about the second paragraph is where the real information comes in.
Hey, just found this amazing site. I'm not an audiophile at all (yet), but hoping getting some nice headphones will change that.
I'll try and cut to the chase. [Edit: Didn't do a very good job of that, rofl.] So a couple of days ago my mate said he was buying some nice headphones. Came back the next day with some Dr. Dre Beats (Solo, I believe). At this point I knew absolutely nothing about the wide world of headphones, so I put them on and was blown away. Being used to stock ipod headphones, and my (what I consider decent but probably crap Sony MHC-EC50 speakers) they sounded ****ing astounding. I closed my eyes and refused to give them back. Anyway, mentioned this to a more or less audiophile mate of mine, who said they were overprices pieces of crap, and led me to this forum. So I've done a little research (bombarding him with questions) and he seemed to think the ATH-M50's would be a good place to start. I know they're regarded as a really safe option but are really popular around here, so I figure they must be good.
So despite being about half the price, will the M50's sound any better than the Beats Solo? I know price isn't everything, and I understand that a lot of it's paying for the brand (god knows why), but such a price increase still has me concerned. Also I've heard that for the same price, open headphones will almost always sound better than closed. Given the M50's are closed, I wonder if anybody has any recommendations for any open phones around the same price range that'll be better? Also wondering if I'll need a portable amp or anything for them? I just use an iPod touch but if they sound significantly better than my speakers (I trust they will) probably on my computer (which has an onboard sound card if that's what you call it, haven't purchased one) too. I have no idea what sort of amp I'd be looking for if I do need one.
Having open / closed phones doesn't matter to me really. Whatever sounds better. I listen to almost everything from latin guitar / post rock / metal / dubstep. I'm in love with instrumentals at the moment currently however, so if there's a headphone that is really clear and nice I think I'd prefer that to a heavily bassy one. Some bands are: toe, sgt., nujabes, LITE.
I'm wondering about the 'street price' I see around, I'm Australian and the best I can find M50's for is ~$170. Which isn't a problem. I think I could go up to $200 for some beautiful sound (and once I'm used to that who knows how much I'll spend for an upgrade.)

The apple buds have very weak bass. The Beat Solos have horrible congested bass, but they have a lot of it. To most consumers who haven't heard better, louder generally sounds better.
The M50 is not louder in the bass region, but it is much cleaner and well defined. For more bass volume, you could consider something like the Audio Technica Pro700mk2 or Ultrasone Pro750 (or 900 if you can afford it) or Beyerdynamic DT770pro.
Open headphones "generally" sound better than closed, but also have weaker bass.
Jul 4, 2011 at 4:22 PM Post #5,153 of 29,490

Hi it's me again!

I have been able to make up my mind on what kind of sound I may prefer so I'm back in need for more help!

Link to my original post.

I want a relatively balanced headphone (no huge dips or crazy emphasis on a particular area) with a present bass that gives a nice thump to kick drums without being too overpowering on the other frequencies.
Mids shouldn't be recessed or at least the less recessed the better.

Also a decent to wide soundstage.

My budget now is around 600€/540£/870$. (I prefer to buy in the UK or Europe to avoid import taxes, but if the price is really good and it's still lower than what I can find in Europe once the taxes are added I will buy from outside the EU no problem)

That can be spent either on just a headphone or a headphone and amp combo.

In my original post you can see I already have a vintage amp, although I'm not sure how it may keep up, as far as power it should have plenty it's more the sound that I'm not sure about as I can't test it (yet) with good headphones or compare it to other amps.

I had my eyes on the Hifiman HE-4, are there better more suitable alternatives?

Thanks again for your help!

The HE-4 was actually my first thought before I even finished reading your post. There's also the upcoming HE-500 which pushes the top of your budget, but reviews are quite good.

Jul 4, 2011 at 4:33 PM Post #5,154 of 29,490

Audio Techinica ATHM50+DT 250 velour pads

Sennheiser HD 595

Ultrasone HFI-780

Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250ohm
Im looking for clarity and comfort, and with some good overnight stretching for a week, i think i can make them ultrasone and audio technicas comfortable? right guys?

So yea im looking for decent bass response and a decent soundstage

and one more question none of these need amps right?
listening from a zune player from my phone

The Beyers are more difficult to drive than the others. For best bass thump and soundstage, I would go with the Ultrasones. The Senns are the weakest of the bunch for bass, and the M50 has lousy soundstage.

hey guys, the hd 580 is basically hd 600 in a different housing rite? someone offered me his with a cardas silver cable for 230, do you think thats a good deal? sonically, what would the cable do to the hd 580 (which i know sounds pretty much the same as the hd600)

Well my setup is an entry level marantz cd player > Hifiman EF5 > Hifiman HE-5 (Black Dragon cable).. I also have an AD1000PRM and ill probably pickup an audio-gd DAC soon.. i jus want something a bit different with the sound sig :)

Eh, I still wouldn't bother with it. I would spend the money on other toys.

Hey everyone, thinking of buying a pair of headphones (this will actually be my first) and I need some help deciding on what to get.
They'll be used primarily for gaming (PC, PS3, 360, PSP, and 3DS) and listening to podcasts/music (PC and iPhone) and will leave the house with me.
I'm not picky about brand or any of that I just want an all around good pair of headphones. My budget is $200.
Thanks for y'all's help! 
[size=medium]Edit: [size=13.5pt]Forgot to mention that I don't need a microphone. If it comes with a detachable one that's cool, if not that's cool too. [/size][/size]

Gaming and portable headphones makes for an odd combination as gaming generally wants an open structure with less bass (assuming you're an FPS gamer), and portables want some isolation. I would suggest considering getting two separate headphones; one for gaming and one for portable use. You can get good options for both at $100 each.

Hey guys, I don't know anything about headphones so bear with me. I bought a pair of beats in march 2010 and they broke today. Any recommendations for good headphones under $400? I listen to Alt Rock, Hip-Hop, Techno, R'n'B and Indie. I'll mainly be listening to music from my iPhone 4. Any help is appreciated.

Audio Technica Pro700mk2
M-Audio Q40
Beyernamic DT770
Shure 750DJ

Hey guys, looking for some help regarding a headphones purchase...
i need some headphones (preferably non the inner ear ones) for use 99% of the time on an IPOD, mainly hiphop and reggae.
my budget is 100-300 dollars (yep im poor)...
previously i have been very impressed with grado sr60s many years back, and have some sennheiser hd 555 now but they are too clunky to carry around to uni etc.
what can you guys recommend? had a quick look through the forums seems u guys like the more high end stuff, but i bow to your superior knowledge and ask if perhaps you could enlighten me on the cheaper options that arent too big and sound good!
thanks alot

General mid-level cans:
Audio Technica M50
Shure 840
Phiaton MS400
Ultrasone Pro750

Ultrasone Pro900 around 330!

or the ultrasone hfi 580 140-150 on amazon

How much bass do you want? Does $330 hurt your wallet?
Jul 4, 2011 at 4:36 PM Post #5,155 of 29,490

Hi guys, I'm a newbie around here... and I'd like some advice of you guys. A few months ago I discovered I'm an audiophile... (or a wannabe LOL), and I'm currently looking for some good closed headphones. My budget is 100~120. So long, browsing and comparing lots of headphones I've reduced my options to this:
Audiotechnica M50S
Sennheiser 280 PRO
Shure SRH840
Sennheiser HD448
I currently own a pair of HD202's Sennheisers. I remember the first time I used them, I was upgrading from a pair of supraaural Sennheisers HD218 (yeah, I'm kinda loving the brand LOL), and the difference was great for me, I discovered I love good bass (not as much to get dre's beats or sony xbs).
I use them mainly in my portable MP3 player (a samsung T10), also in my laptop and desktop PC outputs. I listen all kinds of music (latin, rock, metal, electronic, rap, classical, etc). Anyways, the characteristics I'm looking for are:
- Sound isolation (both it and out, specially out) since I use them mainly at my university's classrooms, library and public transport.
- Good bass (at least equal to HD202's)
- A comfortable fit (The main reason I wanna change my HD202's is that its not totally circumaural and I get a little ear sore after wearing them for a couple hours)
- Portability
And of course, better overall sound quality.
I hope you guys own/know some of these headphones so you can help me out and make a good choice, thanks in advance!

Of those listed, I like the sound of the Shure 840 the most.

I am new to headfi and I would like to know your opinion on some budget but good enough headphones. Some year ago I was interested in Goldrings DR50/100 but ended with budget Senns HD205. Now kids have broken then and I am quite glad for that, I did not like them much.
I am listening to ambient, DNB and experimental music, here is the short example of what I listen to so you might get idea what headphones could do the job:
  1. ambient - orbital, biosphere, monolake, system7
  2. electronica - royksopp, aphex twin, fsol, amon tobin
  3. dnb - roni size, ed rush, optical
  4. idm - front 242
I am looking for the headphone which could really play deep bass with high tunes, something like front 242 - junkdrome (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dlx8t9Yd8g - 2:30 - 4:00 mins). This is the song I grew on and HD205 were really terrible compared to my Mordaunt Shor MS20i which have great bass in my opinion.
I have two amps to choose from: Yamaha RX-V620 or Rotel 810 which would be used by headphones.
I havent had open headphones before, I am not sure how loud it can get if I listen to music after midning with 2 kids sleeping in next room? 
And finally budget, I dont want to go over 40-50 quids. I know it is really low budget but unfortunately right now I just have to invest heavily into kids, not my fun. 
Are there a good headphones which could do fine job with my music selection within the budget?
Thank you.

The Sony XB500/700 would be good for you. Don't go with open headphones if you've got kids sleeping.
Jul 4, 2011 at 5:25 PM Post #5,156 of 29,490
I just bought the SRH940 and it will arrive next week, however I am starting to think that I should have gotten the Sennheiser HD-25. Can anyone let me know which would have better sound. Now portability would be a plus, which is why I am leaning more towards the HD-25 now, but will the SRH940 require an amp? 
Jul 4, 2011 at 5:53 PM Post #5,158 of 29,490
Shure srh 940 or Beyerdynamic DT990?
somebody help me
Jul 4, 2011 at 6:03 PM Post #5,159 of 29,490
Hey there Head-Fi, just starting out here. As a lot of people, I've recently wanted to start in audiophile quality. 
Just a few options on what I should pick as my first real headphones. Most of these are based on what I think it is, but lots of other people's opinions as well. 
If you have a different suggestion for me, please please feel free to post. Please keep all suggestions under $80 TOTAL. 
The less money spent the better. These will be used with a X-Fi XtremeGamer, and maybe a CMOY amp I might make for kicks.
My taste in music includes a lot of modern day pop, I love to watch movies, and I game quite often as well (positional audio I head is a great plus).
The list starts from what I'm leaning to most. Open is preferred, closed if necessary. Comfort is a must also.

1. Beyerdynamics DTX910 - $89 (I really want this cheaper)
The reasons I chose these because they were recommended a few times. I also heard they were alright for the price, and it looks comfortable as hell.

2. Beyerdynamics DTX710 - $69 
I chose this because it was the cheaper version of the DTX910. If anyone could please explain to me the differences it would be great. 

3. Used Sennheiser HD485 - $50
I heard it was like the HD555s except bassier.

4.JVV HA-RX700 - $40
Lots of great reviews for it, looks comfy, and looks like it sounds alright.

5. Used Sennheiser HD55 - ~$70
I've yet to find one I can get as they are hard to come by. Are they worth it over the DTX710s?

6. ATH-AD300 - $50
Since these are the baby brothers of the AD700 it might hold some value. I really want some information on this. 
I want to know the comfort, sound quality, positional audio, and how it holds against the others here.

Jul 4, 2011 at 6:04 PM Post #5,160 of 29,490

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