++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Jun 22, 2011 at 3:54 AM Post #4,831 of 29,490
That's really my only option? No other headphone would fit my needs? Or is that just the best one that would?
I know you hate used stuff, but on Head-Fi...Get over that. Most people here baby the crap out of their equipment.
Find someone with good feedback and buy a pair of Sennheiser HD 25-1 IIs.
They honestly sound just about perfect for what you're talking about. They're just slightly over your budget new at $200.


Jun 22, 2011 at 4:20 AM Post #4,832 of 29,490
A while back I decided to purchase the Beyerdynamic DT 250s. However, I put off the actually purchasing part for so long, that I forgot why I chose them in the first place. So, I decided to just start over, but purchase faster this time.

I'd be using it, along with a FiiO E7 and E9, for listening to music primarily, so it being good for gaming or whatnot is not a concern. All types of music, from classical, to progressive rock, to country, to rap, so no real preference towards "this sounds better with genre-x." I want the best sound I can get, with as little genre preference as possible (it can sound better in some genres, just as long as it isn't crap for others), in the up to 200$ (could go a little bit higher if it's really a big quality difference) price-point. 

Comfort is also an issue, as I hate being distracted while listening to music. Finally, and this is probably a problem that only I have, my current headphones (Audio-Technica ATH-AD700s) sometimes feel like they're louder in one ear than the other. I don't mean in a "they're messed up" way, but in a "the singer sounds like he's slightly, slightly, slightly more to the left than to the right" way. For whatever reason, vocals favoring one side of the headphone bother the crap out of me. I discovered that this slight difference may be due to the way the headphones sit on my head. The two little head-pads react slightly differently to pressure. The one on the left doesn't give way as much, leading the right side of the headphones to droop slightly. It's almost imperceptible, mind you, but I'm pretty sure that this is what's happening, as adjusting them has fixed the "slightly to the left" problem in the past.

So, what I'm trying to say, is that I'd prefer a style of headphone more like the DTH 250s (probably factored in to why I chose them in the first place), where there isn't really a possibility for left/right bias, than the style that the ATH-AD700s have.
I think that's it, but if there's anything useful that I might have left out, please tell me. Other than that, sorry about the wall o' text.
Jun 22, 2011 at 5:30 AM Post #4,834 of 29,490
I hadn't (unless you count my liberal use of duct-tape as a "fix") , and I didn't know that there was a mod for that. However, that wasn't really my reason for wanting to upgrade. I just figure I've had them for long enough, and I wanted to try something new, and, hopefully, better. Also, they've just (like, really just. Couple of days ago at the most) started doing that thing where the sound goes to one ear if the cord is pushed a certain way. It's pretty hard to reproduce, but still annoying when it happens.
EDIT: Whoops, replied before I saw your edit.
Jun 22, 2011 at 7:25 AM Post #4,835 of 29,490
Could anyone compare the D2000 and the HD25/HDJ2000 (I grouped the HD25/HDJ2000 together b/c I need comparisons involving the D2000 and have already seen many comparisons between these)?
My original plan was to purchase the D7000 + Yulong D1, but I've encountered an insurmountable obstacle, so I'm forced to mind my wallet more now.  
Jun 22, 2011 at 8:34 AM Post #4,836 of 29,490
Hey i'm new to the forum. I was thinking about buying some higher end headphones and I narrowed down the choices to the akg k240mk2 and the akg Q701. I am aware that i'll need an amp to power the Q701 but i'm wondering if there's anyone out there that has tried the  Fiio E7 and is it adequate with the Q701? Also I'd like to know what other good amp/dac can I get for under $200 that would suit the Q701?...I'm into hip hop, rock (and it's various sub-genres), classical, jazz, country; that sort of thing. I already plan on buying a bassy earphone to satisfy my needs for bass in hip hop etc.
This would be my first higher end headphone so I'm just trying to get some advice before I go ahead with a purchase. 
Jun 22, 2011 at 8:41 AM Post #4,837 of 29,490
I would never use the E7 for a K701 (Q701 is just a K701 w/ a paintjob). A good dac/amp combo for the K701 is the Maverick D1. I've heard the NFB-12 is a better bang for your buck, so you should consider that as well, but I don't have any experience with it. 
P.S. The aforementioned dac/amp combos are not portable. Then again, the K701/Q701 weren't constructed with portability in mind.
Hey i'm new to the forum. I was thinking about buying some higher end headphones and I narrowed down the choices to the akg k240mk2 and the akg Q701. I am aware that i'll need an amp to power the Q701 but i'm wondering if there's anyone out there that has tried the  Fiio E7 and is it adequate with the Q701? Also I'd like to know what other good amp/dac can I get for under $200 that would suit the Q701?...I'm into hip hop, rock (and it's various sub-genres), classical, jazz, country; that sort of thing. I already plan on buying a bassy earphone to satisfy my needs for bass in hip hop etc.
This would be my first higher end headphone so I'm just trying to get some advice before I go ahead with a purchase. 

Jun 22, 2011 at 12:39 PM Post #4,840 of 29,490

I did some research about a good pair of headphones to use at home, generally to do a bit of everything, music, films, ...
I narrowed it down to these options:
- Grado SR80i
- Sennheiser HD 598
- Shure SRH 840
- AKG K272 HD
These are well reviewed, but there is no clear winner for me (maybe the shure has a bit of an advantage)
Can anyone tell me which one is best for "common home use"?

For general usage, my vote goes to the 840 if you want isolation, the 598 if you don't.

Sup ya'll, anyone heard the Ultrasone HFI-2400 cans? Can't seem to locate a comprehensive review on them.
Price-wise, they seem perfect. Looking to purchase for movies, and the odd gaming session or two!
Am also considering the Sennhesier HD598's. Arghhh so many choices for my budget!! 

The Senns are the safer bet for music unless you've heard an Ultrasone before. For mostly movies, I would probably lean towards the Ultrasone for the bigger bass and S-Logic soundstage.

Hi guys, 

I'm looking for some nice headphones in the <90€ section. I listen mostly to classical (about 65,70% of the times, while I listen to about 20% metal and around 10% jazz). I want something with nice soundstage and faithful reproduction, especially for the classical music. If that helps, I'm not a basshead (I like to "note" it's presence in Iron Maiden tracks and some classical tracks, for example, that thing that looks like a cello but just bigger - we call it counterbass around here in Portugal).
Thus, from what I read, the thing that seems better for my budget seems to be the Sennheiser's HD555. Am I right? Many of the headphones mentioned in the many threads of the forum don't exist in "real" shops (by that I mean physical, not online, since I never bought online and I won't do it in the near future), like the M50, Denon's, CAL's and others. 
Therefore, please tell me if the HD555 is a good buy for the type of things I listen (classical as the most relevant, that's the music style I'm more concerned about) and if they require a amp (I might get a Fiio E5 if that's enough). If not, say which models I should research and I'll see if they are available in the shops around where I live (they don't need to be Senn's).
Also, forgive me for any errors in the english, since it's not my primary language. I appreciate any help/feedback you might give me, especially HD555 owners. Thank you :D

I consider Sennheiser and AKG to be top notch for classical genres. They offer a nice balanced sound and good soundstage. If you can't audition anything beforehand, the HD555 is a pretty safe bet. Don't forget that you can always mod the 555 into a 595 by simply removing the foam tape inside.
Jun 22, 2011 at 12:56 PM Post #4,841 of 29,490

I'm thinking of buying Sennheiser HD 380 Pro, Sennheiser HD 518 or anything else in the $150 price class.
Sony MDR-XB700 also caught my interest, but I'm unsure if it sacrifices mid and high range for the extra bass.
The headphones are for home use, music, movies and games without amp.
Music is mainly psytrance, goa trance, extreme metal and some ambient.
I appreciate any advice.
Thank you.

For your genres, I would go with the HD380 or XB700. My personal preference would be the HD380 (which also has fantastic isolation).

I've narrowed my list down to 4 headphones:
m-audio q40 
AT m50s 
Senns hd448
Ultrasone (1 of the following models: 680/700/780)
i did a lot of research on here and other sites, and now id like to know a few things on the 4 remaining headphones.
I can purchase all headphones locally np, except for Ultrasones cuz i havent found a local store (Toronto) that sells the models listed above.
ill be using my headphones mainly for poker/travelling, so good isolation/noise cancelling is a must. Also will be watching a lot of movies, and listening to music mainly on mp3 player/laptop (every genre except country) without an amp.
of course i still need to try/test them out, and price wise its np.
so there u have it, just would like to hear from anyone who has owned 1 or more of the 4 headphones im interested in purchasing.
thanks in advance - cheers

Of those listed, the M50 fits the bill. Good durability and folds up for travel, good isolation (a tiny bit better if you get some Shure 840 pads), the only blip is the long cord. Either get the coiled cord or have a twist tie handy to wrap up the straight cord.
The Ultrasones are good too; if you get one of those, pick one that comes with a shorter cord.
The 448 is not portable at all. The Q40 is nice and sonically I prefer it to the M50, but it has weaker isolation.
Hey guys, i'm looking to get started in the whole audiophile thing, but i'm not really sure where to begin. I was thinking of getting a pair of audio technica ath-a700's as my current budget is around $130. my music taste is really varied, from dubstep, to rock, to classical, to metal, etc. i really like the prospect of closed headphones, because i'd rather not disturb others, and i like bass. not huge booming bass, but just a nice punch that i can feel. ive got other questions about amps, sound cards, etc, but for now input on the ath-a700s would be nice 

The A700 is a good headphone. Many would consider it bass-light, but I thought it was fine. It will probably feel lacking for dubstep, but the other genres will be ok. Something to consider about the full sized Audio Technicas though is that they are not portable in the slightest, and they don't seem to fit that well with smaller heads.

Hey guys, I'm 'in the market' for a nice set of phones.
I will mostly listen to them while at work, through my Macbook Pro. So they need to be closed.
Currently I own the Sennheiser HD201, which I like very much for it's laidback and natural sound. Also I can listen to them all day without fatigue and without sweating my ears off. So overall, I like them very much, but I want to take my listening experience a few notches up.
My girlfriend has a pair of Sennheiser HD447's, in some ranges a bit more detail than the 201's, but overall too boomy on the bass, muddy mid's and lacking high's.
I fell in love with the HD598's, both in looks and sound. My god, those are amazing! But.. they are open cans, so can't use them at work. They would be above my budget but I can get a good deal on them (50% off).
This weekend I went for a listen in a hifi store and have two models which I like very much: the Denon AH-D1100 and Beyer Dynamics DT660.
I like the warm, rich sound of the DT660's but I'm afraid it will get tiresome. I think in the end the natural, clear, brisk sound of the Denon's will suit me better for extended listening.
I have read some good and some bad reviews about both cans, but couldn't find a comparison between the two.
So my question is: which of the two would you recommend, and why? Also bear in mind that I don't have an amp and don't intend to buy one in the near future.
Are there other cans I should definitely listen to?
Thanks a bunch!
Edit: Maybe a good idea to state something about my musical preference: it's very broad: pop, 60s/70s, (hard, soft, classic, acoustic, symfonic) rock, some metal, hip hop, some classical, very little dance/house/techno.

Man, at 50% I would be so tempted to get the 598 even if it wasn't totally suitable for work. Do you need the isolation or are you worried about sound leakage. The Senns aren't *that* bad if you listen at low volumes.
Choosing between the other two, I would go with the Denon.

I currently have an AT M50, but I'm wondering if I can find a good upgrade for about ~$150...
I need a true all-rounder! I need good vocals and more open sound!
I don't need more bass then the M50, maybe better...
On the first run I was looking at the Fischer Audio FA-003, and the new FA-011 (nearly hit the buy button, but I got unsure. No obvious reasons)... I know the 003 is bit over budget, but it might fit...
As I've been told, the FA-011 is a good step up from the M50, and the FA-003 is even better, though they are different ( closed vs open / fun signature vs the "neutral champ")
I'm a bit surprised the Fischers are so overlooked here...at least it seems like for me.
I don't have an amp yet, but its on my list (only in the $100-120 range, but I have no idea)...I have a Cowon S9 only as a source...(and a laptop, but I barely listen my M50 with that)
I need suggestions of course! That's why I'm here!
Thanks in advance!

I wouldn't consider anything in that price range to be a significant upgrade from the M50. Going open would be the best way to get something different, as others have mentioned already. Were I in your position, I would save up for a little bit more and move up to the next tier.

i ended up going to bayNbloor radio and their selection was awful. 
they only had the Senns hd448 and wow was i shocked at how poorly flimsy cheap looking Senns are but yeah BnB radio was a waste of time.
looks like it'll come down to the m50s or q40s, and i can get the q40s for a good price and also sold locally so np.
as for ultrasones too much hassle to order online, waiting, check if contents are accurate, warranty issues, etc. etc. so prob get ultrasones when they are sold here locally.
as for the m50s i was wondering if theres a difference in performance if its straight cable or not
ah almost forgot, i tried on shure 840s and i thought my head was BIG lol...no way are these headphones worth $200+ let alone their weight/size - pass
thx in advance

Check my profile for a comparison/review between the 840/M50/Q40.
If you can get a good price on the Q40, I would go with that.
Jun 22, 2011 at 12:57 PM Post #4,842 of 29,490
It's been 4 years since I've bought new headphones...should I Darth my dt770 pros or pick up a new pair of Denon D2000? I'm a bass head and love great bass impact. Other suggestions are welcome
Jun 22, 2011 at 1:10 PM Post #4,843 of 29,490

I wouldn't consider anything in that price range to be a significant upgrade from the M50. Going open would be the best way to get something different, as others have mentioned already. Were I in your position, I would save up for a little bit more and move up to the next tier.

Thanks Armaegis!
Not even the FA-003?! People say they are pretty close to the HD600 (some say they are just as good) or even the DT880...an those are definitely better then the M50...
Then what would you consider as true upgrade?
Jun 22, 2011 at 1:13 PM Post #4,844 of 29,490
Helping a friend out pick a nice set of cans for less $150 (less is better, but he seemed flexible).
1) He listens to funk, disco, house, lounge, and jazz.
2) No amps or dacs. He will most likely just plug this onto his PC.
3) He has Bose and Sony IEM's, so bass-anemic cans are most likely a no-no.
4) He likes to play FPS games, so positional accuracy is a plus, though not really a requirement.
This is for home use, so open or closed is fine. Since he lives with his fiancee, he might appreciate the isolation from closed cans.
I'll let him borrow my M50's for a weekend or so to see if he likes the sound signature, and if he finds them comfortable enough. We bought liked the price and the looks of the Ultrasone HFI-780 on amazon, but no idea if he'll like the sound sig.
Let me know if you folks have other suggestions. Thanks!
Jun 22, 2011 at 1:16 PM Post #4,845 of 29,490

In a last-minute birthday dilemma, need advice!
My husband has been talking about Dr. Dre's Beat Pro headphones for a while and I thought it would be the perfect gift for my music-crazed guy. But looking at the reviews I'm worried about their clarity.

Music: Grateful Dead, Phish, jazz, electronic, anything with a former member of the Grateful Dead.
medium:laptop, iPhone/iPod/iPad, streaming digital from hard drive.
Location: work (cubical), home, maybe hotel on travel.

The one major factor I can see for the Beats pro is that it has it's own amplification (I think, I know nothing about this stuff). The other headphone I was looking at is the sennheiser hd 598 but I think it might need a amp and I have no idea what to get for that.
Do you guys have any suggestions?

Total budget $600

Eta: noticeable headphones are a plus for him at work so people won't bother him

Eata: Bottom Line: what headphones are better than the Beats Pro within +-$100 of their price that also don't need an amp for iPad/iPod use?

What combo of headphones + portable amp is better than beats pro within $200


For a great gift, take a look at these...
The Beyerdynamic DT product line is well regarded (the 770 is probably what you're looking for), and these are the custom colored and personalized versions. These will blow the Beats headphones out of the water in terms of sound quality and durability.

hi hello, looking for a new friend or replacement for my HD650 (would prefer replacement cause I prefer just having one pair of headphones for music... but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do when you gotta do it etc)
I do like the HD650 a lot because of the non harsh treble and smooth mids/vocals... a few things I would change, though

having befriended a pair of DT880 600Ohm recently, I find a lot of things I would very much prefer from these than in the HD650.
I like that the treble is a bit more extended here but not too harsh, and I prefer the soundstage of these too I think. sounds a bit wider.
I do however feel that the HD650 are a bit "closer" to the music, so kinda feels more energetic or how to say it. not sure why this is but I felt that with AKG K701 too...
not a fan at all of deep bass, actually like the slight lack of bass that the AKG K701 have.

oh also: comfort is VERY important! I do not really like leather pads at all

is it possible to find a middle ground here somewhere with what I've described?
I don't really care if they're open or closed as long as they could fit the few criterias I have.

not looking to spend more than 400 eur but can do if necessary


shameful bump, someone must have some insight here

Have you ever tried a full-sized Audio Technica? One of the AD series could be right up your alley (the AD2000 being the flagship, and you can find those for ~$400 US on the used market).

I need ear muffs with some sound for cheap.
I work in a noisy office and one of my employees is having trouble drowning out the office noise.  I want the cheapest headphones I can find that block as much noise as possible.  Sound quality is a distant second.
I found a pair of Senn HD 201s for $15 at Frys and despite them being closed back, they leak a good amount of sound and actually sound pretty good.  Best $15 headphones I've ever tried.  I might keep these myself and leave my HD555 for home use.  But, 90% of the time these will be used as fashionable ear muffs rather than for music.  Any suggestions?  I'd prefer over ear.

Check out Joker's huge portable/budget thread, linked in the very first post of this thread. There's a table which ranks headphones and has isolation values.

Comparing MS1i and SR80i; whichever is best for the more extreme metal genres? I mainly listen to death, folk, thrash, black and all the inbetweens. I will most likely also use my headphones for gaming, but that is not a main priority. Sample songs: Vital Remains - DechristianizeDefeated Sanity - Consumed By RepugnanceWintersun - Death and the Healing, Immortal - One By One.
As far as I've read up, MS1 has better mid range while SR80 has better bass and highs. Also, SR80 is more aggressive than MS1. This however basically tells me nothing, as the only good pair of headphones I've ever owned was (is) a pair of HD465 (Sennheiser, accidentially stomped them and now have reduced volume on one can after repairs). Important to note is that MS1i can be bought for 100$ with free shipping from US, whilst SR80i seems to cost the double (190$) in Swedish stores (hate our tech prices!). Furthermore, cans like HD485's also seem great, being an upgrade to my HD465, but HD485 specifically are unfortunately out of production!
Can SR80i's be obtained more cheaply over here? Whichever should I go for? Should I even perhaps go for an equivalent pair of Sennheisers instead, and if such, what currently produced pair is equivalent? 
I'll be very greatful to any attempts to make me wiser in this question, and I know you guys possess that wisdom! :)

Grados are painfully expensive outside the US. Go with the MS1.

I need headphones to wear at work. I work in an office with an open floor plan, meaning everyone can see and hear everyone else, which sucks. I need to be able to hear people asking me questions from behind me, and preferably hear them from a few desks away. I also need cans that other people can't hear. I'm currently using Etymotic ER4-Ps but I simply can't use them anymore because I can't hear anything going on around me no matter how low the volume.
So it seems as though I need closed phones that don't go around my entire ear, and sound good and have good bass response at low(-ish) volumes. I'm open to headphones that need an amp. I'm also interested in phones that don't sound "distant" if that makes sense. After using iems for so long and having the sound "in my head", most regular headphones piss me off. I'd like to keep it all under $300 so the gf doesn't complain but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
I'm having trouble finding small-ish closed phones that don't have a million negative reviews and hope someone with more experience in this area than myself could help me out.

Smallish closed headphones that keep sound in but don't isolate *too* well... in order from cheapest to most expensive:
Sennheiser PX200-ii
Phiaton MS300
Audio Technica ESW9a (lots of fakes online, so make sure you buy from an authorized seller)

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