++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Apr 27, 2011 at 6:15 PM Post #3,527 of 29,490
Hi everyone, I'm new here and need some help choosing my new headphones.
I mainly listen to metal and trance music and have narrowed my choices down to;
Denon HP-1000 or 700
Audio Technica ATH-M50
Audio Technica ATH-PRO 700 MK2
Audio Technica ATH-ANC 7b
I'm looking for the best option that will work with an ipod and laptop as well as a bit of studio stuff.
Apr 27, 2011 at 6:49 PM Post #3,529 of 29,490
I start reading these forums again looking to upgrade and now I'm wanting an amp and new headphones. arghgh. 
I think I might get an amp and then save again for new headphones. or the other way around. I absolutely love the look of the akg 701s, and the schiit valhalla is supposed to pair nicely with it. an investment but it's something I want to do at some point. having a setup as opposed to just a pair of headphones is really appealing to me too. 
Apr 27, 2011 at 9:43 PM Post #3,530 of 29,490
Thank you head-fiers!
I now have some Denon AH-D2000s on the way.   I hope I like 'em!  I also hope they sound alright with my Macbook headphone out, because damn I can't spend more money on an amp.
Should be a BIG step up from my ancient Sony mdr-v600s in any case.
Great resource y'all have here.
Apr 27, 2011 at 9:49 PM Post #3,531 of 29,490
Sounds like you need some Ultrasones.  Check out their DJ line, but also consider the HFI-580 or HFI-780.  Most of the really durable DJ oriented cans are just plain black, because they are all about function, not form. 
Hey guys im looking for a nice origonal comfortable set of dj cans. They look better than regular ones and I love ones that fold and swivel. Dont post something that looks awful or is simply black.(i no people will hate on this but i dont like the m50 and i wont buy them i no they are amazing but they have that plastic black headphones look i hate) how cool they look counts because im takin these everywhere. I dont know what mids highs and lows are but I have a good idea. Something thats not bulky would be better but i dont care that much. I listen to some rap and hip hop dub step and techno could you recomend some cans that i can use with my ipod without an amp. I found these
shure 750dj I like the gold good choice for music i like but i hear are not durable or comfortable
dennon dn hp1000 good look can be used with my xbox good sound bad cord not [size=x-small]removable[/size]
pioneer hdj 1000g sweet look good sound quality not durable 
stanton dj pro 3000 awful durability (very bad)
[size=x-small]A&H xd53 amazing sound folding can be used with my xbox[/size]
i listen to a lot of music help me out style counts. Thanks ps if u say beats im not gona listen to you.

Apr 27, 2011 at 10:41 PM Post #3,533 of 29,490
Im really looking into the A&H xone xd 53 and the denon dn hp1000 someone help me decide also anyone know a good case for headphones these come with a pouch but i want something with more protection

The Xone 53 is one of my favorite headphones of all time. I used to DJ with them a lot. If you're looking for a somewhat neutral (with a little bass emphasis) sound signature, go with those. They're easy to drive, are durable, and fold up quite nicely.
Apr 28, 2011 at 12:37 AM Post #3,535 of 29,490
what's the difference between the akg702 and the 701? on amazon the price difference makes me think there must be something but they seem to be talked about as being the same on here. 
noob :frowning2:
Apr 28, 2011 at 12:39 AM Post #3,536 of 29,490

what's the difference between the akg702 and the 701? on amazon the price difference makes me think there must be something but they seem to be talked about as being the same on here. 
noob :frowning2:

Detachable cable on the 702 and one's white while the other is black 

Apr 28, 2011 at 2:29 AM Post #3,538 of 29,490

PX-200 on CL for $25. Pricewise it's great, but for sound I'm really not sure if it's anything I'd be happy with. Any comments on the PX-200 (I not II)

For $25 there isn't much to complain about...
Apr 28, 2011 at 6:44 AM Post #3,539 of 29,490
akg 701s ordered
schiit valhalla maybe in a couple of weeks, I'll see where I'm at. beautiful. starter amp I'm reading but I -am- a starter so :D
thanks thread
Apr 28, 2011 at 6:52 AM Post #3,540 of 29,490
Ideally, I'd like something with the clarity and dynamics of 880s, without the harsh sounding 'st' sound. I don't really like the Grados I listen to (basically everything from the SR 60is to the SR 325s) because of the excessive treble and lack of location of the people. Also everything felt extremely flat and not life like. That was the same issue I had with the Senn HD650 (along with it feeling super slow). I tried the Denon D2000s out as well and they weren't what I was looking for. Comfort is also an issue, in that I want my head to be cool. This whole sealing business is really frustrating since my head heats up really fast. I really liked the HD600, in comfort. It sounded heavenly as well, but the problem is, I don't listened to heavenly music. I've been listening to a lot of Isis, Tool, Converge, Ocean, Enslaved, Agalloch etc. I'm a metal/post-metal/post-rock/prog-rock guy so i'm really into the whole atmosphere the music creates and the Senns do a pretty good job maintaining that. 
Finally, I listen to vinyl and am afraid the 880s will show the hiss on the record. I'm also interested in building an amplifier for either of these headphones so suggestions for that would be helpful as well as any direction to another set of phones/amp combo. 
The 880s I listened to were the 250 version and my budget is below flagship models.

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