++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Apr 10, 2011 at 1:47 AM Post #2,987 of 29,490

Do y'all think these are legit?
Apr 10, 2011 at 4:28 AM Post #2,988 of 29,490
Looks kinda fishy, seller is based in china. My suggestion, would be to just buy it from amazon. 

Do y'all think these are legit?

Apr 10, 2011 at 6:12 AM Post #2,989 of 29,490

Hi, im after a new head set + sound card (if necessary). This will be for 60% gaming, 40% music.


Must be over ear design.

MUST have an attached mic. (no clip on mic please)

I don't mind if its open or closed back, but I want a good sound stage so open is preferred.

Must be fairly sturdy.


The music I usually listen to is rock, soft metal, prog rock ect.

(Kamelot, Alter Bridge, Pinkfloyd, Metalica, ect..)


Budget is $200AUS (for everything) but I can stretch it a bit, if its really worth it.


Priority list:


1. Soundstage

2. Sound Quality (see music tastes)

3. Mic quality

4. Comfort

5. Sturdiness

6. Sound isolation (not too concerned with this as I play in my room)


The only ones Ive looked at so far are:


The Sennheiser HD 555 (will mod them, but I still need a soundcard)

Razer megaloden ( have heard good things about there in house driver)

PC 350


Recommend Away!

Apr 10, 2011 at 10:17 AM Post #2,991 of 29,490
I Am willing to spend up too 200$ on a pair of headphones. I'm no audiophile I just love to listen to music, I mainly listen to Dubstep and Drum and bass I love deep bass that does overpower. I listen to my music on my Iphone 3GS all of my songs are apple lossless.


Here's a few examples of what I listen too







Drum And Bass:





Please recommend which of these headphones are the "best" In you're opinion. If you have better choice please tell me.



Apr 10, 2011 at 10:42 AM Post #2,992 of 29,490
Hi guys
I am buying a new pair of headphones and i have narrowed it down to these ones
- Audio Technica M50s
- Audio Technica ATH A700
- AKG K701
- AKG K702
- Beyerdynamic DT770 80 ohms
- Denon AHD2000
I am buying the Fiio E7, for my new headphones.
There have to be bass and very clear mids.
Which one should i get?
Please write best for the money money and best overall. Thanks
Apr 10, 2011 at 11:05 AM Post #2,993 of 29,490
I listen to mostly prog rock, metal, general 90's rock, southern rock, and some hip=hop. Looking for a new set of IEMs. 
This is what I have so far:
Brainwavs M3
NuForce Ne-700x
Any comment or alternative ideas?
Apr 10, 2011 at 11:08 AM Post #2,995 of 29,490
jc222284, You can start off with DT770 Pro 80ohm and Sony XB700 as your ground and check for any comparisons or impressions from there. XB700 with a FiioE7 might be more worthwhile because you get an external dac with its own hardware implemented bassboost.
Apr 10, 2011 at 11:17 AM Post #2,996 of 29,490

Hi Cass,
I'm no expert, and I'm here asking for suggestions too.
From what I read so far, the AKG K70x does not work well with the E7, they need very powerful amps to get it out of them.
While the M50s & D2000s work quite well with the E7 as they are more 'easy going' (however you describe that lol).
For DT770 I would like to know too :)
Hope that helps and sorry for my bad english!
Hi guys
I am buying a new pair of headphones and i have narrowed it down to these ones
- Audio Technica M50s
- Audio Technica ATH A700
- AKG K701
- AKG K702
- Beyerdynamic DT770 80 ohms
- Denon AHD2000
I am buying the Fiio E7, for my new headphones.
There have to be bass and very clear mids.
Which one should i get?
Please write best for the money money and best overall. Thanks

Apr 10, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #2,998 of 29,490

It isn't "5.1" but you can check out the review of the Fischer Audio FA-011 on the front page as an open gaming headphone.
I don't think it was the 5 channels of sound you were experiencing specifically that was making the difference in location of the sound, but rather a headphone with a wide soundstage,
Those Fischer cans apparently are great for gaming b/c of the wide stage.  No idea if the receiver has the juice for them either.  Something to read up on at least


Can anybody else comment on the soundstage of the FA-011 headphones? I realize that they are apparently from Russia and not many folks have them yet, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I read through LLF's review (I believe that is the user's name) and he made them sound like awesome headphones (or "cans"...isn't that the term you guys use?). He raved about their gaming prowess, but didn't get into too many details about the ability to distinctly hear sounds "behind" you (super helpful for gaming with Call of Duty, Dead Space, etc. when you want to know if the baddies are creeping behind!).
I'm honestly having a lot of trouble finding quality headphones for my purpose (late night Blu-Ray watching and gaming). I'd like to stay below $150, and these Fischer Audio FA-011's hit the mark. At first I thought I'd actually NEED 5.1 headphones, but it sounds like they are more of a gimmick and "cans" with a very wide sound-stage will do the job just fine.
Also, I'd be plugging whatever I buy directly into the front of my Yamaha RX-V467 receiver w/Silent Sound. I've been told that Silent Sound is basically Yamaha's mixamp, so I wouldn't need an external mixamp. Correct? I realize that some of these questions might be trivial, but I'm very new to "quality sound", so I appreciate your patience with me. Thanks!
Apr 10, 2011 at 11:43 AM Post #2,999 of 29,490
They both sound the same, the only difference is the color of the headphones and K701 comes with a stand while K702 comes with a detachable cord. Or vise versa.
As for amp, I'm not sure but I heard the Little Dot MK III does a pretty good job.

Look around the forums, there's a lot of K70x discussions :)
If I buy one of the AKG's (K701-K702) Which one should apply best for me (bass and crystal clear mids)
Would one of the other be better and which amp for the AKG's ?? confused


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