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  1. scottymac

    senn hd650 vs AKG K701

    i guess Froogle doesn't convert then... it said $180 bucks. oh well
  2. scottymac

    senn hd650 vs AKG K701

    Quote: Originally Posted by pp312 Why would it not be legit? $180 for a pair of hd650s is a pretty damn good deal
  3. scottymac

    senn hd650 vs AKG K701

    hmmm i wonder if this is legit, haha
  4. scottymac

    senn hd650 vs AKG K701

    I'm considering investing in a high end pair of headphones. is the hd650 better than the akg k701? i assume it is because of the additional ~$150, but i'm not positive. if so, is it worth spending an extra $150 for them?i would be using these mainly for my computer, running out of a SB audigy2...
  5. scottymac

    klipsch promedia 2.1 vs logitech z2300

    thanks everyone, will be ordering the klipsch 2.1 soon! can't wait.
  6. scottymac

    klipsch promedia 2.1 vs logitech z2300

    ...a creative inspire t5400 5.1 system, the bass is absolutely horrible. it's very distorted and with many songs it drowns out the rest of the frequencies. also, what is the difference between the promedia 2.1 and the promedia a-gmx 2.1? *and no, i am not getting bookshelf speakers...
  7. scottymac

    sennheiser px 100 apreciation thread

    i finally ordered these and they got here today. so great... the sound is a LOT more crisp and trebly than i thought. the bass is good too. i won't lie... i think they might sound better than my hd555s. how can this be? hahaha
  8. scottymac

    good computer speakers for music?

    i'm about to order the Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 speakers. upgrading from creative inspire t5400 speakers. $200 speakers for almost half the price sounds good to me... I primarily listen to mp3s/music on my computer (mainly metal, but some ambient stuff here and there), and a little gaming (just...
  9. scottymac

    free bose QuietComfort 3 or >$150 headphones?

    my friend can either get a FREE pair of bose QuietComfort 3 headphones, or he can choose any pair $150 or below. i've heard bad things about bose, so i told him to wait. but free $350 headphones, i'm not sure... he wants something that's relatively portable " as long as they can press down hard...
  10. scottymac

    The Mercury Program

    good band i like a data learn the language
  11. scottymac

    do the er6i need burn in?

    i just made a post about this. i've noticed a sound improvement in mine very recently. the sound is a lot more clear, as clear as all the reviews describe. when i got this a month ago, i was a bit dissapointed with the er6i. it really wasn't as clear as i thought it would be. but lately i've...
  12. scottymac

    how do you moisten your er6i tips when on the go?

    i just put them in slowly, not moistening them. getting them out is a much bigger pain, mainly with the flanges. it's hard to get a good grip. on a related note, these seem to sound a LOT better over the past couple of days (i got them over a month ago). i guess the burn-in effect is pretty...
  13. scottymac

    sennheiser px100 VS. grado sr60

    do they both leak the same amount of sound? i would think the grados would leak more because they are "open" by definition but maybe i'm wrong? edit: nevermind. i was too lazy and forgot to read the first reply
  14. scottymac

    sennheiser px100 VS. grado sr60

    bump, any other thoughts
  15. scottymac

    Help Me Pick a New Headphone

    i have the hd555, they are great. however, lookaround the trade forums here and you might be able to get the 595 for a little more. however, i definitely recommend the hd555 if you don't want to spend any more than $100
  16. scottymac

    sennheiser px100 VS. grado sr60

    I am looking to get a portable set of headphones, non IEM/earbud. I need something that is portable but yet still be able to hear outside sound, without it falling off all the time (stupid earbuds). I know I’ll use them during snowboarding this winter, so I’m going to be wearing a beanie over...
  17. scottymac

    Just got my bithead today

    link to a site where i can look at/buy a hornet?
  18. scottymac

    How to "enjoy" music?

    so, you bought all this nice gear, and you don't even like music? hmmm...
  19. scottymac

    Anyone have the digital drug Bianural CD?

    i am highly interested in stuff like this. i have the brainwave generator and i-doser. some of the presets like out of body experiences are pretty neat. they don't really do a whole lot for me though...
  20. scottymac

    Gorguts - Obscura ... fans of metal need to listen at least once, preferably twice

    i listened to this about 2 years ago and it did nothing for me. i've heard a lot of hype about it since then, i'm gonna download it now
  21. scottymac

    Metal Recommendation

    Wow, it's great to see metalheads on here. it has already been mentioned, but DEFINITELY check out Agalloch. "The Mantle" is superb. pale folklore and ashes against the grain are awesome as well. Ruins of Beverast (unlock the shrine) is also worth checking out. if you like wolves in the...
  22. scottymac

    What Are You Listening To Right Now? [#5]

    i was just testing out my bithead amp on the mp3 player, listening to slowdive's souvlaki
  23. scottymac

    Favorite album for bedtime listening

    Quote: Originally Posted by Schalldämpfer I can't sleep if I have any music on. I start listening to it actively and the next thing you know it's morning. The key is to listen to music you can zone out to
  24. scottymac

    Favorite album for bedtime listening

    Quote: Originally Posted by Enverxis Shape of Despair - Angels of Distress I love "shades of...". i havn't listened to that album in a while