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  • Users: abZ
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  1. abZ

    If you could own only 3 Ambient albums...

    Quote: Originally Posted by nvkid909 yep. 808 state is techno. in the late 80's early 90's techno was sometimes used as umbrella term for acid house & hardcore. they're also acid house. aphex twin is techno. listen to 'classics'. that is most definitly techno. he is also ambient. oh...
  2. abZ

    It's not a record company

    Yeah I lot of stuff does still get released on vinyl it's just that most stores don't carry it.
  3. abZ

    Any DJ's, how to get started?

    Quote: Originally Posted by MoodySteve That said, I am not exactly *happy* that beatmatching is basically an obsolete skill; I worked plenty on my beatmatching ear and got quite good at it - seeing this hard-earned skill replaced by a button on a program was disheartening at times...
  4. abZ

    Steely Dan

    Quote: Originally Posted by jilgiljongiljing The greatest hits CD is a joke. I dunno if its the same list on vinyl. Dan is definitely album based music. I think I have Aja on Vinyl somewhere....have to go look for it and give it a listen. Oh wait, I dont have an LP player :P They...
  5. abZ

    Jazz for beginners..

    I am in to Bill Evans. Dave Brubeck is awesome too.
  6. abZ

    Steely Dan

    I was in a good mood and drinking heavy beers. **** happens.
  7. abZ

    Dubstep Anyone?

    Been producing and djing dubstep for about 3 years now. I have a new digi only label. Check it out Savory Audio - Dubstep. Next release is going to drop in about a week. You can find links to the download store from the release section by the way.
  8. abZ

    Any DJ's, how to get started?

    What kind of music are you into or planning on playing? I have been djing for about 12 years first dnb and now dubstep. I started out on vinyl and decks because that was the only way to do it back then. Now I use Torq with control vinyl and decks. My recommendation which might be controversial...
  9. abZ

    Head-Direct EF-1

    Crap I can't read this whole thread right now. This amp is looking promising for my k702's but what about Sextett? I need one amp for both.
  10. abZ

    Steely Dan

    Yeah just listening to a super clean copy of Steely Dan's Greatest Hits on vinyl through my Sextetts. Belgiuns in the glass. After the Stillerz win tomorrow, you can kill me
  11. abZ

    Recommendations for heavier electronic music?

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1Time I disagree, not everyone. I've read a few recent posts in other threads to the contrary, basically saying that bassy headphones are not necessary to enjoy bass heavy music (and I agree). It's a matter of preference. Some will prefer this and others will...
  12. abZ

    What exactly is the AKG K240 Sextett?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Tiemen If the radiators have a orange edge, like a halo, then they are MP. Complete white is LP, as stated before. Yeah I said in my post they were late production but it seems like a lot of peoples LP's don't have the holes in the headband. Was just...
  13. abZ

    Sextett bass vs K701 bass levels

    I have k702 and late production sextetts. The k702 wins every category imo. I don't think my sextetts have more bass maybe about the same below 80hz seems like they have a little boost in the kick drum area 80hz to 120hz roughly. They say the earlier models have more though and mind you I am...
  14. abZ

    Recommendations for heavier electronic music?

    Everyone is going to tell you you need bass heavy cans but if they music is bass heavy to begin with I don't think it is necessary. I produce dubstep on k702s I have to say it sounds great through those cans.
  15. abZ

    What exactly is the AKG K240 Sextett?

    I just got a pair. I guess they are late because they have the white radiators but the headband has the holes so I guess they aren't late late haha. 1980 you think?
  16. abZ

    AKG owners unite...

    Quote: Originally Posted by abZ N00b AKG man here. Bought the k702 for myself for christmas and I have a pair of Sextetts coming in the mail. God they must have made a crap load of those things. Seems like everyone has a pair coming. Anyway, big up the AKG crew. Just got my...
  17. abZ

    Screw it! I did my searching...NEW PHONES!

    Quote: Originally Posted by thezfunk There is just so much information here I can only digest so much. Since I am a noob when it comes to headphones I need to just ask. I have a old pair of Sony headphones. About 10 years old in fact. I have thought about getting a new pair for...
  18. abZ

    AKG K702 vs K701 comfort

    Quote: Originally Posted by lucky This is the crux of it. The 701 was a step backward from the flat headband of the 601. Yet AKG apparently didn't learn anything from user feedback, and persisted with the lumpy headband on the 702. It's almost as if they're so in love with the design...
  19. abZ

    AKG K702 vs K701 comfort

    You I thought the bumps looked sweet in the promo pictures. That is really the only reason I can see for having them in the first place. I can't think of any other headphones that have bumps like that. Not even any other AKG's. For good reason apparently. The idea that they make you sweat less...
  20. abZ

    Suggestion thread for BOSE corp. (No ranting or flaming pls)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Uncle Erik Who cares? There are already several good manufacturers for the audiophile market. They get our business and, obviously, Bose doesn't want our business. I don't lecture McDonald's on why I don't eat there, I just don't eat there. It doesn't bother...
  21. abZ

    AKG K702 vs K701 comfort

    I have the 8 bump 702's. They get uncomfortable after a while too. They don't hurt my head but after about 2 hours I notice them. I really don't want to be thinking about the bumps on my headphones while I am in the middle of mixing a tune. I haven't seen the 701 and 702 side by side but it...
  22. abZ

    Best headphone purchase, worst headphone purchase you have made

    I don't even remember what crap headphones I had when I was younger but I had crap. Recent history though the worst was defo MDR-V500. I bought them because I thought I lost my MDR-V600's which I use for Djing. I thought the v500's would sound similar to the v600. Not even close. Luckily I found...
  23. abZ

    Would you rather own the ideal speaker setup, or ideal headphone setup?

    If I had to pick, speakers defo. I can't afford to have the ideal set up for either however. I have a couple pairs of decent cans tho. Going to buy an amp eventually. Next on the list is to DIY myself a set of Fostex speakers.
  24. abZ

    Headphone suggestions for mixing-critical listening etc..

    ...a little different and seem to all come out about equal in the number of recommendations. So, listen and see what suits you. I presume you *did* read my link above, in my earlier post, to the magazine article about mixing on headphones? But I'm still getting the HD 800 for this...
  25. abZ

    AKG Bumps

    I need to find a new system. Get the cable up in the air somehow. I keep running over mine with the chair too and I am not a small man.