Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Aug 13, 2013 at 1:35 PM Post #27,047 of 42,332
We are still waiting for pictures, SO

 Tokyo is holding up the program! Silver Interconnects are being made as we speak. And another 4 weeks for the Stax to hit shore. This could take a while, so... I'll research new year-end holiday recipes for now.  

Aug 13, 2013 at 1:46 PM Post #27,048 of 42,332
I'm just guessing 
 if you added Audio/Video, the servers on Head-Fi would be overwhelmed with response from readers. By-the-way, jc9394, I finished building my new rig Saturday:
Preamp: Shindo Laboratory Aurieges w/MM Phono stage
Amps: Shindo Laboratory F2a Sinhonia monoblocks
Power conditioning: Shindo Laboratory "Mr. T"
Headphones: Stax SR-009/WooAudio WEE

You have 009's? 
Aug 13, 2013 at 1:49 PM Post #27,049 of 42,332
I'm just guessing 
 if you added Audio/Video, the servers on Head-Fi would be overwhelmed with response from readers. By-the-way, jc9394, I finished building my new rig Saturday:
Preamp: Shindo Laboratory Aurieges w/MM Phono stage
Amps: Shindo Laboratory F2a Sinhonia monoblocks
Power conditioning: Shindo Laboratory "Mr. T"
Headphones: Stax SR-009/WooAudio WEE

when should i bring over the tea?
Aug 13, 2013 at 1:50 PM Post #27,050 of 42,332
 Tokyo is holding up the program! Silver Interconnects are being made as we speak. And another 4 weeks for the Stax to hit shore. This could take a while, so... I'll research new year-end holiday recipes for now.  

i will bring over my camera for some A/V porn 

Aug 13, 2013 at 2:07 PM Post #27,054 of 42,332
Just ordered Saturday. Though, I can't get my grubby lil' hands tea serving hands on them fast 
enough. Jack asked that I please allow 4 weeks.

Congrats on that, the top of the mountain is within reach, and where will you go from there? 
Aug 13, 2013 at 2:11 PM Post #27,055 of 42,332
i will bring over my camera for some A/V porn 

I still have road cases w/wheels for music instruments (formerly worked with some Pro Audio cats). I was thinking on my NY trip to bring a few pieces of gear and sit with DavidMahler for a Saturday. Going for other reasons, but if that worked out...

And will definitely check your schedule. Wouldn't mind heading north for the day, either.
Aug 13, 2013 at 2:16 PM Post #27,056 of 42,332
Congrats on that, the top of the mountain is within reach, and where will you go from there? 

 Quietly downhill... you know the euphoria addicts get rushed for? Rise... crash... rise... "Wait, anyone seen SO lately?" 
On my audio adventure, I absolutely love experimenting and playing around with gear. While I've a pretty good idea what this system would sound like with speakers, I have absolutely no idea if the magic of speakers will transfer over to the headphone side without some or all of the magic being lost.
According to my wallet, this is one big experiment. I have an open mind to try things. And an open to door to run out of screamin' if it doesn't work out.

Aug 13, 2013 at 3:10 PM Post #27,060 of 42,332
Omg grats on sr-009! Looks like ur gonna have one hell of a rig once is done

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