Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Aug 7, 2011 at 10:17 PM Post #12,616 of 42,298

How observant, Sherlock. (Is he on tonight?)
I lifted it up to show the turntable but as it were, the table was too far away to show up any way. I usually cover it with a large cloth serviette. Like a magician. Poof--the dust is gone!

From Gilbert & Sullivan, "A policeman's lot is not a happy one!"
Aug 7, 2011 at 10:24 PM Post #12,617 of 42,298

I was wondering if you had an opinion on the two vs. three rivet versions. I have the two-rivet version, it looks like your Bad Boy otherwise except it is blacker around the base of the glass:

When I was doing some rudimentary research on them, I came across this statement over at AudioTubes.com and was wondering if you are in general agreement or not, and if you had anything to add:
"A side note about Bad Boys, there were versions with 2 rivet holes in each plate, and versions with 3 holes. Both types sound identical. Don't fall for the bogus story that only the 3 rivet hole types are the true "Bad Boys"! You will miss out on some great sound from the 2 hole type, since the 3 hole versions are more difficult to find, more expensive elsewhere, and don't sound any different!"

This is one thing I cannot directly confirm, but it has been confirmed by others (that they sound different that is).  I thought about buying the two hole plate version of the side getter simply to confirm for myself, but couldn't justify it for that reason alone since none of the Sylvania tubes from this era are exactly cheap.  Folks elsewhere have asserted that they are not the same tube though, with photographic proof to back up the statement.  The reason the 3-hole plate Bad Boy sounds different is because it was manufactured on different tooling which was previously used to make the VT-231 era tubes.  I've seen it passed around here before actually but can't seem to find it at the moment, but there is a photo of one of each of these tubes taken apart and internally they are very different.  So, no I personally don't believe what Brent Jesse has asserted about 2-hole vs. 3-hole plate Sylvanias.  If we make the assumption that the 6SN7W uses the same 2-hole plate as yours then the two types sound pretty different IMO.  The only thing different on the W is the mica and support rod, but there is no proof the plates are the same so I'm only floating a theory here.  Sylvania really made a lot of variations on their tube designs in the 50's it seems.
Are both of those photos the same tube?  I can't see the serrated teeth on the top mica in the first photo, but they are visible in the second.  This is another giveaway, since there were other Sylvania tubes from the same era which had different styles of mica.
Your getter flashing appears the same as mine to my eyes.  I think it is just different exposure in the photos. The biggest difference that jumps out at me is your tubes do not have copper center grid pins, they are steel.  This difference actually affects the sound of any tube, not just these Sylvanias.  I consistently find steel to sound brighter and colder than copper, though the difference isn't night and day.
Aug 7, 2011 at 10:26 PM Post #12,618 of 42,298

Do you think that my CBS 6SN7GTB may be a Bad Boy? I've always thought this tube has sounded the best in my WA22. Sometimes these manufacturers would share their tubes. Maybe the "B" in the GTB stands for Bad Boy.

Whenever I see a getter like the one at the bottom of this tube I feel like dunking it in soapy water and using it to blow bubbles!

I think your CBS 6SN7GTB may be a CBS 6SN7GTB. 
  I've heard good things about the CBS tubes but sadly I don't own any myself.  If one doesn't draw the line at some point there is just no end to tube buying.
Aug 7, 2011 at 11:16 PM Post #12,619 of 42,298
Are both of those photos the same tube?

Thanks for the feedback Xcaliber. So is it a given that the 3-hole Bad Boys have the copper center grid pins? That would make sense that they sound different if that is a hard and fast rule.
Yes, they are the same tubes, just different angles.
Aug 7, 2011 at 11:37 PM Post #12,620 of 42,298

Almost every thread I jump into as a moderator is a result of others reporting the post/thread to me--I don't often moderate without that as an impetus first.
So, SilentOne, before you set aside your evening to write me a manifesto of your thoughts on when and when not to jump in, know that it was our fellow community members who brought this to my attention--I didn't amble in here and notice the off-topic'ness on my own.  Now, if you still feel compelled to compose a strongly worded proclamation to me on this, I prefer seriffed fonts for long texts. 

Now, please, do not let me steer this thread off-topic with this post.

(Published 7 August, 2011 - 54 pages)
Silent One Presents...  "The Psychology of Diversifying Topics & The Long-Term Effects on Audiophiles."
Sorry to disappoint you or any of the onlookers. But there is no manifesto, no smoking gun. However, I do believe my comments were misconstrued. In the first paragraph, I am simply highlighting the positive. In the second, which has absolutely nothing to do with you and Currawong's appearance, is about an idea me and mikemalter have been discussing the previous month - vinyl records. In fairness to me, I have not and will not tell you when to jump in and do anything.
Others may not consider how this site is set up and your roles in it, but I do. I myself needed your Mod's diplomacy just last month. And yes, I know it's getting a bit late back East. But here come's that Private Message you're preparing to avoid. 

The Silent One
_________ Back to all things Woo! 
"One of the strengths of this thread I think is the collective self-policing. The thread has always shown the ability to right itself at the right time. I think that's something to admire, given that many other threads fail in that regard.


I still have not forgotten about contacting Jude over our discussion on vinyl (potential group buys). Since I won't be sitting back in my high back sexy black executive chair staring at tubes tonight, I think I'll use that time to send him a message and see what he thinks."

Aug 8, 2011 at 3:21 AM Post #12,621 of 42,298


I have a Benz LP-S on my VPI Scoutmatser. I love Benz cartridges. I'm sure the Ebony is also terrific. There is something just very right sounding about the Benz.

The Benz Red L cartridge on my NAD 555 (Rega clone with RB250 tone arm) + RSA Nighthawk sounded pretty close in performance to my $3000 PS Audio Perfectwave DAC with Bridge.  I gave the edge in performance to the PWD, and I returned the Nighthawk when the battery was defective soon after getting it.  Someday I'll get another phono preamp, but it needs to have a balanced output because my WES (former demo unit) and my DIY KGSS both have only balanced inputs.
Aug 8, 2011 at 4:14 AM Post #12,622 of 42,298

The Benz Red L cartridge on my NAD 555 (Rega clone with RB250 tone arm) + RSA Nighthawk sounded pretty close in performance to my $3000 PS Audio Perfectwave DAC with Bridge.  I gave the edge in performance to the PWD, and I returned the Nighthawk when the battery was defective soon after getting it.  Someday I'll get another phono preamp, but it needs to have a balanced output because my WES (former demo unit) and my DIY KGSS both have only balanced inputs.

How did Westone go? Hopefully without any hitches & glitches, but smooth audio. Which one of you from the region will be posting pix?
Aug 8, 2011 at 6:12 AM Post #12,623 of 42,298
Hello guys; I am very sorry if my arrival has disrupted some thread's rule: since I am a very lonely man (single, I live with my old daddy and, until last March my mummy and my life is made only by work, attend to my daddy especially on weekends when we have no help at home, and then listening to music, watching DVD's and reading American and French Comic Books. Stop) to begin to write on this thread has been wonderful because it permitted me to meet some new friends with my same hobby. My excuses to all those that have been unhappy with this. I hope that in the future all of you can come to Italy to visit our beatiful country and, if you wish,  to meet me and my audio system and if some would like to contact me about these things please feel free to write to l.mazzei@tin.it .
Now, back on topic: my friend/Naim retailer has advised me against making any change/upgrade on my Woo amp because, in his experience (thirty years in the Hi-end field) he says that often the sound can change for the worse after a modification. Like I have said in an earlier post, I also have an hum when listening with my WA22: Friday evening I was listening to a beautiful Schumann's works for piano CD and when the pianist played the quieter parts I clearly heard the humming in the left channel of my Hd-800 Senn. But in my case the hum seems due to a EMF present in the area where I live so it is not easy to find a solution.
Aug 8, 2011 at 7:29 AM Post #12,624 of 42,298

Hello guys; I am very sorry if my arrival has disrupted some thread's rule: since I am a very lonely man (single, I live with my old daddy and, until last March my mummy and my life is made only by work, attend to my daddy especially on weekends when we have no help at home, and then listening to music, watching DVD's and reading American and French Comic Books. Stop) to begin to write on this thread has been wonderful because it permitted me to meet some new friends with my same hobby. My excuses to all those that have been unhappy with this. I hope that in the future all of you can come to Italy to visit our beatiful country and, if you wish,  to meet me and my audio system and if some would like to contact me about these things please feel free to write to l.mazzei@tin.it .
Now, back on topic: my friend/Naim retailer has advised me against making any change/upgrade on my Woo amp because, in his experience (thirty years in the Hi-end field) he says that often the sound can change for the worse after a modification. Like I have said in an earlier post, I also have an hum when listening with my WA22: Friday evening I was listening to a beautiful Schumann's works for piano CD and when the pianist played the quieter parts I clearly heard the humming in the left channel of my Hd-800 Senn. But in my case the hum seems due to a EMF present in the area where I live so it is not easy to find a solution.

No worries, LUMAZ everyone's fine, we're a passionate bunch! Some of us (Silent One quietly raises his hand...) just got a bit excited and moved away from the discussion. Sometimes it just takes a friendly reminder about our presence, be it the library, church, a meeting and so on... but I recorded your address, thanks. Also, Private Messaging is available as well. 

Regarding your WA22, I know what it's like to have a beautiful passage marred by hum. That has been my story over the weekend - decided not to indulge my Woo. Your hum is interesting though in that you hear it in a single channel? I wonder if this is a case of one of your tubes picking up the EMF? I have always had hum in stereo, not mono. And the problem was usually centered a cable or satellite coax needing a better ground. This, despite not even being near the system. But, you know what they say, once the nasties get airborne, all antennas or cables acting as antennas are in trouble!
Curiously, have you given thought to were you placed your system? Or is it placed simply were it is practical because of furnishings and decor? Do you happen to have Cable or Satellite TV inside the home where the system is? One thing you should try is temporarily moving your system. Even if you don't plan leaving it in the new spot, your investigation may yield surprises by moving around the room in search of an optimum location. It could take a lot of time, maybe not. But the rewards could be huge!
Preparing for sunrise and breakfast. Until next exchange, have a great afternoon... arrivederci!
Aug 8, 2011 at 8:59 AM Post #12,625 of 42,298
Quote: Original posted by SilentOne
(Regarding your WA22, I know what it's like to have a beautiful passage marred by hum. That has been my story over the weekend - decided not to indulge my Woo. Your hum is interesting though in that you hear it in a single channel? I wonder if this is a case of one of your tubes picking up the EMF? I have always had hum in stereo, not mono. And the problem was usually centered a cable or satellite coax needing a better ground. This, despite not even being near the system. But, you know what they say, once the nasties get airborne, all antennas or cables acting as antennas are in trouble!
Curiously, have you given thought to were you placed your system? Or is it placed simply were it is practical because of furnishings and decor? Do you happen to have Cable or Satellite TV inside the home where the system is? One thing you should try is temporarily moving your system. Even if you don't plan leaving it in the new spot, your investigation may yield surprises by moving around the room in search of an optimum location. It could take a lot of time, maybe not. But the rewards could be huge!)
Well, to tell the truth I have already made all that you suggest, I also moved my WA22 in my parking box (I live in an four-stories apartment building and my parking box is not near my apartment). I hear the hum everywhere I go, in some room is slighty less audible but it is present, also now that with my Naim I am using a balanced interconnect cable to WA22, the hum is it less audible and, strange but true, if I put volume at maximum level it disappears! Last wedsneday I took my WA22 to the shop of my Naim retailer (and friend) and there was no hum at all! So we believe there is some EMF interference (I don't have cable TV but on my apartment building's roof there is a Satellite antenna) and it is not easy to find a solution because I can't insulate my room (at this moment I don't have the money since I have just ordered my second 555 Naim power supply!)
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:13 AM Post #12,626 of 42,298

Quote: Original posted by SilentOne
(Regarding your WA22, I know what it's like to have a beautiful passage marred by hum. That has been my story over the weekend - decided not to indulge my Woo. Your hum is interesting though in that you hear it in a single channel? I wonder if this is a case of one of your tubes picking up the EMF? I have always had hum in stereo, not mono. And the problem was usually centered a cable or satellite coax needing a better ground. This, despite not even being near the system. But, you know what they say, once the nasties get airborne, all antennas or cables acting as antennas are in trouble!
Curiously, have you given thought to were you placed your system? Or is it placed simply were it is practical because of furnishings and decor? Do you happen to have Cable or Satellite TV inside the home where the system is? One thing you should try is temporarily moving your system. Even if you don't plan leaving it in the new spot, your investigation may yield surprises by moving around the room in search of an optimum location. It could take a lot of time, maybe not. But the rewards could be huge!)
Well, to tell the truth I have already made all that you suggest, I also moved my WA22 in my parking box (I live in an four-stories apartment building and my parking box is not near my apartment). I hear the hum everywhere I go, in some room is slighty less audible but it is present, also now that with my Naim I am using a balanced interconnect cable to WA22, the hum is it less audible and, strange but true, if I put volume at maximum level it disappears! Last wedsneday I took my WA22 to the shop of my Naim retailer (and friend) and there was no hum at all! So we believe there is some EMF interference (I don't have cable TV but on my apartment building's roof there is a Satellite antenna) and it is not easy to find a solution because I can't insulate my room (at this moment I don't have the money since I have just ordered my second 555 Naim power supply!)

Ok, I've another suggestion! Send Jack of Woo Audio a message from their website briefly outlining the problem. This is because when he started out, his customer base was New York City - tons of apartment buildings, high rises and stuff. Trust me, someone has had to deal with your problem in NYC before!  
  I'm quite sure, for mobile devices, tube amps and listening rooms in general, the City has got to be a tough environment there where Woo Audio's customer base originated. 
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:34 AM Post #12,627 of 42,298
Quote: original posted by SilentOne
(Ok, I've another suggestion! Send Jack of Woo Audio a message from their website briefly outlining the problem. This is because when he started out, his customer base was New York City - tons of apartment buildings, high rises and stuff. Trust me, someone has had to deal with your problem in NYC before!  
  I'm quite sure, for mobile devices, tube amps and listening rooms in general, the City has got to be a tough environment there where Woo Audio's customer base originated.)
Thanks SilentOne, you are a friend and I hope that one day we will meet with the other nice Woo Owners (since I have various relatives in Chicago, one day I will visit the States and from Chicago to LA it is not a big distance!)
I have not messaged yet to Jack because in the WA22 owner's manual he already suggested the possible cause of an hum in the ampli but, as a matter of fact, he  didn't give any solutions about EMF problems. 
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:41 AM Post #12,628 of 42,298
Good Morning Woo Owners! **yawn**
It is Monday morning and I go to the Audiologist this morning at 9.00 to make sure my ears are in tip-top shape for an evening massage from any Woo Amp of my liking. (Thank you, Silent One.) Well, okay, almost any Woo amp for I don't own the WA5 (yet!) :) Last night I went to bed listening to my Leben and for some reason the sound was a bit too tube-y for my liking compared to the WA22. I was using the HD650 so it may just be the hp. And I was listening to Fleet Foxes's first LP. I wonder what sound signature an amp with 300B tubes would be like.
Rise and Shine! In SF that is. And fire up yer amps. I have.
And LUMAZ--After visiting Silent One in LA you must make it here to San Francisco to listen to more Woo Amps and check out Mike's rig, too. Mike's Big Rig. :)
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:44 AM Post #12,629 of 42,298

Quote: original posted by SilentOne
(Ok, I've another suggestion! Send Jack of Woo Audio a message from their website briefly outlining the problem. This is because when he started out, his customer base was New York City - tons of apartment buildings, high rises and stuff. Trust me, someone has had to deal with your problem in NYC before!  
  I'm quite sure, for mobile devices, tube amps and listening rooms in general, the City has got to be a tough environment there where Woo Audio's customer base originated.)
Thanks SilentOne, you are a friend and I hope that one day we will meet with the other nice Woo Owners (since I have various relatives in Chicago, one day I will visit the States and from Chicago to LA it is not a big distance!)
I have not messaged yet to Jack because in the WA22 owner's manual he already suggested the possible cause of an hum in the ampli but, as a matter of fact, he  didn't give any solutions about EMF problems. 

Meeting up with our 'Unite' brothers & sisters around the world is what life is all about. Looking forward to meeting you one day. At this writing, I am curious about my own potential EMF inside the chassis of my DAC. Hope to hear back from the manufacturer when I awake. Time for bed, see you on the other side of lunch in California... take care!
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:49 AM Post #12,630 of 42,298

Good Morning Woo Owners! **yawn**
It is Monday morning and I go to the Audiologist this morning at 9.00 to make sure my ears are in tip-top shape for an evening massage from any Woo Amp of my liking. (Thank you, Silent One.) Well, okay, almost any Woo amp for I don't own the WA5 (yet!) :) Last night I went to bed listening to my Leben and for some reason the sound was a bit too tube-y for my liking compared to the WA22. I was using the HD650 so it may just be the hp. And I was listening to Fleet Foxes's first LP. I wonder what sound signature an amp with 300B tubes would be like.
Rise and Shine! In SF that is. And fire up yer amps. I have.
And LUMAZ--After visiting Silent One in LA you must make it here to San Francisco to listen to more Woo Amps and check out Mike's rig, too. Mike's Big Rig. :)

In my distant horizon, I can faintly make out the silhouette of what looks like a 300B tube amplifier... possibly a Woo Made in America amp. Eye strain, hard to tell. Oh, and by the way, I'll be with you in spirit at 0900 hours. 


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