Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Sep 10, 2010 at 10:02 AM Post #5,296 of 42,332
Jac Music must be very busy at the moment coz I sent an e-mail last night threatening to pull my order for my EML 5U4G Mesh Plate if someone didn't e-mail me back. Their offer states that tubes are despatched as soon as payment is received. Well I sent an immediate payment and didn't hear back until 3 days later (this morning) telling me it will ship tomorrow, I think I'd still be none the wiser if I hadn't complained.
The irony is that with the exchange rates for £ against USD and Euro I could have got it cheaper off Jack but didn't want to wait long for it :frowning2:  Doh!
Sep 10, 2010 at 10:15 AM Post #5,297 of 42,332

They response very slow, I have same experience as you with no reply 3 days after paid and finally got shipping stauts in 5 days . Keep email Jac for the up-date.

Thanks, Dannie
I tried to call them but always failed. I suppose I just need to wait few more days...
You guys are EVIL EVIL 


Hey, John, it's not fair.
As far as I can remember, I think you were one of those pros who encouraged me to get BGRP.. 

Sep 10, 2010 at 10:22 AM Post #5,298 of 42,332

Thanks, Dannie
I tried to call them but always failed. I suppose I just need to wait few more days...
Not at all, they react slow but once you get the shipping info, you're EML is on the way.
Hey, John, it's not fair.
As far as I can remember, I think you were one of those pros who encouraged me to get BGRP.. 

Hahaha.............that is what friends are for........................right, John?


Sep 10, 2010 at 1:10 PM Post #5,309 of 42,332
If the WA2 is anything like the WA3 with respect to how it loads on the tubes, it's been my experience that the power tubes start to open up very nicely at about 35 hours, and then really become noticeably open at 50 hours.  After that, I cannot detect any real differences other than my mood, my listening fatigue, and any possible psychological effect.
I think it's a combination of my ears getting accustomed to the sound along with the amp and tubes burning in, but my WA2 seems to be opening up MUCH more than I recall.  Most notably, the higher end details are a bit easier to detect.  I've been doing a lot of listening with my Tung Sol 7236 tubes and they seem to match up perfectly with just about any genre of music.  They don't do live recordings well though, as the sound stage seems a bit collapsed compared to my 5998/6AS7G tubes.  I'm hoping to get an an Eastsound CD-E5 shortly, so it'll be nice to add a proper CDP to the setup.


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