Vsonic GR07 MK2 - stunning new cable! | bio-cel tech IEM | now with review - see 2nd post
Sep 2, 2012 at 3:41 AM Post #496 of 982
Yeah, glad to know they're the MKII. Now, the problem I have is which one to keep. Lol. I'm really liking both the GR07 and TF10. They do have different strengths and for me they shine in each their respective areas.
Thanks H20. You've almost always answer all of my question.
You've been a great help.
Thanks again. :)
Sep 2, 2012 at 4:12 AM Post #497 of 982
90% of my listening with the MKII is with my iPhone 4.  I've run it through the UHA-6 MKII, Objective 2 (all paired with the ODAC and/or iPhone) as well as my desktop DAC/amp (TubeDAC-11).  I've found the improvement to be very marginal.. even when I've focused very closely on it.  Better control and tighter bass seems to be the common theme of improvement through all the rigs.. but it was, arguably, 10-15% better than what I heard straight from my iPhone.  Dynamic range and soundstage showed some improvement but, again, not to any notably markable degree.
Of all the IEMs I've heard/owned, the GR07 MKII seems to improve the least when used with additional amplification.  I do agree that better DACs & source file quality has a distinguishable impact on sound quality, though.
One thing that bears mentioning again.. I'm truly impressed by just how natural the MKII sounds.. I've used the GR07 MKII for quite some time now and can confidently say, while setting technicalities aside, I like it more than the W4.
Sep 2, 2012 at 4:32 AM Post #498 of 982
90% of my listening with the MKII is with my iPhone 4.  I've run it through the UHA-6 MKII, Objective 2 (all paired with the ODAC and/or iPhone) as well as my desktop DAC/amp (TubeDAC-11).  I've found the improvement to be very marginal.. even when I've focused very closely on it.  Better control and tighter bass seems to be the common theme of improvement through all the rigs.. but it was, arguably, 10-15% better than what I heard straight from my iPhone.  Dynamic range and soundstage showed some improvement but, again, not to any notably markable degree.
Of all the IEMs I've heard/owned, the GR07 MKII seems to improve the least when used with additional amplification.  I do agree that better DACs & source file quality has a distinguishable impact on sound quality, though.
One thing that bears mentioning again.. I'm truly impressed by just how natural the MKII sounds.. I've used the GR07 MKII for quite some time now and can confidently say, while setting technicalities aside, I like it more than the W4.

That's what I thought too. Even though I'm new to this, I know I can fairly hear or notice any improvements on the SQ. I think the GR07 MKII can stand alone pretty great without any added boost from an amp.
I guess this answers my question. So I won't be getting the E11 after all. I'll just stick to my current E6 then. :)
Sep 2, 2012 at 12:14 PM Post #499 of 982
Of all the IEMs I've heard/owned, the GR07 MKII seems to improve the least when used with additional amplification.  I do agree that better DACs & source file quality has a distinguishable impact on sound quality, though.

Interestingly enough, while the improvements aren't night and day, using the GR07 with the DragonFly vs. the headphone out of the Macbook Air seems to make all the difference between awesome and too edgy for me.  It reigns int the sibilance to where it's almost a non-issue and fills out the bass to the point where it has a really nice fullness, and then it adds to the sense of space and dimension.
But this appears to be a source thing.  If I add the O2 to the mix I hear no discernable difference.  And I very much prefer the sound DF -> GR07 vs. the ODAC/O2 -> GR07.  
The GR07 is almost unique in this regard as most other things I've tried it out of late, including the lowly EPH-100s, the FXD80s, the Edition 8s, and Thunderpants I all prefer either out of my DF -> O2 or just ODAC -> O2.  
To me the DF -> GR07 is a pretty magical minimalist combo.  I'll probably try out other universals as they come on the market up to the $500 range, but I wouldn't be surprised if this one will be hard to beat.  It just does too many things right.
Sep 3, 2012 at 8:53 PM Post #502 of 982
That's strange. Supposedly they've been shipping out hard cases since June 5th.
Sep 3, 2012 at 9:07 PM Post #503 of 982
That's strange. Supposedly they've been shipping out hard cases since June 5th.

I know. I was expecting one. Bastards 

Sep 4, 2012 at 12:54 AM Post #504 of 982
No hard case for me either and mine just arrived...
But the sound makes up for it :)
Sep 4, 2012 at 12:58 AM Post #505 of 982
My 1st unit had no hardcase and no ear guides either, but I didn't know that they should have. And I was a bit suspicious that the packaged might have been opened.
Amazon sent a replacement unit and it had a hard case and soft pouch and ear guides. It even had 2 packs of silicone tips. Will be sending back my first unit tom. :)
Sep 4, 2012 at 9:15 PM Post #506 of 982
Ok took the MK2 to work and gave them to my coworker who bought my original GR07 and asked him to tell me what he thought after trying them. I did not tell him what to expect in any fashion and he doesn't follow head-Fi so had no expectations.

He liked the new cable. Sonically he noticed they were brighter but did not notice a lot of difference in the mids. Interestingly he commented on the bass the most. He said it's like all the notes are their but without the bass. I am now going to burn these in for a week or so then do my own A/B test but I have noticed the bass doesn't feel as solid as I remembered the original to have as well. Hopefully this is due to lack of burnin but if not I am still enjoying these a lot and they do have more bass than most of my other IEM's on hand.
Sep 5, 2012 at 5:09 AM Post #507 of 982
While my MKII sounded quite impressive out of the box.. they sounded noticeably better after approximately 50 hours.  Don't hold me to that number as I didn't keep track overtly closely or anything.. I just ballparked how many hours I had been using them when I was able to hear a distinguishable change in the sound.  Compared to what I'm hearing now, the MKII sounded thick, washed out, and lacking clarity, ootb.  The midrange sounded quite constricted in terms of width, almost like it was "funneled" & it lacked soundstage depth.  This affected imaging and instrument separation.
At some point, I noticed how much more clear and articulate the sound became.  As I characterized it to eke, it was like someone took the "lid" & "brackets" off the midrange (and to a certain degree, the entire frequency range).  It sounded noticeably more effortless as instrument separation improved, the thickness dissipated, and that wonderfully natural timbre arrived.
I've got well over 100 hours on the MKII by now and I haven't heard any noticeable improvement since that 50 hour mark.  Perhaps it has improved and cleaned up in some areas, but again, I haven't paid critical attention to find it.  Regardless, they sound lovely as always and I'm glad I bought them the second time around.  As I've stated before.. the MKII sound better than (what I remember) the MKI (sounding like), IME so far.
Sep 6, 2012 at 4:36 AM Post #510 of 982
Hey h20.. You wearing yours cord down? I tried that before and liked it but couldnt get a good seal. Ended up using it behind the ear.. :)

Getting great results now. I ordered a triple flange from Meelec, hopefully they would improve the seal more. I really wanted to use the complys but they muffle the sound a bit...


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