Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread
Jun 3, 2008 at 2:53 AM Post #481 of 9,690

Originally Posted by steviebee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You hit the nail on the head, Dodeca.
I am taken aback (in the best way possible!) by how purely addictive the SQ of Triple.Fi 10 is.

Good innit?

Addictive is certainly the right word. I would add, on some songs, goose bump inducing!

Now that I hear so many of you praising the sound of Sony's on Triple's I'm really keen to try it. I think my next MP3 player purchase will be dictated by what sounds good with the Triple's (unlike earlier when I would just buy a player and then decide what phones sound good with it)
Jun 3, 2008 at 8:39 AM Post #482 of 9,690

Originally Posted by Del Griffith /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hello steviebee. Your informative posts had alot to do with me trying the triple.fi. Thanks for that. Id say more, but I'm busy listening to my tunes!!

Well thanks Del
that's very nice of you. Before I got my Triples I read up everything I could find, so HeadFiers like Antonyfirst were a great help to me. If I've managed to help only a little compared to his & others' excellent reviews & findings...I'm a happy bunny

(edit\ and Al4x's little cute desert rat was the clincher, lol)

@western120: congrats on the new player (what model?) -when the Trips arrive, give yourself a day or so to adjust to their sound -they have a wonderful quality I hadn't found before but it took me a few listens, after the initial first 20 second gasp, to get "it". And as soon as I went back briefly to other IEMs, I really did get it!

@FlavioW: yeah, I think that's true of a lot of HP manufacturers! They bring out a product that is hopefully the best they can do within the brief, & then some crazy HeadFiers start tinkering (hey, this cable comes out? Woooo, lessee what happens if....hmmmm, what if I put blu tac in the cups/taped the bowls etc...) The 'phone I can think of that maybe doesn't get this too much is Stax - but then I'm not too ofay with the Stax threads
Jun 3, 2008 at 9:34 AM Post #483 of 9,690

Originally Posted by FlavioWolff /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I laugh when I think uf UE's designers creating the fit style for their universal line, projecting the maximum comfort and fit and sound quality with their drivers, and some commom user just inverts it and make it better. Funny, isn't it?

i think the main advantage of the flipmod is the lower profile, while different people find the fit still superior with the standard way of wearing them. perhaps it just wasn't in UE's priority list for having low profile earphones. In any case, i don't think it's vastly superior to the standard way of putting these on; I'd say the number of ppl who like standard and flipped is fairly balanced.
Jun 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM Post #485 of 9,690
If I understand your pic correctly, Al4x, I have mine the second way -L & R facing inward as stock.
Jun 3, 2008 at 10:57 AM Post #486 of 9,690
I actually don't care what they look like. If I did, I wouldn't have bought them in the first place!

Anyway, you can't even see them in my ears as my hair covers them.

Not hair from my ears you understand, hair from my head

And I think UE was making a statement with these earphones, ie; show them off!
Jun 3, 2008 at 11:04 AM Post #487 of 9,690
Phew...hairy ears? Gah! The old man's disease...where are my tweezers?

I actually (& perhaps somewhat, er, perversely) think TF10 are quite lovely-looking, even tho they're big. It's the deep blue. Gets me every time I look at em.
Jun 3, 2008 at 11:51 AM Post #489 of 9,690

Originally Posted by the_thatguy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Alex; first way giving different sound than second way.Try it.And for sq,i think its better than second way.Sorry for my eng.

Interesting. In terms of speakers, that would be out of phase then. Does it give a diffuse, hard to focus/no central image? I'll try it in a bit also...just to see.
Jun 3, 2008 at 4:51 PM Post #490 of 9,690
Meh. They're pretty low profile compared to full-size cans!

Mine are the nice m-audio silver ones, so I don't mind showing them off... had a bunch of comments on them already... plus, I hide the cable by running it down my back. Tres slick.
Jun 3, 2008 at 7:52 PM Post #492 of 9,690

Originally Posted by Del Griffith /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would wear tampons in my ears if they sounded this good! Really!!

...scribbles down new genius idea to take the high end IEM world by storm...

I am crossing my fingers that two things happen in the next month. 1. Earphone solutions will repeat their 15% site wide sale for July 4th that they did with Memorial Day. 2. My various for sale posts here and other places raise enough scratch I can take advantage of said hypothetical sale.

It's been a long time since I found myself so positively jonesing for a piece of plastic and technology. I had super.fi 5s for six months but had never found the right fit. Then I read about Comply tips, and suddenly found myself using them whenever I could. Then, after learning how they were supposed to sound due to the idiot proofness of the Comply tips, I revisited the flip flop mod with silicone tips and, BAM, two things happened. First, my mind was blown as I hit a perfect, comfortable seal with none of the attenuation from the Comply tips, finding myself in my own my own little audio bubble dimension. Second, I knew I had to take it further.
Jun 3, 2008 at 8:19 PM Post #493 of 9,690

Originally Posted by Al4x /img/forum/go_quote.gif
just checking, which way is the ff mod meant to be first or second pic?


Originally Posted by J.D.N /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Step One: Remove cable from both ear pieces.

Step Two: Attach the left cable to the right ear piece making sure that the little "L" on the cable plug is facing the nozzle.

Step Three: Attach the right cable to the left ear piece making sure that the little "R" on the cable is facing the nozzle.

Step Four: Insert the Right ear piece with the left cable attached into the left ear. Insert the Left ear piece with the Right cable attached into the Right ear.


Hope that helps.
Jun 3, 2008 at 10:16 PM Post #494 of 9,690

Originally Posted by channum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...scribbles down new genius idea to take the high end IEM world by storm...

Didn't some manufacturer try that already? Said they had liquid mids but a loose bottom end....

(yeah, I know....
....I am)
Jun 3, 2008 at 10:18 PM Post #495 of 9,690

Originally Posted by steviebee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Didn't some manufacturer try that already? Said they had liquid mids but a loose bottom end....

(yeah, I know....
....I am)


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