The Fiio X3 Thread.
Feb 11, 2014 at 4:16 PM Post #8,506 of 17,484
  X3, ( haven't used E10 since I got X3, even though it's plugged in and shining it's blue light in case I need to find my desk in the dark).

I have both and the X3 is the better DAC compared to the E10. Great as a DAP but an even greater DAC.

I see, does using it as a DAC harm the battery though? The charge/use thing might affect the battery?
Feb 11, 2014 at 4:22 PM Post #8,507 of 17,484
You'd have to check with "battery experts" or FiiO,
I work on the basis that it will probably do it good, keep it topped up.
I've been "topping up" my current phone daily for 2 years and battery life is still good.
Feb 11, 2014 at 9:37 PM Post #8,508 of 17,484
I have had a few issues with my x3 idk if anyone is basically having the same problem, I have had my x3 for about 4 months and during that time about 3-4 times it just turned off randomly even though the battery was full, another common issue that I have and this happens everyday I use it, is that it works fine but after a while it refuses to play the music. It just shows the songs as 0:00 with the track title and never starts the song, I have to turn it off and turn it on again to get it to start playing music again, so should I use the warranty or try to update the firmware? I am on firmware 2.1.
Feb 11, 2014 at 10:25 PM Post #8,509 of 17,484
Try formatting the player and reload your music. Could be just an issue with old database
Feb 12, 2014 at 4:17 PM Post #8,511 of 17,484
  Do you have gapless play selected per chance Spiderman?

I tried it with and without gapless playback and it still has that issue. I don't know if anyone notices that when you aren't playing anything for a while there is a little click before the music starts playing again, when I get this issue I sometimes don't hear that click and it never starts it just stays in the title screen. At this time I am just going to contact FiiO and see what they tell me. I also formatted the player, and it didn't help.
Feb 12, 2014 at 4:24 PM Post #8,512 of 17,484

Here is a picture of the issue, sorry for the crap picture, it was extremely hard to take a clear picture with the glare from the sun. But if you look at the the time running on the song its 0:00, however if you look at the top you see that its in play mode it isn't paused and it just stays stuck like that.
Feb 12, 2014 at 4:34 PM Post #8,513 of 17,484
I have the same problem. I have to restart the player to get it to play. I used to have an even worse problem where the song would not move to the next track at the end of a song and the player freezes while I'm turning it off, making it unable to turn on using the power button. Only resetting the player turns it back on.
Feb 12, 2014 at 4:37 PM Post #8,514 of 17,484
I have the same problem. I have to restart the player to get it to play. I used to have an even worse problem where the song would not move to the next track at the end of a song and the player freezes while I'm turning it off, making it unable to turn on using the power button. Only resetting the player turns it back on.

Glad I'm not the only one, hopefully I don't have to send it to china because that is going to be a huge pain in the (you know).
Feb 12, 2014 at 4:43 PM Post #8,515 of 17,484
I tried it with and without gapless playback and it still has that issue. I don't know if anyone notices that when you aren't playing anything for a while there is a little click before the music starts playing again, when I get this issue I sometimes don't hear that click and it never starts it just stays in the title screen. At this time I am just going to contact FiiO and see what they tell me. I also formatted the player, and it didn't help.

I get the click noise when the X3 is turning on/off and when I switch over from 0 to +/- 1 on the Eq settings while playing a song. Can anyone else confirm this?
Feb 12, 2014 at 7:18 PM Post #8,516 of 17,484
I tried it with and without gapless playback and it still has that issue. I don't know if anyone notices that when you aren't playing anything for a while there is a little click before the music starts playing again, when I get this issue I sometimes don't hear that click and it never starts it just stays in the title screen. At this time I am just going to contact FiiO and see what they tell me. I also formatted the player, and it didn't help.

I get the click noise when the X3 is turning on/off and when I switch over from 0 to +/- 1 on the Eq settings while playing a song. Can anyone else confirm this?

Yup. Those clicks are from relays, that supposedly keep the player from frying your phones. Haven't tried with the bass/treble, so I have no experience there.
I always wondered, even with the relays I'll still get a little pop from my phones. How bad would it be without them?
Feb 12, 2014 at 7:42 PM Post #8,517 of 17,484
Yup. Those clicks are from relays, that supposedly keep the player from frying your phones. Haven't tried with the bass/treble, so I have no experience there.
I always wondered, even with the relays I'll still get a little pop from my phones. How bad would it be without them?

Thanks for the "why". I'd rather have a little pop than an ear-piercing pop any day!
Feb 12, 2014 at 8:51 PM Post #8,518 of 17,484
The X3 is supposed to pause playback if the headphone plug comes loose or isn't plugged in properly. The few times I have had my X3 stop playing it was do to the plug coming partially out. I know that isn't the problem you guys are having but just sayin....
Feb 12, 2014 at 8:56 PM Post #8,519 of 17,484
hey fellas, question for you x3 owners. Looking for an all in one portable solution, have an ipod touch 2g, had a fiio e17, regret selling it. Im trading my re400's possibly for some re262s. The 400 didnt hugely benefit form amping, but i hear the 262 needs more than something like the touch would ever put out. So, question is, should the x3 be enough all on its own to drive the 262s? Anyone with experience id appreciate the help!
Feb 12, 2014 at 9:47 PM Post #8,520 of 17,484
Enjoying my x3 so far, only two issues I have with it

1 - File transfer is slow, very very very slow.
2 - For some reason, in category view it orders my songs oddly. I have my multi-disc albums labeled 101 201 etc for disc 1 track 1 disc 2 track 1 and it organizes them in 101 201 102 202 order. Browse files works perfectly though, so I'm using that.

Sound wise compared to my iPod classic it sounds a bit livlier, the soundstage seems much wider and the music seems to have a bit more energy and warmth about it, as well as bass being more punchy. This is with my JH11s, haven't used it much with my Amperiors Momentums or HD600s

I'd say it even sounds better than my classic -> iBasso pb2 setup... But that's from memory having sold the pb2.

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