The discovery thread!
Nov 27, 2012 at 10:24 PM Post #5,176 of 124,789
Makes me want them even more! xD I love music intimacy. These sound like my kind of headphones, hopefully they're good for metal.

I am another person that really digs the 1R.  I have purchased many of the recent portable headphones and I'd have to say it's probably my favorite of them all.  The 1R does more things right then the rest.  I've been listening to whatever metal I have in my collection since your post and I'd have to say it keeps up perfectly.  Not sure who you listen to but I've thrown Children of Bodom, All That Remains, As I Lay Dying and some old school stuff thats more of my speed like Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Pantera and so on and these headphones keep up with the speed metal without a hitch and Rage just pounds in your face.  I don't hear the drums overtaking the vocals, guitars screaming over everything else.  It's a good and balanced headphone with enough emphasis in all regions to keep up with most music.  I definitely get into my music when I have these on.  Especially the metal music I'm listening to currently which I haven't tried before.  
Nov 27, 2012 at 11:16 PM Post #5,178 of 124,789
It is a nice upgrade to the FX40.. Your talking about the MH1C? Yes they are fantastic earphones but the cord is noodliest of any type of flat cable cords I have ever had the privilege of using. They aren't too bad as long as your not practicing your gangnam style horse dance with it. The sound more than makes up for the cord.. Sounds unbelievable with the Ele dac. Good to see you post again dyjon54.
Nov 27, 2012 at 11:27 PM Post #5,179 of 124,789
I am another person that really digs the 1R.  I have purchased many of the recent portable headphones and I'd have to say it's probably my favorite of them all.  The 1R does more things right then the rest.  I've been listening to whatever metal I have in my collection since your post and I'd have to say it keeps up perfectly.  Not sure who you listen to but I've thrown Children of Bodom, All That Remains, As I Lay Dying and some old school stuff thats more of my speed like Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Pantera and so on and these headphones keep up with the speed metal without a hitch and Rage just pounds in your face.  I don't hear the drums overtaking the vocals, guitars screaming over everything else.  It's a good and balanced headphone with enough emphasis in all regions to keep up with most music.  I definitely get into my music when I have these on.  Especially the metal music I'm listening to currently which I haven't tried before.  

Thanks for the feedback. I listen to more modern stuff typically such as All That Remains. And I find when it comes to any type of audio equipment, metal is the hardest genre to keep up with. There are so many things that can go wrong. So it's good to hear that these sound great for metal, as that is the primary genre I listen to.
Nov 28, 2012 at 3:25 AM Post #5,180 of 124,789
It is a nice upgrade to the FX40.. Your talking about the MH1C? Yes they are fantastic earphones but the cord is noodliest of any type of flat cable cords I have ever had the privilege of using. They aren't too bad as long as your not practicing your gangnam style horse dance with it. The sound more than makes up for the cord.. Sounds unbelievable with the Ele dac. Good to see you post again dyjon54.

Yeah I normally have been reading lately (Not alot of posting) I am talking about the MH1C but where can I get those for 20$ I see them for 60$?
Nov 28, 2012 at 3:42 AM Post #5,181 of 124,789
Oh, Dsnuts. You always find awesome cheap things, but it still impacts my wallet! I already ordered the Ele. But I NEEDED IT! :D. No, really, I just have onboard sound which seemed okay through speakers, but headphones are utterly awful.

I'm also (sigh!) feeling keen on these Sony 'phones. I love my S500, but I honestly find the mids aren't as good as I'd like - even though you found them more than adequate. I just bump them up, to be honest. Since I mainly listen to Rock and I especially like to listen carefully to vocals and guitar, mids are really important. Seems like the 1Rs are much more mid-centric? 

I thought of just waiting a long while and saving up for some Alessandros (Grado is too expensive internationally and I thought the treble might be a bit much) since they're the main recommendation for Rock styles. But I don't *like* waiting and my attention keeps getting pulled to all these other headphones that seem like they'll be good for my taste in music. I know I'd still have to wait because they're more pricey than I can afford right now. The Yamaha HPH-200s looked really awesome, but so few people have them so I'm a little reluctant. 

I love my S500, don't get me wrong, but they just haven't quite captured the sound I'm looking for. I want more meat to my music. I can't try these headphones before buying because, well, you seriously won't find premium audio very easily in this country. It's all Skullcandy and Beats. So one can make preeetty expensive mistakes. 
Nov 28, 2012 at 12:52 PM Post #5,183 of 124,789
Oh, Dsnuts. You always find awesome cheap things, but it still impacts my wallet! I already ordered the Ele. But I NEEDED IT! :D. No, really, I just have onboard sound which seemed okay through speakers, but headphones are utterly awful.

I'm also (sigh!) feeling keen on these Sony 'phones. I love my S500, but I honestly find the mids aren't as good as I'd like - even though you found them more than adequate. I just bump them up, to be honest. Since I mainly listen to Rock and I especially like to listen carefully to vocals and guitar, mids are really important. Seems like the 1Rs are much more mid-centric? 

I thought of just waiting a long while and saving up for some Alessandros (Grado is too expensive internationally and I thought the treble might be a bit much) since they're the main recommendation for Rock styles. But I don't *like* waiting and my attention keeps getting pulled to all these other headphones that seem like they'll be good for my taste in music. I know I'd still have to wait because they're more pricey than I can afford right now. The Yamaha HPH-200s looked really awesome, but so few people have them so I'm a little reluctant. 

I love my S500, don't get me wrong, but they just haven't quite captured the sound I'm looking for. I want more meat to my music. I can't try these headphones before buying because, well, you seriously won't find premium audio very easily in this country. It's all Skullcandy and Beats. So one can make preeetty expensive mistakes. 

You try different pads on your HA-S500? 
Nov 28, 2012 at 1:01 PM Post #5,185 of 124,789
2? Without even testing out 1?..Aha but this is smart..So what if I say is true and it is. This dac is worthy.
I mentioned that the Ele dac itself sounds amped. I think it is. I noticed even though I am controlling volume from my laptop. It is much louder on the Ele dac. I don't know what the Elna capacitor does but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a bit of amping happening through the dac..Music sounds fuller and more complete using the Dac than not..Amping I don't think is a real necessity, that is unless you are running a 600 Ohm can through it. But most guys already have their uber amps set up for a 600 Ohm can so I doubt they will try out a $17 Dac with it.
Nov 28, 2012 at 1:16 PM Post #5,188 of 124,789
After reading all this positive feedback I just had to order one of those ELE DACs, couldn't say no for $18.
I plan of using it with my JDS cmoy at work with my Yuin OK3s so I'll post some feedback after I get it and do some burn in.
Is this the same DAC chip in the Burson DA-160 / PS Audio DLIII?
Nov 28, 2012 at 1:33 PM Post #5,189 of 124,789
After reading all this positive feedback I just had to order one of those ELE DACs, couldn't say no for $18.
I plan of using it with my JDS cmoy at work with my Yuin OK3s so I'll post some feedback after I get it and do some burn in.
Is this the same DAC chip in the Burson DA-160 / PS Audio DLIII?

Well the linage is the same Texas instruments/ Burr brown. The PCM2704 seems to be a do it all chip and I see different variations where they us the chip as the usb controller and for the dac section. Which is what is happening on the Ele dac.. Burson is using PCM1793. A chip I recently had in my Aune T1..It seems to be a standard on many Dac configurations. The PS Audio DLIII is using another burr brown Ti chip in the PCM1798    So all 3 are using Burr brown chips. But perhaps that is where the similarities end. The other units are much higher end and is way more complete and they better sound better than the ELe dac.
Now where does the Ele dac come in. Easy to use for better sound. No cords to plug in minus the USB. great sound and is way better than on board audio.. Those other units you mentioned all look like much higher end audio products. Again simplicity is the real win on the Ele dac. And I never suggest stuff that don't sound right.
Yes a little amp like a Cmoy will work perfect on the Ele dac.. Look forward to your results..
Nov 28, 2012 at 1:46 PM Post #5,190 of 124,789
2? Without even testing out 1?..Aha but this is smart..So what if I say is true and it is. This dac is worthy.

Yup, 2 with nary a test drive. The way I'm looking at it is this, my workstation here at work has so much buzzing and signal noise coming out of the sound card that it's almost unbearable, so anything will be an improvement. That leaves me with another one to throw in my laptop bag or try on my home desktop. And since one will definitely be used no matter what, I'm only out $18 if it's not something I'm interested in.

I just hope it works on a CentOS Linux workstation. (I know it should but you never really know until you try).

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