jotaerre replied to the thread The discovery thread!.I'm looking for the same thing. In my case I'm looking at THIEAUDIO Oracle MKIII, I'm looking for the same thing. In my case I'm looking...
jotaerre replied to the thread The PENON official thread.Have you looked at the tracking number in your account? 🤔
jotaerre reacted to onirban's post in the thread PENON CONDUCTOR - 1 Bone Conduction +1 Dynamic Diver Hybrid Audiophile Earbud/Earphone with Like.Thanks for the detailed explanation and the pic, the red glass frames even match your penons ;-) I guess the bc driver is at the back...
jotaerre reacted to Saraugie's post in the thread PENON CONDUCTOR - 1 Bone Conduction +1 Dynamic Diver Hybrid Audiophile Earbud/Earphone with Like.How to put on the foams? I ripped one already :frowning2: What's the difference between the red and black foams? Are using foam's...
jotaerre replied to the thread PENON CONDUCTOR - 1 Bone Conduction +1 Dynamic Diver Hybrid Audiophile Earbud/Earphone.With patience! Calculating some losses, you should always have a reserve. Personally I can't tell the difference between colors. And I...
jotaerre reacted to onirban's post in the thread PENON CONDUCTOR - 1 Bone Conduction +1 Dynamic Diver Hybrid Audiophile Earbud/Earphone with Like.I might've missed in the thread, but doesn't the foam interfere with BC driver effectiveness?
jotaerre replied to the thread PENON CONDUCTOR - 1 Bone Conduction +1 Dynamic Diver Hybrid Audiophile Earbud/Earphone.To be honest, I'm still not sure how BC affects the Driver. What I CAN say is the importance of placing the Driver in the physical part...
jotaerre replied to the thread The discovery thread!.Wait a minute! Do you have to have Dumbo ears to drive this thing? It costs a lot of money! Just think, I was thinking about buying it...
jotaerre replied to the thread PENON CONDUCTOR - 1 Bone Conduction +1 Dynamic Diver Hybrid Audiophile Earbud/Earphone.@dharmasteve Are you around? Ever since I got them, I haven't taken them off even to sleep. 😄 I have found the perfect angle. I am very...
jotaerre replied to the thread The discovery thread!.Totally agree. By the way, I am good at EQ. 👍🏻